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50147970 No.50147970 [Reply] [Original]

Not even larping. I own a laptop, a phone, and some clothes. That's about it. I do not own a home, and don't even want to. I am what they call a digital nomad -- basically a SEO/affiliate marketing guy. I work remotely and am my own boss. For most of the year I just travel the world, moving from one (cheap, affordable, but safe) location to another. When I'm back home -- which is rarely, for holidays and such -- I stay at my parents place. In general, a pretty comfy existence. Certainly beats living in the suburbs with a wife, a kid and a dog, wageslaving and bs like that.

>> No.50147990

>For most of the year I just travel the world, moving from one (cheap, affordable, but safe) location to another

do you get to smash local chicks this way?

I would love to do the same and taste a variety of cats if you know what I mean

>> No.50148007

very cool anon

i mean you own some investments tho r-right?

>> No.50148012

>do you get to smash local chicks this way?
Absolutely. White guy = "dating" on tutorial mode in many places, especially southeast Asia

>> No.50148023

>Certainly beats living in the suburbs with a wife, a kid and a dog, wageslaving and bs like that.
Good on you for being a consumer. You're the ideal citizen for elites to treat like shit. You have no pride and they know this. You exist to supplement their lavish lifestyles. You have surrendered all financial freedom in order to feel "comfy". You are nothing but a shapeless NPC beat faggot waiting to die.

>> No.50148025

>i mean you own some investments tho r-right?
Nope. The crypto/stock thing is too stressful for me. It would take years off my life. I like stability and am not really a risk taker. Boring, I know, but that's how I am.

>> No.50148040

>especially southeast Asia

Can confirm, almost any 1/10 neet up to age 80 can get at least get a 6/10

>> No.50148050
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hmmm, who could be behind this post?

>> No.50148054

well as long as you are comfy & stable and have reserves for a unforeseen catastrophe, keep living your best life anon

>> No.50148066

Exactly. It's insane and difficult to put into words just how easy it is to get laid there. As a slightly above average looking white guy, you are treated like a deity by women.

>> No.50148074

That's a great story faggot. Most of your peers will never get the house, wife, kid, dog, career in the suburbs anyway so congrats on your acceptance of mediocrity. Also, no one cares about your marketing bullshit in a collapse. Enjoy your future unemployment.

>> No.50148081

>I am what they call a digital nomad -- basically a SEO/affiliate marketing guy
Let me guess you're in your 20s and you're wasting the money your parents gave you. I've been there, you can lie to me but don't lie to yourself

>> No.50148083
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This is a 6/10 in east asia btw.

>> No.50148096

being surrounded by yellow and brown people who don't look like me, think like me, or speak like me sounds like hell. i don't know how you do it.

>> No.50148106
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they don't even bother with makeup if it's video

>> No.50148107
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>Yellow puss is tight as fuck bro.

>> No.50148111

Late 20s, but no. My parents are good people, but working class. They had no money to give me.

>> No.50148117

How is it with vaxmandates there?

>> No.50148131

You sound like a pol larper, but I'll reply. If you can't stand around being around people of other races, there's always eastern Europe. Places like Hungary or the Balkans, for example, are 99% white, very safe and affordable.

>> No.50148151

you literally pay some rice beaner 10 peso and you get national accredited pass that you can take back to goyland

>> No.50148174

It's 2022, nobody really cares about that anymore, except maybe the Chinese.

>> No.50148182

i'm not a pol larper. they view you and treat you as a second class citizen. all of the men secretly hate you for fucking their women. they only tolerate you because you're a rich foreigner who can casually buy shit without the slightest care in the world (which they mark up considerably because you're a dumb foreigner.)

>> No.50148218

I don't believe you, nobody can be "a digital nomad" on SEO money. And yes I'm factoring in the fact that you live in a SEA shithole while fucking local ladyboys. Still not enough money from that "job". Be honest, you have a stack "saved up"

>> No.50148232

This. What a pathetic goy. No wonder the Jews are winning.

>> No.50148259

>all of the men secretly hate you for fucking their women. they only tolerate you because you're a rich foreigner who can casually buy shit without the slightest care in the world

Would be their problem if that was the case, but it's not - the opposite is true. Most people in non-western countries are friendly, kind and will offer to show you around and stuff. They will actually treat you, a foreigner, better than people from their own country.

Don't know what's so hard to believe? I'm from a working class/lower middle class family. My parents never had any savings. It is still possible to make it online in SEO, affiliate marketing, adsense and whatnot. If you're unable to do that, you can make more than decent money as a content writer.

