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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51242887 No.51242887 [Reply] [Original]

Stop.. please fucking stop....! Wtf!!

>> No.51242898

14,800 millions

>> No.51242902

You vill ve enlisted in ve war

>> No.51242903

multisig will adjust allocpoint on DollarChef to incentivize the MIC/USD pairs, as decided by governance

>> No.51242909

>for Ukraine
so they can give it right back by purchasing american weapons

now is the time to invest in the military industrial complex just like iraq time; only instead of brown people it's slavs

>> No.51242921

stop what ? youre already in debt more than any other state in the world. Its obvious that the only way you are getting out of the shit economical situation you are in, is by spending your way out of it.

That means more crisis, more problems, more "solutions" etc. Taxes doesnt pay for this. Debt expansion pays for this. And its real injection of liquidity into the markets.

And faggot morons on this board still try to tell me that "QT" is getting real. Retards.

>> No.51242956


>> No.51242961
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>> No.51242977

Taiwan and Ukraine are buying American made weapons. You're all dumb.

>> No.51242990
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Now I understand why he chose a backdrop of blood red

>> No.51243019

>Taiwan and Ukraine are buying American made weapons. You're all dumb.
Taiwan yes. Ukraine no. You're a genuine retard if you believe that Ukraine has the capacity to buy anything. Their economy is in shambles. They receive nothing but monetary and material aid. All that money comes from incessant borrowing from central banks seeing as most treasuries are running on empty since the outbreak of the pandemic. How anyone can fail to see this baffles me.

>> No.51243022

???? they aren't buying shit. Mutts will print the money and give the weapons to Azog for free.

>> No.51243027

No, it was time to buy military stocks when you heard rumors about russian soldiers at the ukrainian border on the internet. Now you would again buy the top anon. This will end soon. Buy the rumors, sell the news. What is this board? One large AI conversation to make retail buy the peaks, or what?

>> No.51243034
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War is the health of the state.

>> No.51243043

>40 million in student debt
>10k each
>400 million
>Fuck it, let’s throw Tucker Tardsen Ben Shapoopoo math into it and at another 300 mil for funsies
>700 mil
>Country panics and argues about this for weeks
>Another 2.98 billion to Ukraine announced in August
>700 billion dollar military budget.


>> No.51243063

He's just raping our nation

>> No.51243075

He should give me a couple hundred thousands instead of wasting it in jewish bullshit.

>> No.51243259

>Now you would again buy the top anon.
your right and now ukraine is flooding the market with cheap american weapons they're selling instead of using against russians.
AR-15 war weapons will soon cost $99

>> No.51243321

Well, hes an old man with nothing to lose. Do you think his pedophilic tendencies have something to do with his policies? I mean.. America is quite young compared to nations like Britain or France.

>> No.51243347

>>40 million in student debt
>>10k each
>>400 million
You've obviously never been near a school

>> No.51243369

I can't tell if you are sarcastic now or not. But probably yes anyways. I know a guy who is in truck sales in Europe. Never saw his money for trucks he delivered to Ukraine the last months. Corruption on such levels as in Ukaine is harmful for sustainable business.

>> No.51243397

So how can I profit from this besides US agriculture stocks

>> No.51243400

And by purchasing american weapons mean that the ones that are shitty and junk that could've just been given for free. Nose tribe yet wins again.

>> No.51243416

Why Taiwan, there's plenty more other worthless countries that could've been of use as a battlefield such as Argentina, Brazil, India and the whole African continent.

>> No.51243418
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Americans hate mainland chinks

>> No.51243442

It's all just ego. Let's just admit Americans, especially white people, don't want other races to lord over them especially those who they think that or untermensch such as the Slavs and the Chinese. So what are they gonna give a reason for this? Everyone knows China is just paper tiger and also people are opening their eyes on the true bully that is the West. How are the Americans going to build a "Nazi" identity to the Chinese?

>> No.51243472
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how do we profit off of this
seriously if we go to war again and biz isnt making money im gonna be mad
you gonna wanna see daddy angry

>> No.51243477
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>> No.51243500

we should just buy the country out and move every company here
if trump were president we would have nothing to worry about

>> No.51243528

I would focus on the next "big thing". My guess is that people will move to places where live is possible in the future. These regions will become wealthier in comparison to dry regions. Maybe buy farmland in Russia or buy water futures, if there is such thing available.

>> No.51243530
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they cant stop

>> No.51243602

100 years ago those gooks lived in slave feudalism, then white man gave them hundreds of years of science, and now the jew man outsourced all white man’s demand to said gooks.

