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50186087 No.50186087 [Reply] [Original]

Fellow Bongs, we're in for some hard times, aren't we?

>> No.50186097

get rekt bongistan

we will take over the world

>> No.50186106

>Fellow Bongs, we're in for some hard times, aren't we?

yes we are.

we have 68 million people in the UK.

without any fossil fuels we can support about 5 million.

>> No.50186121
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>> No.50186131

best case scenario - boris removed and we get someone to keep us away from russia and ukraine and is pro freedums and anti EU
worse case scenario - we keep boris or get someone worse that wants more vaccines, lockdowns and more push against russia
like that faggot trudeau, then we get hypersonic nuked first

>> No.50186139

>best case scenario - boris removed and we get someone to keep us away from russia and ukraine and is pro freedums and anti EU
>worse case scenario - we keep boris or get someone worse that wants more vaccines, lockdowns and more push against russia
>like that faggot trudeau, then we get hypersonic nuked first

irrelevant. its of zero importance who the prime minister is.

>> No.50186141

What's gonna happen to bongs?

>> No.50186152

Just take any Norwegian oil installations that are easily accessible.. our population is dying to start bicycling around and eating crickets anyway. Oh and we also believe that climate change is totally real so it will help us feel better. Another point is that we need to re-learn what doublecrossing faggots you guys are because we have forgot ww2 already when you niggers didn't respect our neutrality and laid down mines in our waters.

>> No.50186154
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That we are m'lads

>> No.50186155
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Recession and more grooming gangs

>> No.50186164

>irrelevant. its of zero importance who the prime minister is.
This. The jew reigns supreme at this point. Shame that so few seem to realise.
>Muh its the (insert political charade) that has done it

>> No.50186166

>or get someone worse that wants more vaccines, lockdowns and more push against russia
>like that faggot trudeau,

The reason they leaked the partygate photos is because Boris went against manadatory vaccines and was trying to open up again. After the leak he doubled down to get the public back onside which is why they have been trying to oust him since. Once he goes we will 100% end up with someone who wants vaccines, lockdowns, war etc

>> No.50186172

And what plans do you have to respond to it?

>> No.50186173

We’ve become increasingly more Americanised, obesity is on the rise pretty much all the women are at now. Our economy is nothing but banking and usury coupled with housing speculation when that goes down we will have nothing but fat slags to offer the world

>> No.50186181

Always were.
The place is finished and unrecoverable, your aim should be to get out.

>> No.50186186

Erm ragner we tried to save you in WW2, British men died there

>> No.50186188

I dunno desu. I just hope Russia nukes us. I live close enough to an airport and a car manufacturer that I'd hopefully be killed in the first wave.

>> No.50186198

And go where? America is collapsing as we speak, Europe is hanging on by a thread, Asia is a shithole, etc. There's nowhere to run, honestly. Your best bet is to try and make do with what you have, as well as you could.

>> No.50186200

That is a funny way of saying put us under the thralldom of jewry and think that we should be happy about it.

>> No.50186212

Iceland looks pretty chill and comfy >>50186200
Atleast we’ve still got each other, you scandis are so negative all the time. Why don’t you just take abit if responsibility for your situation instead of always blaming your betters

>> No.50186213

>Once he goes we will 100% end up with someone who wants vaccines, lockdowns, war etc

I think even with Boris in charge there would have been more lockdowns. They can always come up with a new strain that needs one.

>> No.50186229

There is no way Boris can ask for a lockdown to be enforced after it has come out that he spent the last one partying. Absolutely nobody will respect that mandate (besides ironically enough the woke mob who will be gagging for another lockdown).

>> No.50186244

>Iceland looks pretty chill and comfy
The Euro is crashing and burning right now. It might not stay comfy for long.

