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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 51 KB, 637x635, warren-buffett-net-worth-over-time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29290997 No.29290997 [Reply] [Original]

Is your networth bigger than Buffett's at your age?

>> No.29291034

that 1 million he had at age 30 is like 10+ million now

>> No.29291045

I’m 23 and looking on track.

>> No.29291075

It might if I had 100k equivalent at age 19

>> No.29291085

yes I'm 28 and I have way more than 1M HUF

>> No.29291109

>what is inflation

>> No.29291132

im 5 years behind.

>> No.29291197
File: 119 KB, 600x890, 121050724_673014343644867_1841361622562958617_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 18 with 10k, up 16000% in the last 7 months
and no job, lads am i better than buffet?

>> No.29291291

see >>29291109>>29291034
ya dingus

>> No.29291319

Depends on what it was at 24, but probably.

>> No.29291325

I'm 22 and have 14k

>> No.29291374


So yes. I'm in Europe moreover

>> No.29291466
File: 158 KB, 723x666, Gigaposting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently 21 and have nearly 30k thanks to crypto

>> No.29291481
File: 14 KB, 416x416, 1585614155169.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah but it's buffet up 16000%
that's what a though :)

>> No.29291560
File: 294 KB, 2280x1385, Warren-Buffett’s-Net-Worth-By-Age-chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you guys

here you go then

>> No.29291749


Unfortunetly, I don't have his well-connected parents.

>> No.29291926
File: 8 KB, 649x52, 2021-02-21 13_19_56-67000 usd in 1944 inflation at DuckDuckGo - Brave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being a boomer millionaire at 14. He literally only invested in blue chips and is now multi billionaire.

>> No.29291955

Yes but inflation

>> No.29291980

Warren buffet profits directly from the fed's monetary policy (brrr).

>> No.29291988

This. Mine are lower middle class at best, with father being a miner in then well-doing coal industry.

>> No.29291994

I'm 24 and have $3000 to my name, 90% of which is in crypto
Although since getting into crypto at the start of the year I've doubled my money and I've since took the time to actually research how crypto and blockchain works, what alts are promising, how to read the market, so I'm feeling optimistic

>> No.29291996

5k at 14, wtf that's not your money it's your parent's money

>> No.29292008

Wait wtf I do.

>> No.29292064

nvm inflation BTFO'd me

>> No.29292085

Literally 10+ years behind the cunt

>> No.29292127


Sure, I'd be rich too if I was given 67k at age 14.

This proves once again that at least 80% of life is luck. We're all just extremely lucky to know about crypto. (Not as lucky as King Boomer, though. Bootstraps my ass.)

>> No.29292130

Imagine having 58.8 billion dollars but you're old as fuck, you got so close yet so far...

>> No.29292135

no wonder these greedy creaturs now want to invest in genomics to make themselves even older to grow they net worth even more.

>> No.29292230

Just call up the board of directors, give them a firm handshake, and offer to buy out their insurance company for 1/2 of book value.

Millennials these days are so lazy they won't even do that!

>> No.29292332

nah he actually did that, collected bottle caps and stuff.
one man's trash is another man's treasure thing.
You don't need to get a job to own stuff and get it to the right person.

>> No.29292343

The world sure works different, when you are given 100k at the start of you working life already and can focus on "investing" instead of having to worry about how to pay for food and rent

>> No.29292403

Your 14 year old self wouldn't know how to best use 67k

>> No.29292463

yea given 100k which is like a mil today and got to piggy back on ben grahams trades with it plus investing was much simpler back then without computers scraping shit 24/7 you could just do netnets and get 50% returns a year

>> No.29292465

I have 2m at 26.

>> No.29292467

is that inflation adjusted? I am 19 @25k

>> No.29292543

Well put

>> No.29292635

You weren't force fed Graham's books back then. Buffett's success unironically made Graham popular. You actually had to navigate to be in this position.

>> No.29292646

25 - 30K but growing it quickly.

