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49299597 No.49299597 [Reply] [Original]

How are you preparing for worldwide Brazil?

Africa is exploding in population and will have 5 billion people by 2100. They do not produce enough food to feed even half that, the strain on their underfunded schooling and medical systems will be gigantic and most GDP will be stolen by corrupt politicians or spent trying not to collapse from food riots and lack of basic necessities.

Over 1/3 of young Africans already want to leave and they will be slowly trickling into every non-African country which will take them and then those immigrants will be reproducing well above the birth rates of the natives because they have lower standards of child rearing than most firsties/secondies who don't have kids if they can't afford it.

My question is how do we get rich from this? How are you preparing?

>> No.49299703

Unironically invest in housing. Whites will want to stay away from the hordes and will pay out of their asses to live in decent neighborhoods

>> No.49299831

>Africa is exploding in population and will have 5 billion people by 2100. They do not produce enough food to feed even half that, the strain on their underfunded schooling and medical systems will be gigantic and most GDP will be stolen by corrupt politicians or spent trying not to collapse from food riots and lack of basic necessities.
Sounds like the problem will solve itself.

>> No.49299910

I mean if you look at both those maps africa has lesser fertility rate than in1970 too. It will eventually balance itself out and humanity will slowly die off.

>> No.49299920

No, it just means they'll be migrating everywhere and/or other countries will feed them.

Don't act like most onions first world countries won't go full refugees welcome. Even Japan is filling with Nigerians. They settled thousands of Somalis in my small town in Northern Yurop.

>> No.49300022

Covid and the economic crisis, is to bring back those fertility rates, just wait.

>> No.49300151

>My question is how do we get rich from this? How are you preparing?
Short civilizaton

>> No.49300152

>Even Japan is filling with Nigerians
>2800 Nigerians over 40 years
Yes, they are overflowing with Nigerians at this point. It's a crisis comparable to the European immigrant situation. So many Nigerians. Too many. Whole packs of them roaming the countryside and glowing in the night. Just like you do.

>> No.49300156

year World Fertility-rate
2022 2.51
2021 2.48
2020 2.47
2019 2.51
2018 2.51
2017 2.51
2016 2.51
2015 2.52
2010 2.58
2005 2.65
2000 2.78
1995 3.01
1990 3.44
1985 3.59
1980 3.86
1975 4.47
1970 4.93
1965 5.02

First time in 50 years

>> No.49300365


>> No.49300455 [DELETED] 

Is this the great filter I've heard so much about? Kek

>> No.49300513

Africa will develop substantially. Much of it has been kept undeveloped because of horrible decades long civil wars more than European colonization. It will have more or less the same relative development Latin America has now.

2200 is anybody's guess but it's possible that Asia becomes much more developed than Europe and the rest of the core Anglo world.

>> No.49300533

Lol just stop exporting food to countries that can't feed themselves.
Problem will solve itself real quick lmao

>> No.49300607
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There's some cruel irony that the end result of mass industrialization that started in northern Europe all those years ago will just be 6 billion plus Africans flooding the planet. Kek

>> No.49300632

>Africa will develop substantially. Much of it has been kept undeveloped because of horrible decades long civil wars more than European colonization. It will have more or less the same relative development Latin America has now.
kek ok

>> No.49300671

They won't sit in Africa and starve but will migrate, the current political solution to allow them to travel freely...

>> No.49300697

You raugh silly American but why do you think China has neo-colonial interests in the continent?

>> No.49300706

Richest Asian countries will have to import millions of immigrants though, you never know how that will take society

Japan will be down to 40 million people by 2100, mostly geriatrics if not.

>> No.49300771

lmao it will be china's slave factory and nothing more

>> No.49300867

China will also use Africa as a sort of living bioweapon.

>Do as Xi says or we send 200 million Africans over the Mediterranean.

This is what Russia/Belarus did to Poland a year back. They'd import lots of Afghans/Iraqis/Somalis and shove them at the Polish border, saying it will end if the West drops sanctions.

The future is using mass migration as a weapon or as a threat.

>> No.49300966

this but unironically
more population - more economic activity - more economic growth

there are like 40 countries in sub Saharan Africa and some of them will get their shit together
it is just immensely difficult to tell which ones
if I had to bet probably Kenya and Nigeria can do without civil wars and will develop decent institutions over time

>> No.49300995

>Africa is exploding in population and will have 5 billion people by 2100
Stopped reading there
There are not enough resources on the planet to sustain that amount of niggers. You know it, I know it.
If we run out of surplus to donate to them they will simply go extinct.

>> No.49301080

Nigeria has a 50/50 religious split of Christian/Muslim and borders on civil war.

>> No.49301113

China better start working on a virus that exclusively targets niggers

>> No.49301833

to strip africa of natural resources, nothing more.

>> No.49302152

They have low iq you niggers, china was oppressed and had wars and famines in the much nearer past and they are a superpower. Its not what you say its in their gene