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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4191218 No.4191218 [Reply] [Original]

Link is the comfiest hold in the world. You can just hold it for a year and know youll get like 50,000% gains. Is that worth fretting. Just hold and get some iced tea youve made it.

>> No.4191324

I'd say 500% gains by Q4 2018 is realistic, if you hold. 2019-2020 is when shit should get real, if they deliver.

>> No.4191337

Nope, $100 by February

Cap: only green

>> No.4191351

I only wish I spent the cash now instead of at .35. Would have double the stack

>> No.4191363

I bought into the meme, but just tell me, why would the coin go up in value? what is its use?

>> No.4191375


something about decentralized toilets anon

>> No.4191406

If the Swift partnership is made officialit would happen overnight, you never know when. are you willing to risk it. could happen tomorrow

>> No.4191409

>why would the coin go up in value?
Because its gonna be in high demand. You know how much money is spend on API calls everyday?

>> No.4191419

40000% gains by Q5 2018

>> No.4191422


>> No.4191429

1. Eth and smartcontracts. We all know smartcontracts are revolutoinary, but their use cases are limited. Smartcontracts are awesome, but they are confined within the blockchain and data on the blockchain. In otherwords, right now smartcontracts are "you send 1 eth and I'll send back 1000 McTokens", and this contract is verifiable/trustless/amazing but its stuck within the universe of Ethereum and the data Ethereum understands

2. It is possible to use external data to inform these contracts, but right now that process is centralized. This is a problem. Lets say the external data is a transaction of Dollars for ETH. So you send 300$ to bank account X, and then I send one Eth to your address. Right now you either do that through a third party (CoinBase), OTC (LocalBitcoins) or whatever else centrlized system you want to use.

Knocking out that centralization, where you have to trust someone, is THE key to SmartContracts having a real world use case. But how do you get that information -- the fact that the $300 has been sent -- onto the blockchain using data that the smartcontract understands?

3. Oracles. Right now the answer is "hey we can hire Oracle X to do the translation to represent this bank dollar transaction on the blockchain." The "oracle problem" with this is that you are 100% TRUSTING that oracle to act prudently. That they don't tamper with the data. So we can kill coinbase but now we have to trust the oracle instead of coinbase .This is a HUGE problem for Banks who want to get into blockchain but have to trust a centralized oracle to translate data. This Oracle can be hacked, falsified or defrauded.


>> No.4191443

4. ChainLink - this service DECENTRALIZES that translation process of the Oracle. Now, the translation is trustless, and you have a trustless data feed that informs the trustless smart contract.

Multibillion dollar institutions can rely on distributed blockchain technology and know the data that informs their smart contracts is tamperproof.

So Thats what ChainLink does. ChainLink is the first decentralized Oracle that allows anyone to securely provide smart contracts with access to external data, off-chain payments, and really literally any other API you can dream up. Confirmation of delivery of an items (RFID, like Walton), confirmation of a wire being sent or received, interest rates from any central bank, sports scores, product/machine uptime, price of Eth/BTC in real time, weather patterns etc. Right now smart contracts are simple if/then functions where you go and manually do the if so the then comes back. Now with Oracles smartcontracts can automatically confirm or deny if then statements without any human interaction. Transactional automation for agreed upon terms on steroids.

Anyone can now engrain off-chain data directly onto the blockchain in an actually decentralized way and use that data to directly inform trustless smart contracts, and since the Oracle is decentralized you know the data feed is secure and you’re not concerned with tampering on the Oracle’s part. This is like a skeleton key to actualize the data on the blockchain and apply that data to real world use cases.


>> No.4191473


It's all so grand and yet the best idea in crypto ever is in the hands of a pot-bellied, pot smoking bathroom attendant.

>> No.4191485
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>> No.4191489


none of this shit makes any sense
but its decentralized so Ill go all in

>> No.4191520

You forgot off-chain computation. That's actually the biggest one IMO and he mentioned it in the devcon3 presentation. Executing big programs without needing a shitload of gas, but still decentralized and trustless, that's gonna be a big leap forward for the whole eth network.

>> No.4191539

Extremely comfy

>> No.4191564

They have tons of those in India, they are called Designated Shitting Streets.

>> No.4191622

I only hold 190 of these but I can't believe I made it.

