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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50594113 No.50594113 [Reply] [Original]

fuck you
Im selling it all
gonna get a full time job
clown market

>> No.50594159

75bps is a shit hike that will not stop inflation. After this pump we will continue crabbing downwards for a while until the next hike.

>> No.50594184

Back to whoring your tight little brown ass out on the streets, eh Bobo?

>> No.50594192
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>> No.50594204

biden and jpow successfully prevented the economy from collapsing, fixed inflation and kicked putins ass in fortnite. only way from here is up.

>> No.50594238

>fixed inflation
Nothing short of 150bps will fix inflation. It slows it down but it will pick up speed again.

>> No.50594292

rate hikes don't do shit in the current situation, it wasn't too much demand or interrupted supply lines that caused inflation, so trying to manipulate demand by raising rates has barely any effect on inflation and they know it. it's all symbolic what they're doing.

>> No.50594311
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We warned you like 5 times bobo

>> No.50594326

>it wasn't too much demand or interrupted supply lines that caused inflation
Been living under a rock have you? Droughts, floods, heat waves and a naval blockade have fucked the world's supply of grain.

>> No.50594426

People forget that the economy is bigger than Jpow and his little points game and that there are a large number of ticking time bombs that aren't getting diffused with interest rates.

>> No.50594428
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>roughts, floods, heat waves
Ok greta
If anything its crazy fertilzier laws like in netherland

>> No.50594445

and you think this can be fixed by reducing demand for grain by discouraging loans? their "tools" are worthless in the current situation. most of the increased producer prices came from the energy crisis and they overcharge the customers now heavily because everyone expects price increases. jpow can't do shit about that.

>> No.50594464

all the gains will be lost in a few days. lol.

>> No.50594468

There is a shortage of fertilizer globally incidentally. Heat waves in India destroyed lots of crops. Floods in China, drought in the US. Ukraine and Russian grain isn't on the market either.
>jpow can't do shit about that.
Yes he can. He can raise the rates by 200bepis.

>> No.50594503

bobo, you and all the others need to realize that the markets don't care about muh rate hikes or CPI anymore. You can only spook the markets so many times with nothingburger scary news events before they just stop reacting

>> No.50594515

>raise the rates by 200bepis
this won't bring down energy and food prices in any meaningful way.

>> No.50594550

>Heat waves in India destroyed lots of crops. Floods in China, drought in the US.
Dude things like that happen every years stop listening to the media or pol or wherever you get that

>> No.50594556

Fuck I guess you're right. He really has to raise it by 500bps huh... with a deflating dollar, energy and food will become affordable.

>> No.50594591

>Dude things like that happen every years stop listening to the media or pol or wherever you get that
The problem is that it happened at the same time Ukraine and Russia stopped shipment of grain. UN is on the verge of declaring an emergency.

>> No.50594645
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>> No.50594693

So what does this all do in the big picture if some niggers starve again?
Until the 2000s them starving was common it was not too long ago they fixed it

>> No.50594728

>some niggers starve
That isn't the problem. The problem is when there is a massive loss in manpower in addition to rising food prices.

>> No.50594794

>massive loss in manpower
What doy ou even Mean

>> No.50594873

I mean the north african market will see a drop in population. In particular the desert shitholes that depend on Ukrainian grain.

>> No.50594891
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Why is this happening?AAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.50594948
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>> No.50595079

And no there wont be mass starvation
>Until the 2000s them starving was common it was not too long ago they fixed it
It was always common
Also the very poor strave that dont influence economy if anything
Your totally deranged and dont even argue with me just deflect and come up with 2 more weeks bullsh1t!

>> No.50595087
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$SPIRAL is your unironic ticket for financial freedom

>> No.50595117
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>> No.50595414
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Never doubt the JPOW

>> No.50595433



>> No.50595494

The retards have been bled dry. Thanks opie for the buy signal. Looks like it's almost time for the actual bull market. We still might test 16k tho.

You idiots JUST had the most insane bull run ever with all time historic high prices and btc going over 50k. If you couldn't make money off that bullrun then crypto just isn't for you.

The crypto markets operate off 2 to 4 year cycles. We had a multi year run up leading to historic prices. That is ALWAYS followed by a crash and multi year bear market especially as dumbfuck crypto boys don't give a fuck about the rampant scams and fraud delegitimizing the space and scaring normans and institutions away. And the vast majority of annoying crypto e kiddies don't factor this into their fundamental analysis at all.

You JUST had historic all time highs

If you couldn't make money off that then sell everything and fuck off

The insane volatility of crypto and the multi year big swings up and down are why there is so much opportunity to begin with.

If you didn't sell at or near the peak you're an idiot operating purely on emotions and hype and shouldn't be investing. $62,000 bitcoin and a straight vertical line leading up to it wasn't a strong enough sell signal to you? HOW?!? Hype and emotions.

>> No.50595964

nah, refugee crisis 2.0, Europe clearly needs some more enrichment

>> No.50596027

Never selling. Gonna buy more Algorand when it dips to 30 cents or less.

>> No.50596055

Oh no! Not the food my food eats! We might have to feed chickens bugs or something fellas, maybe even feed fish bugs.
It's OVER boys.

>> No.50596103

>You JUST had historic all time highs
No I didn't.
I did buy the bottom though.
>If you couldn't make money off that then sell everything and fuck off
Never selling, bobo.

>> No.50596878

You just had near enough 9 months of straight down price action. The bottom is in. Even last time in your precious bear market we did a 3x off the bottom and crabbed at those prices 18 months and it took a black swan to retest lows. You're about to get liquidated, watch BTC trade at 45k until the next halving and then you will fomo in at 60k with the pathetic amount you have left as mania starts to take over again. Go cry about it with your tranny bear god Cassandra as you short markets that are getting increasing amounts of free money ($280 billion announced today under so called tightening financial conditions LOL) until the entire system implodes, at which point you will need guns, not dollars and financial assets.
Fuck bobo
Fuck niggers
Fuck tranny Burry.

>> No.50596921


>> No.50598304

You gon regret that pretty soon, nothing is touching my BTC and ETH bags infact my DCA strategy is still in motion while I occassionally top up my MATIC, DOT and ORE bags. Wagmi

>> No.50598729

On same train anon, but I am kinda curious on how long it will take to get to 30cent tho I have other alts I am currently accumulating slowly most are related to web3,NFT support and asset management.

>> No.50598758
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But Bobo, do not give up. Where there are ups, there will be downs. As you know. You just need to wear a mask sometimes.

>> No.50598791
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You sound like someone who never bought a single ULTIMATE CHAMPIONS CHAMP NFT ever, too bad since they're pumping like crazy on their first week on the market lol

>> No.50598797

>Where there are ups, there will be downs
we've had 8 months of nothing but down

>> No.50598827

Fren, do not worry. This is inevitable. Lets earn money.

>> No.50599245

dead africans is always priced in retard.they always have contingencyplans for that shitty groid continent.

>> No.50600809

NGMI kek, get into more fundamental projects even lowcaps are better than this shit, BAT,MATIC,ORE,SOV and a host of others just do something good for yourself.

>> No.50601585

I have no doubt that the Asset management and security niche will be flooded very soon, the centralised platforms have sure of that hence people are quite cautious with their asssets now. I personally use ORE ID to secure my wallet against hacks and I dont have to expose my keys to access the wallet.

>> No.50602022

You made me puke with your retarded bullshit

Bitcoin 100k in two months