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File: 46 KB, 1120x384, BTBB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29434534 No.29434534 [Reply] [Original]

BSC Low Cap Gem - Trade Butler (BTBB)

2.5M Cap
~650 holders

Already established and well fleshed out software. Has been active on ETH for ages. Can set limits and actions on DEX exchanges while not getting fucked in gas like you would on ETH.

One of the first legitimate projects on BSC that isn't an exchange.

Already pumped 2x in the last day. This is set to moon hard.

tradebutlerbot dot app

>> No.29434963

White paper for anyone interested.

>> No.29435025

Holy shit one of the first non-pajeet shit to come out on the platform. Go figure that it was something already made on ETH. Grabbing a bag of this immediately.

>> No.29435206

Yeah it's a great tool, and even if you don't end up using it, it's still a better investment than 90% of what is on BSC right now. Tokens needed to use the bot are also variable, they reduce it as the market rises. So as a utility token it keeps its value regardless of price action.

>> No.29435370

So obviously this thing will need your keys to be able to work. Does it store them like Metamask does locally?

>> No.29435519

Exactly like that, down to the same encryption method. The keys don't ever leave your machine or are broadcast in any way. Better than needing to trust any online bots by a mile for that reason.

>> No.29435754

Woops, meant >>29435519 for you.

>> No.29435950

Seems pretty rad. Even the 1 token bot for that price is worth it for some of the bigger trades I do. So as long as you hold at least one token you can use the bot? It doesn't cost anything more after that?

>> No.29436128

im in bruh, great bsc project with actual use, no brainer

>> No.29436443

Yep, and obviously you saw the tiers to do other things if you want to. That will likely be for the big traders. That cost can easily be made up with the sniping you can do.
I'm feeling great about getting in early for once. At least on this platform.

>> No.29436598

looking to buy in on some of this, any idea how to track the price of btbb?

>> No.29436705

you can on telegram

>> No.29436709

Right now since it's not listed on coin gecko and their site doesn't have a tracker, your best bet is pancakeswap and setting an exchange for btbb to USD. It'll give you the current price.

>> No.29436784
File: 34 KB, 480x480, 1612051571726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only bought it to hold and make some money until I found out I can use it as a stop loss on BSC. Fucking sorted for sleep now.

>> No.29436843

Coingecko is in the works. They are just slow putting it up.

>> No.29436884

Perfect, I'm sold. I don't even care if the price tanks if I can save a ton of money using the bot.
This is exactly what I want it for. The amount of money I've fucking lost because of something dumping while I sleep is infuriating.

>> No.29437104

Nice I didn't even notice that in the pins, saves me time. Thanks anon. >>29436843
I figured it was just a matter of time. This is going to get a ton of traction on BSC. Super excited.

>> No.29437197


>> No.29438229

This might be my comfiest BSC hold now.

>> No.29438274

$20MM market cap soon

>> No.29438381


>> No.29438393

Already at a higher market cap then the ETH counterpart. Looks like people are noticing how useful a bot with tiny gas fees will be.

>> No.29438552

It got shilled on you tube today apparently and everyone went and bought the expensive ETH version. Missed a trick there.

>> No.29438661

can you share the link for the video?

>> No.29438783

So what happens if this does a 20x or more? How quickly do the devs adjust the token cost to use the bot? I'm in after reading the white paper, but I'm worried if it does really well it'll be cost prohibitive for people to use it after it moons.

>> No.29439445

I don't know who or where it was. A load of lads just turned up on the tg.

>> No.29439501

Dev will reduce required holdings as price rises. It WILL rise.

>> No.29439509 [DELETED] 

That remains to be seen, the project has only been live on ETH for 65 days. The dev is very active and communicates well on telegram. He clearly wants people to actually use the software, so if the cost becomes prohibitive, he can easily lower the token requirement. We'll see what his target USD per tier is long term and how they adjust.

Either way, grabbing enough to use the bot while it's dirt cheap is a steal. Whatever you pay for it, even if the token dumps into the ground, you'll make it back with the things you can use it for.

