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File: 81 KB, 1200x827, Ethereum-1200x827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49392837 No.49392837 [Reply] [Original]

Once enough people realize that post-merge Ethereum will likely be deflationary, as well as having a sustainable, intrinsic interest rate on stored value (via staking) and Bitcoin does not, I think the narrative of Bitcoin being the best store of value might completely collapse in favor of Ethereum.

>> No.49392846


>> No.49392950

Do you have any counter-arguments?

>> No.49393014
File: 145 KB, 600x600, 🔺.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Avalanche has a better Staking Mechanism and it already works.
60+% of AVAX is staked or delegated to nodes and the rest goes into DeFi.
Fees are also burned and dont go to miners, AVAX is hardcapped like Bitcoin.

also post merge you will have a finality time of 12 minutes on Ethereum,
on Avalanche this finality time is sub second.
the Avalanche C-Chain already handles more traffic than Ethereum.

>> No.49393162

AVAX does indeed have similar properties, however it's still missing the most important property of all in order to become a store of value candidate: Trust in its longevity. People need to be sure that it won't just fade away into obscurity after the next bubble cycle and thus lose most of the value that you put in, like so many promising chains before it. I'd say only Bitcoin, Ethereum, and maybe Monero has gained this trust so far, by existing for a long time without losing popularity.

>> No.49393393
File: 43 KB, 646x682, AVAX investor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trust in its longevity
That goes out the window for Ethereum when they switch to Proof of Stake. they will use an untested new system thats been plagued with problems throughout its development. How could you have high trust in that?

meanwhile Avalanche is already proven to work, the team delivered on all their promises and keeps delivering.
it works for over 2 years now and it cant just "fade away" since Node Operators have to reach their 80% uptime to get their rewards and the Validator set keeps growing. also the demand for subnets is huge.

>> No.49393451
File: 123 KB, 800x800, 1654309372758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based AVAX chads raiding this mETHhead thread

>> No.49393453

>post-merge Ethereum
Won't happen. ETH 2.0 is nothing but a pipedream.
AVAX is a double-spend turkroach shitchain. Going to zero.

>> No.49393514
File: 108 KB, 833x686, AVAXerwache.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Going to zero.
thats where all the other L1s are going. Avalanche will take the entire marketshare for itself and leave NOTHING to the rest.
Ethereum will wither and die when the slowdowns, rollbacks, reorgs and other problems begin to manifest.
other L1s were never even serious competition to begin with.

>> No.49393564
File: 31 KB, 850x478, 5-Diffusion-of-Innovation-The-Chasm-and-The-Tipping-Point-Once-the-The-Tipping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That goes out the window for Ethereum when they switch to Proof of Stake. they will use an untested new system thats been plagued with problems throughout its development. How could you have high trust in that?
Ethereum's PoS and merge is the opposite of untested. There has probably not been a development project in the blockchain space history that has been tested more thoroughly before launch. All the "problems throughout its development" that you refer to is in fact that extensive testing in action, edge cases that one by one is found and fixed. And the PoS beacon chain itself has already been online for nearly as long as AVAX has existed.
>meanwhile Avalanche is already proven to work, the team delivered on all their promises and keeps delivering.
>it works for over 2 years now and it cant just "fade away"
Listen, you simply cannot know that after only 2 years. There could be a chain that is technically flawless in every way and there would STILL be a significant chance that it would fade away after only one or two bubble cycles. That's how the crypto space works. The network effect trumps all other factors in terms of importance, including technical superiority, and thus the chasm in the curve of innovation is incredibly difficult to cross.

>> No.49393687
File: 464 KB, 1918x1293, AVAX Reich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And the PoS beacon chain itself
centralized and irrelevant.
>The network effect
Avalanche can run ANY Virtual Machine on a subnet.
so everything Ethereum has, the tooling, the contracts etc. work on Avalanche too and they work much better there. thats just the reality of things.

so basically your argument boils down to wishful thinking, trust in a team that never delivered and:
>"people will continue riding horses and the superior car will never replace it!!!! people know horses but they dont know cars so cars have no chance!!!!"

you should lower the copium dosages Ethereum Boomer.

