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File: 1.27 MB, 1215x883, Screenshot 2022-06-22 093745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49890932 No.49890932 [Reply] [Original]

Is it time to leave this sinking ship?

>> No.49890944

Where are you guys gonna go? Lmao

>> No.49890949

and go where?
the entire planet is tanking

>> No.49890970


If you're thinking about go to a 3th world country just because you have "enough money" you're a loser and don't know shit

>> No.49891074

Imagine if you went to where immigrants you were trying to escape from to get to the UK. That would be a weird thing. Would it ever happen? UK migration to Algeria, Poland and Albania?

>> No.49891121

could have fucked off to spain if you gammon cunts hadn't ruined it for everyone

>> No.49891206
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>voted for brexit
>have an EU passport
>Currently live in the EU

>> No.49891237

Nowhere else to go, truthfully. Need money to leave, and funnily enough, with the cost of living crisis, I have fuck all. Tories are corrupt and inept, Labour have no policies bar lets suck trans womens cocks and import 2m more muslims to fix our overpopulation problem, and Lib Dems are ac zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

>> No.49891241

Street shitter detected

>> No.49891245

Based if EU wouldn't be in an even worse situation.

>> No.49891266


True. Inflation is actually much worse here, but Brits love to moan about anything.

>> No.49891285

>0.1% increase in mone month
only Anglos believe this jew lie.

>> No.49891342

based Paddy

>> No.49891359

EU is doing worse though kek, you literally voted yourself out of the island
remember ww2 maybe

>> No.49891368

i didn't voted, have both eu and uk passports, don't care

>> No.49891369

Any fellow Bongolians learning a trade to survive the recession winter? Or just going to double down on being a Deputy Assistant Manager to the Team Leader at the call centre?

>> No.49891399

Yep, I'm starting a course on July 4th for 2 months paid for by Generation UK (using EU funding kekw) to retrain in IT, gives you multiple guaranteed interviews after you finish. I'm hoping to get into some company, get some remote IT work and save every fucking penny I can.

>> No.49891412

remote developer, job is in london but i live in kent, /comfy/

>> No.49891426

lol.. this.
why people insist moving from 1st world to some... other lesser world ? what will you spend your make-it money on there? sad.

>> No.49891725


I am in health and safety. WFH 3 days a week. spend 80% of my time chatting shit with people either on the phone or on site. Decent pay for a easy and comfy job desu.

>> No.49891771

We can save our economy by giving cleaners on rail services huge pay rises, golden final salary pensions and letting people continuing to perform manual tasks that should've been automated years ago.
Fuck this country, Boris isn't even a real Tory, he's a cuck and he will probably cave in to the unions.

>> No.49891788

Boris isn't a tory at all. I wonder if he's in any political, really. He's completely self-interested, with jobs for his missus and the old boys he knows. He really is a reprehensible piece of absolute shit

>> No.49891821


>with jobs for his missus and the old boys he knows

Sound pretty much like a tory to me guv.

>> No.49891842


Buy apartments, become a landlord and spend money on whatever you want. Don't get your question.

>> No.49891902

Leave where? Inflation is just as bad everywhere.

>> No.49891931

Before you pasty poms even think about it. Fuck off, we're full.

>> No.49891941

Exactly what I was thinking

>> No.49891948

It's like this everywhere dude. Or do you want to move to Sri Lanka or Venezuela?

>> No.49891964

And go where? All is full

>> No.49891965

>3th world country
Uh oh

>> No.49891969

I'm hoping Russia liberates us next.

>> No.49891980

I decided to never move out from my parents' house a few months before the covid lockdowns started. Best decision I ever made. If I had moved out I would have been well and truly fucked, ending up back here anyway but completely skint instead of amassing cash. Maybe I'll move out in 2 years or so.

>> No.49892002

I'm watching you pommy bastard

>> No.49892012

Of course, it's back to 70s style inflation, strikes and riots. Except now no hope of joining a european trading pact.

>> No.49892026

they used to have at least some sense of duty, note how thatcher used to talk about how her policies would be best for the COUNTRY. Boris doesn't even have the bottle to say that, that fucking retard just blusters about abloopywoopy getting on the with the uhhhh job i uhhhhhhh well i say shiddybiddydiddy levelling up gweat bwitain

>> No.49892039

Thailand to fuck Hookers and watch the Sun set on the Old Empire

>> No.49892054

**retards detected**
**incels detected**
**virgins detected**

>> No.49892223

3rd world ountries are great for rich westerners when things are stable, but it quickly turns into a nightmare scenario for you when there are riots and famine.

