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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29325055 No.29325055 [Reply] [Original]

>bought BTC at 58,000
>friends in the African American twitter community told me to buy at 30,000
>I am a black honor roll student who thought BTC was a scam
What the fuck
Why is it now dumping bros? I am scared. I told myself if it ever hit 58,000 then I would buy because it would skyrocket to 100k.
What the fuck. I am thinking of selling at a loss? Is it over, was I too late for the bullrun?

>> No.29325114
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>> No.29325184

You are making the classic normie mistake kek. just HOLD. oh and also buy $SHIB

>> No.29325209

Thank you, what percentage of /biz/ is black? Are there any other based black anons like me.

>> No.29325237


>> No.29325361

Yous a smart little nigga. Hang out wit dem white bois and dey show you wassup wit da Bitcoin stock

>> No.29325430


>> No.29325454

just buy BAKE and CAKE 5$ EOW

>> No.29325832


>> No.29325897
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IDK probably more than people would think. There are outliers. Not all niggas are niggers. I would think that the high iq contrarian outlier negroids would gravitate towards the same place that other high iq contrarian outliers gravitate towards. Just don't let the racism get to you or you won't make it. I'm as racist as the next intellectually honest person, but like I said there are outliers. Good luck nig-anon.

>> No.29325921


>> No.29325941
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>> No.29326007
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>> No.29326011
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>I am a black

>> No.29326035

Can’t believe people fall for these larps

>> No.29326038

Gorge Flooyd would not be proud of you lil nigga

>> No.29326078

If black people are buying this it means the top is in and it's time to sell. Thanks for the heads up my negro fren.

>> No.29326111
File: 65 KB, 929x1175, 0B879314-1569-4807-915D-52DC2E764695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Double nigger!

>> No.29326150

dont sell you soft dainty handed faggot. hold and wait for it to go up to 100k over the next few years. for someone who claims he's smart you certainly are a dumb acting faggot. hurrr it dipped 1% I better panic sell like a scared pussy ass bitch.
I have to share my race with you? disgusting scared bitch your momma didnt raise no bitch did she? coward you dont deserve to make it if you're gonna panic sell over a tiny ass dump.
real niggas hold to zero now man up you soft dainty bitch

>> No.29326151


>> No.29326222

>don't say a bad word to niggerinos! They're irrationally violent and will hurt you!

>> No.29326392
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>> No.29326616

Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger

>> No.29326662

niggers are literally this stupid.
see you in june when you're selling to me at 20k

>> No.29326684

buying the top lmao the absolute state of civilized niggers

>> No.29326728

99.9% of niggers deserve getting beaten to death, and that's a fact.

>> No.29326776


>> No.29326793

This, but unironically. Around blacks, never relax.
You have to go back, nigger lover.

>> No.29326928

don't sell it you dumb shit
the bull run isn't over
f2 pool will be selling a lot this week so expect the price to drop, don't look at it, just wait
also, grow a fucking brain, JESUS

>> No.29326993

I don't know. Here's a question for you. I once had a black boss who I worked very closely with. He was mentoring me in CS, good guy at heart, kind of a dick tho. Anyway, he made game on the app store, and he told me he had to put input validation for names because people were making "names like I hate 'n words'". He looked upset about it. There's no doubt that some of the free-est places to express opinions on the net, also have people peole who throw "niggers" around all the time. In your experience, does this deter black people from these places on the net? Or do most that you know just roll their eyes and ignore it?

>> No.29327026

>black honor roll
bruh you know they just give you As for free right

>> No.29327109

>>I am a black honor roll student who thought BTC was a scam

Your first mistake is thinking being good at school translates to anything in the real world. The investment world moves at its own beat. Retards and geniuses alike make millions. Midwits like you get fuck all. So either humble yourself and recognize yourself as retarded or stay poor with that foot in your ass as if you know better.
> t. black cryptomillionaire

>> No.29327188
File: 472 KB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20210221-165712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup bro. I'm black too. Almost $1.1 million net worth and over $600k in crypto.
Based on my barber shop and this other forum that I lurk on, I'm surprised by the number of black people that are getting into crypto and investing in general.