Gonna quit my job tomorrow and go on a cruise because Q3 2018 price will be $10000

God bless america

>> No.4191705

Chainlink will NEVER have any "partners," only users. People get too hung up on the whole SWIFT thing. Big banks will probably be the last ones to hop on board with this. Will it be nice once SWIFT starts paying for trillions in transactional data with LINK? Sure, but at this point in time it is only a bonus that SWIFT has their eyes on ChainLink. We are talking about en entire network of node operators spanning the globe providing data to countless companies all being paid in LINK tokens. Also, people seem to be upset about lack of news and exchanges. At this point, the node network isnt even running right now so there is no fucking point in listing or hyping a coin that has no use yet. It's just not on the top of their to-do list. Chainlink is the bridge between smart contracts and real world data. Smart contracts WILL go mainstream, and this future is coming quicker than you think. Get a fucking clue people.

>> No.4191723

/biz/ (and crypto communities in general) in a nutshell

>muh desenchrulizashun
>ah dont even know what that means but its good!

>> No.4191771
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Sergeant reporting on duty
Will hold even if it goes to 0, no fucks given

>> No.4192311
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>> No.4192393

The tech is cool and the idea too, I'm just unsure of the node operating.

Are we looking at possible future where companies being built based on competitively sourcing in demand data for the nodes to provide? ANyone got any specualtion on possible in demand data?
Sorry if I can't articulate myself better, I understand what I said is a bit vague.

>> No.4192428

more like $100 cap by February

>> No.4192455

You must be new believe it or not some alts actually make gains amd don't have the volume of a boomer

>> No.4192467

Don't forget the Town Crier relay was revealed yesterday, filling the missing puzzle piece - it is used for off-chain computation while maintaining the integrity of the oracle-driven SC execution. They also seem to be using Intel SGX for that. Basically, they are light years ahead of their competition in what they are trying to do and we received confirmation in Slack that the network itself will be up and running by Q1 2018. At that point, anything becomes possible, including a $10B mcap.

>> No.4192508

Users need to spend Link (possibly without realizing it) for oraclized API calls for instance, and nodes need to stake it to compete with other nodes in the free marketplace that is the decentralized node network.

>> No.4192710

The thing is I see ChainLink as an unnecessary layer, for example: When you to exchange 1 ETH for 300$ from a bank, all you have to do is send that 1 ETH, the bank will noted your transaction (on MEW), allow you withdraw 300$, then it's done. Why CL is needed here?
The same go for betting results, getting an API to get results from trusted websites are doable and free, even if CL is implemented would you trust an anonymous source with millions of CL or a trusted source (like ESPN) with no CL?

>> No.4192713

I want in guys, but what's the easiest way to get some Link if I'm mainly on Kraken?

>> No.4192725

https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/7aqbbg/hcl_technologies_company_worth_72_billion/ get in

>> No.4192743
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Create a Binance account

My captcha confirms that LINK will hit $10, it will create the bridge between the banks and toilets

>> No.4192762


this anon gets it
Ive been trying to explain this to the linktards a million times now
the idea behind LINK is completely nonsensical... it doesnt accomplish anything
thats why the linktards are so reluctant to give you a real-world example of how LINK would be used...
because all the shit they come up with, we can do it already without LINK
but these bagholders dont like to hear that. they usually just sperg out and call you a brainlet when you bring that up.

some fag literally brought up horseracing as an example for a link use case. the sensors send data to link and link pays out the winnings automatically.

seriously though you fags. name one concrete example of how LINK could be used that we cant do already.

>> No.4192832

Say no more

>> No.4192855

you are a mongoloid. Is your IQ above 80? I think not. You're probably some kind of sandnigger.

>> No.4192878

you both stay poor

currently all oracles are CENTRALIZED that is why you haven't seen mainstream adoption with smart contract yet because institutions and corporations are afraid of security. any centralized oracles can easily be hacked.

centralized oracles pull multiple api from sources for ONE oracle

decentralized oracles pull multiple api from multiple sources

>> No.4192883
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holy fuck

>> No.4192890

Yeah he's fudding when LINK is ATL so he's got obvious reasons. However can you provide him with a real world example?

>> No.4192900

Identifying thouse source sbefore this all kicks off will be key

>> No.4192991

Centralized = easily attacked / hacked
DECENTRALIZED = not easily attacked / hacked


>> No.4193012

If you mean multiple trusted website and calculate if a result appear on more than X% (60% or more) of them then CL is not special
CL would have been better without the tokens, but the problem it solve is still very small

>> No.4193027

yes we can but the fact that now we need like2-3 persons to confirm the winners, pass the informations to the payout desk, and than have a person at the ayout desk to give the winners their money makes it much more expensive than it could be with smart contracts + oracle combo.

