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File: 21 KB, 1240x186, AVAX LOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29896813 No.29896813 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.29896881
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There is only one way to interent and that is with Sentinel dvpn.

>> No.29896934

at one point this muslim turk shitcoin was more expensive than DOT.
FUcking KEK

>> No.29897039
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delete this thread

>> No.29897080

I'm going to buy a fat bag soon, when the price drops to $16.
Avax fags thought they were going to make it this bull run but u think avax needs some work and will be a big player in 3 years

>> No.29897111

>looks at price instead of market cap
why do so many people do this?

>> No.29897135

Low IQ.

>> No.29897174

This is why Zero.Exchange are pivoting to other blockchains like Polkadot and Cardano.

I don’t feel sorry for Pangolin fags, stuck on Avalanche though.

>> No.29897212

Still regret selling my 5c ZERO bags at 12c

>> No.29897283

Zero is still cheap. It’s bouncing around the 20 cent mark for now, but I’m pretty sure we will hit $10-$20 this year.

>> No.29897335

I'd probably load some if it dips further. It's just that most of my funds are at BSC right now

>> No.29897817

Zoom out

>> No.29898263

It's a literal scam.

>> No.29898415
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Is yours? First time I saw this but this statement is already retarded

require(totalSupply.add(value) <= cap, "ZERO:CAP_EXCEEDED");

This line of code prevents you from minting more coins if you already reached the cap which is stated in this variable

uint256 private constant cap = 1000000000 * decimalFactor;

Which is 1 billion coins. Which matches their white paper of 1 billion coins at cap. https://zero.exchange/Zero_Whitepaper_Final.pdf

It took me 5 minutes to crosscheck and that part of the FUD is already wrong.

>> No.29898476

Algorand and tezos it up people, while you still can

>> No.29898510
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>> No.29898911

Why is you fud so shit?!

I have to conclude you are the Pangolin dev.

Shit fud, shit app, shit work ethic. Is there anything else you are shit at?

>> No.29899461
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Why do they need a mint function? Try and explain that faggot, the circulating supply is never supposed to reach more than 500MM anyway, so why do they need the functionality to mint 1 billion coins out of nowhere?
There is a reason why they are completely anon and are trying their best to keep this hidden, no normal dev would do or act like this.

>> No.29899570

Lmao, I love watching this incel get spastic in every AVAX thread

>> No.29899651
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because they only minted 50% of the supply. did you even check the contract? it's only 500m at the moment. this means they can only mint another 500m coins.

it's out in the open you sperg, it's literally in their whitepaper, it's literally in their contract.

you AVAX people are retarded as fuck. you eat each other alive. i remember people making fun of zero being a literal reskin of uniswap and yet when pangolin released theirs it's the same thing. AVAX defi wont grow if dexes refuse to share space. honestly 99% of the ZERO FUD ive seen is baseless, the only thing i'm sketchy about ZERO is they're anonymous because of NDA.

>> No.29899708

No normal bizraeli would act like you do, but we have to put up with it.

Just buy a stack of ZERO and move on in life.

>> No.29899726

what causes this coin to attract such schizoposters? i've never seen anything like this with other coins

>> No.29899744

you should visit the XRP threads for once

>> No.29899885

Fuck me, when do we moon again? Lost 35k in 3 weeks.

>> No.29899900
File: 455 KB, 702x1013, NOOOOOOOOOOO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking retards who staked this shitcoin deserve this
>muh eth killer
kek, so glad I jumped off this shit after I 4x my folio

>> No.29899974

>I love watching this incel get spastic in every AVAX thread
Take your meds, having imaginary incels in your head is not normal.
>this means they can only mint another 500m coins.
And why do they need this functionality?
>t's out in the open you sperg
>unverified smart contracts are not hidden
Ok retard, try and find that mint function in the contract that you just posted.
>a literal reskin of uniswap and yet when pangolin released theirs it's the same thing.
There is nothing wrong with that, if it works then why change it?
>thing i'm sketchy about ZERO is they're anonymous because of NDA.
An anon dev team is a huge red flag. Pangolin has doxxed devs and is endorsed by Emin, why should I ever use Zero over Pangolin?

>> No.29900146

Fuck this piece of shit, dropped from top 20 to top 50. Rightly deserved for trying to cover up the bug and instead of trying to be a complement of ETH, the team fuds it to try and vampire users over to their own platform.

