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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50557461 No.50557461 [Reply] [Original]

why is Chainlink (LINK) talked so much about in /biz/ ?
What is so incredible about it?

>> No.50557498

Chainlink Oracles Power Everything

>> No.50557536
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>Tranny jannies own it so they allow all the shills to be unchecked.
>/pol/tards bought is near ath and they keep shilling it (they are losers and have nothing better to do)
>Discord wef trannies shill it
>And a small but very loud minority of baggies who didn't sold at ath
Shills will make up some bullshit like for example that link will be used for everything in the future or that it will be $1000 eoy, all a lie btw.

>> No.50557553

It will be used for everything in the future and it will be $1000 eoy, all true btw

>> No.50557577

It's synthetic trust in a world full of liars, stealers, and grifters. More specifically synthetic trust for DATA, the lifeblood of the information age. Most people won't actually have access to this type of quality data, but the crumbs will be delicious for them.

>> No.50557630
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>what is so incredible about it
the inner strength of the chainlink holder

>> No.50557678


>> No.50557698
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>> No.50557704

Because staking will be released in the next 24hours

>> No.50557707
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Globohomo shitcoin of the highest order. We have to destroy it completely.

The Great Short is inevitable anons

>> No.50557724

It unironically has cool tech. Sad that the token is not needed though.

>> No.50557727
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First of all, most of us here can see the coming technocratic system that is going to be used to replace all the conventional systems of the 20th century.
What's coming is inevitable because as humans advance and move into new frontiers, the old system of paper money and contracts that run through old legacy systems has to fall

Chainlink is attempting to be the engine of that new inevitable system.
Whether or not they'll pull it off has yet to be scene, but the fact is they're the only one really trying and they're the only ones who've made any real progress.
On top of that, it's becoming clear that the big tech firms and banks are lining up behind Chainlink because they see what we see.

At this point holding Link is more a question of timing than a question of whether it'll be a massive behemoth.
Personally, I'm holding Link long term because I know the second I try to time a swing to something else to chase a quick pump, I'll lose half my stack.
It's the same reason I hold on a cold wallet and not on some 3rd party scheme giving out false APY.

I don't care whether any of you hold it or not because the retail biz holders aren't going to move the price.
I just want to make sure everyone understands what Link really is and what it can really do.
Better my biz bros making it too instead of just the great reset drivers who are setting this big awful new system up.

>> No.50557751

just like XRP it's a boomer coin that has a lot of frustrated baggies. They come here to circlejerk with each other.

>> No.50557762

Bunch of baggies hoping that I buy their bags. (I won't)

>> No.50557781

>this big awful new system
yeah because the old systems are so great

>> No.50557835

Its your golden ticket that you won't buy

>> No.50557911
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The old systems are good not because of their content, but because of their limits. Authoritarianism is not limited by lack of desire for control, but by lack of technological capability to enforce that desire. The smart contract future allows for much deeper integration of authoritarian control into every day life.

>> No.50557912

If it's pushed by the WEF , It should go to the moon ?
Thank you anon

>> No.50557985

Yeah , that's why (((they))) let us play with crypto that's supposed to defeat the USD
We already saw what happenned to those that tried to do this

I'm thinking of DCA Chainlink ('cause the WEF) and XMR ('Wef = no privacy , so ppl will try to get financial privacy)

>> No.50558188
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During the last bear market link was one of the few things that did well so lots of people have fond memories of it in the same way that a man dying of thirst in the desert has fond memories of that oasis he stumbled upon.
But that was a long time ago

>> No.50558308

anon, for thousands of years the paths to knowledge and power have been gatekept by an all-powerful aristocratic class that exercised total control over society. we've already been living through millennia of dystopia, this has only changed because of technology. like many I think you are feeling modernity bias and are erroneously conflating surveillance and progressive automation with lack of agency. it is more possible than ever before for a random person to save themselves using their own skill, this technology continues to advance that upward trend

>> No.50558801

good perspective. information addicted people with high intuition and low agency often anticipate catastrophic outcomes for all upcoming change because they can only relate to the world through the lens of their own inefficacy. there have been alternative truth doomsday narrative spinners forever and they get btfo every generation. that's not to say there isn't a technologically enabled dominance hierarchy; it's just a fact that most people are cattle or dropouts who are subjugated by those who wield the cutting edge in psychological tools, and that there are far fewer people destined to wield them (and fewer yet who will wield them in a manner to expand the minds of those who don't quite get it). Always been this way, always will be.

>> No.50559488

read the whitepaper dumb retard

>> No.50559510

Someone borrowed and dumped 5 million LINK on the market and will be forced to buy back:

They are fuding Chainlink on /biz/ because they can't buy back and are underwater on their short.
How nice would it be if they got forced into bankruptcy?

>> No.50559920

Fren they want bankruptcy. Chapter 11 is "restructuring".

This form of kikery is and shall always be.

>> No.50560222


>> No.50560314
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Ive read it and didn’t understand.

>t.186k LINK whale

>> No.50560958
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based whale

send some or concequence

>> No.50561148

You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t force it to drink. In the current situation, those Linkies on Twitter have lead most people(horses) to water but they refuse to buy because
>muh price action
>muh competitors
>muh no funny memes from founders
Personally, I don’t care. The universe and the lord will always find a way to balance the scale. For all we know, the general publics ignorance to the walls closing in on them fast, is a way to keep the world balanced from letting too many people who trust authority and would let those authority figures make decisions for them come into a situation with wealth and power. It’s the game of life, people who see what’s coming and have noticed the shifting in trends are in a position to take advantage. In my opinion, the kind of paradigm shift we’re going to experience due to the capabilities that Chainlink DONs enable is once in a millennia.

>> No.50561411

i honestly don't know why i would rather read threads about how polygon i accelerating blockchain enterprise adoption after partnering with kaleido, or how disney's accelerator chose matic to be the only blockchain in its 2022 program

>> No.50561447

Ill stick a sharpie in my ass for 100 link. Its not begging as I provide you a service.

>> No.50561490


holy FUCK you got filtered lmao

>> No.50561603

nothing. basically all 2017 biztards bought it because they thought its the next bitcoin and didn't solded for profit. now they be coping forever

>> No.50561672

Chainlink is the One

>> No.50563265

Thanks for not being a faggot and putting your money where your mouth is, too many larpers. You must shit blood from the stress this thing has caused, may we all make it.

>> No.50563874
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>> No.50565544

Only discord trannies talk about it

>> No.50565588
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>It should go to the moon
It's going straight to zero. Prepare your shorts

>> No.50567055

Nexo doesn't want it as they are trying every trick in the book to hide their losses.
I am almost certain these wallets belong to Nexo.

Once they are bankrupt they will never get new clients again.

>> No.50568235
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>> No.50568359





>> No.50568608

You are a…MANIAC

>> No.50568797

Because it's the sequel to Bitcoin but will have a far larger impact on the planet.
Bitcoin is Dark Souls, LINK is Elden Ring.