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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50178796 No.50178796 [Reply] [Original]

Remember how the Fed passed a rule so it's leadership had to sell their stocks at the exact top of the market, and everybody just forgot about it and thinks it's fine?

>> No.50178850


>> No.50178865

Finance and economics are pseudoscientific make believe garbage, capitalism is inherently unstable, exploitative and unsustainable with a built in expiration date. All finance assets like money,crypto,debt,bonds etc are purely parasitic in nature and serve no purpose nor have any inherent value and private property is theft. Ever escalating recessions, poverty, disease, pollution, slavery and wars are fundamental and necessary functions of it and every single financier or crypto dudebro is a literal parasite.

Remember that? Remember how 4chan has spent every waking moment of its existant deepthroating the boot and fighting tooth and nail for EVERY SINGLE authority figure, powerful institution and the establishment? Remeber how when occupy happened every single rightoid parasite like you 4channers kept calling everyone there lazy subhuman commie bum? How when BLM happened you screamed at the top of your lungs "lazy nigger looting thugs"?

Remember how you will all reap what you sowed and you will die alone sad hated and in pain like you deserve? Oh wait you dont remember that because it hasnt happened yet in your reality :) it is coming tho

>> No.50178885

Burgerland is one of the most openly corrupt nations on the planet. They just rename bribes to things like political donations or speaking fees and then everything is alright

>> No.50178900

remember when a bunch of people at the fed were caught trading on insider knowledge? and then nothing really happened other than them resigning without punishment? yeah, me either. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/01/10/federal-reserve-vice-chair-resigns-ethics-scandal-526849

>> No.50179012

Literally the smartest post I've seen on this board and I assume it's copy pasta.

>> No.50179107

It is copypasta and it's also the dumbest post ever written in this board. The creator and you are both niggers. The guy who posted it is just doing it for teh lulz.

>> No.50179137

So glad they don't have any conflict of interest anymore!

>> No.50179155

Haha it was so obvious too, people actually joked about it at the time

>> No.50179175

>private property is theft
What's the meaning of "theft" if there's no private property? If you believe in theft you believe in private property. Yes I'm talking to copypasta leave me alone

>> No.50179178

Lulz? I am 100% serious when i say we will euthanise you parasites. I am not joking. The hate i harbor for "people" like you far exceeds the hate you have for "niggers,kikes,faggots, femoids and poors". And we are FAR FAR more than you parasites. Do you feel confident parasite? Watching your precious rotten world collapse right in front of your eyes? Why you act so confident? Are you a boomer who thinks he will manage to die before the torture begins? Maybe if you kill yourself right now you can spare yourself who knows

>> No.50179216

Private property requires exclusive ownership rights. When things are owned in common personal property takes precedent. For example if you are currently using the public super luxury sport car in our hypothetic communist utopia to get your kicks off then it is your personal proeprty at the moment and when you are done it will return to the use and care of the community. Simple stuff really

>> No.50179235

this is all really gay, retard

>> No.50179255

This. This post is so smart.

>> No.50179267

Die in a lithium fire

>> No.50179285

>Remember how 4chan has spent every waking moment of its existant deepthroating the boot and fighting tooth and nail for EVERY SINGLE authority figure, powerful institution and the establishment?
Not every waking moment, it wasn't like that until ChanLOLogy

>> No.50179380


>> No.50179499

I mean it literally, i use my words very carefully cause i dont lie or cheat like rightoid parasites. You have nothing to attack me with or threaten me with.

>> No.50179569

Checked, I kneel parasite-sama. Please tell me where I can find the nearest gulag so I can report in to break rocks until I die

>> No.50179629

kys commie

>> No.50179710
File: 236 KB, 580x563, 1498928345030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember. What a sell signal that was.

>> No.50180065
File: 71 KB, 659x1024, 1635490547679m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just chiming in to say, "I get it anon."
I mean, you're wrong on every point that matters, but I get it.
The chan's are the most socialist place on the internet. Infact we openly praise the only strong and successful socialist government to ever exist. Your literal socialist utopia existed, and you hate it. So your patently wrong,but I get it.