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49334018 No.49334018 [Reply] [Original]

Name one thing that bitcoin does better than Monero.

>> No.49334028

network effect

>> No.49334032

Gets bought more

>> No.49334155


> Should Women Train Hard? (VR to The Golden One)

>> No.49334540

Basically this. Which is why it's so comfy to stack Monero at this value.

>> No.49334584
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How do I find and marry a girl like this but with short hair, im looking for tomboys

>> No.49334806


>> No.49334879

I'll give you 5.

>transparent ledger, so it appeals more to the crowd that wants regulation, accountability, trust, etc (so investors, banks, businesses).
>is accepted in 100x more places than monero (due to reason above)
>has a wider spread userbase than monero, so it's more decentralized
>is easier to understand and explain to people than monero, again due to the open ledger
>has (so far) been more profitable to buy/sell

>> No.49334904

Insightfull. Based Varg and Thx anon.

>> No.49334962

Lmao confirmed retard

>> No.49335670

>>transparent ledger, so it appeals more to the crowd that wants regulation, accountability, trust, etc (so investors, banks, businesses).
It lets people spy on you
>is accepted in 100x more places than monero (due to reason above)
Is accepted in more stores (but losing dominance fast)
>>has a wider spread userbase than monero, so it's more decentralized
Userbase implies users. It has almost zero users. It has holders
>is easier to understand and explain to people than monero, again due to the open ledger
Bro it's like money but everyone can see every transaction you have ever made!
>has (so far) been more profitable to buy/sell
I will give you this one.

>> No.49336298

1)harder to get 51% attacked, monero just recently had a problem
2)a newer better privacy coinb is always around the corner, btc has no competition

t. indian

>> No.49336547

>t. indian
I would never unravel how fucked up the tracks of your train of thought must be for you to come to think that this was necessary in any way.
Also, you're wrong.

t. Chad

>> No.49336556

doesn't attract gay incels

>> No.49336663

why is monerochan always so hot

stupid sexy monerochan...

>> No.49336722

I cant stand it I want to breed her and anyone who looks or acts like her

>> No.49337142

I'll spot her
spot her deep in that ass

>> No.49337197

its too late (((they))) turned them into lesbians

>> No.49337249

XMR tokenomics are broken.
BTC has Liquid and Lightning privacy.
Good luck holding your inflationary shitcoin.

>> No.49337370

its my nishaan, "chad"
also refute a point or stfu

t. desi munda

>> No.49337393

Verifying exact supply count, not just range proofs.

>> No.49337550

Lightning is broken dogshit and requires you to run a node at all times or risk getting funds stolen.

>> No.49338011

>also refute a point or stfu
Nah, you'll realize it eventually by your own means.

>> No.49338018

Is now a good time to buy xmr or do I wait for correction? I own 0

>> No.49338048

This is peak monerochan

>> No.49338075

You should probably wait until it spikes to $500 and then FOMO in with the rest of us

>> No.49338117

>Name one thing that bitcoin does better than Monero
It makes tracking down pedophiles like you much easier.

>> No.49338140
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You don't. Instead, you will eat ze bugs and live in ze pods. Plus tip.

>> No.49338166

Name recognition.
Avoid the problems associated with privacy (namely PR not technical issues).

>> No.49338169
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If you own zero, a bear market is when you should be buying. None of us can tell you what the exact bottom will be.

>> No.49338522

>have value

>> No.49339123

public ledger protecting from fractional reserve lending

>> No.49339535

Exchanges have the option of making their view keys public. They don't because they are running fractional reserve lending on all their assets but it is possible.

>> No.49339580

>more profitable to mine
>more profitable to hold
>more well known
>taken more seriously as a long term hold
Bitcoin is better than Monero because it is better. It's a chicken and egg scenario without fundamental reasons

>> No.49339613

Store value.

>> No.49339615


>> No.49339889

>you will never sniff monerochans sweaty butt after squats
bros, why even live?

>> No.49339914

Just be first theory

>> No.49339935


>> No.49340013

>Is accepted in more stores (but losing dominance fast)
Nigga name one mainstream normie store that takes crypto that isn't bitcoin.
Because I genuinely don't know of any.
A self contained ecosystem of crypto nerds paying other crypto nerds on obscure literal who websites isn't proof of monero's """widespread""" acceptance.

>> No.49340627


>> No.49340872

most stores use some middle man payment processor to deal with crypto because it's less of a pain in the ass. the problem with normalfag adoption is that i am not aware of any such payment processors supporting monero. almost want to write one myself.
also, people use litecoin for actually buying stuff instead of bitcoin.

>> No.49341409

what a retarded rebuttal.
Imagine typing "it lets people spy on you" in response to this "transparent ledger, so it appeals more to the crowd that wants regulation, accountability, trust, etc (so investors, banks, businesses)."

Like what a fucking stupid response. OP is stating that the open ledger (aka the ability for people to spy) is what appeals to the mainstream. And you respond with "it lets people spy on you"
fucking LOL. Absolutely kys.

>> No.49341446

Post bank statement.

>> No.49341741

>bro you *need* a network where every transaction you have ever made is publicly visible forever. How else will the Wall St. Jews trade your coin on leverage? Are you an anti-semite?

>> No.49341770

Doesn't glow.

>> No.49341816
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>muh privacy
Let's be honest here and just admit Monero is about evading taxes and buying drugs

If the Gman wants to get you, you're shitcoin isn't going to be what foils him

>> No.49341959

BTC doesn’t have infinite supply, also XMR tech has been obsoleted by zcash.

>> No.49342036

I used to like monero till I heard Jens Groth (creator of zk-SNARKS, the tech used in monero and zcash) is building a privacy protocol on top of the Internet Computer called spinner, thinking of selling my bag for ICP or BTC since this protocol will give btc privacy

>> No.49342054

ICP have stopped pretending to work on integrating BTC.

>> No.49342088

But why are you lying sir?

>> No.49342112

It has more liquidity than your poorfag cope coin

>> No.49342474
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>BTC doesn’t have infinite supply

Infinite over an infinite timescale, genius. Fixed and predictable emission forever.

>also XMR tech has been obsoleted by zcash.

You mean the tech that is still so new and unproven that they have to warn users about the risks of using it?

>> No.49343876

ztranny gtfo