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50790939 No.50790939 [Reply] [Original]

I was made to work as a stower for a fulfillment center of theirs & it was a shit show. The “ambassador” I was assigned wasn’t very much help & when stowing the items into the pods, I hardly ever got pods that were the right fit for the items I had. It felt like I was in that one Drake & Josh episode were they get jobs packaging sushi. You have to be pretty soulless & desperate to work this kind of job, I just wanted to try it out since I know three other people that work there, but fuck that.

>> No.50790969

Yeah, this life is really really bad. The best we can hope for is to possess the nuts to kill ourselves.

>> No.50791076

Hope you stole some shit before quitting.

>> No.50791166

Worked at Amazon for 2.5 years. Started as a stower and it sucked ass. If you volunteer to help out the guys on the dock you’ll get some hard work with cool dudes, or immediately apply for amnesty bc it’s a comfy job that lets you fuck around with robots and computers all day

>> No.50791227

Consequently, you should never order at amazon again, which we both know you will though. All these things we like and that make our lives more comfortable come at the price of others doing shit work for little pay. That is how it is. And I like it.

>> No.50791240

I think the worst part is that you’re timed & monitored the entire time, so you have to keep up the pace otherwise they’ll get on your ass about it. My back isn’t in the best shape, so kneeling down & picking shit up also was made it feel like it was about to snap there was no way I was gonna last a minute longer there before making it worse.

There wasn’t anything worth taking it all looked like typical items suburbanites buy like dog food, toy/puzzle sets, microwaves, medicine, makeup, beverages, baby wipes, books, etc.

>> No.50791321

I did try to see if I could be transferred elsewhere, but the HR fags said I’d have to wait 2-3 weeks before requesting a position change, and I couldn’t talk to my manager about it cuz he wasn’t anywhere to be found most of the time, so I decided to just leave since there was no way I was gonna make it that entire time without fucking my spine up even more. I do feel like a fag for quitting so soon, but I feel like I wasn’t given much of a choice, it was either my health or a few bucks, & I’d rather choose my health.

>> No.50791331

>Quit First Day
proud of ya anon.
you really should have jumped on a conveyor and pissed on everyone as you flew past but, Good Job otherwise.

>> No.50791449

I try my best not to order through Amazon. If I can order from another website, I do that, but I do understand that is the nature of things for better or for worse.

>> No.50791513

What was the hourly pay and did it include health insurance?

>> No.50791522

>Quit Amazon After First Day
Based, you're gonna make it

>> No.50791554

dont worry about it, if you felt it was the right thing to do then its for the best. always go with your gut. you'll often get some little normalfag voice in your head telling you to stick at it even though your gut tells you it aint gonna get better. whenever ive gone against my gut it always ended up saying "i told ya so"

>> No.50791588
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It was $15.80 per hour. I signed up to be full time, so I did get benefits like health insurance.

I hope so

>> No.50791654


>> No.50791697

I bought like one thing off Amazon in the last 3 years. My cunt wife on the other hand has shit on our door from Amazon every god damn day. I hate her so much.

>> No.50791701

Thank you for the reassurance. I do feel a lot better knowing it isn’t just me. I tried to “reason” with that normalfag voice you referenced the entire shift, but I couldn’t think of a legitimate reason to stay other than to not be a quitter.

>> No.50791712

dude dont feel bad. Who fucking cares-- you're not any less of a person. It's a transaction. When you put the item at the store back do you feel bad? No.

It didnt work out for you, and I hope you find something that does. Grinding yourself to dust isnt worth it.

>> No.50792168

I applied for a delivery job hopefully I get it

>> No.50793664

yeah i tried working there quit after the first day, tried again for driving, quit the first day after remembering how shitty it is. Now i work at a ice cream factory for the same pay.

>> No.50793813
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Read "healing back pain" - back. Knee. All these pains are all psychosomatic. I cured myself of crippling pain and autoimmune.
Why you think back surgeries never work. It's fucking pseudoscience. "Slip disk" arthritis. Lol

>> No.50793863
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We need to turn the clock back 1,000 years

>> No.50793876

Godly based. And saved jpg

>> No.50793922

what if you have an x-ray that literally shows a slipped or crushed disc?

>> No.50793964
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I work at a small Amazon warehouse as a part-time flex employee. Every time my shift starts there would be a guy who would write your name down on the board, indicating which position you will be working at. Pretty soon that guy quit and replaced with a new guy. The new guy doesn't even know I exist. I started to clock in, drive home, then drive back and clock out whenever my shift ended.

I have been doing this for 7 months and still haven't been caught.

>> No.50794099

One day of work and your back was sore lmao boo fucking hoo pussy

>> No.50794143

It's fucking bullshit. Dr Sarno who was an orthopedic surgen realized it was all bullshit. You take x-rays of random people in no pain it's like 75 percent have herniated disks. Arthritis. Bone spurs. All this stuff.

