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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 72 KB, 640x540, sellnow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29765790 No.29765790 [Reply] [Original]

This is what a top looks like. Get ready for the mother of all crashes.

>> No.29765879

That's gotta be one of the gayest posts I've ever read, and you just know it was written by a white man

>> No.29765930

WEF is right to reset this world

>> No.29765932

I'm balling my eyes out too

>> No.29765955

This is some dumb shit.

>> No.29765967

Why are there so many faggots on this board who not only browse reddit but feel the need to compulsive crosspost screenshots from that shithole? Seriously, OP, stay there next time.

>> No.29765971
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be real

>> No.29766028

This is where you're crypto tax revenue goes and why you should never cash out.

>> No.29766044
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>> No.29766057

Thats a LARP

>> No.29766129

>im black wuhmannn im such a victim!!!!!!!!!!!!

god damn are there any regular black people that just cringe at this shit? if people of my race were like this i would become incredibly blackpilled

>> No.29766157

Melon balling

>> No.29766221

The board's been swarmed by competing groups of redditors larping as oldfags

>> No.29766243 [DELETED] 
File: 64 KB, 564x705, be7949d6d5c3ec3b8fc5e134e5fcac67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https: discord.gg TnkVJW5p

>> No.29766257

kek yes

>> No.29766299
File: 690 KB, 1200x1043, 1599439188019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that black american woman ass bagholder gets a perpetual bailout from your taxes so she can afford to lose any money she has

>> No.29766359

Stronger together sure sounds a lot like, "you are going to bail me out of a bind" not so much "mutual aid"

>> No.29766380
File: 557 KB, 825x871, 1613167587498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my lil gme stock betta do sumn

>> No.29766389

>invests 100% of her welfare check

>> No.29766395

Thank God, I was worried she was talking about BTC

>> No.29766465

Stupid nigress getting jewed and asking for more lmao

>> No.29766567

These people are losers because their genetics dictate that they must be. They're cosmic jokes.

>> No.29766575

just say "fuck niggers" to scare them off.

>> No.29766594

things that can make you throw up

>> No.29766623

>my ancestors

Stopped reading there. They will always pull up that card even though their latest ancestor, probably died from a crack overdose in the 90's.

Fuck outta here.

>> No.29766624

this is where my tax dollars go...

>> No.29766685
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>> No.29766729

>ape together strong
she actually said it kek

>> No.29766751

And this

Stop spamming this board with irrelevant reddit posts.

>> No.29766748

it was probably written by someone from /biz/

>> No.29766771

>I'm a black woman in America
Instant drop. Death to America.

>> No.29766819
File: 7 KB, 250x228, 330FA0C8-BB55-416E-942B-A040DEFA6A1F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This would be considered a pretty good fud copy pasta here but on Reddit it’s considered inspiring and bullish

>> No.29766818

sounds like it.

>> No.29766846

All ethno-groups have these kind of annoying tropes, Blacks in America are the worst, secondly comes Whites with the whole white-guilt culture.

So unless you are an Arab or Asian, you have some blackpilling to do [Arabs also have a trope : "islamic version of virtue signaling", pretending to be strongly religious for the sake of appearance]

>> No.29766860


>> No.29766922

You made that Reddit post, faggot.

>> No.29767171

Death to America

>> No.29767176

God it feels good to live in a country where there's less than 1% blacks or sands

>> No.29767304

No. Blacks in America are the worst because they all talk for each other. And their all family "no mattah wut".
They don't and mostly can't form their own opinion.
You don't see me agreeing or even talking to the guy down the road who smokes grams of meth a week.
They all speak and think as one large group, but they can't get along and be civilized when they don't have something to keep their attention or have their hand out waiting.
It's like white people are the dolphins, and blacks are the bait ball, financially. That's how it used to be. That's how it should be.

>> No.29767521
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>ballin in tears

>> No.29767654

stupid bitch should have bought BTC not some meme stock

>> No.29767689


>> No.29767739
File: 8 KB, 277x182, 1613456631416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I hate Reddit so much, I hope they lose everything.

>> No.29767938


>> No.29768073

estonia, we got a lot of slavs tho but eh better than blacks i guess

>> No.29768156
File: 53 KB, 513x413, 51-516165_johnny-bravo-sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>89% upvoted

>> No.29768287

im starting to think reddit is a big thought molding social experiment.
Saved. this is a classic.

>> No.29768604

That's a big yikes from me

>> No.29769189

Yes, an entitled female talking ape with a retard-level IQ that has been coddled and told she is uniquely special for no particular reason her entire life would never make a cringey post on a forum populated by mediocre, emasculated prey animal-type men who have been indoctrinated into enabling her.

>> No.29769555

Bros can someone send in the other black plebbitor comment?

>> No.29769687

how was this not obvious in 2009?

>> No.29769784

This is literally every day posting on reddit.

>> No.29770135

Doesn’t care if she loses the house because we fucking pay for it. Fuck, I hate niggers so much.