>> No.4193065

Chainlink is just an oracle solution that's decentralized.
Without oracles, no external data ever reaches the blockchain.
And without decentralization, the oracles aren't trustless.

To say it's an unnecessary layer makes zero sense.
Do at least 5 minutes of research.

>> No.4193077

Nolinks = 12 year olds that hate girls.
Link holders = future millionaires class of 2018

>> No.4193084

Chainlink is comfy, price is going sideways

Hodling 10,000 and setting up a Chainlink node soon.

>> No.4193104

mmm, prob Q4 of 2019/2020, and only if you're 150k LINK +

>> No.4193125

You're a self-admitted brainlet tho, sooo

>> No.4193127

Sergey is fat as fuck
fat fucks are lazy and unmotivated
in 2yrs Sergey will die of diabetes
Link dies with him

>> No.4193169

Dividend payouts for companies. Makes the whole process smooth and efficient.

Now go find out how many companies spend money/time/energy on these kind of things / ask your acccountant if you have 1 sandnigger.

>> No.4193171

For chad CEO's go to monetha (MTH). I'll stick with my overweight and overworked IQ 160 Slav nigger.

>> No.4193180

So precise, much wow

GTFO with that ridiculous prediction

>> No.4193185

Ah well, least I'm an absolute chad in real life

>> No.4193199

>sell at 2490
>set buy order at 2350
>looks like its going to be filled within the hour, could probably even lower it to 2250 if I wanted to be greedy and wait a couple more hours
>easy 8% gain
>use the extra money to buy REQ since I went all in on Link at 8.5k

Sure this dip has literally destroyed my portfolio, but this coin is literally the easiest thing to day trade in my entire life. A bot literally pumps the price up past the market value and dumps on everyone twenty minutes later. If it only just rebounds to what I bought in at I'm going to be rich.

I don't understand how the bot is profiting since he is the one buying the coins high but it is sure easy to trade with. It's the only reason I'm not in complete despair, managed to pick up about 1 BTC worth of REQ doing this.

>> No.4193215

After dividend payments: think of the execution of derivative contracts. They could be automatted and payed a lot faster and more efficiently. Perfect type of contract that uses objective verifiable data.

>> No.4193412

Brigadier general here. Link all thecway

>> No.4193428
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>> No.4193442

That's just how life is (and further evidence that God's a bit of a comedian).

>> No.4193501

You know that a lot of people try to set a net of zombie websites with similar content to trick the google ranking system to do that, right? And Google reacted developing multiple algorithms to avoid and penalty users who try to manipulate their system.

The Chainlink compensation system for nodes it's pretty fair with Nodes with low volume of Link but with a correct behaviour and no red flags.

>> No.4193528
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>> No.4193672


See this is exactly what Im talking about.
I challenged the linktards to name a real world usecase for their shitcoin,.
Out of 6 replies, 5 sperged out in the usual fashion

>muh decenetralization
>hurr you iz dumb

ONE could actually deliver a reply

>Dividend payouts for companies.

So again, this makes no fucking sense whatsoever.
WHY THE FUCK would a company need decentralized oracles for dividend payouts?
Wheres the trust issue here?

Are you saying the company cant trust itself when they need to get the divident rates?
Or that the investors cant trust the company to pay out the correct dividends?
I mean.. hello? Thats why we have financial regulation.
Companies would get fucking raped if they cheated their investors on dividends.

I still challenge the linktards to name one fucking use case that we cant do without link.
And yet they keep coming up empty
and that has a simple reason....


the most ironic thing about link is that all the bagholders constantly go on about muh iq and how you have to be really smart to understand it.
The truth is though that you guys are dumb as fuck and got bamboozled by a bunch of buzzwords.

>> No.4193747


you could have a simple machine do all that work though

I swear to god, some of you retards shouldnt legally be allowed to gamble your own money. its too use for scammers to take advantage of you.

>> No.4193753

Have you tried watching one of Sergey's presentations?
You sound pretty mad and just focus on one of the use cases because there are MANY.
You can use chainlink for whatever you want that can execute a smart contract based on off-chain inputs.

