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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50686608 No.50686608 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>work for multi million dollar company
>morning at work
>just sat down at my desk sipping from coffee
>random guy shows up
>says hi with a big smile shakes my hand and says his name
>takes the chair next to me
>sits down like he's laying at home in his couch scratching his balls
>me utterly baffled who the fuck is this retard
>i ask him where he works
>says he works downstairs and its his first day
>start to notice his face expression becomes a bit more neutral
>i ask him which department he works for
>says like an absolute chad "i am the new CEO"
>completely forgot former CEO was retiring and new one was starting today
>asks me a few questions and then takes off
did i fuck up bizbros? he seemed disappointed in me when he saw i didn't know who he is once he said his name. is there a way i can profit from having a first bad impression?

>> No.50686692

expect to get fired soon, anon

>> No.50686697

Just the top wagie flexing in front of lower wagies. Surely you can profit from caressing his ego (or his balls).

>> No.50686711


well the first impression ist the most important, in best case he will just think you are an average loser and wont give a shit, he prolly might already forgot who you are. in worst case he will mark your name and either get you fired or make your work a living hell.

>> No.50686719

It may be a good idea to polish your resume

>> No.50686736

seems like a pretty shit CEO to work for

>> No.50686755

Proper office social behavior would've been to backpedal on any unfriendliness and just suddenly have a big grin on your face and be like "OH! I'm so sorry sir I didn't recognize you by name! I feel like I've read a memo somewhere with that name before but I couldn't recall! Anyway, how do you like it here so far? I'm xxxx btw, extremely delighted to meet you in person! You can always count on me if you ever need anything related to (insert job description)!"

If you instantly switched gears like that you should be fine. I personally hate being all fake like that but it's what you need to do to survive office politics.
I'm glad I'm semi-retired now, basically just doing random projects at home.

>> No.50686766

No CEO is so petty to hold a grudge against a worker bee for not knowing his name. Play it cool OP, next time you see him give him a big cheerful hey how's the new job in the hallway and turn it around -give him cred by being one of the regular guys. He'll swing by more often and then you can start giving your ideas.

>> No.50686771

What an absolute Chad. You won't be in trouble. Hes going to have a vendetta out for HR or whomever was supposed to herald his arrival.

>> No.50686785

> doesnt introduce himself as the CEO
> tries to play stupid games
Sounds like a shit person to work for. Get ready for 24/7 micromanagement

>> No.50686795

you came off like someone with no personality, social skills, or initiative. the fucking CEO gave you the opportunity for free access to his time and you took 0 advantage of it. i know everyone calls everyone retard on this board, but you are a retard.

>> No.50686798


>> No.50686865

Why should you care? I work for a big company too and if the CEO walked up to me (impossible, I wfh) I would have to try not to laugh. Might as well get approached by the president for how much he has to do with my day to day.
But this is a larp. Wtf does
>He said I am the CEO like a Chad
even mean?

>> No.50686909

there's a billion other management levels before you get to CEO. i doubt HR or anyone from the management will fire my ass since i'm pretty key in the company
he did seem like a genuine good guy straight to the point just didn't expect me to not know who he is
i won't see him much desu. probably now just because he's just starting but from there he'll never be at the company. he's the CEO of a conglomerate and the company i work for is one of the many.
this would've been the perfect answer to twist it completely. too bad i'm a retarded 4chan incel who's socially incapable and only said "Oh okay" when he said he's the new ceo kek
thanks fren will keep this in mind
he definitely did have chad characteristics. so either he's respecting me now for not being a faggot and not caring about who the fuck he is or he's pissed off

>> No.50686975
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i know and yet here i am again asking questions on the same board that makes me a fucking retard

>> No.50687034

>"Hello sir, how's the new job?"
>"Excuse me? How's the new job you ask? I've been the head of several large companies wagie. How dare you imply that I'm new to this"
>"Uh-sir I uh..."
>He kept cutting me off and going "UH? UH? UH?" and closing his hand shut in front of my face
>I lowered my head and started to walk away with an "excuse me sir".
>I heard him chuckle as I walked off.

>> No.50687048


Makes me sick, but by God does it work. In b4 cuck; ego and pride doesn't pad my portfolio, just wish I figured that out in my early 20s.

>> No.50687061
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this is probably how it'd play out. there's no hope left. i fucked up my one chance

>> No.50687076


Even if what you say is true, it doesn't benefit you to act like it's true.

>> No.50687113

I did that with some "random" old guy that showed up at our office every now and then and greeted everyone. Everyone would get up to greet him while I'd just shake his hand quickly without getting up and without even looking at the guy. Turns out he was the executive in charge of that department kek.

>> No.50687117

you are one of his faceless slaves... accept that he doesnt remember the interaction

>> No.50687178

You were so close to getting to be his bro and sit on the board of directors.

Back to the cagie wagie

>> No.50687254

You only get one chance at making a first impression. Having a CEO personally dislike you is a huge uphill battle so you're probably fucked

>> No.50687284

He'll remember you as genuine. Stay genuine, don't back pedal and be fake. Be confident, friendly and respectful in any future interaction.

>> No.50687311

fuck i hate jewish office policy
kek thats actually based
most likely
crypto is my last hope to dunk on his desk the way he did it to me

>> No.50687317

>not sucking his dick
you didn't know he was CEO. You'll probably just get new people hired above you

>> No.50687339

Not being able to play office politics is a weakness. Someone being genuine is a quality you look for in a girlfriend or friend, not in an office

>> No.50687364

Why do you guys suck CEO cock so much?

>> No.50687392

As long as you dont have any aspirations to climb within the company you will be fine. But if your name ever pops up in an email chain in his inbox with a fancier title than you have now in your signature he will probably fuck you over if he remembers you

>> No.50687421

Because nobody climbs that high within multinational corporations without being a backstabbing sociopath. And getting on their bad side usually does not end well for your career ambitions

>> No.50687448

This is the most probable answer, I bet if there was no announcement he went to 10 other wagies and got similar looks. Probably just salty at HR now.

>> No.50687451
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The virgin "Oh my god, I'm so sorry, pleased to meet you" vs the chad "Oh okay"

>> No.50687490

You didn’t even offer to blow him??

>> No.50687504

OP should give him a high five next time.

>> No.50687587

his inbox won't ever see my name since theres so many levels of management before you actually get in contact with the ceo. however he does get involved with yearly evaluations regarding raises etc. so i can forget any raise in the coming 5 years lmao
good. HR are a fucking disease
exactly what i was thinking after that moment. he did finish the conversation with thanking me so i might have left a good impression after all for not bending the knee.