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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51115317 No.51115317 [Reply] [Original]

How long will Europe's economic downward spiral last?

>> No.51116603

its not going to blow over in a few months, thats for sure. Probably till the end of the ukraine war (russia wins)

>> No.51116614

hopefully forever fuck that shithole

>> No.51116725

Ah, two countries Europe would be much, much better-off without.

>> No.51116757 [DELETED] 

those are jew slave states who are run international organized criminals. the germans nor french control their countries and the leaders are all front scum for israel. the germans and french people like all western nations should round up all individuals who have participated in the jewish government and kill them all.

>> No.51116758
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Retards really thought the Great Reset was a meme, this is only the beginning

>> No.51116768
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Until the hot phase of WWIII ends, which will probably require another Marshall Plan type deal. So like 2030 my dude.

t. extremely knowledgeable geopolitical strategist

>> No.51116771

>tu vivras dans le pod
>tu mangeras des insectes
>tu ne posséderas rien
>et tu seras heureux

>> No.51116873

About 1000 years give or take, possibly 10k years more realistically. Long baghold but you will make it.

>> No.51116902

Until Italy defaults and takes the entire continent down with it.

>> No.51116945

How will governments respond when boomer pensions evaporate?

>> No.51116963

Until a top to bottom redistribution of wealth takes place, I think the next few years might see that.

>> No.51117007

They will do everything in their power to keep those going, which means Gen Xers, Millenials and Zoomers will suffer deeper consequences

>> No.51118191

Post credentials and insight into next conflict

>> No.51118233 [DELETED] 

there is no governments in the west. its jewish organized crime running them all via the ecb and federal reserve.

All western nations are under forign international crimianl occupation. MAcron is jew stooge just like every other western nation. Total war total extermination of all jews and all their politicos is the only solution for humans

>> No.51118302
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Europe is trash, and they would gladly bankrupt themselves to please the great satan.

Fucking idiots have no industry, and you're willing to give away whatevers left for a nonexistent chance of destroying le ebil russians

>> No.51118324

If they keep fucking with Russia it will never end.

>> No.51118328

Lol the last 10 years in France have been "abundance"

>> No.51118424

>time of extreme abundance followed by giant economical downturn just as politics gets more ideological and heated
it will last until the next world war

>> No.51118880

>browns betting against whites
just imagine

>> No.51119135

lastly mass medias are programming us for hard times in the next 5 to 10 years

>> No.51120929

>gladly bankrupt themselves to please the great satan.
this is to please america?

>> No.51121952

that's exactly what this "austerity" bullshit in the media is, just laying the foundation. all the leaders telling is it's normal and expected to be unable to afford food or heating oil.

>> No.51121997

Jews make deal with Chinese and Indian world leaders and unite them against the common enemy the white man and strategically invade while whites are busy fighting civil wars and easily genocide your weak and divided populations.


>> No.51122011

lol the West is losing this one. Russia and China will sweep in during every single civil conflict western countries are about to have.

>> No.51122038

i would smack the face in of this dumb bitch

>> No.51122043

I would smack her face with my cock that freshly fucked her prime poon.

>> No.51122092


>> No.51122122

As a European I hope about 100 years. We need the chemotherapy.

>> No.51122244
File: 296 KB, 1500x1817, 1646558071624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck, the cope of this vatnigger

>> No.51122318

Putin will save the white race, you stupid american

>> No.51122336

Too bad he is a complete npc cuck on Ukraine

>> No.51122367

i am european you absolute sperg
putin won't do shit, except for dying in a car explosion or prison

>> No.51122373

a decade
nobody wins

>> No.51122382

unless we overthrow our governments or the EU goes down infighting, this will be unending. The US is forcing us to be behind a new iron curtain. Note I said behind. They will force us to buy their LNG which produces the prices we see now. It will kill our industries and economies and we will be surrendering ourselves to servitude to the US while pushing for more globalism and wars to ensure resources. Think Algeria, Morocco. This is par for the course for any dying empire, making sure no vassal breaks ranks as the hegemon confronts #2.
Frankly, we HAVE to overthrow our governments. But I'm pessimistic about the system of repression that has been built silently in our countries. But we're still Europa. Dark times ahead.

>> No.51122478

You either have no idea who that woman is or pro-actively denigrate her, kike.

>> No.51122703

life without men giving and recieving cocks in the ass is a life not worth living for the european elites

>> No.51122724
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>the hard times have just begun

>> No.51122744

Vatnik cope

>> No.51122763

The demographics of Europe are shit and talented immigrants go to the states. Even the best Europeans. We have to be a provider to the US or the east (China/India). US is of course a better option out of the two. 3rd option is to move somewhere else, us, Singapore etc

>> No.51122801

You know Ukies aren’t Christian like Russians are right?