>> No.4193768

>You sound pretty mad and just focus on one of the use cases because there are MANY.

yes I am mad because ignorance and dumb shit triggers me
if there are so many use cases why cant one of you fucks even name ONE that makes any sense?

>> No.4193777

not sure if this is copypasta but thanks for putting this info out there rather than dumb memes

>> No.4193786

Think on basic maintainment cost of a centralized database. An average bank spends millions in proper and secure storage of data in centralized databases. The blockchain helps banks to save a huge amount of million dollars pro year. Off-chain computation is the literal future of financial industry. I'm not gonna shill and say this will happen tomorrow. This will take time, like 2-5 years minimum. But it might worth depending of the development.

>> No.4193797

It is indeed a copy pasta, but I copied it because I loved how that anon made it simple to understand.

Also checked

>> No.4193846

Read this post >>4191443
The number of potential use-cases is endless, automated execution of smart contracts that are executed based on the real world data.
And not just that, it's safe and accurate because it doesn't just rely on a single data input into the contract because of its decentralized nature.
Plus there's the Intel SGX security enclave that allows for a really secure and tamper-proof computation of data on a hardware level(this is for those that say "oh sure, like banks will be using some decentralized network to sends their data through some chink and pajeet nodes around the world")

>> No.4193853


now that is an answer that actually (somewhat) makes sense. even though theres still no clear use case and its still too pie-in-the-sky and vague for my taste.

like for the example of dividend payouts a company would NOT need to rely on external computation power.

however lets say there is a clear use case (which you fags still havent presented). then its still a super long shot and means youre hitching your waggon to a fat slob who wears sweatpants for his presentations
it would take years and a huge team to pull it off plus a lot of convincing for the banks to actually trust it. IMO if you want a bankcoin just bet on ripple and be done with it. but whatever, its not my money...

>> No.4193862

>The number of potential use-cases is endless,

you keep fags keep repeating that
yet you still havent named ONE that makes any sense.
you havent named ONE burning problem that these banks are just dying to solve where link could come in and save the day.
why dont you just give me one sold one if theres so many of them?
really makes you think...

>> No.4193866

We know you're fudding dude, just stop. You win, all LINKholders are deluded and retarded, we're wasting our money, there's no use case, now go home.

>> No.4193881

>Confirmation of delivery of an items (RFID, like Walton), confirmation of a wire being sent or received, interest rates from any central bank, sports scores, product/machine uptime, price of Eth/BTC in real time, weather patterns etc.

there is no no burning need for any of those
for example you could literally just grab weather data from weather.com and be done with it.
who the fuck needs a trustess solution for fucking weather data?
I cant be the only one who thinks this is absolute nonsense...

>> No.4193888


Im not fudding.
I have no interest in buying this shitcoin.
All I want is to understand why you fags are so hyped up about it.

>> No.4193893

Smart contracts can't query weather.com.
They need oracles.

>> No.4193896

Awesome. LINK rocks

>> No.4193898

potential of massive companies using it down the line.

people sperging over the niche use cases are just spergs.

>> No.4193908


You want your data to be the most accurate data possible, even potentially based on average data set from various sources.

>> No.4193915


The oracle could simply grab the weatherdata from weather.com
And theres absolutely no need for it to be decentralized.
As a matter of fact, where do you think the decentralized oracles would be getting their data from?
Thats right! They would have the same fucking data like weather.com.
Has any of you dipshits thought this through whatsoever?

>> No.4193925

>potential of massive companies using it down the line.

using it for what though?
we just keep going in circles here
noone can give a clear use case what this thing is supposed to do

>b-b-but its MASSIVE anone

>> No.4193931

>he fell for the hodl meme

>> No.4193937


>You want your data to be the most accurate data possible, even potentially based on average data set from various sources.

So why do you need a decentralized oracle to do that?
You could have a CENTRALIZED oracle that just grabs weather data from 10 different feeds.

Cant you faggots see that this shit makes zero sense whatsoever.

>> No.4193938

>. IMO if you want a bankcoin just bet on ripple and be done with it
Except Ripple is just a "bankcoin" and has no other similarities to Chainlink except that they share this single use-case.

I literally pointed you to the post with multiple use cases and you're still acting like a little baby. Fuck off seriously.
>you havent named ONE burning problem that these banks are just dying to solve
>muh banks
That is just one thing that LINK can do, and banks have come to the conclusion that blockchain can save them a ton of money and that they need to act fast.
Ripple already has a ton of partnerships with banks, SWIFT got scared that Ripple might be making a move on them and they've found that LINK could help them take this next step with a combination of their own blockchain + Chainlink.

