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File: 78 KB, 740x740, d1bf07c31656624cc91c752eef054cfc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51278141 No.51278141 [Reply] [Original]

Will crypto ever go mainstream and undergo mass adoption? If so when and how?

>> No.51278222

Under current circunstances, no; there's too much interest groups invested on the productive chain of modern banking, many of them for centuries. You need a very radical event (an actual pandemic where a considerable part of the population dies, a catastrofic revolution, world war 3) for it to wipe out these interest groups, and even then whatever remains of it will fight to keep their power. The only reason such tech with that level of capacity to simply replace modern banking is the people profiting with modern banking are profiting with crypto too.

Crypto is very effective for niche activities, though. Find one and get rich with it. Don't do anything illegal, pay your taxes and you'll be fine.

>> No.51278230 [DELETED] 
File: 252 KB, 675x637, 10610 - 5soyjaks animal arm asian blue_eyes censored clothes crazed dog drool ear glasses hair hand janny open_mouth soy_milk soyjak stubble text variant a24_slowburn_soyjak variant classic_soyjak white_skin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dem chink puss is tight as fuck bro!

>> No.51278329 [DELETED] 

I'll take prime Korean and Japanese over American roastie any day kek

>> No.51278331

It'd be easier to say you're a virgin loser rather than posting this mountain of seethe as you cry to tears on your plate of chicken nuggets about the world being unfair to you personally

>> No.51278375

2 more weeks

>> No.51278541

your post comes off a lot more seething

>> No.51278570

Imagine actually saving this image.

>> No.51278624

Yes, but nothing that you can currently buy. It'll be:

-When major corporations use them as company scrip 2.0 in their company towns at their company stores
-When banks place negative interest on savings because they can penalize cash savings using transactions denominated in crypto

You think you want this, but it'll be a dystopian hell that you can hardly imagine.

>> No.51278729

its already going mainstream, and seeing crypto projects like holoride with real live products shows that all we need is time.

>> No.51278777

of course crypto will go mainstream and that's thanks to the efforts of MATIC and its team by partnering with the biggest companies in the world and brands, paving the way for mainstream adoption

>> No.51278807
File: 46 KB, 558x520, 1585511371881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actual fag

buy Hiroki

>> No.51278810

Judging from the filename he clearly didn't save it from here either. Imagine being so mad you have to actively search this out.

>> No.51279218

>the filename

>> No.51279283


>> No.51279308

A man of fine taste I see

>> No.51279653

It's already happening. Do you know that Bank of America among more than a hundred other banks are using Ripple?

>> No.51279762

Have you heard the good news?