>> No.29770251

Anyone got it? It's another dude on WSB talking about black opression or something along those lines

>> No.29770257

I'm 100% convinced it's not real.

>> No.29770678

yeah nah, russians are barely above nigger tier

>> No.29771498

>im a black woman in america
stopped right there jesus christ

>> No.29771870
File: 11 KB, 242x242, NFZUnheb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this country is soooo racist!
Why aren't they leaving?

>> No.29772016

we already tried this with Liberia
turns out their best play is to live in a white country and complain a lot

>> No.29772154

fuck larpers
also fuck niggers and kikes

>> No.29772159

I agree with the conspiracy anon who said all this obsession over investing lately is just a way to help keep inflation in check. If we all were still spending like we used to 10-20 years ago, the inflation would quickly go out of control

>> No.29772696
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because they built the country, pic related

>> No.29773004
File: 189 KB, 1093x859, 1599268891122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitch probably has 1 share @ 350 and thinks it will go to 100k

>> No.29773049
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This gave me a chuckle. Thanks OP.

>> No.29773123

>3 times more black slaves on a bumbfuck Island in the Caribbean than all of the United States of America

Wew lad.

>> No.29773172

thanks for daily reminder of gratitude not to be living in the US

>> No.29773249

kek the absolute state of this gay ass GME subreddit, anyone who doesn't realize this was typed by some troll after reading the first paragraph deserves to stay poor because he's a sub 70 IQ doublenigger. i read the posts there merely for the lulz, the cope and salt in the comments are delicious.

>> No.29773252
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Actually laughed in real life. Have a (you)

>> No.29773320
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>> No.29773322


>> No.29773363
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dumping on reddit is literally dumping on niggers

>> No.29773418

Jamaica is a shithole desu

>> No.29773422
File: 1.25 MB, 1024x700, 1614195159025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she thinks that buying blackrock's bags is "beating the 1%"

>> No.29773431

WEF caused this mess with their meme welfare state inflating assets to the point people have to gamble to survive.

>> No.29773509

Rest in power queen

>> No.29773636
File: 2.78 MB, 500x282, 1613689472946.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seriously hope not, because judging by the amount of awards the Redditors are literally screaming right now.

>> No.29773748
File: 43 KB, 640x640, 1540182539817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and that's a good thing

>> No.29773757

About to start a rebbit account to post these then shill my cashapp, think of the profits

>> No.29773796
File: 39 KB, 466x499, 1594322305482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's it for me. i'm out kek

>> No.29773939

Financial QAnon is crazy. The government needs to start regulating the barrier of entry on forums of free speech.
Cattle need to stay in the pasture.

>> No.29773944

Well i guess all of the americas, except canada, belong to africa.

>> No.29774017

Apes stronger together

>> No.29774170

>This is where you're crypto tax revenue goes
I already know what to buy to negate the taxes on crypto sale profits

>> No.29774276

i sold when lindsay lohan tweeted about btc

>> No.29774296

>LARPer afraid to say Apes stronger together

>> No.29774377

wait do they think hedges are losing money from gme?

>> No.29774378


>> No.29774401

Forgot to add, you dont need to write your own shit either just copy a 2 week old post and exploit their goldfish brains

>> No.29774427

lmao, everytime

>> No.29774519

No way that's a black woman. Grammar and spelling is too good.

>> No.29774529
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Mfw her acct is real and 5 years old

>> No.29774606
File: 82 KB, 640x794, 1594603129236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Da fud
>Zoom out
Keep those diamond hands strong

>> No.29774827

why is he hoping it goes down?

>> No.29775011

I dunno it's a 5 year old account

>> No.29775051
File: 23 KB, 272x204, sure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Edit: just kidding I was larping as a black woman in america to show that you're all a bunch of gigantic faggots now have fun reversing the upvote ratio

>> No.29775114

It can still be an extremely dedicated troll.

>> No.29775168

I mean honestly she's not wrong. It's a dumb thing to do sure, but in principle she's right, there is something sorted of noble about going out fighting the hopeless fight

>> No.29775174

It’s all so tiresome

>> No.29775229

Nah, i think social media spreads awareness too fast and crypto is too volatile for the normal model.

>> No.29775230

If only we could've just shot every slave trader on sight back then. Now the entire New World is forever ruined.

>> No.29775314


>> No.29775357
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Never forget

>> No.29775364
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>> No.29775404

These people have no concept of just how fucking much money the Hedge Funds have. It's literally beyond their conception if they think $881 million is a lot of money to them

>> No.29775431
File: 330 KB, 860x976, 202A3D8B-5143-40EC-8F01-EAC2FB2C627A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phew, I almost thought they were buying BTC. You scared me OP.