>> No.49393722

Many will see it as better SoV only because it has staking rewards and lower inflation, without taking chain security into account. Many will patiently wait for PoS to prove itself, read about it and let it run stably for a few months / a year. Some will want to see it run stably for multiple years. The rest will always stay BTC maxies and their minds can't be changed. Even if ETH flips BTC in marketcap, even when Bitcoin starts seeing reorgs because miners get paid 0.5^n rewards in n halvings and Bitcoin's PoW has been proven to be unsustainable for long term chain security, even when Ethereum has been the new "king" for years and decades.
This. I need to see AVAX become an ETH competitor that didn't die in one market cycle like the rest before being confident it'll stay. Too many ETH killers have died. Lindy effect.
We both want the same thing. A decentralized and secure platform for smart contracts. No need for 60IQ tribalism mindset. I only hope that the better, more secure and more decentralized chain will "win". Your shilling only makes you look bad and reminds me of EOS shills in 2018.

>> No.49393757

My counter argument: Cope

>> No.49393809
File: 6 KB, 446x96, 5-26-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took this screenshot on 5-26-22, as labeled. Thats around 10 million Avax put in to circulation in about a weeks time. Ouch.

>> No.49394115
File: 46 KB, 457x196, theavaxnodetruck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Too many ETH killers have died
Its not an ETH Killer, its the next Logical step in Blockchain Evolution.
The New Avalanche Consensus is what sets it apart from all the other shitchains and thats why it will survive and win. if you havent figured that out by now you are a laggard.

>We both want the same thing.
You want it and we have it already.

AVAX staking ratio is at around 65%, the rest goes into the hundreds of DeFi dapps on the C-Chain.
AVAX is also hardcapped and the fees are burned.
once the demand for Subnets kicks in that 65% will go a lot higher since every Subnet Validator also needs to stake the 2000 AVAX.

>> No.49394255

Who cares were it goes? It has around 50% inflation. You would have to be retarded to hold it.

>> No.49394308

2 more weeks

>> No.49394340

AVAX shills could just let the product speak for itself instead they feel the need to raid ETH threads to advertise with empty arguments. I'm just disappointed.

>> No.49394350
File: 501 KB, 986x1024, AVAXChads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who cares were it goes?
that means price will go up.
>It has around 50% inflation.
its like 9% or so, probably even lower since 60% of it goes straight back into staking.

>> No.49394376

>AVAX shills could just let the product speak for itself
Avalanche today is already better than the Ethereum of tomorrow.
the faster you accept this and dump your ETH bags for AVAX the faster you will make it.

>> No.49394379

No, 50%, which is a lot different than 9%. It means the price will bleed against the overall market pump if we have one, like its been doing for the past month.

>> No.49394396

it will go to a new ATH in the 260 dollar range, possibly higher than that.

>> No.49394398

Trust? Like rolling backthe chain and splitting over the DAO hack? The creators having a 60-70% premine?
Co founders secretly buying vitaliks bags so they control more than 51%?
Anyone who properly studies Ethereum shouldn't trust it.
What's ethereums max supply ? Has PoS ever successfully been implemented? BTC has lindy effect. Altcoins are for ppl who feel like they don't have enough btc, plain and simple. Who the fuck cares about stable coins and monkey jpgs. Don't even know why I reply to these noobs who only have 4 years of bitcoin (not crypto) experience or less.

I predict ETH to have a fate similar to Luna.

>> No.49394422

While going to #30 and everyone else does a 10X.

>> No.49394483

>Has PoS ever successfully been implemented?
yes in Avalanche, but it only works in combination with the Avalanche consensus which is leaderless. other Proof of Stake shitcoins fail because they have to elect a leader (that makes the next block) and every node has to communicate with every other node, thats why traditional shitcoins with a PoS Mechanism fail and why they are centralized (to keep them fast).

also remember that Proof of Stake and Proof of Work are just Sybil Control Mechanisms, they dont actually say anything about decentralization or security. its basically just spam protection.

