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File: 125 KB, 744x644, EthDeth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49306970 No.49306970 [Reply] [Original]

> Turns out ETH staking will be less than 1%

You could put your cash in the bank for .5%, or risk 100% of your funds to slashing on Ethereum for rates very competitive with modern banking.

Optimism is a huge failure. All other L2s will suffer the same fate. The hype can not be anything but disappointment to what is at its core just another blockchain.

Ethereum merge will almost certainly be troublesome. When Ethereum goes offline for hours, just like Solana, where is everyone gonna go?

>> No.49307006

Go back to twitter and get ready for three eth chains. If you thought luna, wluna and lunc was a shitshow. all the wrapped assets on eth. pufff gone

>> No.49307065
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>-60% drop
>1% yield

mETH not even once

>> No.49307083
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3% aint lookin too bad now huh

>> No.49307114
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This guy has a Fisher Price understanding of finance, why is he talking about required rate of return? The entire point of mining or staking is that you will sell your ETH at a later date when the price 20x'd, like it has every 4 years from 2013. There is no RRR on an investment such as this since it is entirely speculative anyway.

>> No.49307129

Your doing gods work bere fren!
Make me way cheaper eth!

>> No.49307228

what a shitshow

>> No.49307231

Im going to laugh a lot when this happens

>> No.49307307
File: 1.72 MB, 696x522, xhns.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off back to twatter.
Eth WILL be deflationary at current rates since the block reward will be 1/10 And now check how much percent of the block reward now gets burned and you see it

>> No.49307308

>less than 1%
ETH keep getting worse

>> No.49307318

Its just lies but nu/biz/ falls for i t

>> No.49307320

I mean there is no rational economic reason for eth miners to abandon the code. Sure Vitalik and his vc niggers can start a new chain, for the second time, only this time billions in assets are in smart contracts currently secured and rent seeked by miners; those assets cant exist two times

>> No.49307490

Whales want staking to earn income off their massive stack or because they're literally vitalik and his friends, and do you think small players will stick around paying $600 gas frees when all the big money is elsewhere?

You act like anyone wants miners besides the miners, and when they're no longer needed people will just hang around and give them hundreds of dollars per transaction for reasons.

>> No.49307499
File: 5 KB, 215x234, trotzki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In fact this is SO retarded i want to punch this idiot.
He completely ignored block reward, which gives 4% apy alone, and then the 0.5% is to all marketcap but only 1/10 is staken so together almost 10%. And it would be deflationary

>> No.49307547

this, twitter poster is a retard if he thinks 100% of eth is staked

>> No.49307591

Prove it then

>> No.49307610

The miners need to agree to the merge first and nobody can stop miners to keep mining. Vitalik and his pedo friends can want a lot, but do they get it, in this case no. There is simply no incentive

>> No.49307628
File: 237 KB, 853x1000, (YOU).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He completely ignored block reward, which gives 4% apy alone, and then the 0.5% is to all marketcap but only 1/10 is staken so together almost 10%. And it would be deflationary

>> No.49307639
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>> No.49307655


>> No.49308085
File: 18 KB, 364x274, Columbine_Shooting_Security_Camera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ethereum descent into madness

>> No.49308199

bros... i think normalfags are unironically not going to make it
imagine being a 0xbitchboy and not even knowing 8%+ expected yield is tied to mev+emissions, not fees
has nothing to do with deflation either
holy shit. you spoonfeed the normals with all the info and they still manage to fuck it up

>> No.49309269

The 5% is nothing on me. I rather go for something that offers a higher APY. I stake XPRESS for 600% APY

>> No.49309331
File: 130 KB, 1024x1104, bsv2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When Ethereum goes offline for hours, just like Solana, where is everyone gonna go?
To the one and only blockchain that scales (50k tps currently), is Turing complete with full smart contracts and stays PoW - the only worthwhile securing algorithm.

Bitcoin (Ticker: BSV)

You retards still think Satoshi is messing around, aren't you?

>> No.49310732

based ethereum doing way worse than your average indiana bank, great

>> No.49310982

based and 3% pilled

>> No.49311139

Where do you retards think yield comes from? Its just dilution of supply, or fees which create friction. But having a near fixed supply coin is still equivalent to about a 10% yield on top of USD. So if you get 1% on top of that then that should just be a bonus.

>> No.49312767

Shhhhh! Its over, going to zero!

>> No.49312808

Shut the fuck up and buy the 1500$ dip before 10k nigger!

>> No.49312818
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mega millions here we go

>> No.49312844
File: 465 KB, 750x750, 1647368051084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw friend who owes me $5k has $10k staked in eth2 on coinbase

will he ever be able to cash out wtf

>> No.49312855
File: 753 KB, 1060x874, VEpartners.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49312871

I get 5% on my savings account without the crypto volatility.

>> No.49312906
File: 2.59 MB, 800x450, 1610417677272.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just like this coin.

>> No.49313007

>mfw friend who owes me $5k
what the fuck

i have love for my homies but i will not help financially

>> No.49313049

Burn the bridge for 5k. He ain't gonna you back.

>> No.49313064

chainlink really is gonna have to drag the bloated corpse of ethereum around huh. we're lucky to have people like CLLabs in this industry

>> No.49315714

Sup niggers! Always DYOR!

>> No.49315880

but with at least 20% inflation per year