>> No.29292658

sure, the congressman's son sold bottle caps, lmao

>> No.29292664

he is just a trust fund baby doing inside trading

>> No.29292903

I'm nowhere close even without adjusting for inflation

>> No.29293201


>> No.29293435

inheriting daddys money isnt something i'm going to compare myself against lol. buffet's genius is consistent investing and iron hands.

>> No.29293496

>actually research how crypto and blockchain works
would just reading the binance articles be enough? Do you understand them deeply, or is just having a basic understanding enough?
>what alts are promising, how to read the market
Now this I am trying to learn. How to shift through what is good and not good, and more importantly, finding coins before they pump
How did you go about it? I am basically at a similar stage as you, financially and age-wise

>> No.29293563

If i had 67k at age 14 i would be richer than him.

>> No.29293660

Nice i am 6years ahead of buffet - with $GME gains alone. I should stop playing around with my money now.

>> No.29293699

This people act like he was some corn farmer who used his summer money to get rich. His dad was a congressman.

>> No.29293758

Yeah I'm on track as well if the cycle works out as it should.

>> No.29293858

18yo with $0?

>> No.29293869

This dude is like 90. He could be a gazillionaire but it won't matter when he meets the soil. He's literally that meme of that guy that spent his whole life chasing money and in the end accomplishing nothing else.

>> No.29293907

When you have the best advisors since you could walk, and in the non regulated climate of the time it sure would be easier.

>> No.29293998

weird thing is he supposedly always lived frugal too, small house, old car, no computer or anything like that. I used to look up to him but now he's just an old boomer.

>> No.29294065

Why should it be? My family is modest.

>> No.29294120

literal zoomer scum. Warren has invested in projects that he believes worth supporting and has done a lot of good faith ventures including assisting companies during the government lockdown last year. You could triple his worth and never earn the right to lick his shoes.

>> No.29294177

How did he 10x his net worth in 1956?

>> No.29294182


>> No.29294203
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>> No.29294362
File: 25 KB, 306x410, 12851416-0-image-a-1_1556528947590 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah you're low iq. buffet held a belief that happened to have held true during his prime (a stock's worth is propotional to a company's success) but is far from being a fundamental truth and masses are just starting to realize it. he'll lose an insane amount of his wealth if he keeps trading for another decade, because the market is now much smarter than he could ever be.

this. buffet is the world's richest npc. he still shills his bags to fucking normies and could never utilize his money to gain influence anywhere near the level other billionaires did.

>> No.29294367

eh i don't idolize men who make money anymore, I did when I WAS younger. Its nice to look up to people but I'd rather admire artists/philosophers/writers then guys who know how to press buy and sell at the right times.

>> No.29294451

>itt the 37 yr old failure
yeah those guys who make money out of nothing didn't read books and learn things for years of grinding.

>> No.29294574

I had no money at all until well into my 20s

>in 1950


>> No.29294593

Yes but that 140k he had back then could probably buy you 2 million $ of shit today (yes i know not exact, I'm being facetious, but 100k his age 25 is a shit load different then 100k when I'm 25)

>> No.29294630
File: 44 KB, 680x372, WB-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29294688


>son of a congressman

>> No.29294716

>You weren't force fed Graham's books back then. Buffett's success unironically made Graham popular. You actually had to have insider information to be in this position.


>> No.29294766

>This dude is like 90. He could be a gazillionaire but it won't matter when he meets the soil. He's literally that meme of that guy that spent his whole life chasing money and in the end accomplishing nothing else.

he would trade all his money instantly if he had a chance to be a 20 years old chad with functioning cock again

>> No.29294808

>This proves once again that at least 80% of life is luck
you're not born into your circumstances all by chance, fren

>> No.29294812

The emotions you can read off his face is picture-perfect boomer ignorance and arrogance. Sigh

>be born into wealth
>invest it in slow-moving boomer stocks
>try to peddle yourself as a genius

all so boring.

>> No.29294849

but it's true, from a financial aspect our generation is lucky to be around at the infancy of cryptocurrency.

>> No.29294850

All billionaires will burn in hell :)

>> No.29294852

If you believe that you will believe anything.