>> No.49892295

**disappointment to his father detected.

>> No.49892306

its happening everywhere you retard. the great reset continues on

>> No.49892320

Worse in the UK than most places

>> No.49892386

The whole world is a sinking ship, all of the 2020's are going to be grim as fuck no matter where you are.
All we can hope for is that it burns all the dead wood away and we come back stronger from it.
Theres a huge amount of absolute parasites in the UK, both wealthy and poor, and they need to be dealt with.

>> No.49892405

its actually not though. I assume you live in the UK, thats called bias

>> No.49892427
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I don't live in the UK. Most bongs are deluded and are less likely to think UK is worse than anywhere else.

>> No.49892450

Same. Would vote for it again tomorrow though it's the only hope UK has. It's even worse in EU gay land

>> No.49892452

Ok can we get some proper filthy Brit slag posts itt or what? Cheers

>> No.49892482

In african countries it's +10, even +20 I have read something I think. They are probably not lying to reduce the number to 9% as they do in western countries, since we all know how much food prices have increased (10-30%)

>> No.49892498

An atomic bomb over London would do wonders actually.

>> No.49892532

what an absolute shithole for making it from crypto especially when it claims London is the financial capital of the world.
You pay CGT on your gains over 11k, you have to pay taxes on returns fron staking, they removed BTC ETFs so you can't hold it in your ISA, each trade you make is taxable and will be a ball ache when you do cash out.

>> No.49892661

>inflation anywhere in the world being under 10% annually
>a couple of euro countries
>most places
you are retarded

>> No.49892685

If you need to compare yourself to third world countries for a positive comparison you are in a bad place.

>> No.49892823

lmao seething eurofag completley missing the point of what the dude said and also thinking he isnt a third world country

>> No.49892871

CGT is only 20% max though, UK is awesome for crypto, not the best but still very good

>> No.49892923

as long as I can catch a shark, of course.

>> No.49892931

Amber heard?

>> No.49892997
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better to spend a whole afternoon in chat vr in a beach lobby with 3 memecoins threatening me while Vinu keeps adding more weird dogs.

>> No.49893096

There is nowhere to run.

Best thing you can do is return to the old ways.
Grow your own food to supplement your shopping, meal prep, cycle to places not drive, repair rather than replace if cost effective, buy on need rather than want, etc

Ideal? No
Will you be better off than others? Yes

>> No.49893115

Imagine not having to feed city dwelling descendants of Cain.

>> No.49893196 [DELETED] 
File: 150 KB, 1500x1500, 30-Edward-Abbey-Ideas-Edward-Abbey-Edward-Edward-Abbey-Quote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No no no no, its a very easy mistake to make and conflate truly needing versus its required in the Beast (((System))).

Not once have i ever ate money, drank currency, breathed currency, fucked currency, or used currency as a roof to sleep under. Its very insidious how theyve woven it into our (((reality))) when in the real world aka Nature that GOD MADE, you dont need any of that.

The sooner you wake up and truly grasp that and stand with others that do the sooner we can all take off our shackles....even if half of biz loves their chains

>> No.49893233

They are gonna wait to buy back when everything goes up and sell when it comes down. Kekk.

I don't see why anyone won't buy this cheap. Just look into project building strong like SCRT, VRA and the likes. Prices are at a steal.

>> No.49893297
File: 150 KB, 1500x1500, 30-Edward-Abbey-Ideas-Edward-Abbey-Edward-Edward-Abbey-Quote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No no no no, its a very easy mistake to make and conflate truly needing versus its required in the Beast (((System))).

Not once have i ever ate currency, drank currency, breathed currency, fucked currency, or used currency as a roof to sleep under. Its very insidious how theyve woven it into our (((reality))) when in the real world aka Nature that GOD MADE, you dont need any of that.

The sooner you wake up and truly grasp that and stand with others that do the sooner we can all take off our shackles....even if half of biz loves their chains

>> No.49893317

Chick is hot

>> No.49893327

only NATO countries are tanking, and feeding their population lies about how bad it is everywhere else.