>> No.29900226
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>Why do they need a mint function?
Are you retarded?
It's a crosschain, soon to be all chain, dex. When you move an asset from one chain to the other it doesn't just teleport retard. They need to lock or burn the original token, create a dupe on the other side, and then reverse the process when shit moves the other way.
Avax Turks are literally too retarded to understand their own blockchain. Probably why we have "bonus blocks".

>> No.29900261

Zero.Exchange is better than Pangolin.

It’s cheaper, faster, with superior features, more blockchains, soon to add fiat gateways, a smarter team... the list goes on.

Just use whichever you want, but I don’t believe even a brainlet like you is so retarded as to not understand why Zero is preferred by serious fags.

>> No.29900277

>And why do they need this functionality?
Because it's stated in their WHITEPAPER that the total cap is 1 billion. Did you even read the split for the coins?

>Ok retard, try and find that mint function in the contract that you just posted.
You're definitely a crypto newbie trying to act like an expert. You're the retard here, not me. This won't help you in the long run but i'll teach you
Click on the contract link https://etherscan.io/address/0xF0939011a9bb95c3B791f0cb546377Ed2693a574
Click on the contract tab, then you'll see the code.

>There is nothing wrong with that, if it works then why change it?
and I never said something wrong with it, it's just the pangolinfags way back used to FUD zero with that and it's hilarious to see their own being an exact copy

>An anon dev team is a huge red flag. Pangolin has doxxed devs and is endorsed by Emin, why should I ever use Zero over Pangolin?
I agree being an anonymous dev but Emin playing favorites with a certain DEX doesn't suit well in the defi scene they are portraying. Remember when the AVAX bridge went down? People couldn't transfer funds but there's one available bridge which is ZERO's but they refuse to acknowledge it telling people that bridge is a scam just because Emin didn't approve it.

>> No.29900377

He's a newfag in crypto, using terms he doesn't know and can't even navigate to the source code of a single contract. Probably follows some twitterfag social media promoters who are retarded as well.

>> No.29900494

Using TA (fibs) which might be bullshit to most< I saw a path to 16 off the top. Hardest unload of my life. Even panic bought back in at 46. I love this project. But I had to take profits again. The charts were too strong. I see potential 9 now. And a potential 36k BTC . This looks like it is over and I am crushed :/ I will buy back again though between 4-9. B/c next run we will be over 100 and the staking is killer.

>> No.29900543

>Click on the contract tab, then you'll see the code.
Not clicking on that link, nice try but you are not getting my crypto password. I have already read about these kinds of scams. You probably work for the Zero devs.
>Because it's stated in their WHITEPAPER that the total cap is 1 billion
Mint function is a huge red flag, enjoy having 500 million coins minted and your ZERO become worthless. The pajeet devs over at Zero are going to run with your money.

>> No.29900545

I fudded the shit out of avax and do t like how they handled the double spend situation but I’m probably gonna buy when it hits bottom. Tech is just too good not to.

>> No.29900601

The mint function is clearly only for minting Zero coins, but a retarded newfag like you wouldn't know that.

>> No.29900604
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>Not clicking on that link, nice try but you are not getting my crypto password. I have already read about these kinds of scams. You probably work for the Zero devs.

Holy fucking retard I can't believe I got fucking baited. If you're not plain retarded, your bait worked flawlessly and you wasted my time.

>> No.29900700

Minting zero coins that move from erc20 to avax. No shit. One gets locked on one chain, a new one gets printed on the other side of the new chain, brainlet.

>> No.29900836

No you are just retarded, you don't even know what you are talking about. Chains only exist on the Chainlink network brainlet, go and try and find the chain in the zero contract.

>> No.29901292
File: 21 KB, 256x276, 20210222_172800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha. You're trolling hard nigger. You got me. Well played.

>> No.29901353

You just admitted Zero.Exchange is superior to Pangolin.


>> No.29901435

It had a higher diluted cap because only 11% of avax is circulating. It's soon to be 50%, but apparently people thought this would still go up.

>> No.29901567
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>> No.29901688

I have taken massive L's durin this dip and am down in initial, but i'm going to buy more AVAX after March 9, or if this dumps some more. I want 500 AVAX to run a node in the future. Avalanche isn't going to die - only way is up.

>> No.29902613

LMAO I'm still up nigger.

>> No.29902672


>> No.29902744

So many lies running on AVAX threads rightnow, kys.

50% of the supply will be reached in 10 years, 100% will never be reached.

>> No.29902975
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No demand.

>> No.29904178

Atm this is true sadly.

>> No.29904388

TONS of people are waiting for March. You better strap your bags tight or we are going to leave you behind.