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30192653 No.30192653 [Reply] [Original]

Zenon's private Tesnet comes to a successful end, anon! Alphanet, phase 0 of NOM, the project that will emerge as a open, permissionless, next generation Web3 ecosystem on a planetary scale, is just around the corner.

And that's going to be a big deal, because with the launch of Alphanet, the Zenon team will not only publish the long-awaited Yellow Paper, but also finally unveil some of its key partners, world-class figures.

What do you say, anon? Are you willing to peek over to the green side?






>> No.30192806
File: 80 KB, 631x600, 1614019076296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my bags are loaded....
beam me up jack, my body is ready

>> No.30192934

How do you know it's ending soon

>> No.30193070


When the Public Testnet is about to start, it's because the Private Testnet is about to conclude, anon.

>> No.30193541

Based. Mega bullish on ZNN anon. They are focusing on building bridges to big existings projects, but its focused on massive scalability and using BTC as an underliying trust layer. Smart contracts, web 3, fast & scalability payments... can’t wait for the Alphanet release. It could be huge

>> No.30193713 [DELETED] 

The current $50M market cap is a complete joke for such a revolutionary proyect. We’ll be locking at top 50 in no time. Bags prepared.

>> No.30193912

confirmed scam, this nigger has shilled this piece of shit token for a year

>> No.30193982

This. The current $50 million market cap is a complete joke. We'll be looking at top 50 in no time, then top 10. Under the radar until suddenly you're in the spotlight of the whole world.

>> No.30194039
File: 12 KB, 403x422, photo_2020-06-25_10-13-27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> An ultra-scalable network

> Cheap and fast transactions

> BTC interoperability on protocol level

> Oracles on protocol level

> Funding and support to develop Dapps

this shit is gonna melt faces, my bags are packed.

>> No.30194585

Iykyk, anon. Just keep on buying ZNN. $100 will be rock bottom very soon.

>> No.30195184
File: 274 KB, 2086x742, 01272301272301723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minimum. 8´7M Supply, that's crazy. $ZNN is clearly a disruptive project with a halo and controversy around it that we haven't seen since Btc. And not to mention the mega partners rumored to be involved in the project. Have you seen the Paradigm guys' twitter and page? It's crazy anon.

>> No.30195916

Lol. Yeah, man. I have been following the project very closely for some time... and these breadcrumbs leave you glued to the screen. Increidible how under the radar is

>> No.30197044

Not for much longer! Alphanet is coming, alien. Then it will be like a tsunami. No one knows how far this will go. I imagine that there will already be a few guys developing their projects at full speed to be included as soon as possible in the $ZNN Incubator. They can put themselves in the cockpit in one fell swoop. iykyk

>> No.30197960

I don't know guys. I'm kinda scared it's gonna leave without me being able to fill my bags :(

>> No.30198192
File: 301 KB, 1242x1920, 20210304_161928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to get some Zenon for myself

>> No.30199155 [DELETED] 


Wouldn't you be happy with 200 ETH today? The market cap of $ETH is around 180MB, $ZNN is around 50M.... U can do the math.
Keep calm, during the first months of Alphanet, the rewards will be very generous to encourage the change and the entry to the Network... You will see your bag fill up more easily.

Check ZNN x QSR Alphanet specifications out


>> No.30199304

Wouldn't you be happy with 200 ETH today? The market cap of $ETH is around 180B, $ZNN is around 50M.... U can do the math.
Keep calm, during the first months of Alphanet, the rewards will be very generous to encourage the change and the entry to the Network... You will see your bag fill up more easily.

Check ZNN x QSR Alphanet specifications out


>> No.30199494


I also want to believe this but isn’t the green color scheme just part of their Paradigm company and totally unrelated?

>> No.30199905

There is not one human being alive who will read this post and not be able to see that it is a paid marketing team.

Fuck off with this scam.

>> No.30200129


I’ve gone down this rabbit hole the past day and I can’t decide what to think of it. I bought a little bit because the website and white paper don’t have any broken syntax and seem very well done for such a shitcoin.

>> No.30200254

Time will either corroborate or disprove it, anon. Alphanet is around the corner. Take a look at the name of these pillars,btw


>> No.30200541


And again, I will be impressed at the attention to detail and near schizophrenia of these pajeets if this is a rug pull.

>> No.30200748

The Zenon project is groundbreaking as it is — the manifestation of any of these speculative theories would merely be the cherry on top. They don’t need to become reality in order for Zenon to revolutionize entire industry verticals, actually. That's what the halo and controversy surrounding $ZNN is all about. Nothing like it since BTC

>> No.30200927


It seems like a legit small cap and the schizo cherry was why I bothered to fuck with mercatox to begin with

I didn’t buy a lot but I’d love to have time to get a little bit more. Hopefully it’s real and biz continues to think otherwise

>> No.30200953
File: 350 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20210304-155753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they haven't got many followers on twitter. Don't u think that if they would be running a paid marketing campaign that the first thing one would do is pump the followers on twitter? But maybe they are doing 3d chess marketing campaign by focusing on a mongolian basket weaving forum. Maybe u are 4d stupid for being to ignorant to see that this thing is legit (almost) as BTC....

>> No.30201038


I am a bit concerned about the undetermined or unknown final total coins. I see people post 8.x million but that isn’t corroborated anywhere I can find.

I actually thought it was a 5.x mil supply cap when I initially bought but whatever I’ll risk it

>> No.30202637

There can be generated a maximum of ~6.6M ZNN until Alphanet released. Right now there are 6014534.76 coin circulation (ZNN). As soon as they publish the Yellow Paper it will clear all doubts regarding the total supply. But it is around 8.7M.

>> No.30202891

>son of basterd bitch I will fuck your mother


>zenon network (ticker symbol $ZNN) trademark zenon industries is The Next Big thing to rival Bitcoin! Am I right my fellow aliens!

This makes my suspicion the big suspicion

If any anons are going into this please recognize that the chance these people are paid scammers vs. The chance they are just weird is extremely high. If you want to risk it be my guess but do not put any money into this that you cannot afford to lose completely.

>> No.30203553

In fact, one should not put money that one cannot afford anywhere. The basis of financial health is saving, and investing more or less risk in a diversified portfolio of a small portion of that savings.

Yes we are very weird, by the way. And sometimes smart too.

Go and take a look at this, if you want, and if not forget it, but write down in your diary the name of Zenon, I'm not kidding, because soon you will hear a lot about this project.


>> No.30203678

they are not pajeets, they are french weirdly enough

>> No.30203839

Retweets more than likes

Seems legit

>> No.30204123

Hey brown id. Did you notice no one cares to even rely to you. It's not 2019. Mainnet is imminent and many have seen the testnet. So don't even fucking bother fudding at this point. Even the fudders are now shilling.

>> No.30204223
File: 66 KB, 1111x597, EsuvqqEXUAQsEmY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in till the end anon! Zenon project will lead the future

>> No.30204586

>they are not pajeets, they are french

What's the differnce other than pajeets are lighter skinned?