>> No.29327214

I'm a black/asian mut and I've 5x'd my initial investment. Cheers. CS major. Btw, props for leaning into the Based vibe of the board. You get used to it. Always remember that /pol/ wanted Obama to win.

>> No.29327236

Guys be nice to the black guy before he fucks our sisters, wives, crushes heck even moms rofl

>> No.29327313

literally nobody said that
but i guess illiteracy was to be expected

>> No.29327379

Probably a lot but its like being a chick on 4chan, why bring attention to it?

>> No.29327541

Please inform your peers about the implications of crypto taxes. I don't need to see twitter full of niggers crying about how capital gains taxes are racist upon cashing out.

>> No.29327544
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Obama was better than the opposition, well, at least on paper. Can't believe I actually trusted an actual nigger would BTFO globohomo, since he educated niggers who stand out from the pack are one of the most shafted by the current system. Never again. Fuck nigs. All of them cunts should be extinct.

>> No.29327561

>I am a black honor roll student
What is affirmative action..

>> No.29327617

Cz op you got all the /pol/ tourists in one place, now what? Gas?

>> No.29327650

I unironically told a nigger being escorted out of a store for shoplifting to "go be a nigger somewhere else"

>> No.29327663

thatd be a good thing tho

>> No.29327681

>implying they would pay taxes
Nice one, retard

>> No.29327748
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>I unironically told a nigger being escorted out of a store for shoplifting to "go be a nigger somewhere else"
And then everybody clapped?

>> No.29327784

>he doesn’t remember the Ron Paul 2012 shitposting that dominated the board.
Those were some good times, his memes are still posted during happenings.

>> No.29327883


>> No.29327934

actually no, a spicess said "aye yai yai"
In America only white people clap, and nobody is white anymore

>> No.29328025
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>I'm a black/asian mut

>> No.29328167

also why is it impossible to believe a bizraeli hard R superstars irl? Twitter can't confiscate my monero for wrong think

>> No.29328169
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>> No.29328212

>honor student
>buying the top
nice try nigger

>> No.29328539

desu I don't care. I call white people niggers all the time. You will never be black. My girl friend is white.

>> No.29328634

the concept of “species” is a taxonomic conceit, not a hard rule of reality

>> No.29328640

>A timeline exists where Ron Paul won

I am happy for that timeline bros.

>> No.29329591

Ayo this nigga reading books and shiet

>> No.29329905


>> No.29330405

The reason you didn't buy earlier is the same reason you're asking a racist message board for advice. Self-sabotage is a motherfucker. Maybe you should get over your inferiority complex and do your own research and invest with conviction.

>> No.29330723

/biz/ isn't racist

>> No.29331033

Biz is ironically racist, Pol is unironically racist. But, many bizraelis do support the continued existence of a pretty racist board culture to filter out newfags and Reddit immigrants. In that vein, gas the kikes, race war now.

>> No.29331312
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This anon is correct.

>> No.29331737

Bullrun over sell
>honor student
>this retarded

>> No.29331925

>I am a black honor roll student
Congrats on being on the football team Sha'que'von'tavious

>> No.29332035


>> No.29332049

Nah. Reddit The Donald Maga fags invaded pol. Some lolberts and NS migrated to biz.

>> No.29332188

/biz demographics
>50% indian
>20% white
>10% asians
>10% jewish
>10% finnish

>> No.29332416

Speciation is literally the basis of evolution theory

>> No.29332428

I'm black and female, go figure, and always wanted to know is nig nog just like egg nog with chocolate syrup mixed in? Anyway, I bought grt at .17 and most of my holding is algo and btc. I knew nu would moon back in Jan but didnt put in. I had fun swinging doge and made about 1k from that. I cant get on binance in my state and uniswap is fucked with lag and gas fees. Have fun fuckers. And fuck off. Who cares who's black or not? Trump is by and far the biggest Nigger I've ever seen, well, him and flavor flav.