>> No.50186275

Even if the world totally collapses Iceland only has 300,000 people and they are quite peaceful. I’m sure they’d all muck in together and get threw better than us with out overpopulated island full of foreigners. However they might turn back Viking and blood eagle you for being an outsider

>> No.50186283

>Absolutely nobody will respect that mandate (besides ironically enough the woke mob who will be gagging for another lockdown).

the purpose of the lockdowns is to slow down the economy and destroy small businesses.

it doesnt matter if individuals respect them or not.

>> No.50186291

>Even if the world totally collapses Iceland only has 300,000 people and they are quite peaceful.

That kind of population sounds good in theory but just think how quickly a population of that size and that tempermant will be over run once the diversity is delivered.

>> No.50186314

>it doesnt matter if individuals respect them or not.

It does because if the entire population collectively says 'lol no' and continues to go about their business, realising the police can do sweet fuck all about it, the entire rule of law will be threatened.

>> No.50186347

>It does because if the entire population collectively says 'lol no' and continues to go about their business, realising the police can do sweet fuck all about it, the entire rule of law will be threatened.

but if small businesses open during a lockdown they are easy targets. the police just turn up and shut them down.

the retarded public supports it too.

>> No.50186449

>That kind of population sounds good in theory but just think how quickly a population of that size and that tempermant will be over run once the diversity is delivered.

this is what i have realised is the whole paradox of civilisation.

if you behave responsibly and limit your population in accordance with your resource base, you get overrun by the cunts next door who outnumber you because they are living unsustainably.

>> No.50186499

>it's the jews
>brexit was a good thing
>Vaccines are bad
This place is a cesspool containing all of the bottom IQ retards
Go read The Sun or talk about the match you gimps

>> No.50186505

ur a libcuck tranny NPC!!!! :((!!(!(!

>> No.50186552

Australia are removing all covid travel restrictions today, will be applying for a working visa soon, fuck this place

>> No.50186565

not as bad as the EU,

britain is past the hard bit now. the eu is just entering it

>> No.50186568

the jews are vaccinated against the brexit

>> No.50186621

govern me harder daddy

>> No.50186633

Iceland isn't part of the EU nor does it use the Euro

>> No.50186715

NO. it will all get better. over time, it has gotten "worse" (but i dont agree with that. its quite good). now, when they fix it, and this fixing will come very soon mind, it will go back to that original good to then get worse over time once again. if youre searching for a feeling for this, i suggest you remember what the "freshly cleaned" smell is like, in anything once it is done being cleaned. picture cleaning out your pantry or something, and the feeling of that. thats what the british economy is about to be.
but dont forget that itll soon degrade and get worse over time, again, to end up here once mere! all of those fresh feelings do eventually get forgotten

i think that these coming years will be the glory days of our generations great briton

>> No.50186739

it's been hard times in bongland for decades before i was even born
it's true and more than anyone boris is so obviously a mercenary who believes in nothing beyond his own pockets and vanity
we're just america without the job opportunities and money and our houses are also somehow even more unaffordable

>> No.50186763

i was just in Spain for 3 months and, while being generally surrounded by lithe, gorgeous, caramel colored women, occasionally I would see a pack of flabby, translucent, dugong-like disgusting beasts and without fail every single time it was a pack of shrieking sea-cows from bongland.
wtf are you all doing up there? Why are all your women so fat and pasty, it's disgusting. Is nobody staying fit and getting sunshine?

>> No.50186778

go back to r3ddit, f4ggot.

>> No.50186777
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when did you last go outside?
this is the uk economy
there are maybe ten real companies left in this country and our population is almost 1/5th of the usa's

>> No.50186798

digits checkd

>> No.50186816

but it must suck to live in driffield, or whatever shit-hole this is. lol!
here at least, the people are fine. wo cares about the "real companies" you use as bait? the people are well-off. the people here build their own things; if someone wants a book-shelf, someone makes that, out of wood. people here make fences for themselves, and i saw someone the other day putting out some nice lights for their garden. i see those lights some nights. i told the woman they look nice and she thanked me. the people here have televisions enough, washing machines, and fridge-freezers. the people here are wealthy. they can also afford to buy takeaway foods
but the people here build their own things. theres wood in my house, theres wood out-side. theres wood in my neighbours garden, and hes building a fence

>> No.50186827

>This place is a cesspool
Why are you here, then? Everyone ITT is discussing things in a civil way. You're not prepared to do that. It only reflect badly on you, not the people you throw insults at. That's irony, right there.