>there is no no burning need for any of those
There is no burning need for anything blockchain related yet here we are putting all of our life savings into virtual money that might or might not be the future.

Every blockchain related use case in niche at this point and is far from implementation.
Huh, one might think the entire blockchain community is speculating on these coins and tokens?

You're an idiot and you keep repeating the same things after we have provided answers for your autistic ass.
You said you don't care, well then fuck off...

>> No.4193946

>all LINKholders are deluded and retarded
Your answer was in my post. Don't waste your time.

>> No.4193953

>I literally pointed you to the post with multiple use cases and you're still acting like a little baby.

I adressed that.
Theyre all nonsensical.
Youre an idiot and have no clue what youre investing in.
Enjoy your bags.

>> No.4193972

Why are you so concerned with our bags seriously?
Why do you care if we lose money?

Really nigger?

>> No.4193978

>There is no burning need for anything blockchain related yet here we are putting all of our life savings into virtual money that might or might not be the future.

Actually there is a burning need for people to get out of fiat and the corrupt banking system...

Ok I give up.
You guys are obviously too high IQ for me to follow and will be all billionaires in a year.

>> No.4193980

All hail this anon he's a fucking genius, we should collectively give him $32 million for solving the chainlink problem

>> No.4193997


>> No.4194008

Holy shit can i suck your dick? Youre so intelligent

>> No.4194013

>there is a burning need for people to get out of fiat and the corrupt banking system
Yes because banks really want to make people more free
It's obvious that they want blockchain technology to make even more money.

>An Accenture-McLagan research estimates that blockchain based database systems can reduce 70 percent of central finance reporting cost, lower 30–50 percent of compliance cost and can further provide 50 percent potential cost savings on business operations.
>Such compelling numbers will provide sufficient justifications as global banks prioritize their blockchain agenda for 2017–18.


Here is your burning desire that banks are dying to solve.

>> No.4194031

wrong, its nonsensical and theres no burning desire and youre retarded and decentralization is pointless and and and

>> No.4194067

Save your energy anon, OmNyGQnF is working on a solution that will be better than SmartContract's. He's so fucking smart it'll be implemented tomorrow. Fuckkk he's so intelligent. So much smarter than everyone. IQ of at least 1000. LINKholders are retarded and wasting their money. OmNyGQnF is so fucking smart he knew I was going to type this. I want to suck his dick so bad and I'm also a gay faggot because I bought link.

>> No.4194104

Can I get Link on Robinhood?

>> No.4194253

Nigga still cant grasp the concept of developers solving problems before they become the norm. You've already seen Sony get hacked. You've seen exchanges hacked. Tons of scenarios where centralized data storage fails. Still asks why decentralization is a buzzword worthy of discussion.

Data = money. Unsecured data = trouble

>> No.4194403
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>WHY THE FUCK would a company need decentralized oracles
The whole point of using blockchains is their trustlessness, which is itself a direct product of decentralization.
If you run external data through centralized oracles in order to tie them to the blockchain, it defeats the purpose of the blockchain.

This is especially applicable to cases like pic related, with multiple parties and multiple similar sources.
However, Chainlink is also ideal for very simple oracle computations, with a single source for instance, because the system is so robust (off-chain security with SGX, node reputation, etc.).

>> No.4194430

>its still too pie-in-the-sky and vague for my taste
Good. So go away.

>> No.4194439

Guys don't bother explaining to this guy, he's too smart to understand these concepts

>> No.4194469

LINK use case:

insurance company insures a company office building. building is broken into and computers stolen.

through link network, security sensors in the office building triggered at time of break in.

info from sensors relayed through link network to insurance company. smart contracts initiated with data provided from sensors and further supports insurance claim.

this helps cover both parties involved.

>> No.4194502

lol, stop the fud high iq people.

so you basically say people at Cornell are stupid: fuckers read this, these people have fucking phds and all and they know their shit.


>> No.4194515
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>> No.4194607

Movies music media in general distributed to vendors using smart contracts. Meaning the files cant be tampered with till release date and time.

>> No.4194626

is that really him wtf did he gain 40 pounds since sibo

>> No.4194638

no more Netflix leaks?