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30278451 No.30278451 [Reply] [Original]

>24 years old
>Had 10 jobs since age 16

How do people become lifers working at the same company for 30 years?

>> No.30278516

I'm 30 and I've never worked a day in my life

>> No.30278665

I wish I could be a NEET but I'd probably kms, unless I was a millionaire. Do you get a stipend each month?

>> No.30278757

Nope, I occasionally get a few dollars from my parents and relatives. I've lived off scraps my entire life. At least I'm not spending 10 hours per day working though.

>> No.30278858

I don't like being disrespected and treated as a new guy.

>> No.30278862

Ehh, I'm 32 and have had seven jobs since 17. To be fair one was a seasonal job which I worked from start to finish and am eligible for rehire next season and another was a part time job that I worked for three years in addition to my full time job. Worked at my first full time job for almost 8 years before leaving to change careers. Been at current job for a year now.

>> No.30278972

>24 years old
>3 jobs since 20
>forced conscription at 18
Now a freshman in college is it over?

>> No.30279067
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I'm 33 this year, have worked at two employers my whole life. Most recent job is software developer. Work from home and get stoned all day programming enterprise software and trading crypto...

By showing hard work and dedication even if the job is shit while improving yourself educationally you will get to places... I used to push beds around for a living...

>> No.30279110


Back in the old days you could do it, but not anymore. I'm in my 30s and on my 6th job. It's a great job and I make good money. You will rarely meet your potential if you stay at one company. The only way to greatly increase your salary is to go to a new company. You can beg for a 50 cent raise at your current job, or go to another company and get a $6 raise.

>> No.30279209

Freshman at 24?

>> No.30279353

My mom worked at one tech company for her whole adult life
>Friends with her boss and coworkers who have all also been there 30 years so literally do 1-2 hours of work per day and everyone's okay with it cus they get the job done
>Huge stock bonus so every year the company does better it makes less sense to leave
>Company gave her full WFH in like 2007 so she's been banking 250k/y to literally be a stay at home mom and do 1-2h of work per day
Ya I'm thinking based and I totally understand why she stayed there 30 years

>> No.30279369

Because you worked jobs that children can do rather than cultivating a career where an adult can steadily advance their responsibility and pay.

>> No.30279376

Would rather work than live the life of a welfare nigger

>> No.30279778

>18-19 in the army
>20-22 working in the food industry
>22-23 learning the language that I'll be studying in since I went overseas for college. I'm in my second semester of freshman year, and my brain is a million times slower than the 18 year old gigachad nerds around me. Keep in mind I'm in a CS kinda program. Every day I get closer to the rope.

>> No.30279810

>industry basically invites you to move around a lot
>entry regional companies pay little for experience and you move companies /cities to get better pay as you get more experience
>people still spend 20+ years at regionals for low level top out
>takes about 10 - 15 years to top out
>can move from regional to midrange with about 2 years of experience and be making regional top out on your first day

normies get stuck in their ways too easily.

>> No.30279900

You're still a lifer. Life sucks, don't let the change in scenery fool you.

>> No.30279958

That's nice, I would do the same, unfortunately I've worked at shit companies which is why I have to keep quitting. If I had a good company like that I'd do whatever I could to stay long term.

>> No.30280089

as a social outcast i had nothing to spend money on in my youth so i just casually saved up my birthday money and other gibs. dumped it all in my checking account aged 16, at 17 got into crypto, wasn't a fool so never sold just invested, and here i am aged 24, still living with parents but at least i massively gained. i'm close to 100K and parents don't know shit.

>> No.30280189

>21 years old
>self employed since 15

pleb. have fun being bossed around

>> No.30280208

I’m 27 working the same job since I Was 19

>> No.30280399

My grandfather worked for one company from age 16 to 60. I remember his retirement party paid by the company in one of most expensive hotels in city. He wasn't even that high up, just a mid level manager at the end. He gets his entire salary in pension and healthcare for life.

I bought 300 bitcoin at $20 and don't give a shit, but it doesn't sound that bad. Working for 40+ years would suck balls though.

>> No.30280451

I just got into crypto this year, hoping to make these kinds of gains in the next few years. Ultimate goal would be to escape wagekek life, but that's a pipedream
>Inb4 ngmi

>> No.30280688

I’ve only worked in restaurants my whole life (19), and I’m making 20-25 an hour currently. Any anons have advice on how to get out?

>> No.30280818

>Make around 95k/year.
>No college degree.
>Sit in front of a CNC Machine all day doing literally nothing while posting on 4chan/eating/drinking.

My job is rare and too sweet.

>> No.30280955

for real. the only jobs i can ever get hired for are temp jobs. so i work somewhere 6-8 months and then have to get a new job. i can apply to the exact same job but in permanent position, go through the interview, the company and the interviewer karens fucking LOVE me, and still get turned down. i don't know what the bloody fuck.

and the best thing? temps don't get any benefits. no PTO. no healthcare. no retirement. nada. this entire thing is just a scam to dodge government benefit mandates for white collar workers. it should be fucking illegal but no one gives a shit about us. i've spent 5 years working and never received even one day of paid vacation time in my life.

>> No.30281178


>> No.30281215

Time to exaggerate/lie on your resume so you're more likely to get hired at good jobs. Finding a job now is like MLB in the 90s. Everyone else is taking steroids, so you have to do them also to even the playing field.