>> No.50186845

we even have the old telephone booths here, but no-one uses them. one of the booths is left as a "take-one-leave-one" book store. you can take the books in there! the books are free! i dont have anything to put in there yet, though. the charity shops have a lot of books. i got an atlas the other day (not that this is good enough for the telephone booth)
so they have the telephone booths, wood, televisions, and technology. even the council here is doing their part, and putting out leaflets for "secure disposal of technology" because there is so much of it. they do the bins too
but thats something different. they do that, AND the technology. and its secure, and funded. there are also schools, and spastic schools! wonderful!

the world is so good, anon.
briton is so good. we are doing great

>> No.50186856

>selective shot of fast food joints
>this is the uk economy
What do you expect to find on a high street? Graphene fabrication plants and semiconductor assembly factories? Are you stupid?

>> No.50186861

however we do need to start saving. i think that the british will begin the big save now. we will all save our money, and then, we will be rich in the end!

the USA will do fine too, but this isnt about them. briton is doing the most fine, and it will - can - only get better
we did well with the current events. europe though? i dont care about europe. i hope europe dies (not that i care about or vote in brexit/remain or any of that)

>> No.50186877
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i know where they stash the crown jewels :3
but im not going to tell you! heh...

>> No.50186884

i believe you have prescription medication to take
your myopic experience of whatever rural part of the south west you live in on neetbux is not representative of the uk as a whole
>wo cares about the "real companies"
people with a job

>> No.50186914

>take meds and be unhappy like me!!!!!!
>noooo you cant love briton or the world, you have to be miserable!!!!
imagine pushing this shit to others. imagine being on meds, only for you to go around (being a miserable cunt) shilling meds, so people can be like you (a customer). youre an advertisement for a product youre a customer and addict for. a very sad life!
in fact, if i were you, then id kill myself!

YOUR shithole garbage town or city YOU live in is not the UK as a whole. you posted some "high street" much different to mine. its not my fault you live somewhere like driffield or the "muslim capital of the UK". it also sounds like YOU are the unemployed one. maybe go apply to be a delivery driver and stop crying on /biz/ ?

>> No.50186915

>The economy is good because people can build things out of wood
My sides kek.

Economic prosperity is concentrated in London and the south east, and even the south east is eastern-Europe tier poverty

>> No.50186916

this is almost every single town in the uk
but yes it wasn't statistics or something it was meant as just a symbol
the uk is awful to work in compared to a host of other countries the only economic benefit of living here is generous capital gains
because our economy is structured around keeping those on top on top and damn everybody else now pay up for our nhs

>> No.50186930
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unlike you who lives in lala land i do have statistics to back up my beliefs

>> No.50186935

london is not "economic prosperity"
london is the prosperity and spread of knowledge. it is THE knowledge center of the WORLD and thats what the UK is also. however, london is a shitty place to live and the people there are not prospering, economically

building things out of wood IS economic prosperity. thats how AMERICA was made too. thats how COLONIES were made. by building things out of wood and metals

>> No.50186939

>Still earn less than this after 17.5% pay rise
I don’t even work in a shitty industry fml

>> No.50186945

have you ever had a full time job?

>> No.50186947

you also claim me to be unemployed
and then, you post the median salary as an attack against me. seems to me - if you are the employed one, and im in a "rural shithole" living a "bad life" because im "unemployed" - your life is much shittier than mine. so shut up.