>> No.29294863

Same, even worse mine actively sabotaged my development

>> No.29294920


And boomers were lucky during the infancy of dotcom it's just too bad they blew their load overpaying for crap before it crashed just like bitcoin idiots are doing now

>> No.29294972

what do you mean well connected they couldnt even get him into harvard he had to settle for columbia

>> No.29295000

Buffett was cool right up until he started going to billionaire exclusive ski resorts (he doesn't ski) and Bill Gates got him to join the NWO financial suicide pact where they don't give any money to their kids and instead invest in "charities". Since then his trades have been disasters and he's just coasting on the money printer and stocks he already owns.

He never taught his children how to make money. He never raised them right. They're all spoiled rich and divorcing all over the place and walk on eggshells around him lest they get written out of the will.

>> No.29295011
File: 490 KB, 1413x1530, 0_uv_4jUAWYfwnsyi9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comparing dotcom to the bitcoin takeover
yeah you're ngmi

>> No.29295039

chasing money when you already have 10M is

1) selfish, leave some for others
2) useless, you can live pretty nice with 10M

>> No.29295041

Unironically yes.
That I am 26 almost 27 and at 175k
Looks like I’m on pace to beat him. I’ll be Crypto Buffet

>> No.29295054

> 8mil by age 30
I...I don't think I'm gonna make it bros.

>> No.29295081

He got into Wharton afterwards which is what really mattered.

>> No.29295085

yea why is it the white billionaires only who dont give their money to their kids the jews are cucking them to make sure the financial elite is 100% jewish

>> No.29295133

Thats rought looking chart. Thank god i sold at 25$

>> No.29295141

29 and ahead of schedule. Does this account for inflation? If he had 1MM back in 1829 or whatever then I am royally fucked.

>> No.29295189

you need to have 8M by 30

>> No.29295213


>19666 to 5920

>it'll just keep going up forever


>> No.29295220

Be related to congressional member

Have inside knowledge of major economic plays

Completely legal to use that inside knowledge to trade on.

>> No.29295243

>The "magical 8th wonder of the world" of compound interest doesn't kick in until around 620 million dollars

What a crock of shit.

>> No.29295252

The psyops don't end once you're a billionaire, if anything they get worse because you're actively targeted.

>> No.29295260

nah it will only keep going up until it covers ~50% of all the wealth stored in the world. in the form of bullruns as a larger and larger percentage of old money catches on to where mankind is headed.

>> No.29295279

Michael Burry despite being poorer is way more madman than Warren.

>> No.29295358

My 15 year old self was investing in bitcoin and csgo skins which have both smoked the s&p 500. If I had more than a couple hundred dollars to my name at the time I would be rich right now.

>> No.29295372

True, when I was 14, BTC was at $10, I would have been richer than Warren Buffet if I had 67k, I didn't buy a single BTC because I literally had $0 to my name.

>> No.29295451

it looks like 8 figure hell took the longest to overcome for buffet

>> No.29295589

Ufff just about. No if adjusted for inflation, but if you take into account assets that are not easily liquidable (ie my business) then maybe I'm on par when adjusted for inflation

>> No.29295617


Smart money will just keep selling into corrections and dumb money will be made insolvent from fomo and be forced into wageslavery for life before smart money eventually bails due to depleted dumb money opportunity and midwit hodlers are left holding the bags

>> No.29295630

I can't even afford food

>> No.29295748

Based autist. Burry did investing as a HOBBY on the side of his day job being a genius neurosurgeon or some shit, buffet btfo

>> No.29295836
File: 113 KB, 2329x254, btcboomers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy being both poor and simultaneously contemned by future generations for being around the early crypto booms and being unable to utilize it

>> No.29295914


Enjoy holding bags of rocks

>> No.29296406

He had 5 grand in 1931
With inflation he was rich as fuck
At age 14
Fuck warren buffet
Fuck value investors

>> No.29296453

im 26. lol.

>> No.29296489

Nobody got mad at prior generations for the opportunities to invest in railroads, the automobile, electricity, or the military industrial complex after WW2. There will be future opportunities too (space mining, colonization of the solar system, AI generated entertainment content, etc).