>> No.51122810
File: 326 KB, 1242x2306, 7EB57160-02D0-4720-B1F5-B3C2C5B9E6A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what a delusional zoomer looks like
Cry more about it sweetie, but Putin is slowly sliding his big russkiy cock down europe’s throat and it’s glorious.

>> No.51122814

I thought all the refugees and immigrants were supposed to help the economy

>> No.51122827

Europe's economy will not survive. There will be no Hitler to save them this time. HAHAHAHA

>> No.51122845

waves of economic migrants from europe to south east asia soon

>> No.51122864

This is possible. I know I'm thinking about this and I conclude I'm not the only one. Remote workers can still earn a moderately good income from Europe while positioning themselves well in the east and in the remote world without even fully leaving Europe in case they get their shit together.

>> No.51123026

Im so sick and tired of shit shit.

I even live in Switzerland, supposedly neutral by law but even those fuckers joined the sanctions. And now Swiss authorities tell people to stock up on food for 2 weeks and brace for blackouts. Belgian politicans saying the next "5-10 winters" are going to be difficult.

I am SICK AND TIRED of this shit. I never wanted a war with Russia, and I damn sure dont want to suffer from it. If I see one single blackout here in Switzerland this winter I am OUT. I am 35, have $3m USD in my bank accounts this country and whole contintent can go FUCK ITSELF,

Where should I move? Philippines? Argentina? Brazil? Dominican Republic? What do you suggest?

>> No.51123041

It's going to last at least 3-4 years if the war continues (which it will likely).
The worst part is that since they printed so much money during the chink virus they can't really pivot the energy infrastructure.
Had covid not happened they could have printed hundreds of billions to fast track new nuclear plants and solar farms but if they do that now the euro will die immediately.

At this point the only hope is that Russia folds but the people there just don't care being acclimated to a dogshit economy unlike europeans.

>> No.51123067

> $3M
> Doesn’t have solar panels
> Doesn’t have power walls
> Doesn’t have at least a generator
> Didn’t have the foresight to see where this was going
You have $3M and yet somehow you are still NGMI.

>> No.51123177
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Propaganda has made/pol/tards support communist mongols kill white Europeans.

>> No.51123184

it's a war. there are no winners except for the ones selling guns.

>> No.51123185

until it's as poor and irrelevant as asia

>> No.51123214

correct term for this is priming
if you're able to recognize what the media is signaling you can better prepare for what's to come

>> No.51123274

nothing can stop other men from entering your anus daily

>> No.51123289

>le ebin saint javelin XD

>> No.51123350

When GDP hits zero after they all freeze to death.

>> No.51123395
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>> No.51123424
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>big russkiy cock down other russian's throat and it’s glorious.

>> No.51123526

This. Apparently Russian (and Soviet!) doctrine came from copying everything the villains do in a Hollywood movie.

>> No.51123619

only 14% of poorfags, goy! aren't you happy? it could be 50%
privatized gains for the cronies of muh startup station, socialized losses for the rest of the plebs

>> No.51123663

>Every single political opinion in the West that is not the neoliberal interventionist consensus is the result of Russian interference.
Wow, real big-brained stuff there. The irony of this is that whoever made that shitty /k/ post is attributing the same omnipotence to Russian intelligence that /pol/ types do to the jews. To wit: every opinion you disagree with is the Russians.

>> No.51123696

>another Marshall Plan type deal

Not possible. There is no earthly entity that could possibly fund the reconstruction of western europe as the USA did at the end of WW2. The next war will result in a permanent destruction of whole cities. Entire nations will be wiped from the face of the earth and forgotten forever.

>> No.51123702

Putin isn't even white bro

>> No.51123709

would you believe it's a mural in Kiev. The kikes have no shame.

>> No.51123711

Nukes are a wildcard I don't think they would risk. For example the UK has 2 Nuclear Subs that aimlessly patrol the north and south poles with orders to send counter nukes on any country that nukes the UK.

>> No.51123747

How about living in a first world country where all this stuff shouldnt be necessary

We didnt have a blackout in over 20 years, but now its supposed to happen because of stupid decession of our politcians?

>> No.51123785

>literally shooting themselves in the foot with every decision and feel-good moral posturing policy they ever dreamed of
>oh no, our economy is shit
these people are asking for the guillotine so badly

>> No.51123795

you're the nigger vatnik faggot

>> No.51123807

no mcdonalds for you ivan

>> No.51123862

>shouldn't be necessary
You're likely a total NPC because you are completely missing the point anon is making. Lurk more

>> No.51123930
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>Putin isn't even white bro