>> No.49893367

This nigger again? Didn't you kick off at me in some other thread retard?

>> No.49893416

oh no it's so bad here i can only drink 10 strong beers instead of 12 a day

>> No.49893417

>and stand with others
See, this is the real problem. There's not enough standing with others. Everybody's either standing alone or sitting with others or sometimes even lieing prone with others. Only by standing with others can we truly prosper. (I'm sitting down as I type this, btw).

>> No.49893432

You sound Jewish.

>> No.49893457

>The whole world is a sinking ship,
The US will do okay.

>> No.49893462

>20% tax on gains you made from investing money you were already taxed on is awesome

>> No.49893473

Shut up, retard.

>> No.49893662

In Germany you pay no taxes after you hold crypto for a year.
Portugal and Malta residents pay no taxes on crypto

>> No.49893805

**redditor detected***

>> No.49893933

You fucking NEETs can barely motivate yourselves to have a shower every day or hold down a mop job; fucking lol at the idea you're going to relish tending a farm.

>> No.49894483

true. but the personal allowance is good for most normies who havent made it yet.

£12500 tax free income from capital gains allowed per year, then only 10% until you earn £50k a year from both job and CGT combined. After that its 20%

>> No.49894524

What's annoying is that the country has awesome potential to be a great place but has a complete class of cretins who only exist to extract maximum wealth from others to themselves and destroy everything while they do it, doesn't have to be this way

Solidarity with the RMT!

>> No.49894552

SCRT has a WAR CHEST >500 million usd they be hiring whist coinbase be firing

>> No.49894640

>only NATO countries


>> No.49894707

Britbong here. 3rd worlders are not all daft. I got into solar ovens and chuckle whenever it's sunny because coffee tastes better when the heating is free

>> No.49894745

The perfecting of safe and quick international transport via planes and ships has been the greatest detriment to mankind. Stay in your shithole, if you don't like something about it how about you and your boys get together and change it instead of fleeing to another country that you will proceed to poison.

>> No.49894752

Web3 developer? I'm looking at Subsquid for all tools to building solid projects and on-chain data.

>> No.49894759

slav hands wrote that post

>> No.49894766

>using outdated Cold War era terms like 3rd world unironically
Do you even know what you’re talking about

>> No.49894811
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All countries in the world are under Satan.
They will usher in the digital currencies, then consolidate in one.
Then introduce the mark and tell you that if you dont take it you're not allowed to eat and drink and go anywhere or do anything.
That's the plan, that's what they're doing.

>> No.49894898

Very few countries don't charge CG tax and the ones that don't will soon enough

>> No.49894991

>Every other country will eventually fuck you over just as hard (trust me, bro), that means it's awesome.
For fuck's sake, m8.

>> No.49895031

I am John from sussex Oblast and I agree with these posts

>> No.49895049

already out baby.
I remember watching the 2011 riots on the news after the 2008 GFC. It was something like 2am, holding my newborn son who had woken up.
I remember thinking "fuck I've left it too late to get out". Emigrated 2013.
Fuck the UK establishment.

>> No.49895080

build a concrete wall around The City and let's see how much wealth the fuckers inside create over the course of two months.

>> No.49895126

not contradictory. leaving was one necessary step on the miniscule chances the UK had of a good future but never meant it was going to be great.

>> No.49895133

Already left. Got a friend living in Bordeaux to vouch for me in my brexit withdrawal agreement application. Then just faked some pdf electricity bill receipts etc. Now have 10 years residency in France. Women are hotter, food is much better and every single town, village and city is at least 20x nicer than anywhere in the UK. Only downside is the capital gains tax rates which suck dick

>> No.49895212

You're forgetting the possibility of a racial civil war

>> No.49895244

Honestly it’s not so bad. I am a 6 figure bro from America living in Argentina. Honestly live like a king here. 10/10 Hookers are like 70 bucks and food delivery is like less than 10 dollars every time. It’s ridiculous.

>> No.49895260

That is exactly what I've been thinking recently whilst watching this shit show government. Where have you migrated to?

>> No.49895342

sadly canada which also has absurd housing costs, however it does also have real resources unlike the UK so I suspect medium term it will play out better.