Avalanche has the potential to become the #1 and will eventually get there. all thanks to the subnets which will be #2 and #3 and #4 etc.

>> No.49394513

Congrats, you achieved your goal of derailing the thread.
The only time I see myself buying AVAX is in 3-5+ years when I actually use the chain. This is very unlikely though. I'd never buy it to long term "invest" in it. Why do you feel the need to advertise this to me? Are you just so altruistic that you want me, an anon in 4chan, to succeed financially?
Gish gallop isn't effective. Makes you just look bad.
I'm done with this thread.

>> No.49394541

No, not with that level of inflation. Its just a copy that cut corners and will go the same way they all do.
Nothing to really talk about with Eth though. We are once again waiting and theres nothing going on. Avax inflation though, thats happening right now and its huge.

>> No.49394625
File: 78 KB, 480x479, eminspharao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only time I see myself buying AVAX is in 3-5+ years
so you want to buy high and sell low?
>I'd never buy it to long term "invest" in it.
>Why do you feel the need to advertise this to me?
so when it goes to thousands of dollars per token I can link back to this thread and everyone can laugh at the Laggards that failed to understand it.
its comfy youll see

>No, not with that level of inflation.
again brainlet, all that AVAX will be staked or delegated or stuck in some DeFi dapp either on the c chain or in any of the thousands of subnets that will be soon created. whats in circulation will be high in demand.
>Its just a copy
Its not, it uses a new consensus, can scale through subnets, aims to become the AWS of Blockchains and brings many other new things to the table like a better Proof of Stake mechanism with no slashing.

the tech works and is better than Ethereum, so its retarded to wait for ETH 2 when something better already exists.

>> No.49394761

>its not inflation if its staked or delegated!
No, thats still inflation dipshit.

>> No.49394782

>No, thats still inflation
doesnt matter since all of it is locked up somewhere.

>> No.49394811

It does matter because thats how inflation works.

>> No.49394824


>> No.49394867


A lot of frozen coins currently in staking process will unfreeze and price drop will be very significant. Also ETH2 won't provide scalability and low fees. It will piss off miners that are the heart of current ETH. They will crash it. Having PoS with such a reward system is ultimately bad for a 70% premined coin. Forced deflation will not help fix the many flaws this coin has. It's not even remotely decentralized

>> No.49394973

>not even remotely decentralized
How so?
>Piss off miners
No one cares, they were warned well in advanced
Some will but not when Eth2 comes out and more will be staked than those unstaked when it goes live.
>Provide scalability and low fees
It will provide scalability and its fees are a security feature.
>PoS is bad with such a reward system?

>> No.49395031

AVAX fees are burned so its deflationary.

>> No.49395087

Not when the minting rate far exceeds the burning rate. Minting, VC unlocking, staking. Avax is one of the worse scams in crypto. You should not have married it, that makes you a cuck.

>> No.49395148

>muh unfreeze
there's a limit of a few hundred validators than can leave in a day
so lmao no, no dump
>muh fees
dank sharding is coming, and arbitrum is already here with 2 dollar fees you fuck nugget
>piss off the miners
miners are mercenary whores for hire, that jump to any protocol that profits them with literally no care for any network
the mercenary whores were more than well compensated, and they'll just move to whatever shit goes next
>they will crash it
and miss out of staking with that mined eth, where they have to get new gpu's every 6 months to stay competitive but can now stake with a single 100 dollar node that will be running over 6 years from now still with zero effort
>forced deflation
it's not forced, it's up to market demand
if there's no demand, there's no inflation

>> No.49395168


It's controlled by a single foundation. Regular ETH holders have no word or voice when it comes to ETH. Only the skelly autist russian pulls all the strings. You trust him with your assets?

Miners are the ones that hold a large amount of ETH (which is not in foundation/whales - early invester hands).

Maybe, however check out other PoW coins that went PoS. Price isn't everything - if the coin doesn't scale well and has low trading volumes it will die in time.

How so? Fees are there to compensate the miners, not as security. Miners are the security currently. How do other blockchains have fees that are measured in parts of a cent (Monero for instance) while still being secure?