But theres no money in that

When a medical professional tells you "you have a bad back" it reinforces this belief. And if you have OCD tendencies... You sure as fuck will have pain. Dude I took so many MRIs. X-rays. I needed hip and back surgery. 38 years old. I read everything about mind-body connection. Turns out, Yep, medicine is all a scam. As of covid didnt teach us that. Unless you break a bone. Or have an acute infection from external sources.

The body does not send pain signals chronically. It's your repressed stress and emotions. Distracting you from dealing with... abuse. Not achieving your dreams. Family problems. Etc

>> No.50794146

The modern world is mundane torture.

>> No.50794169
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amazon is no job for a fren.
learn to code js/react and get a comfy wfh coding job

>> No.50794211

if my package is late, i'm going to be pretty annoyed with you

>> No.50794244

The key to a cushy job at Amazon is to work as one of their contractors. There are many different companies in each building with individual contracts. Look them up, get a decent job with benefits, and put life on cruise control for a bit.

>> No.50794258

interesting, thanks

>> No.50794294

>The body does not send pain signals chronically. It's your repressed stress and emotions.
thanks for the laugh

>> No.50794412

Why don't you smack her about? Just fuck her after so it's sexy dom play and not abuse :^)

>> No.50794617

I'm seconding this. Some other books on this are The Mindbody Prescription, The Great Pain Deception, and my favorite for practical steps is Back Sense.

>> No.50794656

>15.80 an hour
I hope you're an illegal immigrant. Otherwise this shit is just sad

>> No.50794763

Same here anon, but I started off as a picker for a year before finally transfering to outbound ship for my last 4 years. No rate and most people were friendly to work with. Got forklift trained so I had it easier than most people on the dock.

>> No.50794817

You have a soul. You will make it

>> No.50794827

Wtf why so little

>> No.50794837

lol based

>> No.50794908

Uhhh based

>> No.50795874
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>> No.50795924
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doomer begone
become a tradie anon

>> No.50796059
File: 83 KB, 587x500, 4j1ahy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chad tow truck driver reporting in.
My job kicks ass.
>drive around all day in the lifting chad mobile, not trapped in a jail
>easy job, just throw some chains and drive places
>get tips from customers sometimes
>help hot girls with flat tires, lockouts, bitches love a handy hero
>eat lunch whenever I want, wherever I want to, because my office is on wheels
>get to carry a revolver in the glove box for striking fear in to raging man apes when I take their shit
>I'm literally the bane of miscreants, the look of fear and dread on the faces of people in crappy housing projects when I arrive is priceless.
>make 2k a week easily

Take the black pill of motor oil and become a towing chad. This job kicks ass

>> No.50796289

amazon just sucks. try UPS. I'm making 120k here after 6 years

>> No.50797243

If you think amazon work is hard you've obviously never done any manual labour in your life lmao
And your back started to hurt from bending down? Jesus christ anon are you so fat? What's hard about standing in the same place and moving a little and bending down occasionally? Obviously if you haven't done any exercise in your life and you suddenly start it's going to hurt, you would have felt better after a week or two
Neets are pathetic

>> No.50797373

>And your back started to hurt from bending down? Jesus christ anon are you so fat? What's hard about standing in the same place and moving a little and bending down occasionally? Obviously if you haven't done any exercise in your life and you suddenly start it's going to hurt, you would have felt better after a week or two

if one can put headphones on and listen to books or music it wouldn't be that bad ngl

>> No.50797467

No prob.
2 reasons it's not well known.

1 obviously if youre not receptive it doesn't work. Like above poster. You mention something like this to them and They get defensive or think it's absurd. It's their ego no allowing them to be wrong. The idea that something they suffer from was needless is too damaging to the ego.

Like if a lefty realized they were actually objectively wrong with their censorship and their buttsex. Could they accept it? Conciously few could. It would be a huge blow to the ego. Now imagine youre a doctor and spent your whole life "studying structural problems of the back" and you come across this info. Of course you laugh or get butthurt without looking at the statistics.

Last. back problems are a western phenomenon. In the 50s it was wrist problems. 80s-90s foot problems. Now knee and lower back are the collective unconscious. WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOUR BACK NOT WORK.
I could rant for days but I would rather barefoot run or deadlift

2 no money in it

>> No.50797501

> my back was sore from picking things up because im a loser whos spent the last five years slouched in a chair poooosting on this childrens cartoon forum
> if i had stayed for a while longer i might have developed some muscles and got into somewhat better shape, so i had to 'choose my health' and leave to resume spending all day every day poooosting
zoomers are such retarded losers

>> No.50797550

I honestly can't remember the last time I ordered anything on Amazon. Maybe the 1978 Wookiee Storybook perhaps 15 years ago?

