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50110607 No.50110607 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.50110612

It's not. It's very very slowly degenerating. It will take another century or two to collapse.

>> No.50110624

i feel like society was already degenerate like this
the only difference is that u have social media nowadays to show off ur retardation

>> No.50110625

delusional boomer mindset

>> No.50110636

You seeing these fuel prices?

>> No.50110644

the fake society, sure. the real society is fine, and will be better off once the tragically gaslit, delusional retards implode

>> No.50110652

>very very slowly
What fucking universe you living in? Want to switch places?

>> No.50110656
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How many times are you gonna repeat this fucking line?

>> No.50110691

We’re preparing to enter a new Dark Age. But not an organic one like what happened after the fall of Rome. This will be a Dark Age artificially maintained by the select few who are hoarding the collective knowledge of humanity to use as a tool to make sure their dominance can never again be threatened. It is what it is. Humanity goes through booms and busts just like any market. The good thing is that knowledge will survive. Unlike the burning of Alexandria.

>> No.50110707

this statement belongs 15 years in the past.

since then, tinder turned the women into whores.
facebook turned our parents into idiots who believe the dumbest memes.
reddit turned your kid into a commie.
instagram gave everyone sociopathy.
tumblr turned your kid into a furry.
and as bad al all of those are, twitter was probably the worst. promoting transgenders, organizing activists along with the press and hollywood, allowing the tiny hat people to conspire more than natural

>> No.50110714

I sometimes can't tell if it's as bad as we think it is. I end up yelling at boomers a lot about how everything is going to shit. But then I realize I only see these things cause I'm on the internet more. So maybe its possible we are somewhat in a bubble of thought. Just like libtards are in a sense.

I just find it weird that every young person thinks the world is about to end... I personally feel like things are really shit too, but sort of beginning to wonder now if my brain was also hijacked by social media.

>> No.50110746

a perpetual state of demoralization, helplessness, and aimless, easily directible rage is deliberately cultivated in inhabitants of the fake society

>> No.50110764

fuel didnt even exist 200 years ago and now you can haul 1 ton of metal and an obese basedboy 30 miles at high speeds for half an hour of minimum wage labor

>> No.50110766

Literally nothing. We could sink all the way to south-africa tier and not "collapse". It takes a lot to get to truly "collapse", which implies a total loss of government like some regions of Somalia.

>> No.50110775

It takes 3 days of no food in the grocery store.

>> No.50110783

I fucking wish. May be all the butherrolls would finally be attractive for once.

>> No.50110785
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buy siga and get rich off munkpox

>> No.50110787

tbqh this
Get ready for national poverty, retards. It won’t get to memelord WROL situations, just gangs pulling up and BOPE equivalents killing drug lords in American favelas and tent cities

>> No.50110792
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>> No.50110803
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doesn’t seem like anything to worry about

>> No.50110810

>Obongo repeals law banning propoganda being used on US citizens.
>Not even ten years later...
>George Floyd is a saint.
>Covid-19 is totally real and not the common cold with a brand name slapped over it.
>Inflation is due to Putin's price hike, not our money printing.
Yeah I'm thinking everything you see on TV is literally fake.

>> No.50110852


>> No.50110910


society NEEDS to collapse. humans clearly were not meant to advance beyond small towns

maybe in another 10,000-100,000 years we can try a global society again once our average IQ has doubled compared to today's population

>> No.50110914

Social media got everyone buying the latest and greatest things. It makes living above your means a normal thing. Credit cards, monthly payments, buy now pay later is so easily accessible to people who need to buy the latest and greatest stuff because they see their neighbors, friends, family and co-workers with it. That thin veil of living on maxed credit is being brought down with the interest, inflation and shitty stock market. When financially dumb people bought their new car paying 800 a month for, did not tak into account gas, insurance, maint etc. The same goes for cell phones (upgrading to have the latest iphone, ipad, imac) and buy hip clothes, jewelry, watches and of course sneakers, like all the cool guys on insta/Facebook. They'll learn after the recession/crash when they'll eventually maxxed out their credit card and default on their car note since they're always eating out or getting food delivered to them everyday.

>> No.50110947

I felt this way too until I was literally in the middle of reading some clown world thread here and then looked up at the self checkout and the checkout person was mtf tranny.

>> No.50110987

>We’re preparing to enter a new Dark Age
Arrrrrr for frigs sake.....
Can we not have something nice for a change?
>t. Millennial

>> No.50110990

It has been literally 28 years since the ooga boogas took over south africa and there was no collapse. Sorry, it just won't happen. You will get a slow brazillification/russiafication. You will live in the pods, you will shank each other, and you will like it (which isn't necessarily important according to experts to live a good life btw).

>> No.50110991

The day outsourcing jobs became acceptable is the day collapse became inevitable

>> No.50111003


>> No.50111022

>Knowledge will survive

Not if they digitize everything, burn all the books and then society collapses.

>> No.50111024

Tumblr and twitter didn't make furries or trannies. Disenfranchisement of intelligent young males did. That's why like a third of furfags and trannies are intj/intp technical savants and a lot of the remainder are artistically skilled and at least technically competent.

>> No.50111042

Saffa whites are migrating en mass, and unlike Brazillian whites they don't have somewhat-safe refuge like in south Brazil.
Russia are dealing with Turkic and North-Caucasian muslims which are infinitely more civilized than brown nippled subhumans.

>> No.50111061
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Collapse is not good, i know many people relying on this meme too much think this is going to be an opportunity for le heckin' revolution, but as uncle Ted said revolutions ends up with results different from the ideas of those carrying it, like 90% of the time.

If a collapse is ever going to happen, a bloodbath follows and a new stratified society arises that turns your country into a shithole even worse than what you have now. So this >>50110691 is more likely to happen.

>> No.50111254

I hope the avatar of the first true AGI is a pepe

>> No.50111313
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>> No.50111322

ur society is collapsing buddy. mine is ok.

>> No.50111392
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Of course it is. We let jews roam freely who in turn plagued our countries with niggers and anti-white degeneracy, it's the guaranteed combo to destroy any civilization. It already happened countless times since times immemorial. Rome, India, ancient Egypt, Atlantis, Mu,... each time the white man build something great, we become too complacent, we let the archonic kikes settle in whose only goal is to parasite and destroy us, and inevitably they end up importing millions of shitskins. Society collapse, we must racially segregate and flee to rebuild it from scratches once again.
This karmic loop probably happen since millions of years, and our curse is to be amnesic of our past (mostly because jews are rewriting history) and do it over and over again. This cycle will never end until we genocide the jewish demons.

>> No.50111932

Yeah. I think I went through that too.. But sometimes I am second guessing it. Like I live in a more secluded area, so I always felt that this culture war was reserved for inner city faggots/ppl on twitter 24/7... But then you start to actually see signs of it in more "out there" areas. So that made me think its real to an extent. Just not sure how bad it actually is.

>> No.50111962

Now adjust it t to savings, credit, cash, expenses, wages and daily use.