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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51606598 No.51606598 [Reply] [Original]

>Son, we're eager to tell you this...
>We're selling the house, and we're going to open a restaurant!
>That's right! Our own family business!
>We found a nice spot to rent downtown. We can live on the second floor in the meantime, while we rake in the earnings
>Since you have no job, you can even help us washing the dishes. It will be fun, hahaha!

>> No.51606645

My parents are remortgaging their house to have money to travel and see the world now that they've retired.
Good on them, they should enjoy life. They already gave me so much

>> No.51606694

>noooo you can't spend money on a restaurant what about my inheritence

>> No.51606710

I told my mum last night to leave everything in my sister's name because she's the only one with kids. But if she does want to leave me a portion, I'll probably pay off my mortgage and one day my nieces and nephews will get that as an inheritance. She only has a house really so I think that will be managed in a trust between me, my sister and my brother, with my brother living in it.

It makes me realize how giga-rich my nieces and nephews will be one day.

>> No.51606718

Dumb retard

>> No.51606787

i never can relate to the struggles of other millennials when it comes to money or parentage. my dad ran out on my family and my mother is a disabled and useless invalid. i have to pay some of her rent every month to keep her from being homeless. paid off all my student loans in 3 years, and I won’t inherit a single thing

>> No.51606833

Your mother deserves to be homeless, stop giving her a free ride in a fancy car!
You are fucking scum for enabling her.

>> No.51606843

My boomer parents love my and I love them. Sorry you're a disappointment and a failure if your parents eyes OP maybe try not be a faggot?

>> No.51606898

If a boomer can’t afford to retire to travel the world AND leave a large inheritance to their kids (6 fig/kid min), they shouldn’t get to travel the world after they retire. They were poor. They simply didn’t raise enough money. Maintain standard of living>inheritance>luxury expenses. Anything after that should just go to ultra-maxing the inheritance, and anything after that, monuments/legacy/charity. If you max all that out… build a pyramid or something, idk.

>> No.51606925
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My dad s 74 and is starting to making noise about selling his house. He has lived there since 1984 and owns no other properties and I'm a rentoid. He has never even owned stocks until his father in law died and they inherited some. It didn't occur to me until I had time to ponder it just how utterly selfish and self absorbed an idea it is but it's all part for the course of me life. Never has he helped me financially, including even with advice or lessons or info. Now I know it's bc he just doesn't know anything about money. The house isn't even worth that much. He wants to sell the only fucking thing of worth he owns for 500k so he can move somewhere cheaper and sit on the rest in a bank account probably just so he can feel rich.

>> No.51606951
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Hey son, we're in Costa rica! your mom and I have decided that instead of sitting around the house waiting to die and doing nothing with our vast savings-to instead sell our house and belongings and use all of our millions in savings to live the rest of our lives traveling the world in luxury

>> No.51606963

>t. seething leech
earn your own money

>> No.51606983

imagine complaining about this. basedcuck gaymer generation unite!

>> No.51607038

My parents did this except with no house starting and they make 210k a year bought a house and the building lmao take that fat entitled fag

>> No.51607232

>gimme dats

>> No.51607237

restaurants have shit profit margins
and the market is oversaturated with them already in most places

>> No.51607371

>Since you have no job, you can even help us washing the dishes. It will be fun, hahaha
Their doing more for their children than most boomer parents.

>> No.51607373

Kys retard
A family is obligated to pass on an inheritance for their descendants
What the fuck is the point of it all if you leave your kids worse off than yourself? Kys kike rat

>> No.51607382

Why don't you get a job then or you feel entitled to your parents things ?

>> No.51607417

Why the fuck is /biz/ defending selfish boomers now

>> No.51607419

boomers have sucked themselves so far up their own assholes that they think the basic parental obligation of providing for their children is an unreasonable imposition on their own self gratification

>> No.51607507

its bait. it gets (you)s

>> No.51609798

You're doing a good thing supporting your mother. Inheritance is for lazy fags.

>> No.51609830

My parents made me pay rent for 3 years before kicking me out, then gave my sister a house.

