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3345203 No.3345203 [Reply] [Original]

> How did it hit you
> How much did you lose
> How do you feel
> What to do now?

Me, I had an ETH long in preparation open for Metropolis, I would have never thought it would drop 0.07 ever again. But it did and now I am fucked. I am down $6000. I am a NEET so this is a substantial amount of money for me.
I don't feel terribly bad, I mean it bothers me, part of me giggles over this complete failure.
It's not that I feel bad about the lost $6000, but rather the opportunity to profit from the bitcoin boom.
I don't even margin trade regularly, but I thought this long in preparation of breaking the $400 wall and Metropolis hype was "safe".
Guess what guys, there is absolutely nothing safe in crypto let alone margin trade. I hope you take my experience as a warning.

> Share your experiences, failures, and condescending comments filled with Schadenfreude from smug pepe posters.

>> No.3345279

A market based on speculation isn't the place to be trading on margin imo.

>> No.3345299


>> No.3345314

You shouldn't margin crypto. It's generally a sorry game.

>> No.3345325


You can win incredibly big with margin and lose big.

People always say "Don't risk what you can't afford to lose" "Only put in 1-2% of your net worth" but it doesn't do shit if you don't have much money.

For people like me, there are others who win. Unless your crypto portfolio is already well above 50K now, you're not gonna make it.

>> No.3345349

Not with that little of patience. You had a way better chance of making it with the money you had before than the 0 you have now.

>> No.3345374

lost $700 today trying to long OMG at $8. Never margin trading again, fuck this shit.

>> No.3345392

Liquidation doesn't take away all your funds. So I don't have 0

Let me get this straight, I'm not here to get pity for my failure, I'm really not I am well aware of the risks that margin trade may pose.

Maybe some people can learn from my experience and I also wanted to share the fuck-up with others (I can't be the only one)

>> No.3345403
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> Share your experiences, failures, and condescending comments filled with Schadenfreude from smug pepe posters.

well said

>> No.3345602

Sounds like stupid trading decisions to me. You should have never gone all-in. Assuming you did, If you bought 60 ETH at low last month you could have capped at 10k as soon as the china leak dropped late thursday and be completely safe. If you bought more at dip you would be up an additional 2k as of this writing.

>Maybe some people can learn from my experience and I also wanted to share the fuck-up with others (I can't be the only one)

You cant learn much from retardation

>> No.3345636

>magin trading crypto

>> No.3345678

>Margin trading crypto

>> No.3345684

Got a margin call when I woke up this morning with 29% of my margin left. Sold all of my bitbeans (NOT MY 63 SAT BEANS!!!) so I could make a quick deposit to Polo of BTC. I was ready to alleviate my position by selling my XMR long low if I needed to, but around that time the prices started to go back up and as of now I'm close to the profit zone.
Scary shit though. I was almost about to fuck it and take a huge loss just to avoid losing it all.

>> No.3345713

Had a big bitcoin long open (8BTC) last time china banned btc last year. Was up 4BTC when the news came out. I had 25x leverage. I was trading on bitmex so lost everything when the news came out. I just laugh about how much that would be worth now. I don't margin trade anymore. It's safer to put money into shitcoins you think will go up to be honest

>> No.3345742

I margin trade and always make sure I keep enough collateral to lose 50% in one day. My positions are smaller (and therefore my profit is less than it could be) but I don't get liquidated because my liquidation prices are absurdly low ($2 OMG and $128 ETH). So as a result I trade comfy and buy more in dips like this. Also this dip was obviously coming. Always sell when the market has experienced a rapid uninterrupted rise and it feels like 'nothing can go wrong'.

>> No.3345743


29% is scary but it's not "THAT" bad.

Hovering around 21-24% is where you get a pale face.

Happy for you that it worked out so far. I hope it doesn't decrease again, and this is over. Good luck.

>> No.3345837


I read lots of posts about margin trading being a bad idea, but I could not appreciate the advice until I lost money margin trading over and over.

I think it is basically required that traders lose money at first to git gud. inb4 "I've never lost money in a trade"

>> No.3345847

Most people here don't do margin bullshit here.

>> No.3345861
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>trading margin with grocery money
>not using stop-loss orders
>not simply watching volume to buy dips and sell runs


>> No.3345924

I was able to selectively close part of my position (at a large loss) to avoid liquidation. Basically I took a hit of a few hundred to avoid losing a few thousand. Fortunately things turned around shortly thereafter.

Yeah margin trading crypto is not smart. Howver, if you're only playing with a few hundred or whatever then you need a little boost to make anything. But then you get used to that little boost, and you start always thinking in terms of 5x what you have, or whatever. I'd like to quit the habit.