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File: 124 KB, 880x400, baiden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51134187 No.51134187 [Reply] [Original]

This guy is killing the economy and crypto and basically you're fucking stupid. I want any Biden voters to come here and apologize for what a terrrible job he's doing. All of this spending and inflation is making Bitcoin tank and there's no fucking end in sight, especially after that bearish speech from Powell.

>> No.51134191
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>> No.51134210
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>> No.51134229

muh heckin merican politics tv sitcom crashed the markets

>> No.51134244

>I want any Biden voters to come here and apologize
How are dead people supposed to post on 4chins, breh?

>> No.51134250

I am voting for biden because I can't get a girlfriend

You don't want to know how many years it took me to reach this conclusion

>> No.51134264

>I'll just ignore the decades of mismanagement by various presidents, congressional leaders, and federal reserve chairman that lead to rapid stock growth short term in exchange for making the system more fragile.

>> No.51134265

How is he killing crypto?

>> No.51134269

>t. wizard man

>> No.51134275

Cope Drumpftard.
Biden won and he'll win again.

>> No.51134283

out-of-control spending, billions supporting ukraine, almost 5 trillion on covid relief, just fucking spending. It's the very difference of a liberal and a conservative. HE'S TOO FUCKING LIBERAL WITH HIS SPENDING. And when the economy is in the shitter, bitcoin follows suit.

>> No.51134289

sell EVERYTHING now, last warning

>> No.51134298


>> No.51134300

You’re the one coping lmfao

>> No.51134303
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"Previous leaders had bad monetary policy so we shouldn't blame the current administration for making it 10x worse."

>> No.51134329

I wish I had voted for Biden, he is doing a much better job of accelerating than I ever thought. Makes me wonder if I should've voted Hilary in 2016 too.

>> No.51134350

So your claim is that crypto is tied to the USD, and that by weakening the USD he is weakening crypto?

>> No.51134373

Increased deficit spending under Trump approved by Congress and Trump leaning on Powell to reduce interest rates (and Powell doing doing) during the good times combined with supply chains and business halting is a large part of this most recent catalyst.

Biden's policies are a continuation of Trump policy spending wise with a focused on increased business taxation.

Plus, the artificial increase in stock price through buybacks for companies that received federal loans definitely don't help to long term stability.

Inflation is generally a lagging indicator and despite Biden saying we aren't in a recession, we are. IIRC, recessions last 17 months on average and typically rebound with a bull market.

I'm not saying don't blame the current admin for worsening it (hopefully only in the short term with long term benefits), I'm saying that previous admins set us up in a far worse position. There are also worldwide issues where other countries are printing at a much higher rate than we are.

The fed needs to increase interest rates even more.

>> No.51134377

He's not saying it's tied to the USD. He's saying it's tied to US market sentiment in general. In the short term, that's true. A large portion of all BTC outstanding is held by US-centric entities. When these entities all panic dump most of their holdings in a short period of time, that pushes the market price of BTC down.

>> No.51134389

>I'm saying that previous admins set us up in a far worse position.
You're being very disingenuous then.
>There are also worldwide issues where other countries are printing at a much higher rate than we are.
Which tells me you know nothing about the dollar hegemony

>> No.51134403

Yep he's a retarded faggot and the Democrats will destroy America completely if people keeping voting for them.

>> No.51134421

My salary went up 35% since he's been in office and he's about to give me 20k in some blue collar sap's taxes. Seems based to me. All the homies are Ridin With Biden.

>> No.51134430
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>1/2 page of desperate reddit spaced mental gymnastics to white knight for some 80 year old pederast on a Saturday night

>> No.51134722

I know the dollar is the defacto world currency with the Chinese trying to push the yuan we it's replacement. Indeed, there is risk of it losing its use as the reserve currency, though it may stay that way in large part due to the capital of military violence and risk to oil producing countries.

Also on the chans on a Saturday night. Oh no, le reddit argument. I didn't vote for Biden anyways, but I want him to succeed since his success is our success. If Trump wins, I want him to succeed in office too. I don't care who is in office as.long as they do a good job and take care of the US.

Sure there is continued downward risk BTC and crypto tied to it, but prices suppression and a several year crypto winter means time to accumulate. I don't want to cash out now.

Though for the sake.of stability, the fed needs to lower rates and print less.

>> No.51134811

My man he just promised that the taxpayer would be paying off random peoples' debt in the middle of a fucking recession. "It's the last administration's fault" is a cliché at this point, this is just reckless spending.

>> No.51134848


The problem is there's no end in sight.

Betting markets have Democrats with a 90% chance of controlling the Senate and even keeping the House. Republicans bet the house on forcing people to shit out gruesome headless rape babies. This will be the #1 issue no matter how incredibly shitty inflation and markets get.

>> No.51134895

>Biden voters

>> No.51134944

I voted Biden because he'll do the needful and he did

>> No.51134945

>Increased deficit spending under Trump approved by Congress
You lost me already, you really think Trump could have said no to stimulus checks and loans during the height of the pandemic? He would have been crucified more than he already was and Republicans would have gotten much more screwed in the 2020 elections than they did.