>> No.51609864

careful anon, i see your nose is protruding.

>> No.51609875

trembling, hand-shake-tired boomer hands typed this post

>> No.51609888

no, he's right. jews are successful because they help their children and pass down an inheritance. goyim are retarded and believe this is a bad thing. exceptionally dumb goyim who defied the odds and got rich even fall for this meme e.g. gates and buffet giving away their fortune to """charity."""

>> No.51609903

So my son is 6 months old, and I'm trying to figure out how to not be a dead beat parent. What do you wish your dad did different? How do you feel about him, as his son? What were his biggest mistakes?

>> No.51609916

My in laws give money to Israel every month.
I hate it beyond words.

>> No.51609954

Stop bitting baits.
It's well known if you have kids and don't intend to pass your wealth to them, you're simply *boomer* scum and deserve to die...
(Unless your son was ever worse scum than you and did some fucked up things)
I don't intend to have kids yet because financial reasons, but if someday i have one..he will inherit everything instead of government or charity kikes.
Imagine fucking the financial future and well being of your descendants because le travel.

Gas the boomers, age wars now

>> No.51610035

that's complete nonsense and you interact with zero jews in your life
you dumb incel chuds reduce "inheritance" to a dollar amount because you are every bit as stupid as the niggers you despise

>> No.51610072

>i never can relate to the struggles of other millennials when it comes to money or parentage
youre on a childrens cartoon forum for shutin failures. most people are competent of existing as actual humans

>> No.51610089

KEK your mom probably opened her legs for some nigger you deserve to suffer for not leaving her to the vultures

>> No.51610147
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A restaurant is unironically the absolute worst investment in existence. They literally exist to wash dirty money from the owners real estate investments and operate as a lose for tax write offs. These boomers will be declaring bankruptcy and demanding their children support them because they lost the farm on a worthless investment.

>> No.51610356

i worked with several jews when i worked in public accounting. they all had $0 student loan debt and modest $20-30k cars that were paid for by their parents. cope and seethe you dumb fucking nigger.

>> No.51610376

Based jews desu they really gaslighted the goyim out of generational wealth building

>> No.51610377

imagine thinking your entitled to everything your parents built. maybe build your own legacy you fucking loser. your dad can do whatever he wants with what he owns.

>> No.51610400

My early gen X parents signed over their house to me and moved out lol

>> No.51610428

Based parents

>> No.51610541

>Son we're going to remotgage the house to pursue our dream of running an antique store
>And you're going to work their
>Already had a job wfh as a swe
>Immediately move out
>Never talk to them again

>> No.51610672

Historically, that's how wealth was maintained across generations (only giving to one child, such as the eldest son). With British common law came the precedent of splitting the wealth equally amongst children, and that has made it harder for wealth to stay centralized. It's also why for a lot of old money families you'll see them having very few children.
Consider the following hypothetical: You're a grandfather who has made it. You have 4 kids to whom you will leave $100m. If you split it equally, each kid gets $25m and will have a significantly harder time getting back to the original $100m (a $75m hurdle) that they started with. In the "split" scenario, they'll likely die before ever reaching the original $100m, which means that $25m gets split up even further, and so on down the line until there is nothing left of that original wealth. However, if you leave everything to your oldest son, going from $100m to $110m is significantly more likely because they are already starting at the finish line.

>> No.51610690

Well time to pick up my dementia dad from the care facility and walk him around the grocery store while he speaks sci fi nonsense about death, my dead mom, church, and more death. My parents were both dumb as bricks with money. I just learned to inverse their decisions and am doing well financially.

Seems stressing out about a maybe inheritance is worse then having 0 expectations and already having your own shit handled.

>> No.51610764

Theres also a good reason why families had cousins marry each other. It helps keep the wealth centralized in one family instead of being distributed.

>> No.51610818

Leaving an inheritance is a give and take scenario. If you make sure you preserve your wealth for your child you encourage your child to help you with stuff as you get old even to the point where your are bedridden.