>> No.49895566

Noice. I'm sure third world countries mostly sucked 50 years ago but a lot has changed, especially in relative terms. Everybody still has this perception of the world from when boomers were young even though they know shit's changed.

I've been planning out my escape, too. WFH changes everything. We may be on track to see a diaspora of pale-faced "knowledge workers" scattered around the world as the states of the "developed west" try cling to power and ruin their own societies more and more. I don't want to get left behind in the belly of this dieing machine.

>> No.49895678

You should stop using that shit or you will be kidnapped by Venezuelans

>> No.49895932

the UK turning into a 4nd world country would be great. why the fuck do you want to be 'globally relevant' and have millions of foreigners arrive on your shores year after year
last year there were literally over 1 million visas to live in the UK given out. 1 million wogs and slants flooding in while the government sends billions overseas and plans its next military adventure to kill british soldiers.

the UK needs to turn into an irrelevant backwater to prevent this, simple as

>> No.49895973

and the fact you need to speak french

>> No.49897988
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Mars, of course.
>what do you bitwits think this global fud is
>all about

>> No.49900058

FIAT is going to 0

>> No.49900220

This. My fiancee is Italian and we're having to pay a lawyer to sort out getting her into the country as my wife. However, I voted for Brexit and would do so again. It's important to be pricipled, even if the outcome inconveniences you.

>> No.49900386

Spain. Can speak Spanish decently enough.

>> No.49902657

>Web3 developer?
no i actually have a real job

>> No.49903348

From a shitty country to a shittier one... Avoid Spain like the fucking plague, in 10 years at this rate Spain will be the next Venezuela.
Spaniards are probably the most retarded people on Europe.

>> No.49903655

What fucking African, Eastern Europe here clocking in 12,6% according to official stats
The air is heavy, people are still oddly calm, far from any happenings
The blackest pill is, we can undoubtedly go to 50-60% easily before any discontent is even voiced

>> No.49903836

help! i'm addicted to listening LBC radio, been going for like 12 hours now

>> No.49903892

Even the US doing “ok” still means flames everywhere.

>> No.49904402

>average mutt reading comprehension

>> No.49904547

Yes please fuck off.

>> No.49904747
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A bit of inflation hasn't hurt anyone ever.

>> No.49905475

UK always struck me as a comfy place. Why would anyone want to leave? I stayed in manchester for a few weeks. made friends at a couple of united games, and had a grand time. everyone is funny and quite friendly. best part is you can walk everywhere. i even find the women attractive. shame about the food, but the indian places are good enough.

>> No.49905484


>> No.49907228

Where can you even go though?

>> No.49907764

Inflation in UK expected to stay high for longer in UK

>> No.49908167

I've been living in manchester for the past year and it sucks. It's only good for music and drugs, I'm moving away when I grow out of them

>> No.49908500

>stay high for longer
lmao t's never going down, and people blaming Brexit are fucking morons.

>> No.49908544
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but I shower every morning

>> No.49908655
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>> No.49908755

are you english? just trade places with me, you can live in burgerland.

>> No.49909100

is spain really that communist? Every spaniard that i meet seems like they are a member of antifa.

>> No.49909191

Spain will simply collapse because of tanking population. Their fertility rate is like 1.2 or something.

>> No.49909198
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i stay home

>> No.49909235

just sneak into america. like nobody is enforcing the laws there.

>> No.49909280

Yeah, no one works here, it's full of lazy niggers surviving on welfare. I am not sure how this country is still functioning at all, it's completely over, be it politically or socially, like no one even cares anymore, maybe it's just EU gibs, most people I know live like vagabonds, people here have simply given up, I guess.

>> No.49909308

As a bong I apologise for all the pasty white immigrant Brits who flood your touristy areas to retire

>> No.49909323 [DELETED] 

This, around 3 M people have arrived since Biden opened the floodgates.

>> No.49909362

Those Bongs are the source of income for a lot of people here, that's what the Spanish economy runs on.

>> No.49909399

If I fuck off to another country without cashing out, can I avoid the absolute troglodyte bullshittery that is our tax law re: crypto?

>> No.49909426
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>> No.49909474

>Spain will be the next Venezuela
no oil m8

>> No.49909527

spain is a banana republic with no entrepreneurship, no work ethic, and everybody is on welfare, on drugs, or mentally ill. the entire country has a terrible reputation globally.