Anyway if you're too stupid to identify and/or avoid obvious shitcoins, that's on you. BTC is right there staring you in the face every single day.

>> No.29296556

Yes but with inflation no.

>> No.29296589 [DELETED] 

you don't read comment sections when some boomer sells the home he bought 35 years ago for 30k for millions

>> No.29296667

Is your image adjusting his inflation adjusted NW again? It was $5k when he was 14 you retard.

>> No.29296678
File: 20 KB, 385x382, 0pcvnpfilzd11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't read comment sections when some boomer sells the home he bought 35 years ago for 30k for millions

>> No.29296870
File: 93 KB, 370x370, 1301365275432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you don't read comment sections
That's correct because I'm an oldfag who follows the rules of the internet that have been created and passed down since the days of Usenet and BBS. There's never any value in comment sections. Don't mistake communistic ideological zombie moaning for actual seething: it's just propaganda and it's likely that 90% of what you see is botposting anyway.

If YOU'RE salty about not being able to afford a house and have been lurking /biz/ for more than a year, you're just retarded. There are threads about the housing market and financing EVERY SINGLE DAY. No excuse.

>> No.29296967

Why am I so blessed though?

>> No.29296985
File: 9 KB, 247x204, 1513618174564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did this cunt acoomulate 67k by age 14??

>> No.29297019

selling bottle caps

>> No.29297102

delivering newspaper

>> No.29297201

Shaking it for dollar bills

>> No.29297367

He was poor when it mattered. He didn't enjoy his money

>> No.29297775

This he has actually made any wealth or gained anything he still has his original 5k USD, it's just that the inflation has made that 5k USD worth 58.5B today.

>> No.29297877

sold bootstraps

>> No.29298030

A firm hand shake and few months of being an unpaid intern did the trick. Yahoo!

>> No.29298207
File: 26 KB, 400x400, onlyforaday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Richer but his growth was pretty parabolic and I won't be able to achieve that.
It's funny how a lot of people still don't understand his method and just attribute his success to MUH VALUE

>> No.29298246

Isn't his method to just buy shit and hold.

>> No.29298321

sold his ass for rich pedos
anyway this faggot wont take all these money to grave. fucking old kike

>> No.29298329


>> No.29298410

warren buffet is loser rich. hard pass.

>> No.29298428



>> No.29298453

packed his own lunches

>> No.29298493

tldr version is: yes
long version you need to understand concepts like constraint, scale, compounding, kelly criterion because those things are why he became the richest investor. His trick isn't to make 1000% a year but by compounding 10-20% a year over a lifetime.
Also he gets really good deals (because firms go to him) so he is investing at extremely low cost basis.

>> No.29298553

Yes, let’s fucking go.

>> No.29298633


>> No.29298707

It's a bit more complicated than that. He basically leveraged himself to the tits AND did really thorough value investing research AND concentrated holdings instead of diversifying AND was an activist shareholder almost as bad as a hostile takeover before that was a common thing. The leverage and concentration required some unorthodox business structures (even today they'd raise eyebrows and probably get shut down by regulators now that everything's computerized). It's shown in his biography (Snowball), but not spelled out for the lay reader.

Basically, as an example, he bought (for less than book value mind you) a company that had a lot of paper assets held in reserve. The company had issued coupons that could be redeemed at any time but most people never did, but the company was obligated to keep cash reserves to fulfill their obligations. He then got the company to take out a loan against those cash reserves and used that money to acquire a controlling stake in ANOTHER company with lots of liquid paper assets (again, for less than book value). And he kept doing this.

This might be a bad analogy, but imagine if you could buy all the UNI to get a controlling stake in UNISWAP, then could get UNISWAP to get a loan backed by all the staked crypto in the uniswap liquidity pools to buy a controlling stake in Kleros, then get a loan backed by all the staked PNK to buy a controlling stake in Pancakeswap, etc etc eventually winding up with something like 10,000% leverage to buy bitcoin and hold it. It's a lot more complicated than just buying and holding bitcoin yourself but also way more lucrative. Buffett was also hedged on the downside since if the companies failed, all the debt was on THEIR books and he wasn't liable for it as a shareholder.