>> No.29332620

Pajeets are the true enemy

>> No.29332642

>Who cares who's black or not?
The world needs more black people.

>> No.29332840
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and 99% Ronald McDonald
but this bitch ain't one!

>> No.29332848

When all the minorities are complaining about being taxed that will be a good thing since something might be done.

>> No.29332893

you're not based if your black anon

you're species is a low iq disease

get the fuck out

>> No.29333006

>Fuck off peckerwood

>> No.29333042

Tits or gtfo, larp

>> No.29333102

Show me you 1inch mico penis first

>> No.29333138

You misspelled less blackanon. :)

>> No.29333184

Sell at a loss and get back in bro. I'm a white redneck, but I don't want to see you get hurt and never did. Wait for a major correction, and buy in after a few days.

>> No.29333194

Don’t worry if you bought at ATH, 1 BTC will eventually break 100k WAGMI

>> No.29333205

Way to gender assume, fag. That's how I know you are larping

>> No.29333228

Sheboons are always looking for white dick. It's insane. You got to slap 'em off you sometimes. I said no shaqu'aneesha. You will not get my aryan seed.

>> No.29333296

nature doesn’t slot organisms neatly into discrete fixed subdivisions, humans do that

>> No.29333317
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yo stupid ass shoulda buyed some efferiumz stocks dayshawn!

>> No.29333329

Hell ya, i'm glad to hear black people can capitalize on this. When you guys have money you start to see what the real truth of life is, and that it wasn't cleedus like me holding you down at all. May God be with you.

>> No.29333338

Ron Paul lolbertarians spamming muh decentralized Bitcoin money were the reason I got into crypto in 2012. God bless those crazy fucks.

>> No.29333349

Then why do niggers act like niggers?

>> No.29333373

Unfortunately your genetic low IQ will never allow you to make significant gains. Also your fellow niggers will start calling you “Uncle Tom ass nigga” and laugh at you.

>> No.29333449

based tywanda

>> No.29333456

Don't be scared nigga, it'll get much better.

>> No.29333488

Because of the socioeconomic environment that was created by whites. Black people succeed when white people aren't in the way of it. Just look at Barack Obama.

>> No.29333514
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you should read this if you want to understand all of this a bit more

>> No.29333648

The same reason your sister has an onlyfans.

>> No.29333710

feel sorry for you man

>> No.29333715
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>> No.29333733

Very true, couldn't begin to think about what Geroge Floyd would've accomplished if whitey hadn't shown up to his overdose

>> No.29333803

this tyrone

>> No.29333828
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You're welcome.

>> No.29333831


>> No.29333852


>> No.29333869

You mean if the CIA werent importing drugs into certain communities for the purpose of funding their black budget and creating an entire class of people who are both a threat to the government and totally dependent on it.

>> No.29333935

My boyfriend is a nigger

>> No.29334048

remember darkies, you dindu nuffin, everything wrong in your life is someone else's fault, never own up to your own actions and always cope harder

>> No.29334076

>Biz is ironically racist, Pol is unironically racist
No, I'm unironically racist by most standards. If you aren't at least a little prejudice then there's no saving you.

>> No.29334136

I'm actually racist by the modern definitions. Eg: am white, not sorry. And I recognise the inherent biological differences between peoples. However i unironically wish everyone the best. Once you recognise that "white privilege" is designed to demoralise and humiliate, one can understand how the constant rehashing of slavery and the brutalisation of blacks serves the very same purpose for blacks - humiliation and demoralisation. Our true enemies, while outwardly Jews and Anglos in fact care nothing for anyone beyond thier own incestuous, Canaanite/Edomite tribe.

t. Anglo

>> No.29334240

I would but my penis is not micro.