>> No.50186959

You need to be over 18 to post on this site. You also don’t understand what the economy is if you think it’s prioritised by gdp per capita

>> No.50186979

you also could make your current situation better (if you werent such a retard) in < 21.5 years
but you wont because youre a retard AND youre negative to the UK and its economy, actively harming it by being who you are! so fuck off! the UK is fine. its better than fine, but fine is good. it shall only get better, too. the UK is up for the best of times the day after tomorrow and then, itll be a slow decent into where we are today (which is not so bad), to go on and make it better again. and maybe it wont ever get so bad again, even. but if you think that times are bad now, then your future is looking good. not to say that it IS bad

>> No.50186980

>your life is much shittier than mine
yes it is - i have a job and must commute to the city
i don't live in the cotswolds farting around making wooden knick knacks for fun
the median salary is representative of the state of employment as a whole - if the median is low then even specialist jobs are depressed because labour is in lower demand
this is very basic and obvious
case in point: tech wages here aren't even half of what they are in the usa

>> No.50186986

sounds like youre the poor person so why are you talking at all?
anon, really though... you need to save some money these years (for a short time). it will be good for the economy, and the economy will be good. currently, the economy is fine

>> No.50186990


>> No.50186993

i really do not know where people with zero life experience get off on talking like this
your statements even fly in the face of statistical economic reality
>just make wooden chairs and prance around and save lol!

>> No.50187002


>> No.50187006
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I feel kinda hopeless. I am a low earner @ 30 and dont really have any skills to speak of other than warehouse/forklift experience, which is like the most replacable job on earth. Earning more than 30k per year in a normal job seems to be off the cards for me.

If theres a housing crash i wont be able to take advantage of it because everything else goes down with the ship that is the housing market. There is no safe haven in an economic downturn and the UK is about to see a big one.

I suppose all i can do is live with my mum , save and get jacked.

>> No.50187007


>> No.50187011

have you gotten ALL of the cards your employer can buy for you?

>> No.50187022

briton shall prevail

>> No.50187036

lol what? Are you a genuine schizo? Your posts seem very out there anon. Are you okay?

>> No.50187048

the green, blue, black cards (licences)

>> No.50187055

pol-bong here, will I have to go back to my country?

>> No.50187066

>Fellow Bongs, we're in for some hard times, aren't we?
Is your whole country a satanic cult working for the anti-christ?

>> No.50187073
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>> No.50187113


and its your civic duty to get all your loicenses. it will increase your net-worth and options

>> No.50187114

Your political affiliation intentionally excludes anyone with an IQ higher than 120

>> No.50187131

You're a fucking scumbag kicking and screaming because he doesn't want to face how fucked this country has it because 'people build things out of wood'. You have a level of delusion I genuinely cannot comprehend.

>> No.50187232

and youre a miserable faggot. your shitty life is your own doing, and with enough people living their shitty lives (like you), for their own doings and actions and choices, because you are such a shitty person and a retard, you are negatively affecting this country
your internal world translates to your small world (home, work, etc.). this translates to the bigger world, as we are but a piece in this bigger world as one country. so get it together - and maybe stop being so mad at happiness? maybe thats a good start for why youre so miserable

because imagine being the kind of person that reacts to happiness with salt. not very becoming

>> No.50187254

cambridge (london) is only (such) a shitty place because of all the commies. if you dont know, there are a lot of communists among the cambridge youths

>> No.50187259


Do an IOSH managing safely and then a NEBOSH general certificate and get into health and safety. You'll easily be on 30k+ after a couple years and if you do a degree level safety course that comes after that you'll be looking at £40k+ going as high 60-70 or even more depending on the area and company you work for.

Then there is always more ways to expand your skillset and open more opportunites up. You can specialise in fire safety or construction. you can get the certs to work in offshore energy safety which pays really well.

both of those courses are the starter level stuff and can be done online in your spare time. The Iosh will cost you about £200-250 and the nebosh will cost you about £500. You might have to work a shit entry level job for a year or two to get your foot in the door but once you have some xp in the field you'll be able to job hop to something better pretty quickly.

