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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29512229 No.29512229 [Reply] [Original]

Is there some kind of rule everyone involved with real estate is a horrible fucking person?

>> No.29512485

I've noticed this too, I wonder if landlords all share some sort of commonality? I'm too lazy to look into it.

>> No.29512620

my dad owns multiple rental properties and he's extremely kind to our tenants, so not everyone

>> No.29512788

how do you think does one aquire houses, apartments, etc. ? they kill the previous owners.

>> No.29513164

what kind of a person would gouge the fuck out of others that are just looking for a place to call home? some legislation separating residential real estate from speculation is probably a good idea

>> No.29513428

The majority in real estate are jews, boomers, old bitter generation X'ers and insect Chinese.
All-around awful people to begin with.

>> No.29513440

>be me
>Family member dies
>Lived in small house in small exclusive village in ct that is infested with ny city cockroaches
>Cockroaches drive up property values full retard, literally 20x
>Appraisal comes in
>Lawyer taking care of probate insists we be lucky to get appraised value
>Real estate acquantance says "it might go for slightly more"
>Rage, put house on market for legit 5x
> Cash offer 4 hours after listing
>Bidding wars

House sells for 10x appraised.
Lawyers that are kn your side are liars
Agents are fucking liars
Industry is cancer

>> No.29513462

well what kind of miserable fuck works for 30 years to finally "make it" being a fat 50 year old dude and then buys a house for 20 million dollars for a 3% return a year?

>> No.29513501
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idk I'm just dealing with a client who does real estate lending that's been a headache for most of the company and especially has screwed me this week. I took a breather to clean up my apartment and heard my boomer landlady giving a tour for one of the building's vacant units giving some passive aggressive FOMO speech to a prospective tenant. Is it just because there are sharks and scammers everywhere and you have to act like that defensively?

>> No.29513911

you deserve nothing. Your laziness is the reason you cannot afford a house.
do yourself a favor and kys retard commie

>> No.29513920

Would only ever buy a house to live in, profiting on someone needing shelter is disgusting.

>> No.29513970

you have no idea what you're talking about commie trash, who do you think builds houses and apartments? Cause you would not be able to do it yourself, that's for sure

>> No.29514073

>who do you think builds houses and apartments?
literally not landlords dumb fuck

>> No.29514231

it's not as simple as you think, building needs financing and it's often being financed by people either flipping property or buying it to rent it to someone else.

>> No.29514320

besides, interest rates are literally at 0% in Europe, it's never been easier to take out mortgage

>> No.29514458

so we are totally cool with foreign investors (if from china, subsidized by the CPP via Anbang) pricing out citizens left and right? canada, especially toronto and vancouver, has already been hit by this phenomenon

>> No.29514465

Why do you visit /biz/ if you can't understand the most basic form of finance?

>> No.29514507

you're just bitter cause you are poor. Get rich or die faggot

>> No.29514622

take control over your own country then faggot, moaning about muh ebil landlords will not help you

>> No.29514678

Yes, and the rule is: hey fuck you

>> No.29514753
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>the rule is: hey fuck you

>> No.29514855
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moany rejects, mad cause poor

>> No.29514973

It is, fuck that kind of kikery

>> No.29515012

ok daddys boy

>> No.29515084
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I have enough liquid for a 20% down, even with these clown prices. Problem is I need to build back up a savings on top of that now. I realize you might be trolling, but the way you're acting supports my OP.

>> No.29515166
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>t. genetic failure
don't mind me plebs, I will secure generational wealth for my sons and grandsons and you will never be able to do the same

>> No.29515227

literally just don't be born poor nigger, just rope for a reroll

>> No.29515387

>ODs on coke

>> No.29515484

I know two women that do real estate and they are both cute and nice :)

>> No.29515536

I have never taken hard drugs in my life, except for psychodelics a few times to broaden my horizons, cope more

>> No.29515551

Lol, should we all live in commie blocks then? That is your only alternative retard.

>> No.29515582

Literally every landlord I've ever had has tried to squeeze out as much as they possibly could from the deposit despite me leaving no damage or mess whatsoever. I pay them 10k a year and they will fight for months over 50 quid.

>> No.29515604

on the demand side you have intense FOMO/irrationality, completely financial ignorance, and a willingness to enslave oneself with 30 years of wagepayments at any cost.

on the supply side you have a massive amount of technologically incompetent boomers who can barely do their job in the vaguest sense. and they know all about the demand features i just described.

combine these two and you get an utterly unbearable asset class.

>> No.29515616

only sane person in the thread. Retard zoomers have no idea how bad the alternative is.

>> No.29516364

I always had terrible landlords. One waited 6 months to bill be ALL utilities in one giant batch, another took away some of the furniture in the middle of the lease, another one came into the apartment while my girlfriend and I were sleeping.

So many lardlords are shitty because they treat tenants like peasants that need to give them money every month WITHOUT improving or maintaining the property or just being a decent human being in general.

I own rentals now and I try to not be a giant piece of shit. I greatly reduced rent (I'm talking like -40%) during COVID so my tenants could live and not worry. These are also tenants who treat the properties well and are upfront we me about maintenance. They like me as the landlord I like them as tenants.

No point to prove other than being in real estate is like any business, there's lots of assholes you just got to try and not be one I guess.

>> No.29516593
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>be Canadian
>literally 10% of all homes in country are sitting empty
>there's a housing shortage
>government's solution is to buy a portion of your house if you already qualify for a mortgage

>> No.29516679

No. It just turns you into one. Also I’m a nice enough guy but if you’re my tenant then now it’s business.

>> No.29516800

Every time I rent from a property owner directly, they're always up my ass and in my business.

>you can't have that many people over it's technically a party, I need to come by for your monthly property inspection, yeah that scratch on a linoleum floor cost $1000 outta your deposit it's your fault. Oh yeah pay half of your rent in cash so I can get by on taxes too thanks

As a former property manager, always rent from a management company, you never interact with the people that are in charge of their asset, just some person who doesn't give a fuck about their job
>oh yeah a bunch of holes in the wall and scratches on the floor? Whatever we have a maintenance crew and account for that anyway, here's your full deposit a week after you move out. Oh your dishwasher broke? Whatever we'll make the owner pay for it, here's your scheduled appointment confirmed through our online booking portal.

>> No.29516905

Like... developers? Subcontractors? Managing groups? Investors? The developers themselves? In house crew?

Also owning property and having someone live in it to pay your mortgage is a good system.

>> No.29516971

Because it’s a market. Majority of people don’t buy homes to live in, they want to flip it and sell it for a profit, rent it out, or hold it for potential market booms to sell it for more. That’s why a lot of real estate agents are commission based and run their own firms. It’s just brokers trying to pawn off garbage into someone else

>> No.29517066
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I can't wait for the bubble to pop

>> No.29517098

>Also owning property and having someone live in it to pay your mortgage is a good system.
good for who?

>> No.29517163

for people who are not wagie genetic dead ends

>> No.29517168

we all know who

>> No.29517245

>don't collectivize goy

>> No.29517273
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>> No.29517302

I can tell you have never experienced socialism before in your life

>> No.29517309
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>> No.29517431

you kind of need to be a sociopath if you want to be successful in that field

>> No.29517449

Me too, but damn you, Bobo, for fucking with my gains this month.

>> No.29517528

this is the only way to live, either help your succesors become wealthier than you or rope.

>> No.29517855

Yeah keep holding your hand out asking for gibs worthless piece of shit

>> No.29518047

90% of people are worthless, lazy, angry losers, it's always been like this friend
let them cope,it's all they have left

>> No.29519726

good for the people who wouldn't have enough money to buy the property.