>> No.29775484

why are they always editing and saying they're crying

>> No.29775491


>> No.29775518

Fucking lol

>> No.29775544

you racist incel chuds are just lashing out your impotent rage on this poor women because of the color of her skin

>> No.29775636

This reads exactly like someone imitating how they think a black woman would sound on the internet

>> No.29775654

no, i just despise foids in general

>> No.29775681

And that's partly why Reddit fails at "class warfare" kek

>> No.29775807

whiter than a cancer lawsuit made by west virginia coal miners

>> No.29775867


>> No.29775951

>I’m a retarded black woman
>Reddit showers her in praise

>> No.29776051
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>> No.29776183

>the guy looks smarter than all 3 bitches combined

am I a sexist or?

>> No.29776509
File: 216 KB, 640x879, australian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same energy

>> No.29776741

Ridicule her all you want, but I like her make it or go broke attitude, even if it's for dumb reasons.

>> No.29776801

This is why I never trust Aussie cunts

>> No.29776810

its a false flags retards

>> No.29776819

He actually looks like the garden working smart kid, saw types like him at my high school

>> No.29776919
File: 237 KB, 1024x672, iu-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm holding GME to fight white supremacy!

>> No.29777117
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>> No.29777256

Remember to give thanks to God for not being born a nigger

>> No.29777323

her kids will end up paying her debts..

nvm, they won't because they'll be in prison.

>> No.29777366

if so, this guy got exactly the moment he was waiting for

>> No.29777393
File: 31 KB, 441x630, blacks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brave and stunning

>> No.29777600

white bitch on the right got dat WAGON tho

>> No.29777684
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>> No.29777902

I LOVE jews.
They are soooo good at this!
>20 years ago: see color, you are racist!
>now: see color, you are ANTI RACIST
Now it’s about seeing who is white and who is black and then call whites racist and then anything that HAPPENS to blacks is racist
I knee to the jews and in my opinion there should be LAST to go in the oven.
White traitors should be first

>> No.29777935
File: 89 KB, 1000x747, ((((diane)))).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1% of the 1%





>> No.29778085

>the mother of all crashes.
im so glad i was able to break even yesterday. im ont fuck all that noise

>> No.29778090

Don Quixote is based and a true hero fuck you

>> No.29779086

yes it was surely one of 'our' 'fellow' whites right my white skinned brother?

>> No.29779203


black guy here, mega cringe.

>> No.29779373
File: 98 KB, 1152x648, 0F67AD77-84E8-404E-8F7A-90BDE7DE135B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the money printer has jammed shits about to tank and all your virtual $ will be withdrawable

>> No.29779448


>> No.29779506

Definitely. Grammar, use of punctuation, effectiveness of communicating concepts, and lack of ebonics proves that. Spend 5 minutes on black twitter and this will stick out like a sore thumb.

>> No.29779745

>why is he hoping it goes down?
he shorted

>> No.29779966


>> No.29780143
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>> No.29780174


>> No.29780517

>implying you're an oldfag like a typical redditor would do

>> No.29781475
File: 360 KB, 750x865, oy bey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has got to be a larp right?

>> No.29781607

>Moishe Horowitz

>> No.29782161
File: 143 KB, 640x505, 1614149187826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toasting in good bread

>> No.29782509

thank god its about gme
for a second i thought she is talking about bitcoin

>> No.29782549

good to hear man

>> No.29783241

I am stealing that picture. You know, like a true nigger. Also nice get

>> No.29783542

remember when that little box called the cotton gin completely made every nigger obsolete forever?

>> No.29783697

We should have continued indentured servitude of Irish. They’ll kill themselves from drinking and dumb local clan wars while muttering incoherent Irish speak

>> No.29783841

why is nobody using ape emojis in the comments of this post?

>> No.29783966

>picking cotton is building the country

>> No.29784293


>Thinks a nigger wrote that post

>> No.29784446

Look at the username, that's one of us

>> No.29784496

Wheres the /qa/ soijak of this

>> No.29784715

It's fake I'm pretty sure

>> No.29784842
File: 16 KB, 645x770, 29a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger, he literally typed "my black American women ass" and you still think this wasn't written by pic related?

>> No.29784919

There's this trend the last few years where a bunch of pro-black conspiracy theories that are completely divergent from recorded history have become unquestionable public truths among young people.

Currently: blacks built America, the great pyramids, were the pharaohs, were the original Jews, invented the lightbulb, invented the traffic light, also Jesus was black, Shakespeare was black... this is just off the top of my head. All of it's verifiably untrue but most black zoomers genuinely believe these things and will become the adults of tomorrow, rewriting history and indoctrinating the youth accordingly while their white peers remain silent for fear of becoming the victim of flash mob violence.

>> No.29785002

>they built our country
yeah under slavery kek without whites their country looks like every nigger shithole with 99% blacks, mud huts and trash everywhere

>> No.29785103

Not even under slavery. They were literally seen as farm animals instead of people. Would you let a horse build a skyscraper?

>> No.29785105

>being this new
take a course on the stock market you turbo nigger

>> No.29785255

I was hoping she was talking about BTC