You'll need to be open to moving around a bit and It's not gonna be as incredibly lucrative as some other careers can be but it's a solid living. Much better than what you are gonna get driving an FLT. Oh and you'll need to not be an autist I guess because you'll need to talk to people a lot. Obviously no guarentees here mind you but you should look into it.

>> No.50187325

lot of miserabl bastards in this country

>> No.50187397

I wonder why there are communists when the only thing left is economic ruin at the hands of the rich. Crab bucket mentality is powerful.

>> No.50187410

>You're a fucking scumbag kicking and screaming because he doesn't want to face how fucked this country has it because 'people build things out of wood'. You have a level of delusion I genuinely cannot comprehend.

We'll soon have all those trees chopped down and burnt when its cold in winter, we have no gas and the wind doesnt blow.

>> No.50187438

Pushing against Russia is in your best interest, dumbfuck

>> No.50187440

Speak for Yourself, serf.

>> No.50187625

Nah, the UK is in the same boat as the rest of the civilised world. It'll be fine.

Whether or not Boris stays or goes is irrelevant. The UK is only offered a choice of neoliberal corporatists. You get to chose their tie colour, that's it.

Long term I would love for the conservatives to crumble and for an actual nat-pop right wing party to fill the void.

Recession + a bumbling labour government + the conservatives no longer existing x 5-6 years = Entrance conditions for something based.

>> No.50187650

Keep dreaming kek

>> No.50187712

The larger the country/empire the more unsustainable it is. Even With a constant influx of resources and wealth from slavery and war it ends belly up sooner or later.

>> No.50187737

I hope the mother of all recession happens so I can buy a house

>> No.50187804

You wont get a mortgage if this happens. Probs jobless also. Stop calling for the collapse so you buy a "Cheap home" and realise if this happens you more likly to not be able to afford one. Buy a house up north you can get family 3 bed home for 150k

>> No.50187808

Just a return to the Boom and Bust cycles of the last 60 years. But the common man has been increasingly left behind during the Booms and still feels the busts.
There are so many towns and cities where all the industry and employment has dried up and there's fuck all to do with the thousands of lower class workers who have no prospects and just live off benefits and crime.
And in those areas, businesses are all immigrant owned, staffed and run to boot.

>> No.50187832

ill read it in a sec
but youd best be having positivity

>> No.50188003

>buy a house in a crack-addled shithole

>> No.50188022

bongbros enjoy their life


>> No.50188071

There is nothing wrong with the north. See this is half the problem. You complain you cant buy a house but your to up your arse to buy a house where you can actually afford. Then you live in cities such as London and complain about not being able to afford a house- or will skint yourselves to buy one there. There is plenty of afforable homes in this country, the problem is people thing its a birth right to be able to afford a home in the best areas in the country

>> No.50188077

i think that the lower class peoples in briton still have a lot to offer the country, and can do a lot of things very well. they just dont want to. i dont think its "boom and bust" though, and i think we are okay

>> No.50188138
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>There is nothing wrong with the north.
Nothing but Scots and northern monkeys living up there, better question is is there anything right with the north?

>> No.50188156

Be honest guys, how fucked are we?

>> No.50188169

I've moved all of my savings out of Sterling accounts and into USD/Rubles/Gold and BTC. We binfire now.

>> No.50188175
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You southerns are jokes. Its a shithole anything south of Sheffield

>> No.50188195

cringe fella

>> No.50188245

>Ur a libtard sheep
>U'll beleve anyfin bruv
>£350m a week to the NHS
>Look at r bus
>Win brexit
>What bus?
>What energy profits?
Explain, in your best possible way, how ring wing politics has served as a net positive for the UK since 2008

>> No.50188268

is that really york? it must be the outside of the library if so?

>> No.50188273

the price of sosij and nugubu bringing it home

>> No.50188279

you guys are in for some of the best years of your life.

>> No.50188296


>t. city slicker nonces arguing about cities in the north/south being shit

Get out of the cities boys and there are great places in both the north and the south.