>> No.30281261

Pathetic and sad.

>> No.30281589
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good luck fren i'm sure you'd make it. my goal is at some point flee this shithole c*nnecticut and move to brighton beach or one of those brooklyn/queens coast neighborhoods and see some world.

>> No.30281818

Pretty sad. I was living with my parents at 24 but I was at least working and getting my dick wet consistently with pussy since the age of 19.

>> No.30281978

>Had 9 jobs since 16
>Dump all of my earnings into crypto
>Never get to double digit wage slavery

>> No.30282357

>7 years
Are you hoping your parents kick the bucket soon? Cause you’ll never make it with that roi

>> No.30282497

27 here
>mowed lawns for spending cash as a kid
>worked for woodshop teacher during high school and outside of school
>start college and work at furniture store
>quit to work on campus in the library
>intern twice during college for degree related experience
>start working in degree field a month before finishing college
>accept a better position elsewhere, starting 3 weeks after graduating, while working for previous company on weekends
>weekend work dried up (project finished) but still with the other company 3 years later

not counting under the table work I've worked 6 positions, currently making 60k bae salary plus mileage and bonuses, totaling maybe 85k per year.

>> No.30282807

So she's thendo nothing everyone complains about.

>> No.30282905
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they don't mind that much, we're pretty family orientated and there are worse cases in my extended family. but my dad's a schizo who kicked out my sister at 18 because she constantly got fresh with him and when i was young and rarely talked back he told me don't do again so i never did and here i am.

>> No.30283043

>34 years old
>never had a job
>just living with parents and getting £409 a month in universal credit

>> No.30283461


>> No.30284165

Government jobs
t. civil engineer drone at the New Jersey dept. of transportation
I plan to take "deferred retirement" after 13 or fewer years on the job, though.

>> No.30284869

ok IDK where else to post this but I feel someone needs to hear it

my employer forgot to take me off the payroll after I quit, its been nearly 2 years now. Ive just been neeting it. Idk what you guys think about this but I feel the sword of Damocles above my head every day. Am I fucked? Have I made it?

>> No.30284973

When they find out they'll probably make you pay it back with interest.

>> No.30285376

Im not capable of paying it back, as I said, Ive been a NEET for 2 years. Realistically what can they do about it?

>> No.30285386

>take a month’s salary
>24x on a random shitcoin
Wala, no more worrying.

>> No.30285420

Female priviledge. She probably fucked the entire office back in 06 when her tits weren't so saggy.

>> No.30285464

They arent touching a penny of my shitcoin gains

>> No.30285520

Enjoy losing all your gains when they find out.

>> No.30285749

>>Had 10 jobs since age 16
>doing useless shit hence the shifting through jobs
>looking at your resume means you are not in for the long term
>unemployable because you are difficult to work with

>> No.30285823

He has money to reinvest now at least you negative nancy

>> No.30286068

you and I sound to be in a very similar boat, I'm just a few years ahead. The workplace culture and psych gets crazier, you're probably one of the few that can recognize that shit doesn't make sense and people are petulant.

I don't want to push anything on anyone, but I recently enlisted in our military. People will tell you this, that & the other about how you'd be stupid to do it, but there's a reason men in the past pursued that path to one day get land & retire away from others. There are healthcare benefits & lifelong paychecks for supplemental income. Our founding fathers originally intended for people to gain through freedom through service, and the years go by fast.

Just consider it, the job availability is different now and you can do anything you want. From the people I've spoken with, they're granted requests for locational & positional moves. The job they hate the most is recruiting because they'd rather be in the field doing something they'd prefer.

I have complete faith in you to live a successful life however you choose, but give it consideration because with your work ethic, the benefits outweigh the cost of your time. I'm basically getting a free path for law school, and that's a pretty damn good deal for 3 years of my time.

>> No.30286216
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>totally not a nigger

>> No.30286267
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I settled into a job around the age of 22 where I make a good salary and I'm essentially unsupervised - as long as my work gets done, my boss doesn't care what the fuck else I do. Leaves me plenty of time to shitpost, invest in shitcoins and stocks and work on side projects. Why the fuck would I leave such a comfy situation?

>> No.30286318
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All that brain plasticity goes to waste though. Young people just don't know the world or what they actually want, just what they've been fed. I was an A student in college but I'm 10x the student I was back then at 29. Have to be of the mindset that you are learning in pursuit of a goal, and that goal can't be "getting a job". Needs more ambition than that to payoff.

>> No.30286967

man im 25 and had like 15 jobs, mostly construction. im in UK and theres no purpose in any job here. taxed to fuck, and being ethnically replaced. thats why im investing now so i can escape these deadend jobs and move to eastern europe while having passive income

>> No.30287171

24 and make ~250k a year from my regular job, and another 150k on top of that from investing and side hustles. But in the end I know I'm just tax cattle for steinberg and friends, so I put everything into crypto and don't ever intend on cashing out.

>> No.30287493
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1) You get holidays!

>> No.30288212

Fuck young college pussy to make it up ygmi

>> No.30290100


Went through 10 jobs, now I make 6 figs and plan on being a lifer from here on out

>> No.30290337

I worked a warehouse job for over 3 years and would have kept working there but people are so toxic
Been NEET for over a year now, fuck people

>> No.30290376

>mantradao.com this it what ive joined tomorrow on cream, looks fine.