If you have 70% premine with deflation, the deflation is gonna hurt mostly the other 30% that gets mined. 70% is still in the hands of whales and you're basically under their control (keep in mind in PoW the amount you own is not important, in PoS it's everything).

I suppose you didn't think a lot about this - I beg you to research about the flawed penalty system in ETH2. If you invested and don't know this, you're basically gambling.

At the end I might be wrong, but I hope that I am not, because ETH can pull down other coins as well and destroy a major part of crypto. If you're wondering I'm invested, having an unknown amount of Monero.

>> No.49395186
File: 137 KB, 1030x905, vitaliks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not when the minting rate far exceeds the burning rate.
Subnets, Staking and DeFi means high buy pressure and high demand for AVAX but low amount of it circulating.
what happens when demand is high but supply is low?
price goes up. means AVAX goes up. got it now?

>You should not have married it, that makes you a cuck.
You should not have married Ethereum, now THAT makes you a cuck. many Ethereum cucks will have to learn the hard way when they get rugged in the inevitable ETH 2 divorce.

>arbitrum is already here with 2 dollar fees
on AVAX I pay 14 cents for a swap, finality is instant.
also Arbitrum is centralized.

>> No.49395235
File: 217 KB, 700x908, aAL4bV3Q_700w_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an image thst accurately describes your blockchain. I would be ashamed to commit a single time to something like this, as a dev.

>> No.49395272

nice twitter pic, fuckhead
subnets use their own tokens, and sacrifice security by having only a couple dozen validators
without data availability it's going to get raped over time for tps
and yes, ghost chains always have minimal fees

>> No.49395305

Sure they do. Eth can be forked the same as Bitcoin. So by the same argument, Bitcoin is controlled by a single foundation.
And they will move to staking or sell and lose money, thats business.
Such as? What significant chains ever switched from PoW to PoS?
Low fees means your chain is easier to attack with transaction spam.
70% of what? Do you even know what you are saying? Ethereum has no cap, theres no such thing as 70% premine. Whoever you are getting your education from, you should fire them. If people didnt want to buy premined coins, then they should not have done so. They did because they saw value in it, thats how economics work.
Bugged, not flawed. Bugs happen in software, if your new software has no bugs, then it probably doesnt do anything.
A coin that has infinite supply and no one even knows how much. Thats why it will never make significant gains.

>> No.49395315

>If you're wondering I'm invested, having an unknown amount of Monero

>> No.49395389

>subnets use their own tokens
for fees and only if they want that, the subnet could also take AVAX as fee, Subnets are fully customizable. anything is possible with subnets.
they also have to stake 2000 AVAX minimum and they also have to validate the C-Chain.

generally speaking Avalanche Subnet Validators are basically just normal Avalanche Nodes that were hired to Validate additional Subnets. they CANT Validate all of them at the same time tho so demand for new nodes is gonna be high.

>by having only a couple dozen validators
the network can be as big as the subnet creators want. its fully customizable.

>> No.49395424

> Ethereum has no cap
> A coin that has infinite supply and no one even knows how much. Thats why it will never make significant gains.

Yup Monero has infinite supply (theoretically if you speak for unlimited time). Ststistically it has a low inflation, which makes it much more secure.

No, I'm a dev and I would precisely state if it were a bug, however it isn't. It's planned like that. Research more on this, don't draw to fast conclusions. I won't say exactly what I'm pointing at because I want to make you understand what true research of a coin means, not reading reddit and similar forums, but reading the documentation.

>> No.49395453

Probably, but if I said that I have 0.5 XMR or 1000 times more, someone could tie this amount to me. So it's not cringe but actually meaningful.

>> No.49395460

Jesus Christ, I just market sold all my AVAX. Thank you, faggots.

>> No.49395687
File: 426 KB, 447x617, emintherock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm buying more, thanks for selling your golden ticket at the bottom.

>> No.49395718


>> No.49397425
File: 77 KB, 303x298, 1654141820090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because deflationary AND coin very much needed = number go way up