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30051031 No.30051031[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are spears a good investment?

>> No.30051120

Yes, and based.

>> No.30051154
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Absolutely, brother.

>> No.30051200


>> No.30051266

Halbreds are better but spear is sophisticated in its simplicity

>> No.30051347

I want a tank so bad bros, or a submarine, or a whole battleship. Its ok if the battle ship only shoots tennis balls tho.

>> No.30051422

I want a genetically engineered cat girl

>> No.30051437
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>tfw no genetically engineered catgirl vending machine

>> No.30051535

This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang, but a ~nyaa.

>> No.30051617
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>be me, ooga
>fellow cavemen use club to kill big cat
>me smart
>me sharpen rock and put it on stick
>cavemen grog make fun of me
>say could have killed cat instead of make pokey stick
>grog laugh at ooga
>decide to show off new pokey stick to fine cavewoman
>kill big cat for her
>cavewoman impressed
>cavewoman decide to sleep with ooga instead of grog
>make cave baby
>ooga's genes survives

>> No.30051684


and we all want gen catgrills

>> No.30051724

Yes. Make sure to get the most out of it and pair it with a tower shield.

>> No.30051847

>recreational nukes
if only you retarded wouldnt get so emotional

>> No.30051862

>poasts coomer arm

>> No.30051898

Not that spear. A spear needs to be able to slip through ribs.

>> No.30051926


>> No.30051939

I actually made a shield too, gonna make another one and paint it

>> No.30052303

>sophisticated in its simplicity
Ah, someone who puts random words together to sound smart...

>> No.30052392

Soon you'll fall down a slippery slope and will end up purchasing a full set of armor too.

>> No.30052433

looks very short just like my dick

>> No.30052516

If you attach them to a machine gun and go antifa huntin' in Portland then yes

>> No.30052684

The spear wins against the sword every single time head to head with two equally competent opponents
Spear is the most undervalued weapons
Go long on spear
You won't regret it

>> No.30052709

Spears are sophisticated in their simplicity and you're a faggot in your sophistication

>> No.30052818
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>> No.30053002

Spears are the opposite of sophisticated you fucking retard.

>> No.30053214

rather than an investment I would see it as kind of a weird insurance policy. I own one.

>> No.30053390

>cavewoman decide to sleep with ooga instead of grog
The only influence women had was to either fight back or not when a man decided to fuck them, and that was merely to weed out the absolute weakling who couldn't overpower a woman. Kinda weird how feminists apparently successfully retconned the past to fit modern standards, where indeed the woman has the same level of influence as the man (unless the man decides to disregard current social norms and just rape her, anyway).
So, if in your case Ooga and Grog were interested in the cavethot, they'd just fight it out among themselves.

>> No.30053953

Shorting this 'gunpowder' chink shit, like me spear simple as

>> No.30054063


>> No.30054147

Definitely cool, but only a good investment if it has some historical significance. I still would though

>> No.30054326

Only if it's made out of beskar

>> No.30054442
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Buy link

>> No.30054603

No. A large greatsword is better. A Zweihander beats any spear.

>> No.30054681

And Ooga'd probably win for having invented the spear. Unless that skull that was found in France with the bone grown around a spear through its eye socket was Grog, in which case, Ooga probably got beat to death by Grog bare-handed, and Grog was right all along.

>> No.30054741

Only if their first name is Britney, and they can sing.

>> No.30055332

African or Chinese spears yes. European spears were used a little differently, not the biggest fan and too much regional variation frankly. Personally I’m a fan of Qing dynasty Liuyedaos with longer blades and curved handles. That shit is the apex modern evolution of single edged curved blade and you can see the influence of previous Yamamoto swords with the curved handles from middle-eastern and mongol weaponry. Fuck anything Japanese they were just rat pirates.

>> No.30055781

Is that how it works in every minimally contacted tribe today?

>> No.30056044

This place is really overrun with retards and complete gays since re edit arrived. I'm calling it. Biz is done, its just a faggot swamp now.

>> No.30056098

Great taste, but not a spear
What’s your favorite type of individual spear?

>> No.30056133

>complete gay

>> No.30056194

that's not a spear though it's a fucking coldsteel bushman attached to a broomstick with a screw

really pleb tier spear

>> No.30056262

Not a spear also European spears were the best and most effective at murdering the fuck out of armies.

>> No.30056378

Is that your anal dildo on the floor?

>> No.30056397

No, he's just a seething incel

>> No.30056437

Why do white people wanna be black sooo fucking badly?

>> No.30056508

yes, you can use them while your shield is raised.

>> No.30056510

>t. rapist
There was mob justice and women had kin to defend them

Obviously not

>> No.30056603
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>Stab a bitch
>Slice a bitch
>Overhead a bitch
>Slash a bitch's knee from behind and then kill him with your friends after he falls down
>Push it past someone's shoulder and slice their neck on the way back

If you don't have a bill you are ignoring social activities.

>> No.30056708

>halberd fags
Retard. Halberds are next to fucking useless in any scenario that’s not a strict formation. You gonna swing around your halberd in your fucking bedroom? Your hallway? I’d be surprised if you could even lift the thing, you fucking faggot.

>> No.30056727

only the retarded ones, unfortunately most normies are retards

>> No.30056733

> Are spears a good investment?

you see.... that depends on where you live.

If someone actually attempts to rob you and you had a spear to kill those motherfuckers....then yes it was a good investment.
If you live in some really safe as fuck place where nobody ever tries dumb shit like robbing armed people.... then no, your investment would be better off on something else.

>> No.30056775

They evolved in a similar way our rudimentary civilizations came about, which is a form of leadership to control pairings - a form of marriage, which had to be blessed or often was arranged by the fathers and the authorities. It even persists to this day in a bit more medieval oriented cultures like Islam, though there it's even a bit harsh, partially regarding women not only as property, but lower as dogs.

>> No.30056905

Nukes are the only exception to me. All WMDs should be sent to space and never created again.

>> No.30056979

Sounds like a projection from a frail dysgenic faggot. Do better

>> No.30057130

>send wmds to space
great way to get glassed by another species you fucking retard. of course one of those wmds will hit a space daycare and then humanity is done because of your retardation.
>willingly disarming yourself
top fucking kek retard

>> No.30057169

>There was mob justice and women had kin to defend them
Mob justice only works if the other guy doesn't have a bigger mob. Obviously we evolved from the early stages (unless two clans fought each other, then it was a free-for-all again, killing the offspring and raping the women), and to keep the peace the leaders of the clans would distribute the women appropriately. But no, the women themselves had no say in this.
And yes, we all are descendants of rapists. Rape has a much higher chance of impregnation, so over the course of millenia, especially in the very early, rather uncivilized epochs, it's safe to say that every single one of us had instances of rape in his ancestry.

>> No.30057818

No. A spear simultaneously has greater reach and is handier.

>> No.30057960

No, you can make one with a knife and duct tape.

>> No.30058233
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Spears beat sword
Sell your swords
Buy spears
Spears are undervalued
Go long on spears
Hodl Spears


>> No.30058552

>t.demons souls player

>> No.30058661

What is mutual assured destruction

>> No.30059049

Long sword beat spear