>> No.50148272

I too own nothing, but I'm homeless and schizophrenic and it's shit I tell ya

>> No.50148305

Don’t listen to this goyslave. He is trying to get you murdered in a third world shithole.

>> No.50148352


Always found this cope funny. Yes, women look better with make up. She will have all that shit on when you fuck her and look great. Will she be uglier when she takes it off? Sure, but you're not gonna fucking marry her. You probably won't ever see her again anyway. Besides, if you don't like Asian girls you can always go to eastern europe.

>> No.50148362

I'm not homeless but I've been homeless, I'm either autistic or schizophrenic but I have agoraphobia from being abused by people my whole life, I can't work anymore because I have panic attacks, they want me to take jewish antidepressents but those make me sick as fuck.

I suffer from nonstop migraines and infections, I have nothing left and i can't pay my bills now, walking into the path of homelessness again and honestly suicide is becoming very very very tempting.

>> No.50148373

move to asia, no one will be able to tell that you're schizophrenic and they'll give you a job teaching 6 year olds the alphabet

>> No.50148449

Holy shit what a huge cope. Suburbia is literally consumer central. Imagine feeling so threatened by a guy travelling and not being tied down (aka free) that you have to attack him to feel justified in your slave lifestyle bahahahahaha

>> No.50148529

Taking a black-and-white mentality in a very grey world.

>> No.50148547

fuck all the haters. I'm an oldfag and I promise you one of the greatest regrets I have is not traveling like you are right now, although when I was your age that wasn't a possibility. the internet really opened up the doors for you guys. so fucking live it up, man. life goes by fast and in the end nothing really matters. just have fun and make the most of your days.

>> No.50148576

>just be a hedonist consumer goy slave
Nah I’m gonna have lots of white Christian children and raise them to hate degenerates like you.

>> No.50148612

Thank you. That's so true, God bless the internet.
Hey man, I'm cool with that. I think you should be able to do whatever you want. If living in the suburbs with a bunch of kids is your dream life, go for it. But why hate on me and criticize the choices I'm making and call me a degenerate? Live and let live. Don't be so bitter.

>> No.50148616

yes yes yes. you've posted the same tired shit all throughout this thread. do you ever try to speak and act like your true self....or do you just see what all the other retards say on 4chan and repeat that? because you're an unoriginal mongoloid with no personality and probably still a virgin.


try to think for yourself for once, you fucking loser

>> No.50148687

>be digital nomad
>sit in hotel with shit internet all day
>go for a walk
>eat some deep fried goyslop and pisswater beer
>go back to the hotel before sundown because no police
>swipe tinder for whores to try and cure the isolation

>> No.50148713

how much are u making per month?

>> No.50148716

I’ve made 3 posts you disgusting kike

>> No.50148799

Depends, but on average around $5k (after taxes), which makes me at least upper middle class in basically any non-western country. I am by no means rich, but I enjoy what I do and don't overwork myself.

>> No.50148833

This is unironically better than most jobs. Never heard of this shit until OP posted about it. How the fuck do I become a digital nomad? I am seriously interested

>> No.50148882

yeah how'd you get into that line of work? how would someone get trained to do SEO or whatever else you do?

>> No.50148921

Well here in germany you are rich with 5k per month after taxes. Average is like 2k here.

>> No.50148966

What are your strengths? When people ask these questions, I usually suggest they start with content writing (plenty of freelance platforms out there). It's easy enough -- if English is your native language or you speak it as if it were, you have a huge advantage over 95% of your competitors. You will most probably earn peanuts in the beginning, but it's probably the best way to familiarize yourself with SEO, affiliate marketing, and everything else. This is at least what I did. Check out the BHW forum, read ahrefs, moz, backlinko, search engine journal for a start just to learn the basics and take it from there. Steer clear of SEO influencers, youtubers, and similar shills.

>> No.50149005

word I've worked in tech in the past, got away for a bit but now working a soulless job. I know SEO is in demand these days, just something that was always on the back of my mind. I'll check out those recs from you. thanks dude

>> No.50149012

Who said suburbia was good? Having your own possessions is what matters. Freedom is land and transport essentially. I'd rather have both than be trapped in the city with all the dirt of the day surrounding me. City cunts deserve the pain they inevitably experience in the coming years.
It's funny you say I feel threatened as you write such a hysterically uptight reply. stay poor faggot. bahahahahahaha

>> No.50149031

>have reserves for a unforeseen catastrophe
of course he doesn't

>> No.50149108

>What are your strengths?
Definitely writing. I don't understand one thing though, if you work remotely why do you travel overseas? If you're just working from a laptop in a room, why can't you do it from your own country?

