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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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50999905 No.50999905 [Reply] [Original]

>Q4 - 2021
>"Pulsechain is almost finished. We're close to releasing it"
>Q3 - 2022
>"We're still testing. Dev teams are competing"
How's your investment aka "political statement" doing so far?

>> No.51000131

I see two possibilities: everything tanks before it comes out or it comes out in a broken state and everything tanks. Either way, it's funny to watch

>> No.51000156

I'm almost certain that he hired the cheapest team possible from India for Eastern Europe (most likely) to develop this.

>> No.51000205

he hired the best team that was WILLING to work for him. They were (are) shit. Eric Wall was right.

>> No.51000249

>Eric Wall
You mean the guy who told everyone that Heart would get arrested if he came to America?
That dude is a fucking twat and has no credibility. He has Schueler derangement syndrome.

>> No.51000279

So if Pulse is having this hard a time forking Ethereum, does that mean ETHPOW is also dead?

>> No.51000322

He will get arrested, he is comitting securities fraud, although it will take about 5 years for the SEC to get around to his case.

>> No.51000597

its a fork of PoW ethereum but implementing a PoS function, so he is literally doing a vitalik moment but changing the skelly with a fatty

>> No.51000777

lol yea right.. you get back to me in 5 years Eric
Wall bragged that Heart would get arrested immediately on entry.
Heart may be full of shit but Wall is even worse of a retard.

>> No.51000812

I'm okay with it getting released when it's ready. Guaranteed 10x if it launches successfully.

>> No.51000928
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This dude is flexing with lambos and gucci purses, kek. Him cheaping out on competent devs just doesn´t sound plausible to me since he´s serious about all of this shit. I bet there´s even anons on the spectrum in his teams. This would actually be pretty good.

>> No.51001022

It won’t come out anytime soon because of the market

>> No.51001074

it will be ready september 17

>> No.51001151

I racked up so many long distance charges back in the day my parents ripped the phone line out of my bedroom.

>> No.51001189

Richard said on the podcast appearance today it won't be ready until 2023

>> No.51001242


>> No.51001252


>> No.51001373

Do people srly want a new chain to come out in the middle of a tanking market?
WTF is wrong with people

>> No.51001528

No we wanted it to come out like a year ago

>> No.51001541

I would like Pulse to come out in Q1 2023.

>> No.51001586


The fucking faggot had everyone believing it would have already launched before EOY 2021 dummy. Market wasn't completely fucked back then.

>> No.51001714

Lost $50 bucks, I guess it could have been worse

>> No.51001816

No shit Sherlock, but what's the point of bitching and whining endlessly now?

>> No.51002301

If anyone thought that they're retarded. The PulseX "sacrifice" was still going on until January 2022

>> No.51002359

the pulseX sacrifice wasn't even announced until months after the original raise. Is everyone so new they forget Richard was saying it was 2 months away in his livestreams back then?

Minimum viable product, etc

>> No.51002383

I still remember when it was being called pulseswap, or when richard said they'd launch without uniswap v3 liquidity if thats what it took to get it live

I also remember months ago when he promised a sacrifice checker for CEX addresses would be live next week. What happened there richie?

>> No.51003091

Just relax. It's all cope on all sides, depending on how heavy you went into the sacs or how much you hate RH. The reality is that Pulse not ready and that launching it half finished, at any time in the past 6 months while going right into a bear market would have been retarded. And even if it were finished, which I don't think it is, launching it now would also be retarded, as we're only half way through the bear market. Pulse will probably launch in early 2023, a few weeks or months after the HOS movie, which is expected to be released by eoy. The market should look better by that time so launching it then would make a lot more sense.

>> No.51003212

What kind of mongoloid do you have to be to buy anything from a sleezoid like RH?

>> No.51003248

wow, a sane person here.
It was foolish of Heart to imply or "promise" that Pulse would be out in the fall of last year.
People kept bugging him so he sort of gave into the pressure and made promises he couldn't keep. The "two more weeks" thing is now a meme.
He should have had it much farther along that he did when he ran the sac phase. It's not like he didn't have the money to fund it before the sac.
So that's on him.

But it is what it is, and it's too late now to bitch and moan like a bunch of women that your high-risk get-rich-quick scheme is taking longer than you expected to pay off.
If there was no somehow no functioning test-net yet, I would be worried. But that was working last year for the most part.

As it stands now the market sucks and even if it was 100% ready to go, it would be suicide to release it now.
I think most of the schizos on here have no skin in the game and just want to trash Heart because their own shitcoin is down so much and Heart calls so much negative attention with his behavior and antics. He is a buffoon who thinks he's too smart for his own good. He likes to think that he's playing 4D chess with everyone, but that only works if you back your talk up.
If you DID sac money, then you are going to have to sit and wait like everyone else until it releases, if you think you have been cheated out of getting rich quick, well that's on you.

>> No.51003500

Vitalik has sold every top since Ethereum launched, you think they're launching ETH2 as a suicide mission?

meanwhile Richard was calling for 15k bottom, and when it got to 17k he started calling for 11k

>> No.51003571

>you think they're launching ETH2 as a suicide mission?
The Ethereum foundation has pissed away almost all of the ETH that they had since the beginning. As far as I can see, even though they're hyper-intelligent autists when it comes to code, they suck at managing money. It's entirely possible that ETH2 bombs on launch, due to unfavorable macro conditions.