>> No.29334286

> Thinking low IQ isn't a boon in this turf
> Thinking black anons who find this weeb Croatian book cover localization design board aren't social failures who can't conform to the typical black stereotypes

this anon is not gonna make any significant gains. I'm so sorry.

>> No.29334301

Black and checking in

>> No.29334422

I'm not normally racist but I do hate niggers. take from that what you will.

>> No.29334456

This might be bait but
I call total bullshit, Unless you mean shit like accoustic guitar there are records of guitars from centuries ago in Europe, nigga

>> No.29334577

I mean he self admitted to being a black Twitter normie...

>> No.29334600

also the banjo

>> No.29334617

The guitar was a Moorish invention. Aka north African mutts. Sub saharan Arab admixture

>> No.29334856

First off, the classic guitar as we know it dates from way later than the expulsion of the moors
Second the moors that came to Spain weren't subsaharans, not everyone that comes from Africa is black you wewuz cunt.

>> No.29334884
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>Hand over dat efferums nigga
>I ain't playin which you
>I'm a pop yo bitch ass unless ya gibs DAT efferum
Not likely no

>> No.29334975

>not instantly recognising obvious bait
You're as dumb as him

>> No.29334979
File: 77 KB, 680x805, 1612958898371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who cares about your skin, nigger
jesus, anyone not using pepe is a fucking nigger
fuck you
>pict related

>> No.29335038

Well when you filter out kikes and pajeets, you either keep Tyrone and Kaneesha and deal with their aping outs on twatter or you just go full natsoc and enjoy your gains while everybody gets nigged and nogged, the /biz/ way.

>> No.29335097

>as we know it.
I'm not arguing about that. The original 4 string that we later developed into the 6 string came from the moors.

t. Blue eyed classical guitarist.

>> No.29335326

Lutes date back to 3000BC

>> No.29335483
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>black female
Ultra rare

"Nig nog" is just a witty way of saying nigger.

Hand over dat efferum

>> No.29335527

Yes that's fine. But the guitar is not a lute which you know perfectly well. However I'll concede the point on moors being partly sub Saharan. 6% doesn't really account for a lot, even though it's obviously not nothing.

>> No.29335557

Yeah I've seen that, but that's like arguing that Pasteur invented the Covid vaccine just because he invented vaccines

>> No.29335642

its ok, you are a nigger.
Whatever bad happens to niggers theres no reason for concern.

>> No.29335770
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>> No.29336084

>But the guitar is not a lute which you know perfectly well.
Good job defeating your own argument.

>> No.29336109
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lol, OP won, biz lost. I like to think of OP as a whale manipulating the biz normies with his black skin. So based it's beyond recognition, biz in denial.

>> No.29336127

Splitting hairs but whatever. Lute fingerings do not translate across to the modern guitar with different tuning. Nor would the original 4 string be directly compatible with the modern 6 string, though it, not the lute, was the template.

>> No.29336195

Fourth post best post

>> No.29336201

*except with different tuning

>> No.29336204

I'm a eugenist not the dictionary definition of racist (the kind Jewish culture promotes)

I believe without a doubt that everyone with an IQ below 85 must be sterilized, which mathematically means 90% of brown and Black's which leaves the 10% worthy to rebuild a better society instead of the mental midgets we're forced to look after.

I hate retards

>> No.29336217
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I just manipulated the price to 57,000
/biz/ played right into my hands. I'll see you at 56k tomorrow.

>> No.29336298

I'm worried about your reading comprehension anon

>> No.29336539


>> No.29337304

I’m black and African working minimum wage at some glorified Dutch East India slave operation here...

Putting 20% of my salary into Bitcoin then immigrating to Canada when it gets to $1million

>> No.29337605

>i am black
Well that's disgusting. You probably racemix too.

>> No.29337826

The 0.01% are terminally ill or sterile?

>> No.29337955

I'm black but I have complete distain for american black culture so I am black in skin only.