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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29773034 No.29773034 [Reply] [Original]

Like I told you yesterday; buy at least 200 RLC before monday. Think very hard on why this week RLC is getting fud left right and center while last 2 weeks they were shilling non stop.

I told you there will be a 3-parts announcements. The first part is already released just now. The second will be on sunday night, right after the weekend dump ends. Then on monday morning, the third announcement will be released. Next? DOTB.

t. Knowknow

to oilers; this weekend will be the last time you will ever see RLC under 3 usd. Out.

>> No.29773193

Why is 200 the magic number?

>> No.29773276

Suicide stack when RLC goes to $11400

>> No.29773368

16k rlc holder here. Why do you have to such a dick? At least tell us the what is the 2nd announcement is about. I know there is only 2 part announcement, not 3. How do you know there is a 3rd one?

>> No.29773433

don't trust you anymore
Your also not coming to my birthday party now.

>> No.29774278

I was told 100$ by 2020/2021, and now i will be glad to hit the old ATH.

>> No.29775064

No you stupid cunt, it’s because the team is full of a bunch of lazy arrogant French faggots who don’t give a fuck about anything. They made it already. 70,000 eth and they suck dicks. Fuck you nigger I will rape you in Minecraft. I have half a mind to fly to Lyons and fuck Gilles in the ass WITH MY DICK

>> No.29775289

>fuck Gilles in the ass WITH MY DICK
You will never be a man

>> No.29776418

I am a man just frustrated. N-Not selling my d-digital oil.

>> No.29777358


>> No.29777448

200? suicide stack is 870.

>> No.29778405

What was first announcement?

>> No.29778964

>muh doracle marketplace

>> No.29779027

This dude is trying to pump the coin while he gets out, do not fall for this bullshit

>> No.29779245

On CMC we are between a coin who just did its exit scam pump and a coin named Handshake. It can't be any clearer.

>> No.29779810

sauce that you stupid nigger, or at least throw some breadcrumbs

>> No.29780236

I'm not selling.

>> No.29780360

Judging by how much money iexec has, i can feel that soft rugpull lasting 10 years when no one will remember it except for the memes.

>> No.29780402

I had 10k for years. Sold 9k months ago on the pump to $1 dollar. 9k I sold has already made more gains the RLC but I'm happy I still have 1k left just in case. 3 fucking years of not doing anything made me lose most of my hope and I don't expect the 1k RLC to do anything. But hey, if I'm wrong even better.

>> No.29781600

Sure kek

RLC ends up being $1-3 for the next 4 years

>> No.29781874

Thank you friend. I will also sell everything except for 1k which I shall keep in your honor based anon.

>> No.29783453

This is why you guys are fucking poor, believe dumbass shit from all 7 RLC investors while the tranny fucker has 300m

RLC is never going anywhere because nobody fucking knows it exists.

>> No.29784953

>nobody fucking knows it exists.
literally the only reason why its still cheap, and the easiest part to fix

>> No.29785191

I can't believe only biz knows RLC exists

>> No.29785597

Just wait another 10 years and you'll see 1000% gains.

Or buy Doge and other shitcoins and see it this year.

>> No.29785734
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Damn so I was too early by one year? Just like Gilles himself

>> No.29785776

Who needs to chase shitcoins when you can just buy rlc?
You ever hear of bonds, this better.

>> No.29786080

Yeah, but i think it's about to change fairly soon

>> No.29786199

>and the easiest part to fix
one would think, yes

>> No.29786613

I hate to FUD this coin but the team isn't helping.

>> No.29786620

Oh kiddies you must be new here.

These type of threads have been going on for years

>> No.29786975

>all the fud ended

So I guess the faggot who was shorting this made his shorts and fucked off.

>> No.29787056

I'm holding this shitcoin until 5 dollars. I don't care of it takes 30 years.