>> No.29439590

just be happy the token has actual use lol, bigger bags for you

>> No.29439683

Yeah my take on it is that the dev wants people to actually use it, so it'll be adjusted over time. The project isn't that old, only 65 days total including the ETH bot. Even so, if you have enough now, then you win compared to the retards that slept on this.

>> No.29439888

Makes sense, I hope they do to allow more people reasons to continue to buy in.
Fair point, all the pink wojaks and bobos everywhere and biz is too stupid to see how big this will be.

>> No.29440632

Trips of truth. Glad I pulled some profits out before the weekend dip. Grabbing some of this to maximize on EGG and BAKE this coming week.

>> No.29441260


>> No.29442239

The timing of this is honestly hilarious considering how much money a bunch of retarded anons lost. Could have been mitigated significantly setting up a stop loss.

Get rekt bulls. Buy this shit next time.

>> No.29442841

Nothing as wonderful as seeing the fields of pink in the catalog.

>> No.29443823

and why would I install software on my PC that can access and play with my wallet? hell to the no.
plus this thread is just 2 shillers going back and forth. no trust

>> No.29443862

Feels like Christmas

>> No.29444010
File: 216 KB, 940x480, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do some due diligence before shitting on a decent project. It is a local bot, stays on your machine with your keys, highly secure, similar to how metamask holds them. Go ask the dev to explain on the TG. He is usually around.

>> No.29444134

How is that any different than a software wallet or Metamask? It's just capable of doing more than those.

Even so, this is a good excuse to make a smaller hot wallet to tie to the bot just in case something does go wrong. Just keep the majority of your funds in a different wallet it doesn't have the keys too. BSC fees are so low that doing so is trivial.

>> No.29444301

Discord trannies at it again. It's a typical pump&dump rugpull. Save your money anon. If you buy now, you buy discord scammers' bags and you will lose your money once they drop them on you. If you don't believe me, check the price in 4-5 hours, you will see that it will be MUCH lower than it is now. All of these posts are made by the same group shortly after they create the thread.

It's literally a dozen of pajeets bumping their own thread trying to scam you out of your money. Google what happened to ASKO. Its their last pump&dump rugpull that they did just a week ago. It's -80% now. Don't give your money to scammers, anon. They create these threads daily and try to get rich by scamming you.

>> No.29444778
File: 60 KB, 512x415, 1613482818694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not even decent fud lad. Imagine taking all the time to write that and it being so shoite. NGMI

>> No.29445237

Idk, it being in active development and running on ETH for a while makes me less likely to think that's the case. If this was a 3 day old project, I'd be right there with you.

>> No.29445888

It can be a legit project but it doesn't change the fact that its price will be much lower after you dump your bags.

>> No.29445962

>$690 on eth network/unideal
>Early released sitting at a mere $250 using bnb/pancakeswap
Uh, bullish department?

>> No.29445989
File: 425 KB, 720x840, 1603334159201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ApiaryDAO is a decentralised “VC” group and project incubator. Our platform is currently in development over the next 3-4 weeks, during which time the remainder of the supply will be distributed via a Tenet Liquidity Tap. APYD will be integral to the DAO, used to earn/farm our secondary token HivePoints(HP) which will be used in the wider ecosystem. More details to come.

Equivalent on ETH has a 80M marketcap


>CAKE-LP burnt: https://bscscan.com/tx/0x411d16d7a908501860807a1f3317272f767a02b417a15757ee6af8ba9173d3df

>Token Contract Address: 0xc5310dc104473f5e0dd025f1862bb697b3912296

>Tenet Liquidity Farming (40,000APYD): https://bsc.tenet.farm/pool/detail?id=91

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ApiaryDAO
Medium: https://medium.com/@apiarydao
t dot me ApiaryDAO

>> No.29446783

Doesn't it not matter? If you buy the token for its utility and plan on continuing to use it, it wouldn't matter if the price dumps. Sure you could use it for "cheaper" later, but by then you could have made up the cost difference by using the bot.

I don't see any risk here.

>> No.29447285

You do realize the percentage of people who can "use the bot" here is abysmally small. And of course it matters. Like half of the pump&dump scams here are legit projects but it makes no sense to buy after you guys shill it here because in 3-4 hours the price will dump and anyone interested in the project can buy it at 1/3-1/5th of its price.