>> No.50188346

Also, is there anything more cuck then having all of your economic prosperity stripped from yourself so badly that it'll never recover in your lifetime, to be handed into the back pockets of the right and their friends... and you STILL support them on the off chance you might be one of their friends some day
>Spoiler: you won't you cuck

>> No.50188435
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>Explain, in your best possible way, how ring wing politics has served as a net positive for the UK since 2008
Ain't 'ad none of them pooftas in charge telling people anybody can go in the women's bogs

>> No.50188464

I love the brits
stay strong boys


>> No.50188513
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>> No.50188552

in briton its true

>> No.50188557
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>> No.50188583

I love how Libs have allowed themselves to become so brainwashed by The Guardian that anyone who holds a differing opinion to them about anything must automatically be right wing and be brainwashed by the opposite newspapers and media to the ones their team consumes . Like if someone says they voted for Brexit they automatically start sperging out about 'WHAT ABOUT THE £350 MILLION?!?!' like bro I couldn't give a fuck less about Nigel Farage. Or if you say you don't think making vaccines mandatory is the right thing to do 'OMG YOU ARE A CONSPIRACY THEORIST NAZI YOU THINK COVID IS FAKE!?!'. Is funny as fuck when they do this though so pls don't change.

>> No.50188679

yea why the fuck are all of your political reps resigning? surely it's inflation and general poor management.

>> No.50188694

boris johnson looks a little too much like trump for my liking

>> No.50188699

Why don't the boomers eat their houses, that's where all the wealth is, right?

>> No.50188719

Exactly, nothing lost, burn it

>> No.50188777

>keep us away from russia and ukraine
Lmao. Lol. UK's foreign policy comes directly from the huwhite house and it's not going to change ever.

>> No.50189842
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slags are our only remaining export

>> No.50189867

Driffield is nice, so is Beverley nearby.
White holdout.

>> No.50190090

I don't think along those lines at all, everyone who voted either side of brexit had good intentions on the outcome
The problem I have is when the large majority of bexiteers ignored expert advice, on a platter, of what that would mean for the economy of the UK and now REGRET voting leave, they purposely ignored what they didn't want to hear in the offchance ANY CHANGE is better than how things was
To this day, I'm not referring to all right-wingers or conservatives, the majority of tories voters refuse to accept they've been lied to and made a mistake voting in criminals with zero morals, rather than accept they've made a mistake with the current cabinet, they defend it because their egos are so fucking fragile
The country is a FUCKING MESS

>> No.50190124

Everyone is.

>> No.50190130
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>expert advice

>> No.50190280

I don't care what your brexit cope is. 100% of leave voters voted in favour of brexit because they didn't want any more brown people around. Brexit was a single issue political event driven only and exclusively by demographic issues (i.e. white genocide). They got the exact opposite and now, instead of euros, more pakis and africans are coming in than before

anyone who voted for brexit should neck theirselves in shame for having been shafted this hard

>> No.50190622

It was an issue of political sovereignty, about the highest court in the land being a British court.
Even Baz and the lads down at the Black Horse were seething about regulations.
You're a weakling and know nothing of your own countrymen, I walk past weak faggots like you in the street all of the time, disgraceful.

>> No.50191222

>America is collapsing as we speak,
Kek america is not collapsing. We have a ton of jobs. We just have the village idiot in charge right now. But he can't actually do anything. The courts just affirmed your rights to own a gun so get over and bongs and get your AR.

>> No.50191279

the EU is shit but the brits exited it at the worst possible time.
really makes you wonder whether the ruskies helped grease the wheels for that one. the timing lines up too perfectly.

>> No.50191444

Your only chance at continuing to exist is enabling America to lead an anglo alliance. Otherwise you revert back to an irrelevant island with few natural resources.

>> No.50191552

>nobody ever cared about EU-level regulations before brexit or voted leave with them in mind
lol stfu. Remoaners are literally delusional. I'd love to hear a two sided debate about whether Brexit was a good idea or not but everybody on the remain side says literally delusional bullshit like this.