>> No.50797601

>best we can hope for is to possess the nuts to kill ourselves
suicide is cowardly

>> No.50798929

You don't even need to read the book. Just read this post and accept it as true.

>> No.50799076

Fuck "dr. sarno" that's just some quack scammer. This hole post reeks of low iq and lower class cope

>> No.50799751

anything that suggests you dont live like a victim and stop whining is a LE SCAM to zoomers

>> No.50800554

Amazon Centers started putting out radio ads here in germany and, unironically, say you can earn UP TO 12€ there, like thats supposed to be something great, minimum wage is 10.50 here lmao

>> No.50800585

Based wfh anon

>> No.50801118

How to cure a bad back in 3 easy steps:
A: Lose weight
B: Squat
C: Deadlift

Congrats, you just cured your bad back.

>> No.50801350

You sound like a fat bitch, but knowing when to cut your losses and move on to a job that's a better fit is an important skill to have.

>> No.50802292

Haha based. Exactly.
Why get mad at it? Have fun at your specialists. While cured my bad back and depression at same time for free

>> No.50802338

how did you cure you depression?

>> No.50802382
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>dealing with people in 2022

>> No.50802886

try food delivery instead. Choose any hours you want, work as much or as little as you want. Min $20/hr more like $40/hr if you're smart and selective about which orders you choose. Instacart is the best for me so far. No managers, no roastie/dyke HR breathing down your neck, just pick the shit up and deliver it. It's not 100% lazy obese scum either, a lot of the time its mothers who just had a baby and can't get out, or fragile old people.

>> No.50802943

did you see the old timers with crippled bones from standing on concrete for decades? One old lady straight died from a stroke when I was there.

>> No.50803085

sure you did lol

>> No.50803211

I tried to sign up for all those things but they all said my truck is too old.

>> No.50803469

Fucking a. Great list. Reading the great pain deception now. Really has some great advice.
You are the placebo. And biology of beilief. are also great books that are more general wellness not just chronic pain.

I think the world is just behind on this one, in 50 years everyone will say "of course repeated obsessive negative emotions cause pain and autoimmune issues".
Also cured my anxiety/depression while curing my back and autoimmune issue. Basically by.. Being present. Accepting. Letting go of control. Accepting mortality. Gratitude. Positive self talk to your body. No like "I'm fat and proud" but thanking every part of your body for doing a good job. Talks more about it in "biology of beleif "

Read those books another anon mentioned. The ones i did. And " A New Earth" . Just be patient with the process. It will work

>> No.50803802

absolutely based

>> No.50804514

speak for yourself and kys
yeah amazon is a corporate cult. they incentivize you to rat on each other

>> No.50805530

>nooooooo people give me anxiety
no wonder why you gonna die alone while tyrone and chand are banging pusyy 24/7

>> No.50806693

>like that drake and josh episode
Kek, I forgot about that kino

>> No.50809509

You people didn’t realize that capitalists completely exploit unskilled laborers and deny them a just wage for what their labor creates because they have zero bargaining power in the current system? Bezos can pay OP dogshit, and OP doesn’t get a choice because the past 4 decades were spent union busting by the GOP, and Amazon can fire and replace him no problem, no reason to treat him like a human being that cuts into profits after all, and best of all you get to foot the bill for Bezos exploitation by paying for his worker’s welfare that they need to survive with their shitty job.
>just learn to code bro!
Half the population is intrinsically too stupid to code, and no you aren’t going to eugenically remove them like in your fantasies, so better to make those fucking cocksucking oligarchs like Bezos pay them a fucking just wage for their labor instead.

>> No.50809570

don't work too hard now, anon.
make sure to take plenty of breaks!

>> No.50809719

>wanting anything to do with people after the majority of them proved to be niggercattle over the past 2 years

>> No.50809874

Jobs like that used to be transitory. I worked for UPS unloading trailers in collage. Seeing all the 30+ year old guys still working the warehouse helped me get my shit together.

>> No.50810084

You guys are weak asf stowing at an FC is the most chill job Amazon has. You can fuck around scanning shit onto shelves while talking to coworkers. You guys must be lazy as fuck. Try picking then bitch to me lol

>> No.50810234

Indefatigably based

>> No.50810408

back to work wagie, my order needs


>> No.50811314

this, picking is way more work than stowing.
Oftentimes with stowing you just use a reach truck to drop everything into a slot.
If you do picking you have to physically grab everything.
t. worked for Outbound for 3 years

>> No.50811394

Lmao, you dumb lazy fuck. Everyone knows you’re poor af

>> No.50811411

>hurrhurr but landlords are bad!!!!! Reeee!!!

You pos lazy fucks kys