However if you already proclaim you will give nothing to your child by selling the house and blowing it on some pipedream, it will mean your child has less incentive to stick around.
So once you get too old you wont be able to count on their help and at worst just end up alone in a retirement home.

You can say its not about money and you should help your parents, but all the same the parents could also think about their children more. Thats why inheritance is a give and take scenario.j4smr

>> No.51610849

Boomers all got money from use by buying housing low then allowing the financialization of housing. They get money from current workers via unfunded pension promises *they* made in our name.
They are leeches.

>> No.51610890
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and good luck cleaning the earth also anon. Anyway we had fun. going to travel now before i die

>> No.51611156

This. It will most certainly fail.

>> No.51611454

>don’t leave your children an inheritance being selfless is Jewish!
What the fuck? Kys shlomo

>> No.51611475

Completely false
Primogeniture is the innovation
Half the reason europe never United after the Romans was because divided inheritance

>> No.51611525

We all do.

>> No.51611586

Instead of waiting for my parents to die, they still haven't, I got off my ass and worked. I now have more than them and as the only child will inherit what they leave me. If they don't leave me anything oh well. Your problem is you're a spoiled self entitled piece of shit. If you were my kid I'd will everything I own to niggers just out of spite for raising a piece of shit like you. If you want something earn it otherwise shut your little bitch mouth.

>> No.51611662

Cope, if your parents werent retards you wouldnt have had to wage. Your parents failed you and you cope being a hard worker

>> No.51611720

>make up situation
>get mad at it

>> No.51611758

Only ghetto trash doesn't assist their children in life.

>> No.51611805

Typically the younger children got some consolation prizes, like having an officer commission bought for you or being set up as a vicar.

>> No.51611822

For me it’s about leveraging everything you’ve learned and helping your kids financially plan. Having frank conversations about what degree fields to go into, etc. help with money management. It’s not even about money for me, I would have liked it if my regard boomer parents just Ahmad an opinion on life/finances worth a shit- without giving me a penny, the wisdom would have been invaluable- sadly no.

>> No.51611824

Failed me? They didn't owe me shit. I'm 39 and owned my own business since 2014. Enjoy being a poor fag cause you're to lazy and entitled. You zoomers are all special.

>> No.51611883

make sure you pass 0 wealth down to your kids, so you know, they learn the value of hard work like you did lmao

>> No.51611897

Holy fuck you are 39 and on 4chan what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.51611930
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this kek. why even have kids if you're going to wash your hands of them as soon as you possibly can?

maybe its a cultural thing because i'm indian but i'll never understand why wypipo are so cold and uncaring towards their kids. do these people really think that traveling the world and sightseeing will bring them more happiness than seeing their children flourish and have children of their own? honestly it boggles the mind.

when i was a kid i wished i was born white but now i am thankful that i am not. thanks to Allah for delivering me from that madness

>> No.51611980

we live in hyper individualistic societies where you stop being part of a group/family once you hit 'adulthood', in order to become an 'individual', basically a cog in a machine.
That way is easier to tax the plebs and keep them in check

>> No.51611991

If my kids can't make it on their own then I've failed them.

>> No.51612020

You're here forever. Where should he go to shitpost? Reddit?

>> No.51612037

I like coming here. It's a glimpse of the future and how we're all fucked because entitled little brats think they're owed something for being born. What exactly have you done in life that makes you think you deserve anything? I'll go out on a limb and say nothing at all.

>> No.51612040

Reminds me of a typical episode of Ramsay's UK Kitchen Nightmares

>> No.51612048

Shut the fuck up old head kek

>> No.51612053

You didnt make it on your own either, retard. They fed you, gave you clothes, kept a roof under your head, gave you an education and taught you basic skills. Thats where it stops for good goys like you, descent people give extra help to their kids so they can actually succeed. I seriously doubt your business you started at 31 has made you wealthy its probably more like a full time job for a measly salary, be honest faggot

>> No.51612191

My mum is 59 and opened up a kitchen makeover business a year ago that is about to go bust. She rents her flat. My dad is a salesman who has been paid cash in hand for the last forty something years. I doubt he’s even made enough national insurance contributions to get a state pension. I’m shitting myself, I feel an obligation to try and support them but I don’t earn that much.