If I'm wrong someone correct me.

>> No.29298912

Okay that is quite impressive, shrewd.

>> No.29298922

9 figure he’ll must have been excruciating

>> No.29298997


This piece of shit kept all that TARP money in '08 along with all his wall street buddies he had stock in.
There aren't enough flames in hell to burn all of his greed.

>> No.29299009

When i was 14 i had a playstation 1. Warren Buffett may have had $67,000 but what the fuck was there to do in 1944?

>> No.29299078

>when you are given 100k at the start of you working life

He basically cheat coded . Nothing to see here

>> No.29299149

I'm pretty sure at that time he was getting interviewed by papers as a genius investor with insane gains compared to his peers and that's when he started getting famous. Keep in mind he's also an aspie so I doubt he was bitching to Munger about 9 figure hell, he was probably drinking coke and investigating stocks like he always was.

>> No.29299306

Buffet says the best play for most investors is to invest in the S&P 500 and just hold forever, do you anons think this is sound advice?

>> No.29299394
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Okay how do I get into this business?

>> No.29299480

i'm beating him

>> No.29299530

if you're that hungry for money you need to innovate and figure new ways to play the system
hopefully this wouldn't be legal now, banks certainly shouldn't provide loans like that. it sounds like you could take a loan against other people's money, and put it on red on the roulette. if you win good. if you lose sucks to be the people holding those coupons.

>> No.29299531
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>beating buffet at age 27
h-he's fast!

>> No.29299796

You can't anymore, corporate raiders in the 80s identified all the companies with lots of liquid assets and stripped them. Business schools now teach future executives and board members not to let assets accumulate, everything must be leveraged and debt taken out to try to grow grow grow to infinity or get bailed out when the music stops. Plus I think there's actually regulations against playing shell games like that now but I'm not an expert.

He was thinking of drooling retards when he said that, and I would actually say no. They need 401k plans to keep them from touching the money before retirement (so they don't fomo like retards) and as they get within 10 years of retirement they need to start converting their stock holdings to gold/silver and then just live off that, because they're too stupid not to sell dips.

Basically, "the average investor" is a moron and has no business having money in the first place, so they need safety rails to keep them from fucking it up. If social security were solvent, they should be forced to just live on that like the poorfags they are. Let them eat the bugs.

>> No.29300196
File: 108 KB, 760x797, 1589824408867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds Jewish.

I will never cease to be amazed by how many Boomer icons have life-stories that can basically be summed up as "They did a bunch of stupid bullshit that only 'worked' because it was all on paper that nobody was reading instead of in a computer, and other people usually paid for their mistakes".

>> No.29300250

Let's say an anon got a windfall of 5MM USD and just dumped it all into an S&P 500 mutual fund, how would things turn out for the anon in question?

>> No.29300257

>Business schools now teach future executives and board members not to let assets accumulate, everything must be leveraged and debt taken out to try to grow grow grow to infinity or get bailed out when the music stops
it will be SO beautiful when bitcoin destroys the debt based economy structure and all those execs start bearing the consequences of their actions

>> No.29300578

>S&P 500 mutual fund
You mean ETF. And it would be fine but a lot of the gains would be based on inflation and you'd get fairly large (for the stock market) swings in valuation because of money printing and the economy shitting itself.

A better bet would be to put it into a divvy fund and just live off the dividends and not touch the underlying assets ever. Eventually the principal would be eaten up by economic problems and bankruptcies but it should last a lifetime barring a complete failure of the dollar in the near future.

Well, it'll be painful like 2008 was, but yeah it'll be funny if you're properly hedged (and by properly I mean if you've gone full prepper mode and are totally insulated from a total economic collapse). Even better if you can also still travel to cities and laugh at wall street fucks on their way down to kiss the pavement.

>> No.29300657
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>> No.29300818

when i was 14 , btc was literally like 5 cent a piece. if i had 67k to spare i'd be a centibillionaire rn, instead i barely have 5k at age 24 because 10 years ago everyone i told about giving me a loan to invest in btc disregarded me as a lunatic, clown world indeed.