>> No.51134952

>This guy is killing the economy
>and crypto
he is helping anyone that have 2 iq digits
hopefully he complete destroys usd so we'll have trillions floating to btc

>> No.51134957
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bush jr would have been better than this

>> No.51135035

I just didn't want trump please forgive me for my sins Biden is intent on ruining America only rewarding the lazy and stupid

>> No.51135055
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Why do you think I voted for him?
Fuck the boomers and their STOLEN retirement funds.
Quadruple dipping kids social security 2 generations out.
Fuck em
Best part though.
Absolute Clown World tier shit
More than half the boomers think he's doing a great job because they hate Russia.

>> No.51135072

I feel you my man. He's buying votes and helping out people during a recession. I'm worried it'll hurt us by adding to debt, but hoping this means it'll help reduce debt enough to stimulate money spending elsewhere in the economy.

If we're gonna increase the deficit, might as well help individuals rather than corps who throw money into things like stock buyback that don't help the larger economy.

The previous admins, congress, and state governments inflated college cost though federally guaranteed loans and reducing money to higher education.

18 year olds likely can't get a $1,000 personal loan, yet can suddenly get $40k+ in debt. The brain takes at least until 25 to reach maturity with ADHD brains taking until 27-28. The push for college ("just get a degree and you'll have a good job") pushed many people towards college while causing degree inflation (more candidates mean higher requirements for lower end jobs) and not encouraging the trades also causes a lot of this mess.

Biden made some good changes IMO in how federally handled loans will be handled in the future, but that's just a start.

I think he would have been crucified, but he seemed.to be a fan of it, especially when checks were delayed to have his signature on them. He bought votes like Biden bought votes. The stimmy programs as part of those check programs primarily benefited corps in terms of total payout.

Biz bros, the system is in need of fixing and it'll likely be a painful fix. I hope we all find our way out of this.

>> No.51135101

>Supply side factors failing to fulfil normal demand levels.
>Need to invest in production.
>Lets make it more expensive to grow.
Can someone explain to me what the fuck is the logic here?

>> No.51135284

“He” is not doing a terrible job you fucking rube. They are doing a fantastic job of destroying the economy, the US, and the world, which is their stated aim. “He” is not “incompetant”, they know exactly what they are doing.

The goal is global Holodomor and they are currently succeeding; if you can’t see this just kys because you are the one enabling it.

>> No.51135301

Funny how leftists keep telling me that Biden isn't their guy and he's a right winger, but the moment someone so much as criticizes him, they all rush in to defend him so hard. Aww.

>> No.51135348

Why aren’t you mad at Bitcoin for NOT being a hedge against inflation? It’s an investment now and will never function as a currency

>> No.51135403

It's a hedge against money printing. It's not a hedge against the fed destroying demand and the means of production for X/Y/Z product through making the entire nation (and most of the world) more poor.

>> No.51135426

the president doesn't control the market idiot. The terrible economy is due to Putin and his price hike and biden is doing a good job considering the situation he inherited from the previous administration. Rural and suburban retards that vote against their own economic interests don't understand this.

>> No.51135433

i voted for him so i could open huge leveraged shorts, and buy at the bottom

>> No.51135453

What's next then

>> No.51135461

>the president doesn't control the market idiot. The terrible economy is due to Putin and his price hike

Kek President Biden doesn't control the market, but big bad Vlad certainly does! Everyone blame the Russians!

>> No.51135528

>Supply side issues
>Corporate bailouts and lower fed rates make for free and cheap money.
>Corps put money towards propping stock price rather than completely capex and employee retention.
>C suites get sweet bonuses due to stocks exceeding quarterly growth.

Anyways, sleepy times. Goodnight /biz/.

>> No.51135591

Of its dependent on the fed it’s not free

>> No.51135612
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>waaaah everything is old man's fault

>> No.51135699

>Betting markets have Democrats with a 90% chance of controlling the Senate and even keeping the House
What retarded ass website is that? I'll take that free 9x by betting on red team for mid terms

>> No.51135969

Cope. Biden is forgiving my loan and I am voting Republican

>> No.51136026
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I voted for Kanye

>> No.51136056

You suffer in manufactured societal collapse until whichever animals are left on the planet scream out for a saviour at any cost because that is more appealing than being forced to eat children. And then that saviour is provided for the cost of the relinquishment of all human rights and dignity.

They will make you ask for the totalitarian global communist government which steralizes and lobotomizes you and reduces you to an animal, and then they will give it to you. Bon apitite.

>> No.51136065

>All of this spending and inflation is making Bitcoin tank and there's no fucking end in sight, especially after that bearish speech from Powell.
But you fucking cucks reeled everyone into this with the "crypto is the best thing to be in when inflation is high" thing in the first place, nigger

>> No.51136083


>> No.51136106

My meds don’t work unless you also take them.

>> No.51136146

Sign me up

>> No.51136440

Enjoy ban fag .. no Biden fags here

>> No.51136454

I'm glad BTC tanked, I can buy for cheaper.

>> No.51136469
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>> No.51136477
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Lemme smell your kids, I'm the president.
Gotta smell all those kids, bro.

>> No.51136497

>will never function as a currency
Holy fuck, shut up.

>> No.51136510

>Rural and suburban retards that vote against their own economic interests
You made gas prices go up, you're killing my wallet, fuck yourself, guy.
How is wanting to keep more of my paycheck and having cheaper shit a "vote against my economic interest".
Stop taxing me, retard.

>> No.51136516

This, tbqhwy famalam

>> No.51136529
File: 971 KB, 1574x1342, 99ADFE5D-999F-4129-A963-B0CE2E3E67A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top kek ..still there is dreamers and hope that’s how you know this ponzi going to implode A LOT further