>> No.49909578

it's comfy if you're well off I guess

>> No.49910079

Spread betting is tax free and you can bet on all the major markets. Learn how to day trade and inflation won't mean shit.

>> No.49910217
File: 86 KB, 1190x1177, 51A565D0-FB7C-465A-9636-1A0B90351565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brits are world champions when it comes to moaning. I live in the southern part of Manchester and life here is comfy and easy. If you can afford to live in the countryside its even better here.

>> No.49910232

i wish i could i hate this shithole

>> No.49910510

it's not better anywhere, the whole world is going to shit maybe by design

>> No.49910638

Name one Asian or African country that doesn't have the same issue.

>> No.49910901

>the UK needs to turn into an irrelevant backwater to prevent this, simple as
its not?

>> No.49910930

Beg their paedophile politicians to save them while the royal family continues to make bank for simply existing lol

>> No.49911054

Back to Poland

>> No.49911081

I would. Come home.

>> No.49912909

Fuck you, why do you think it took me so long to reply?? Because ive been fucking working, i work 5/12s you insufferable faggot, so a hell of a alot more than you. Trying to accumulate fiat and store up food and such. Go choke on a nigger cock

Yea it probably was me. I do my best to unplug people from the Matrix, even when you kikes have them so brainwashed into being currency generating cattle. The last sentence of my above reply also applies to you

>> No.49912979

Name one that doesn't have a 10x worse issue

>> No.49913009

>Nature that GOD MADE
Ah yes
That place where energy is currency

>> No.49913045

it's more about getting out of globohomo strongholds than going somewhere cheap and poor to live like a king. at least in my fantasies. it just so happens that all "highly developed" countries are globohomo strongholds.

>> No.49913100

You sound like a retarded nigger loving sperm burping faggot

>> No.49913176


Where do you live? BA? Want to visit when its warm, safe to monger for an English only speaker?

>> No.49913815

How much do you make? What’s cost of living in Kent vs London?
I’m an ausfag thinking of moving to UK for work since time zones make UK/US jobs too hard from here

>> No.49913847

You must be American to think that.
Spain is great and you're just an obese burger

>> No.49915791

Fuck off, the rest of the world is full. You made your bed, now sleep in it.

>> No.49915864

Poland has twice then inflation rate of UK.
We're heading towards 20% inflation and that's what they are telling openly. Imagine the real one...

>> No.49915922


>> No.49916015


>> No.49916046

>gets stabbed by an african then acid thrown in his face

>> No.49916308
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>France : 2.6%
lmaoo, nice (((propaganda))).
Our real inflation is around 19%. But since our government get fined by the (((EU commission))) if we run deficits and have inflation above a certain threshold, they cook the numbers worse than in the worst banana dictatorships.
And of course it's vital for the power structure to lie so blatantly just to calm the plebs. Macron and his handlers don't want to have to deal with a round 2 of the yellow vests. Because this time it will be far more violent, as desperation is hitting levels never before seen.

The situation is really, really bad frens. The average french earn 1550€/mo, with $10/gal gas, electricity 3x more expensive than the US, taxes being the highest in EU (48%) and everything basically being unaffordable. We can only cut corners so much.
Personally i didn't go to the restaurant (not even a fast food) or buy any new clothes for over 2 years, nor i could afford any vacation further away than my backyard. All the money i manage to save get eaten having to replace the chink trash we import every once in a while, or to pay car/house maintenance.
If things get any worse than that, i simply wont be able to refill the fridge without taking micro-loans, which is what most ppl are currently forced to do to survive each end of month.

>> No.49916894

As a nonwhite, I'm overjoyed to learn of the suffering of angloid and baguette subhumans.

>> No.49917167

cant believe you have it so bad.
in northern europe everything is still relatively cheap compared to wages except for housing, but with a mortgage and utilities+food paid i still have 50% of gross income left

>> No.49917183

>on Europe
Spotted a portugalfag.

>> No.49917501

Fuck you.

>> No.49918399

A different bong, but I'd take this like a shot.

>> No.49919137

to A m e r i c a

>> No.49919560

i'd fight you for it
americans really don't appreciate how easy they have it

>> No.49920727

Look up yen and won getting fucked by US rates hike.
There is also a famine in African countries.
And everything will start getting only worse and worse.