>> No.51003655

>cutting edge autists selling every top to fund the best devs in the world is pissing away money
>richard raising a billion dollars for an unreleased blockchain and flaunting all the money with designer clothes is "smart marketing"
lol. just lol

>> No.51003934

I mean they've spent 95% of the ETH they had over the past few years, and ETH2 is still not out, so what exactly have the "best Devs" been doing? I guess we'll see if all that funding got pissed away or not in September, if they don't announce another delay, which they have done in the past. Until ETH2 successfully goes live, I have no clue if they're actually the "best Devs" or such in name only.

>> No.51003958

Do we really need to go through the list of blockchain innovations the Ethereum team is responsible for, or are you only playing at ignorant?

To name a few, Smart contracts, ZK-SNARK privacy tech, Layer 2 rollups, etc. Richard acknowledges how important Ethereum is all the time.

>> No.51004075

wtf? I hope ur not expecting anything from the money u sacrificed? that was very clearly stated a political statement.... not some airdrop. u guys need to do more research

>> No.51004192

nice try rich, not gonna hold up in court if you walk away tho

>> No.51004299

?? yeah it will? it was very clearly stated on the sacrifice page.. anyway who's gonna take rich to court, you? U don't have any money anymore

>> No.51004312

>Richard said it will hold up so it will
Circle is tightening, he sure did leave the US in a hurry

>> No.51004437
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Hey retard when it comes out, your going to eat your words and get my fist shoved down your throat. :) , go play with Cardano or something and get left behind.

>> No.51004581
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>> No.51004597

You fags were saying this in 2021, 2022, and you'll be saying it in 2023 too

>> No.51004617
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I am going to bone your mom Anon, then Pulse Chain will launch.

>> No.51004629

That is hands down the most embarrassing edit I've ever seen, a 12 year old would do better

>> No.51004645

So I wanna invest when this shit comes out, but lemme get this straight.
Starting marketcap is like 700mil w/o OA and 14bil otherwise. Assuming no one is selling at a loss.

>> No.51004656

Starting marketcap is whatever richard sets the price to, since he controls 100% of the liquidity at launch

>> No.51004688

I assume it will reach parity with sac price almost instantly otherwise everyone who sacced got a shit deal.

>> No.51004697

Richard deploys all the liquidity on PulseX so he can set it to sacrifice price, but he'll probably set it higher on launch, otherwise he'd be giving free money to traders

>> No.51005542
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when is this nigger going to come around and when he does, will it be the biggest buy signal ever

>> No.51005595
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You got DICK'D

>> No.51005697
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whenever I see him I can't help but think of Chris Farley's "Fat Guy in a Little Coat" scene

>> No.51006047

Is there a realistic possibility that this goes to 1 cent, and how long after launch would it take?

>> No.51006119

just 2 more weeks

>> No.51006502


You fucking midwit, they didn't even announce the PulseX sacrifice until late December. No one saw that coming until they announced it. FUCKING EVERYONE back in the fall of 2021 thought it would launch by EOY.

>> No.51008488

It's never going to reach 1 cent. Most sacrificers would be lucky if it reaches the day 1 sac price. That's not to say it won't 1000x, but that 1000x will be from $0.00000001, not 0.0001.

>> No.51009705
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>> No.51011006

the only thing he's serious about is looking like a retard wearing all that overpriced trash and flaunting all the while pretending he doesn't care. i genuinely do not understand people who buy his shit.

>> No.51011110

wtf ? what does this even MEAN ?

>> No.51011251

You sound like someone who is butthurt they missed out on the sac and is now desperate to fud. Sad

>> No.51011489

intelligent people buy the coins, not the coins founder like most normie trash does

>> No.51013133
File: 23 KB, 750x364, this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pulse chain delay is a mass-Neural Linguistic Programming psyop to build within the sacrificers more resiliance to be able to delay gratification. This conditions the saccers to the value form that hex provides, and pumps the hex price. Timing the market for the movie is smart.

>> No.51013160

the coin is a literal ponzi that lacks any utility where the founder owns 90% of the supply
to "invest" in hex for the leader you have to cap out at 90iq, but to "invest" in hex for the project you'd be lucky to squeeze 70iq

>> No.51013236


I put 1k into PLS and 1k into PulseX. I tend to forget that I ever sacrificed. I am confident that it will be released eventually but I have already accepted the possibility of having lost that money.

>> No.51014397

I put a total of 100k into both.

>> No.51015684


>> No.51015733

I am getting 500 million PLS. What am I in for?

>> No.51016147
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Pain and suffering.

>> No.51016162

Toot Toot, all aboard gaylord express

>> No.51016555

to be fair, I was watching hex before it came out and got into it when it released in very similar market conditions to this
shits all a huge scam tho, pulse is just a furthering of it.
I think there is money to be had though, it was gravy af with hex if you got in early

>> No.51017478

Pretty much. I don’t really care if it’s a scam or not. Might be but might not be. What I do know is that there is money to be had out of this ecosystem one way or another.

>> No.51018900

Richard heart is a bisexual man, imagine giving a actual fag any of your money. Lmfao

>> No.51019079

>hypocrite detected
you give money every week to your gay pimp, but now you act like you are too good do it when it comes to investing?

>> No.51020261


Schuler got arrested at Best Buy for credit card fraud.

>> No.51020282

He's realized they proof of stake just doesn't work since no computing is done without work

>> No.51020331

sources plz

>> No.51020404

I lost $100, I guess I'm the second smartest investor in this thread. Unless someone didn't buy at all.