>> No.50191593
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innit bruv

>> No.50191604
File: 179 KB, 443x284, dealwithitbrit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it will help soothe your arse to learn that I am a Leave voter who does not regret voting Leave. UK is fucked and EU is fucked. Makes sense we are responsible for sorting our own mess out, doesn't make sense to be responsible for the mess other countries like Greece and Italy have made. Not the sole reason I voted Leave either for any Remainer with a hardon looking to jump on that.

>> No.50191791

>support anti-Russian sanctions
>government collapses
Why is this happening so much bros?

>> No.50192171

>omg guise, 15 years from now on, when britain is under 50% white, we can have a party that is slightly better than cuckservatives, guise, isn't this exciting!?!! I must voooooote, trust the plan 2 more weeks

>> No.50192496

I wish I was PM. I would immediately start some wars for the lulz. Probably try to nuke Norway, and then take their resources. Then I would open up the steel, coal, and automotive industry. I would bring back the cotton mills so all clothing is made in the UK. I would frack in north scotland where those 3 civilians live in the shetland islands. If they don't like it they can fuck off to Iceland. I would immediately ban homosexuality, I would incentivize young marriage by giving every newly wed a house. I would ally with BRICS and tell the USA to fuck off. I would ban all imports from Germany, especially German cars. I would give more powers back to the royal family, and I would eventually create a new British Empire. Less through conquest, more through diplomacy and industry. But I wouldn't be scared of using the military. Like I say, day 1 I would nuke Norway just to show the world you can't fuck with me.

>> No.50192538
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you've got my vote

>> No.50192888

wtf you stole my platform you bastard
What do I do now, campaign on nuking Sweden instead of Norway?

>> No.50193059
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Europe in general is fucked, they have almost no tech companies and out of the best they have only one made it into the top 500 tech companies in the world, that's pathetic.

>> No.50193129

Go cut off the rest of your dick

>> No.50193179

Soon the king will return and you can hand him one of your hawks, like the old times.

>> No.50193213

Will I, as an American, be able to buy chav sex slaves from bongland soon?

>> No.50193271

If you earn 1000 pounds a month, use 10 of them to buy Bitcoin. Within 8 years, you won't need to work.

>> No.50193351

You always could, if you're willing to deal with the consequences of dealing with Jews

>> No.50193582

It's only going to get worse.

>> No.50193590
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Sure you will. Here's a burger, fatty.

>> No.50194164

i regret voting remain, i only did it because my gf was Portuguese
all or most of the english MEPs working there said it was an antidemocratic scam and full of politicians that failed to get elected in their own country
it's like where retired politicians that nobody votes for go to get tax free benefits and a second pension as long as they toe the line
do you want to be drafted in ww3 or something? do you think we should be giving ukraine billions of taxpayer money and weapons that we might need ourselves later?

>> No.50194202

Oi mate you got a license to be shitposting on 4chan?

>> No.50194254

Just tether up

>> No.50194399

What if that guy was posting from China and America just lives rent free in your head?

>> No.50195137

>I wish I was PM
Just walk into 10 Downing street, find the manager, and shake him firmly by the inner thigh and penis.

>> No.50195699

And SAP is a great example as to why the germans should never have bothered with software

>> No.50195833

The UK smokable powdered cocaine byproduct industry has seen year-on double-digit growth.
Soon, every home will be their own lab, and Bong can declare itself a self-sufficient Nation.

>> No.50195995

How can I profit from this?

>> No.50196009

>Fellow Bongs, we're in for some hard times, aren't we?
The UK is in a very bad position relative to the US, EU Canada or Australia or South Korea or Japan BUT the UK is nowhere near as fucked as Russia or Serbia

>> No.50196106
File: 22 KB, 500x500, spoon-set-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unloicensed clobberin' spoons m8... simple as

Troons get the spoons m8

Best fing about the north is there's no Savvern fairies poncin' abaaaat givin' it the large one innit brav!