>> No.50149130

Actually the elites want to ban plebs from travel

>> No.50149155
File: 1.72 MB, 1496x745, bangkok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't understand one thing though, if you work remotely why do you travel overseas? If you're just working from a laptop in a room, why can't you do it from your own country?
I's fun and much cheaper. I used to make a lot less than I do now, and still very much enjoyed myself abroad. Just as an example, picrel is what you get for 350 euro/month in Bangkok. How much would this cost in any western country? Eastern europe is also cheap af.

>> No.50149178

So the traveling is just a preference, not a necessity? How do you set up your jobs abroad, is it with an agency or something?

>> No.50149251

>So the traveling is just a preference, not a necessity?
Let's say you make $1.5k/month after taxes. You would barely get by in any Western country, but you'd be able to live like a king in SE Asia or Eastern Europe. The choice is easy. What I'm saying is, right now it's a preference for me, but I guess I initially did it out of necessity.
>How do you set up your jobs abroad, is it with an agency or something?
Not sure what you mean tbqh. Everyone works from home nowadays anyway. If you're a freelancer (e.g. content writer, SEO guy) all you need is a laptop, makes no difference where you live. Personally, I no longer freelance, I own a bunch of websites that I've monetized via various affiliate programs.

>> No.50149287

>Let's say you make $1.5k/month after taxes. You would barely get by in any Western country, but you'd be able to live like a king in SE Asia or Eastern Europe
Oh I get it now, this makes sense.
>Not sure what you mean tbqh
As a freelancer I mean, how did you get jobs to write content for different companies?

>> No.50149303

Plenty of freelance writing platforms out there (e.g. compose.ly), that's where I'd start.

>> No.50149333

Thanks mate, will look into all of this some more

>> No.50149339

No problem, good luck!

>> No.50149551

>Highschool drop out who got his high school sweet heart pregnant.
Upset someone is actually enjoying their life?

>> No.50149564

>The crypto/stock thing is too stressful for me. It
You guys are dumb pussies, whole site.

>> No.50149640

>king in Eastern Europe
Get a load of this fag kek. It's not 2008 anymore pleb, you start doing OK with 4k plus after tax

>> No.50149705

4k after taxes is like 80k, that's top 1% in the EU not even Eastern Europe, you are talking out of your ass

>> No.50149753

I'm not, I'm talking Baltics specifically, you'd still do good with 3k in Poland but you're probably a zoomer with a subsidized public transport ticket and instant noodles diet so yes, you could live like a king with your 800 remaining after 1bdr apartment rent

>> No.50149799

Depends on the country. That's not a crazy amount of money in Poland or the Czech Republic for example, but it's more than enough to live comfortably in a place like Hungary, Bosnia, or Croatia.

>> No.50149832

Same anon except I got adhd and no Schiz. I’m sitting 6months behind rent and no working electricity in my apartment currently

>> No.50149875

Do you live paycheck to paycheck or do you "own" a safety net of cash savings?

>> No.50149910

Should I invest in a passport

>> No.50149922

So how's that 3rd mortgage working out for you friendo

>> No.50150206

How many women have you creampied overseas?

>> No.50150296
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>I own nothing
>I own a laptop, a phone, and some clothes.

>> No.50150900

>Free is coping with 6/10 insect pussy


>> No.50150983

Props to you, anon. I need to own the house that I live in to be happy. Everyone is different.

>> No.50152388

You should consider doing bounties and airdrops OP. There is a CNDLchaindotcom CandleLabsdotorg beta testers program RN. I'm sure there are other active airdrops and giveaways if you check on Bitcointalk and Twitter.

>> No.50154275

All combined worth like $1,500

>> No.50154322
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>I need to own the house that I live in to be happy.
You don't tho.

>> No.50154362

I was a "digital nomad" off of teaching English online from 2010-2013. I think you're grossly overestimating how cheap the rest of the world is outside of North America and western Europe. It was not unusual for me to pay $10/night for a hostel.

>> No.50154443

>If you're unable to do that, you can make more than decent money as a content writer.
Where do I sign up?

>> No.50154757

do you plan to do this when you're 80?

>> No.50155060

enjoy doing that shit when you're 45 and sick of it