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50004142 No.50004142 [Reply] [Original]

QE is back

>> No.50004145


>> No.50004155
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>> No.50004181
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>> No.50004190


>> No.50004213
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>> No.50004220
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>shareblue shills

>> No.50004354

powell said time and time again they dont care if they take the whole economy down
they will do whatever needed to bring inflation down to 2%

>> No.50004362


>ZeroHedge is infamous for making controversial commentaries on socio-political issues; during the pandemic, its Twitter account was suspended for propagating conspiratorial claims that blamed the Wuhan Institute of Virology for creating the novel coronavirus.

They were right and they are still right

>> No.50004372

>michael burry
it's over

>> No.50004389
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>> No.50004412

These bots are out of control

>> No.50004539

>state the obvious
>retards post retarded replies

Edit: wow I didn't expect this post to blow up! Everyone please buy my bags of PooPooShitFart Coin

>> No.50004564

Real inflation's 18% m8
They're not following the taylor rule

>> No.50004565

Zerohedge does report on a lot of real stuff that the MSM won’t touch, but their economic news tends to be tinfoil boomer tier, and anyone who based their investment strategy around ZH news for the past 5 years would do fucking terrible

>> No.50004571

... and you actually believe him?

>> No.50004601
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hi jidf

>> No.50004654

I tend to agree Ark capital and eurodollar university seperately came to the same conclusion of deflationary pressure due to high inventory and no demand.

>> No.50004844

How do I profit from this

>> No.50004952
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(I don't now what I'm laughing at but I want to fit in with these guys, sorry OP)

>> No.50006304

They arent tinfoil boomer tier but Russians who wants to destroy every western nation tier

>> No.50006361


>> No.50006438

It’s not back. Idiot boomers think so but they are far to early. Two things we know
1) Fed is retarded
2) when the writing is on the wall that they are retarded, they take action too late

Conclusion: Fed will not budge on QT and raising rates until stonks are decimated and inventories are piled sky high. THEN they will back off QT and stop raising rates.

>> No.50006444
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>> No.50006464

i have been saying that ever since the june cpi report and got ridiculed by the smooth brains on here
who is laughing now
for added bonus go to the tracking site of your choice and look at the year graphs of all major commodities
metals are crashing hard and even agro is going down, only oil and especially coal are up but energy isn't in core cpi so jpow doesn't care
congrats and just selling the crypto bottom for the cycle

>> No.50006467
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>> No.50006490

all that means is burry said it the fed doesn't listen to him

>> No.50006506
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Is t..th.. that tyler durden? The visionary ecopemist?

>> No.50006510

It never left. Just a different name.

>> No.50006533

They also might as well force btc holders to capitulate while they are at it . Honestly wouldnt be surprised if they were buying btc as a "national security hedge" then started dumping on you kek. They said they made 1 trillion in profit last year that went to the treasury. Now they can just eat everyones USD shorts and scam them anytime they want. God it feels good to be #1

>> No.50008606

>It’s not back

>> No.50008733
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It's over.

>> No.50008786


>> No.50008835

Lyn Alden talked about this as well, about how the Fed can't just do QT and pause. The economy is so fucked up they either have to do full on QT or QE.

>> No.50008865
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>> No.50008881
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>> No.50009131


>> No.50009483

what's that significance of QE? why are people still pretending the economy's real? 90% of our jobs are email jobs that don't produce anything. we have a corporate welfare program to keep college graduates employed.

wasn't that the whole point of their hysteria against Trump? that he would transition away from the makework economy they were thriving in and actually force America to build real things? and all the other things they pretended to care about were just excuses to lash out at someone who threatened the future of emailing and "meetings" that they saw for themselves?

>> No.50009530
File: 458 KB, 566x486, zerohedge_himself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20% chance of good information that informs and challenges you. the other 80%? well... its complicated

>> No.50010073

>its not back
Thats because they never stopped the printing kek

>> No.50010154

I think the increase has to do with settlement of instruments (MBS?) that they purchased before QT officially began. Not shilling just what the normies say.
Do i believe they aren’t in the market selling oil and buying bonds? Fck no. Those assholes are doing it. Just my conspiracy theory

>> No.50010232

>tyler durden

>> No.50010254

I’m sure the CIA has a nice hoard of it

>> No.50010706

Wtf, is biz seething at zerohedge now?

>> No.50010784

>Zerohedge spends the entire 13 year bullrun shitting out bearish saying a crash is coming in 2 more weeks
>The year the bullrun is finally ending they flip bullish
Lmao, jewish disinformation website.