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File: 76 KB, 2000x2000, litecoin-ltc-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30439268 No.30439268 [Reply] [Original]

Can we talk about LiteCoin? What's wrong with it?

>> No.30439335

It's just taking it's time

>> No.30439379

Nothing. This shit is a sleeping giant with tons of upcoming shit. I love my stack.

>> No.30439413

i respect it because it lets me get my btc out of nicehash without big fees

>> No.30439432

Theres nothing wrong with it?

>> No.30439450


It feels like even the newer coins are leapfrogging it. It definitely seems stable but God damn

>> No.30439459

how do i do that? i have less than the min withdrawal requirement for BTC on nicehash. plz help

>> No.30439488


>> No.30439512
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Don't fix, what ain't broken.

>> No.30439567

Comfiest hold, .025 ratio incoming. Stimmies coming soon and normies will feel priced out of BTC. They will look at LTC as the affordable version for the masses and jump in. You should have had bags packed already but if you haven't now is the time to buy a stack. WGMI liteknights.

>> No.30439568

It's just a low risk low reward and we're all here to gamble on high risk shitcoins

>> No.30439575

Market cap is a meme dude. Sort by trading volume.

>> No.30439716

It doesn't fill any particular role and is therefore pretty useless.
Imagine there is suddenly a currency called MiniDollars.
1 Dollar is 37 MiniDollars.
What's the point.
>but it can do more tps
Then at least go directly to various tokens, that provide a full suite of various utility, where hundreds of tps is just part of it.

>> No.30439768

> Imagine there is suddenly a currency called MiniDollars
sounds comfy desu i'm in

>> No.30439799

>It doesn't fill any particular role
You gotta research harder.

>> No.30439867
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>> No.30439954

>Can we talk about LiteCoin? What's wrong with it?
when you come full circle you realize what's up
then there's nimble and the wimble.

>> No.30439976

well at least give me a hint.
I know it's basically BTC but faster. What other significant things are there?

>> No.30440007

literally this.
ltc is universal at this point.
it's better than btc for use and yet it's shit on by ignorant niggers

>> No.30440033

Litecoin’s sole purpose is a cheap tx onramp for Monero... a coin that has even cheaper transaction cost and infinitely more utility.

>> No.30440069

ok but ltc is how I xfer everything. seethe more nigger

>> No.30440162

ahhh ok great shilling

>> No.30440249

>has even cheaper transaction cost and infinitely more utility.
Monero shills are starting to sound like those nano shills kek.

>> No.30440301

how much you got in dollars anon

>> No.30440622

Also for got to mention Greyscale has been accumulating for awhile now. Following the money isn't the worst strategy in investments.

>> No.30440803

Newer coins bring almost nothing new to the table. Once bitten; twice shy. The money will dry up eventually but if you can make your gains go for it. I know I will but lite is where the majority of my money goes to.

>> No.30441104
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MimbleWimble, PayPal, Grayscale, Google Finance... shit is looking cash

>> No.30442435

I mean this in the best way, but

MW: not even close to privacy provided by a real private coin
Paypal, grayscale, google finance... banking on number go up just because?

this coin has nothing to offer. the only discussions i see here are on mimblewimble and when moon? it's very sad, and i hope you guys convert to bitcoin or something with real value in the space while you still can.

If you want to provide a real response to this, what does litecoin offer from a technical perspective that i can't get from bitcoin or a privacy coin? Is there some aspect of litecoin that is going to revolutionize the space that the majority of normies and institutional buyers haven't discovered yet?

>> No.30442654

Nothing, just hodl

>> No.30442776


Honestly bros, half my stack is LTC right now, what percentage should it be?

>> No.30442961

Yeah, they only own like $200M LTC which is nothing

>> No.30443011


>> No.30443129

0% unless you think litecoin has undervalued tech. It only has value purely because of speculation at the moment. Any shitcoin like bitcoin cash could take its place for cheap transactions

>> No.30443556
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It's the 2nd oldest currency coin with proven uptime and security. I used to think being a Bitcoin copy was legitimate FUD, but then at some point I realized being like Bitcoin actually is good, you know the tech just works and it being faster. Bitcoin won't be the only coin used as a currency like how gold wasn't the only metal used as money. Gold was used by the elites in the ancient days and then average person used silver and copper. Look at whats going on with Bitcoin right now, big companies hoarding it now. People feel "priced out" even though you can buy fractional amounts of Bitcoin. It's a psychological thing, paying $500 for 0.01 btc feels like shit to a lot of people, especially normies. I kid you not, nobody likes to own decimals of something.

Honest businesses will sweat accepting pure privacy coins like monero because we know it has coin washing tech. But I think Monero will still be around as I said, a lot of these currency coins I think will be used along side each other.
Acceptance is the ultimate use case for a currency coin. Litecoin is on every exchange and most of the crypto ATMs alongside Bitcoin. Monero isn't even on coinbase, losing out on lots of exposure. It was even delisted from Bittrex, another American exchange. I personally think having the option of privacy also is better, because now you have a choice.

>> No.30443627
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>> No.30443866
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Pic is that chamath billionaire's investing app that he invested in.

>> No.30443929
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Buy a 4chinz pass and make hiroshit rich with crypto.

>> No.30443987
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>> No.30444124
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I only have 3 LTC.

>> No.30444147
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>> No.30444243

Monero can only stay in a wallet for 90 days before it self-destructs. Hence why it's private. You need to keep moving it from wallet to wallet to keep this from happening.

>> No.30444256

Basically it’s problem is that it’s not buttcorn.

>> No.30444296
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>> No.30444337

Anyone know how I can acquire LTC without kyc crap? I only need about $20 worth, not much.

>> No.30444445
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I believe

>> No.30444457

cheaper transactions

>> No.30444493

How do I invest in mini dollars?

>> No.30444591
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And I think Vaultoro is going to accept Litecoin? From those emoji signals that Charlie was giving out on twitter.

>> No.30444651

It sucks. I bought some in Uphold to send to Nexo. It took about 40 mins to see it in my Nexo wallet

>> No.30444653

nothing is wrong with sweet precious litecoin

>> No.30444662

Me. I bought and my stack is on it so is permanently bogged until I sell

>> No.30444723
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>> No.30444727

What do you think of silver?
Nothing right?

People still find it valuable.
Same with litecoin. Its the silver of crypto.

>> No.30444907
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Basically, it's better as a means of exchange over Bitcoin, but Bitcoin is the better store of value.

>> No.30445001

Why send BTC from one exchange to another when you can send LTC for almost free?

>> No.30445360

Still buying my average down from when I bought at 334 in 2018.
Bought in a literal free fall haha
So for that. Fuck litecoin

>> No.30445495

How does 300 sound?

>> No.30445677
File: 47 KB, 699x732, 8beaf3dd40d9d887a89d1255c28735a5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought at 194

>> No.30445683


Do you mean cents?

>> No.30445740

so glad I sold this shit. It underperformed bitcoin for christ sakes. how is that even possible? Finally dropped my bags at a loss (in sats) and im already way up in sats.

Fuck this shitcoin. Fuck it to death. The only reason it mooned last time is because it was pretty much the only shitcoin on coinbase last cycle. Other coins in the same boat were things like zcash, which also mooned. Now everything is on coinbase and it lost its edge.

>> No.30445988

Buy the rumor, sell the news. You already have the news for all of this so you are waaaay too late.