>> No.29300885

that dip back to 8 figure hell must have been the most painful for him. spending all that time there, then you break out, then you take your only big loss ever and get sent right back in to 8 figure hell. must have felt like he was never going to make it at that point.

>> No.29300942
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20k in 1950 is 217,080.50 today
According to this chart he basically had 74,313.07 in 2021 money when he was 14 years old.
You can't compete, goy.

>> No.29301052

>just live off the dividends
I thought total return was better than dividends? Also the S&P 500 etf gives roughly 2% dividends...at a 5MM USD investment, that is 100k a year, should be fine right? The dividend fund I'm looking at from Vanguard (VYM) only gives 1-1.5% more in dividends per year...unless 1% extra dividends per year is considered excellent in the investing world.

>> No.29301088

What makes you think you can cash out that much?

>instead i barely have 5k at age 24
Invest in yourself, learn a marketable skill.

>> No.29301094

im younger, handsome and can walk up a hill without blacking out

looks like im winning

>> No.29301099

yes and he clearly worked for his wealth see: jump freom 20k to 140k then 1 million... organic.

>> No.29301102

>67k @ 14
Yeah that makes it look a bit different, the average 14yo could realistically have $5k from working summer jobs but $67k just ain't gonna happen.

>> No.29301111

This nigger had 67k at 14? No wonder he's worth billions now it's not fucking rocket science if that's what you're starting with

>> No.29301198

Nope, just my dick...

>> No.29301200

True, keep in mind that most people if given 67k at 14 would blow it all on consumer goods.

>> No.29301291
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Almost like his father was an investor, gave him lots of money when he was young and Warren used that knowledge to turn it into his fortune.

Warren never had to worry about rent, waiting tables or making ends meet.

>> No.29301314

When I was 14 that would have brought 2 houses that would be worth ~$1.2m now not including renting one out and getting 2% interest on it in a bank.
Become a millionaire by the huge brain move of buying houses and waiting.

>> No.29301322

67k at 14 is the inflation adjusted value

buffet had 5k at 14 you smartie pants

>> No.29301407

>What makes you think you can cash out that much?
Who said i'd cash out every single penny out it isntantly? even if i cashed out a million a year i'd be living a great life.
>Invest in yourself, learn a marketable skill.
and spend another 25-30 years trying to make it and in the end not even enjoy the money you made because you'd be too old to even piss without assistance.

>> No.29301438


>> No.29301464

He was literally Melvin capital

>> No.29301481

>investor and politician
His dad taught him the most important lesson of all, you can buy politicians to guarantee returns on your investments

>> No.29301482

Haha Just a quick 30x in one week and I beat him. Going ask me Silverstein if I can get some more hours this week haha

>> No.29301894

If you get handed $5M, your primary goal is to get a very safe ROI and avoid losses since you probably don't have the means to replace losses (either through trading skill or owning a business or something). But you'll also want to have a good amount of money to live off of so you don't feel tempted to dip into the principal. So it's better to try to max out dividends and live a life that's more luxurious than to get greedy and start dipping into the principal to buy a house outright or a lambo or some other stupid shit.

If you really did get handed that much money, I'd advise you to get a financial advisor, except that you're probably naive enough to pay him tons of fees just to lose your money. In the short term I'd say you should dump it all into a divvy fund and then go take college courses on money management. Aim for a certification. At the end of it you should have a much better idea what you want to do with the money you have, and it'll keep you busy so you won't blow all your money on coke and hookers.

>> No.29301948

That's not what Melvin capital does you fucking r****t roach, get the fuck out of here.

>> No.29302115

>5k at 14

This is the equivalent of a 14 year old starting out with like 60k today. If I started off as a well off teenage cunt I could have made it easily.

>> No.29302264

he bought in bulk, hoarded coupons and dug up pennies inside couches

>> No.29302399

not even close bros 3.77% time to $ROPE

>> No.29302688

only have 2 billies at 83?