It’s like cucking your father and pumping your mother to niggers

>> No.51243658

Both ukrainians and students are parasites and deserve nothing

>> No.51243888

>so they can give it right back by purchasing american weapons
I swear to god most people understand economics on the same level as a 12 year old. Every single cent spent on weapons of war is a cent not spent on the wellbeing of the people.

>> No.51243897

is this all money printing?

>> No.51243898


>> No.51243921

It makes perfect sense given how much the US spends on defence. That money that goes directly to weakening Russia, more destroyed Russian tanks now means less defence spending later.

>> No.51243938

ukraine yes. taiwanese are buying 1.1bn worth of weapons, it aint no handout.

>> No.51243992

>Debt expansion pays for this. And its real injection of liquidity into the markets.
will they keep printing indefintley?
If so, why did they stop then?

>> No.51244147

The Fed asked Fink, owner of blackrock to spend 750 billions how he wanted to "help the economy" and he literally bought his own shares and pumped the stocks he needed.
No one gave a shit.
Trump gave billions to big pharma so they could do the covax and sell it back to US citizens at outrageous prices.
We sleep and call the covid a hoax but don't care about the money.
Now 14 billion in weapon money that'll go back straight in your pockets and everyone gets angry lmao.
Those are peanuts compared to what Obama, Trump and now Biden are giving to billionaires.

>> No.51244157

>how will dey payz??
ukraine will be indebted for years, you absolute low IQ sperg

>> No.51244170

wow your retarded. they pump money into these countrys with the explicit condition attached that the money is spent on US products. in effect it is a stimulus package for the US economy + increases political ties + military and monetary dependency + in the long run it will create more "wealth" (aka stock market prop up) creation in the USA.

>> No.51244184

They are burning money to fight inflation.

>> No.51244199

>Taiwan and Ukraine are buying American made weapons. You're all dumb.
If after Afghanistan you still haven't figured out that this is a method to transfer wealth from the taxpayer to an international security elite then there must be something wrong with your head.

>> No.51244202

Real injection of liquidity into offshore accounts and politican bribes.
The US will not get out of this. There's no trickle down, no growth, no improvement.
They're already losing in purchasing power, life expectancy, health, quality of life etc.
It's literally over and the middle class is going to pay hard, poor people also but it'll be hard to squeeze them more if you don't want violence.

Biden has made bold moves to make the ultra rich pay, but he's just making sure they can fraud as much as they can. He didn't reform anything except trying to make them follow laws that are already very friendly for them.

>> No.51244210

This must be fake

>> No.51244213

>but he's just making sure they can fraud as much as they can
they can't fraud as they want*

>> No.51244214

There is a stonetoss about it, but with israel instead of ukraine, same thing really

>> No.51244396

2 more billions trust the plan

>> No.51244401

This is the price of democracy goy.

>> No.51244478

America is buying it's own weapons and giving them away you dumbass

>> No.51245261
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>hey, our people are starving, getting fired, have no money left, live paycheck to paycheck, if something bad happen they can lose their house or go bankrupt
>but hey, let's give more money to Ukraine and Covid and gaypox, around 40 billion for those 3
the wrong side won the war.

>> No.51245432
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So now /pol/ simps for
What's the next thing they'll support against their own interest?

>> No.51245445
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ITT: people who don't care about democracy.

>> No.51245471

>10,000 * 40,000,000 = 400,000,000
ah yes

>> No.51245476



By simping for Putin and China they are inadvertently simping for their nigger allies, they just haven't come to terms with that.

>> No.51245506

unironically, crypto
adhd retards go "muh gambling! muh tokens! muh speculation bubble!". but the price action keeps trending up on long enough timeframes. which is normal, as these macro trends play out for decades, not years and certainly not months
in fact bitcoin is basically the sovereign individual applied, which was written in the early 90s
by 2040 ethereum will likely be world infrastructure. few understand this (seriously), even within moonboys who have been in crypto since 2013

>> No.51245532

remember when 20 billion was too much to build a wall to secure the southern border? lol. lmao.

