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4765081 No.4765081 [Reply] [Original]

Link/ARKposting should be bannable.

>> No.4765120
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I bought 500 links anyway since I like the memes

>> No.4765135

Ark is fine fuck linkies

>> No.4765140
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>> No.4765156

back to >>>/o/ twingo fag

>> No.4765192

I have bigass stacks of bith, sue me.

>> No.4765196

Ark is literally a competitor to ETH without smartcontracts. What's the point?

>> No.4765203

>what is ArkVM

>> No.4765244

So its selling point is that it's updating to have the same qualities as its competitor? Why not just use ETH as it has more reliable devs, backing and community?

>> No.4765261

ERC20 tokens have to use the Ethereum block chain. ArkVM creates seperate block chains connected through the smart bridge.

>> No.4765295

muh dpos

>> No.4765331

What is the benefit of this?
Forking ARK is how the blockchain is created iirc- and only ARK forks can work with each other. Why would I use this when I can just use ETH with dapps?

>> No.4765356

Well the benefit is less clogging. For example, Ethereum had some slow down today because of the neopet thing. I know that Ethereum is switching to proof of stake next year, so that should resolve these issues. But it's much more efficient for each token/coin to have its own blockchain rather than share one.

>> No.4765380

didnt kikecoin bancor fuck with ethereum somehow too? I remember a deluded arkie bringing that up

>> No.4765390

So there's a competitive advantage that will remedied next year.

Does ARK have anything else going for it?

Also would each forked blockchain require its own network of nodes?

>> No.4765406
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go fuck yourself pajeet

>> No.4765430

>Does ARK have anything else going for it?
one of the few cryptos with a team free of feminists, shady 3rd worlders, jews etc. Pretty solid team of fucking white males, fast coin with a great wallet and good staking system. Only con I can think of right now is the fixed tx fee at 0.1 which is to be lowered hopefully soon.

>> No.4765438

>So there's a competitive advantage that will remedied next year.
Maybe. Proof of stake for Ethereum is definately better than the current proof of work system - but I am not sure on a technical level whether it is more efficient to run proof of stake all on the same block chain for every token, or creating a separate blockchain for each new coin.

>Does ARK have anything else going for it?
Well besides what is mentioned, they also intend to connect existing cryptocurrencies blockchains that currently do not communicate with each other. So trading between Bitcoin and Ethereum, and vise versa (and other coins) would act with a lot more liquidity, rather than having to exchange one for the other on an exchange or something like Shapeshift.

>> No.4765491

I meant does it have anything going for it tech-wise. Is there any reason it will be adopted?

So ARK will try to function as an exchange that uses ARK as a usage fee?

I cannot think of an industry level use case for this project that doesn't require a "everyone has to use it for it to work" condition. There's already first movers and I don't imagine many big players taking a leap of faith that everyone else will adopt.

Also, will each individual blockchain forked from ARK require its own network? I also cannot imagine realistically that every fork on ARK could build its own reliable network of miners/holders/whatever.
ETH has the advantage in this case as large or small, your token is powered by the same large-scale network available behind ETH.

>> No.4765530

>I meant does it have anything going for it tech-wise. Is there any reason it will be adopted?

>fast coin with a great wallet and good staking system

>> No.4765561

What about Plasma and Raiden?

>> No.4765652


Maybe this page might help

>> No.4765676

Ark can work alongside ETH

>> No.4765732

that doesn't give it any competitive advantage

Thanks for the link. I'm still sceptical though as it requires every blockchain to cooperate by implementing the snippet of code. Which blockchains have done this already?

>> No.4765768

Deluded ETH shill

>> No.4765785

>Why is it useful?
>Haha nice FUD buddy

>> No.4765805

>Which blockchains have done this already?
I think some news came out recently about them finishing the Bitcoin listener.


>> No.4765825

As a linkholder it is very annoying to see 8 threads a day on it.

IF there was news then it would be fine. But when there is nothing going on it is just useless FUD and shilling.

>> No.4765841

this but unironically

>> No.4765866

>Which blockchains have done this already?
ETH and Bitcoin

>> No.4765891

>that doesn't give it any competitive advantage


>> No.4765904

>that doesn't give it any competitive advantage

What? Yes it does?

>> No.4766073

ETH's advantage is that it has smart contracts. Smart contracts are an industry disruptive technology

ARK's advantage is a nice wallet with nice staking. This isn't really a competitive advantage because there's no market pressure for me to own any ARK.

ETH in this case can save users of smart contracts money.
ARK in this case acts as an exchange. Nobody will hold onto ARK long term as the price of ARK isn't pegged to any other crypto. If I hold 5 ARK, sure I can use it to contact smart contracts on ETH or do whatever the fuck on BTC, but if ARK's value goes down or BTC/ETH goes up, I can suddenly do less on those other blockchains with my ARK.

ARK's use, from what i've read so far, relies on it being successful vs the blockchains its connecting. This is a flawed system. If i'm wrong, please correct me.

>> No.4766127

who are you and why do you use a tripcode tripfag
ark isnt even close to be finished its not even a year old
define a set amount of cash and invest for speculation or dont
ETH is just a ICO cashgrab platform right now lmao

>> No.4766151

>ARK's use, from what i've read so far, relies on it being successful vs the blockchains its connecting. This is a flawed system. If i'm wrong, please correct me.