>> No.50196125

Doesn't make me feel any better

>> No.50196170

>we have 68 million people in the UK.
You cannot be serious anon? There's 80million plus and rising fast, the very basic arithmetic of immigration proves there cannot possibly only be 68 million

>> No.50196211

>>>50186087 (OP)
>best case scenario - boris removed and we get someone to keep us away from russia and ukraine and is pro freedums and anti EU
>worse case scenario - we keep boris or get someone worse that wants more vaccines, lockdowns and more push against russia
>like that faggot trudeau, then we get hypersonic nuked first
Kill yourself you stupid little russian faggot before mi6 does

>> No.50196249

.t russian trying to get british and norwegians to hate on each other
>it is all so boring, please nuke russia

>> No.50196280

>Otherwise you revert back to an irrelevant island with few natural resources.
>Relevancy is meaningless, it is better to be irrelevant than part of the ZOG
>Britain has more gas, coal and oil that it can use
You have no idea what you're talking about you fat retard, go cope about the guns you'll never use

>> No.50196352

What do you even think the euro is you moron? It's got nothing to do with Iceland

>> No.50196375

Imagine thinking that looks anything like Driffield. Retard.

>> No.50196406
File: 152 KB, 771x804, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>it's the jews
>>brexit was a good thing
>>Vaccines are bad

>> No.50196429

>its of zero importance who the prime minister is.
I remember when I was a teenager and thought these kinds of takes were genius too.

>> No.50196482

Organised Distribution Networks are key, my fren.
If you haven't already registered UeberCrack247.co.uk, you're missing the last train of opportunity.

>> No.50196654

What are you on about? Explain

>> No.50196932

your guys' population collapse is gonna be harsh.

>> No.50197240

everyone in England wants this, it's overcrowded af

>> No.50197348

You should nuke norway but give no reason or explanation why, and forbid any politician or news agency to ever speak about it.

For the lulz ofc.

>> No.50197365
File: 647 KB, 1105x1031, europe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from ever speaking about it*

>> No.50198231

Nobody regrets voting leave, they RESENT getting a bunch of cunt toffs to sit around playing soggy biscuits with the EU on the arrangements (should have been speedy departure from all memberships, committees and initiatives). Contrary to the papers people knew EXACTLY what leave meant. It meant leaving everything.

>> No.50198327

>Best fing about the north is there's no Savvern fairies poncin' abaaaat givin' it the large one innit brav!
That's how southerners speak you fucking nonce

>> No.50198431

No shit Sherlock, I were mocking his souf slang ya daft bloodeh twat

>> No.50198674

It pissed off a lot of sanctimonious cunts like yourself. I'd do it again. I'd do it worse.

>> No.50198764

I'm a remain voter who regrets voting remain for the exact reason you said. Not to mention the abhorent behaviour of the Europians post-referendum

>> No.50198893

>Cut off own dick
>Too stupid to even regret it
Story checks out

>> No.50200082

>right wing politicians
Imagine thinking that any genuine and intelligent person would classify the Tories as right wing. You probably read some smart books, or had them incorrectly interpreted for you, but you are too stupid or too lazy to synthesize historical and present-day events into a coherent worldview. You have adopted a fundamentally childish view of the world and will likely always be lost in the forest while using a couple trees to orient yourself.

Stop thinking so much because you're not good at it.

But to answer your incoherent question based on a misnomer: it has not. I can also confirm that ice would not treat cancer better than water. Now that we've clarified nothing, please kys.

>> No.50200183

boris vs starmer is hardly thatcher vs atlee

>> No.50200199
File: 237 KB, 5000x4390, hdpepe2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone remember the larp from a few months ago? some anon predicted Boris Johnson resigning sometimes in july and it's happening now. Does anyone remember this or has a screenshot or something? pls share what you have
thanks anon

>> No.50200220

What's to regret? We left, didn't we?
Still don't think we ever joined though. We drifted into it.