>> No.51245556

more dead orcs is a win for everyone. quit being a pussy with muh economy, historically, this is how
you destroy the opposition

>> No.51245563

bcos most simpleton's thought process are as follows: i don't like x, y is against x, i like y

>> No.51245568

Good read. Every Ukraine/russia/gas thread is a shill-infested cesspool

>> No.51246138

>thinking Europe's poorest shithole could ever pay back almost 100bn. dollars in military aid while most of it lands in the pockets of Zelensky and his oligarch friends
>thinking above mentioned shithole will even exist in a few years

The US will fight Russia until the very last Ukrainian. If you think they give one tenth of a shit about Ukraine or its poor ass citizens you're braindamaged. You ain't getting your money back

>> No.51246519

free money for everyone weeeeee!!!!

>> No.51246616

how's that kherson offensive going my jewkrainian brother

>> No.51246699

This is America's way of creating satellite states, provide weapons to the enemies of our enemies and when the war is concluded, send a giant you owe us $X billion dollars, what's that? Your economy is ruined by the war? Alright, let us help you rebuild for $Y billions. Oh, you still can't pay back your loans? Guess we'll have to just install our politicians, ideologies, and companies on OUR land now.

>> No.51246704

American taxpayers pay a high price to fuck the EU.

>> No.51246715

fucking kys california jew

>> No.51246727
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>perma-fuck the economy
>distract dumb retard liberals with war
>war is a racket
>funnel billions into their own pocket
>while retard liberals seethe and dilate

Many such cases

>> No.51246975
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>> No.51247038

>One large AI conversation to make retail buy the peaks

>> No.51247165

>2040 ethereum will likely be world infrastructure
Lol. Maybe if they stayed POW. But POS has really lowered the bar.

>> No.51247231

Hi bank poster I like your art keep following your muse brother

>> No.51247241


>> No.51247280

>the former VP to the guy that was fucking our country in the butt with no lube is continuing to fuck our country in the butt with no lube
color me surprised!

>> No.51247283

just saying the aid packages in OP work out to $50/american

>> No.51247298

you do realize taiwan is PAYING 1.1 billion to america FOR the weapons right?

>> No.51247318

>taiwan gives us 1.1b for guns
>globohomo gives ukraine 13.7b
What a great deal

>> No.51247362

ukraine has lots of goodies including being a dense grain supporter, providing nuclear electricity and a heavy weapons industry + testing grounds as of lately, why do you think russia invaded there?
if the ukrainians wouldn‘t want to fight it would be over in days like afghanistan you gaslighted low iq shitturd

>> No.51247372

what 1.1billion dollars not enough for you? outside of tsmc our economy is based on selling noodles to each other

>> No.51247385


>> No.51247399

you're right selling noodles is a based economy

>> No.51247406

>get 1.1b
>give 13.7b

>> No.51247427

All fake money, needs to move somewhere!

>> No.51247428

did we put a gun to your head and force you to send ukraine that money? We pay for everything we've ever got. no free lunch for taiwan ever. fuck you whitey

>> No.51247559

I guess the chinese cock in biden's mouth seems to be worth 12.6b

>> No.51247618

are you fucking retarded? they're two separate deals
>guy buys a car from you for $20,000
>you decide to give away your house to some nigger

>> No.51247689

>guy buys car from biden for $20,000
>biden gives nigger $240,000
>receives worship
sweet globohomo dick cheese

>> No.51247756

ok you're fucking retarded. I guess that sweet car guy's cock in biden's mouth was the reason he gave the nigger $240,000

>> No.51247773

>the military industrial complex is smart
yeah! just look what happened in Vietnam and Afghanistan. this is genius!

>> No.51247786

>You're obviously retarded if you want globohomo to stop fucking with your country
I'm sorry. I'll smarten up. Biden 2024!

>> No.51247806

That's not what I said you dumb faggot. Would you prefer if Biden just gave $13.7b to the Ukraine without selling $1.1b to Taiwan?

>> No.51247911

ousted yourself as a blockchain illiterate retard in 10 words

>> No.51248151

How do I stop being retail

>> No.51248682

a true yankee post

>> No.51248695
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>saved this gif 10 years ago
>it's still as relevant as ever

>> No.51248721

>supporting energy prices going 10x and a cost of living crisis is in your best interest goy!

kek the state
Ukraine is a corrupt shithole, it's not my problem

>> No.51248762
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good, fuck commies

>> No.51248772

fuck the people lol i would sell human like cattles to a devil who offer price by kilos

>> No.51248836

Israel recieves more Foreign Military Funding than all other nations combined

Israel also did 9/11

>USA = cucks

>> No.51248913

Most votes ever, btw.

>> No.51248917

10,000 x 40milion is 400 million somehow.

This is the the guy giving you financial advice.

>> No.51248997

Our greatest ally.