It's more than any crypto that complies with the ARK smartbridge system will inherently become a more desirable currency. With ETH and BTC on board, all of a sudden any big new currencies that come out will have to also get on the ARK train or risk being left out of the smart bridge system. It isn't competing with other block chains, it's acting as a support where there is literally no reason to not make your blockchain compatible with it. It's kind of like the crypto equivalent of building the train network across USA back in the old days. Any city (crypto) without rail access won't become a hub of industry and trade.

>> No.4766207


>> No.4766244

Are you retarded? It's under development.

ETH was launched in 2014 as a shitty barebones blockchain by one autist and his friends, and didn't see any real traction for two years since it was under development during that time. Ark is less than 9 months old

>> No.4766300
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What the fuck did ARK do?

>> No.4766335

I use a tripcode to find newfags like you. Anybody that cares about tripcodes doesn't belong on /biz/
The only things that matter here are
If you're going to post something useless, then shut the fuck up and lurk or crawl back into the depths of reddit, /pol/, /b/, or wherever the fuck else you came from. Why, if your rhetoric has made you no money thus far, would you bring that useless shit here?
>Just invest or don't
That fucking attitude is the state of newfag "experts". I don't fuck around with my money which is why i'm comfortable with my investments thus far. Either add to the discussion on the thread about ARK and LINK or ask yourself why the fuck you expect 4chan to be your safe space

I understand that, but why would I hold any ARK if I can just hold another token? ARK's value being separate to the value of BTC and ETH is the flaw that i'm seeing as, if you're using ARK to transact on these other blockchains, you're relying on ARK to have a stable value or greater gain on value against these other blockchains.

I don't see what drives the value of the token up. The network is nice, but in your example, it's like a train line that adjusts the value of your personal bank account in each city based on the value of said train line. Rather than investing in the train line, would it not be more sensible to invest into the hubs of industry and trade you want to interact with instead of the train-based dynamically bank account?

Fuck me dead why do you people get so triggered so easily. I know it's fresh tech, which is why im asking questions about the tech. Suggesting I invest simply because it's new and exciting is the worst possible advice and response you could give. Why would you be on this thread if you're vehemently against discussing your own investment?

I swear to god you fucking newfags are so annoying.

>> No.4766429

>if you're using ARK to transact on these other blockchains, you're relying on ARK to have a stable value or greater gain on value against these other blockchains.

Not necessarily. If I send you $100 worth of BTC, and you want to recieve it as $100 worth of ETH, it will just run through $100 worth of ARK tokens as a middle man (AFAIK). It doesn't matter if that's 1 ARK or 100 ARK, you will still recieve the same amount. The value of ARK comes from the fact that it acts as a hub/intermediary for every other coin, and itself can be used as any other coin on the smart blockchain network. People think that is worth something, and that's what drives the value.

>> No.4766512

Do you or I have to own $100 of ARK to receive your $100 of BTC as $100 of ETH?

>> No.4766536
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Arkies, so touchy

>> No.4766579

Nah, I don't think so.

>> No.4766808

This link says the smartbridge function works by using your held ARK tokens. So to send $10 worth of ARK to my ETH wallet, i'd go into my ARK wallet and activate that exchange (which goes through shapeshift/another encoded listener). Now if I have 5 ARK that is worth $50 today, and if ETH is worth $100, then I can get 0.5 ETH in that transfer.

Now if tomorrow, my 5 ARK is worth $25, and ETH's price remains unchanged, I can, for the same amount of ARK that i've held (5), only transfer for 0.25 ETH.

This, when expanded into the dynamic pricing of all the different crypto's available and being developed is the issue i'm seeing. It's like releasing a stock on the stock exchange that has the ability to be traded directly with any other stock. Sure it's an interesting idea, but it's more reliable to just purchase and hold onto the stocks you plan on interacting with.

Now it's obviously not the same (no perfect comparison exists with Crypto), but even with the added dynamic of each crypto having a use case. It's nice to have a token that I can substitute as an "everything token". But if the price of everything is going to be volatile against my 'everything token', then it still remains more reliable to hold onto the tokens you'll actually be using.

A better comparison I can think of is ARK is trying to be the representative of value in the crypto world as FIAT is a representative in the real world. Now if every commodity you find at the supermarket fluctuated in price constantly against the value of your FIAT, then you wouldn't hold FIAT as a reliable way to exchange value. You'd instead hold other commodities that already have a store of value such as gold (BTC) or have a real world use such as salt (ETH)

>> No.4767191

Can an arkie respond

>> No.4767634


>> No.4767681

only important people can use a tripcode
youre not one of them so who are you
why are you still on this thread everything has been said ?
why do you ask /biz/ neets instead of joining slack and asking a dev ?
fucking pathetic

>> No.4767881

please refer to the beginning of >>4766335
>I use a tripcode to find newfags like you. Anybody that cares about tripcodes doesn't belong on /biz/

>> No.4767959

Also not everything has been said.
>What does ark do?
>It lets you trade between ANY crypto!
>But what if the value of ARK goes down? Why not just hold the other crypto you plan to use?
>Haha pathetic why don't you ask the devs

Honestly, what's the fucking point of a thread discussing ARK (and LINK) if you faggots are too triggered to talk about ARK (and LINK). Crypto isn't a sport where you bet your money on your favourite team. Newfags like you come to this board however and pretend act like criticising your favourite token is a personal insult.

A personal insult would be calling you a useless idiot, which you seem to be.