Tldr: the opposite of inheritance for me

>> No.51612196

You have no obligation what so ever

>> No.51612210

Never said I made it on my buddy. Yea they fed me, kept a room over my head, ect. Did they hold my hand the entire way, no. They raised me to be independent.

I started with a 150k loan in 2014. My business is worth 1.9 million. All tangible assets and even recession proof. I admit though I only pay myself 73k a year but only because i dont need the money and would rather use it to continue building my company. Other than a mortgage I'm debt free. Was it hard... yes sure was. I figure I'll work another 10 years and retire and continue shit posting about you little faggot zoomers.

>> No.51612253

>took 31 years to """"own your own business""" which likely took until you were 35 to pay a livable wage
>and even so, this is more than his parents ever had

tell me you grew up in a lower class household without telling me you grew up in a lower class household

>> No.51612263


>> No.51612303

>I started with a 150k loan in 2014

>> No.51612369

>8 year business history
>$1.9M """all tangible assets"""
>"""no debt"""
rate of accretion was $237k/year, every year... after taxes. sure doesn't sound like a LARP to me.

>> No.51612653

I'm 38, should I kms?

>> No.51612744

Where else is he supposed to go for unfiltered information cleanly laid out? For truth? Jesus bro', you're not going to graduate to some magical place at some point.

>> No.51612793

Teach him things, expose him to many different areas and fields of interest as possible, find out what he's interested in and push him towards it early. Teach him cooking and finance.
And if possible, don't put him in public school. You're wasting your kid's childhood if you do that

>> No.51612914

What compels someone to LARP against NEETs on a NEET board? I don't understand this.

>> No.51614670

grateful child

>> No.51614737

where's the line between, assist and enable ?

>> No.51614751
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>> No.51614792

I'm going to inherit millions. I want to make it before then so I can make my parents proud though.

>> No.51614843

kek this

boomers are a parasite class and they could even conceive of what "grateful" meant, this country would be markedly different

>> No.51615679
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That is the entirety of the issue behind all of the memes. It is why so many of them do retarded things with their wealth and spending habits and absurdly selfish behaviors. To them their life was normal and their kid can become just as rich as them if he works hard because they never look to see if societal conditions are the same. They jerk themselves off to their rugged individualism that was only beneficial during great economic times and that same philosophy will wipe out their line.

My parents did the best they could, but my God were they gullible and never thought about their plebian behaviors. I succeeded in spite of them and not because of them. My children will be much better off.

>> No.51616077

My dad owns two homes and can't officially work for half a decade or else the feds will yank his retirement. Mom lives with me as a roommate and the only she owns is her car.

>> No.51616136

There's a building near my hometown. It's been a different restaurant every few months since about 2016. I visit home 2 or 3 times a year and drive through said town every time I do it. Every time I see the building it's a new restaurant. They never last. Maaaybe if you live in the city a restaurant is profitable. But really it ain't.

>> No.51617222


> 4chan is Narcissus's pool


>> No.51617269
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>an aging 75+ local guy I shoot the breeze sometime
>was a big deal back in the day in his line of work
>tells me his son doesn't respect him and is criticizing his financial decisions
>couple of months pass
>hey how's it going
>I solved my problems I'm going to get a reverse mortgage on my house

>> No.51617573


My parents are leaving everything to my sister, but only because she's a legit dumbo who'd die without being taken care of.
However, my parents taught me everything I needed for basic finances, budgeting, and drilled it into me that only STEM degrees are worth a damn.
Now I have a MS, a comfy office job, am debt free, and am worth more than my parents net worth anyway.
I'm only 28.

Couldn't imagine being such a loser that people would genuinely be bitter over not having an inheritance
Your parents obligation was never to provide you one, your parents were obligated to guide you into better opportunities than they had so that you wouldn't need one in the first place.
Of course that requires you to do work as well. You anons aren't actually NEETs, are you?

>> No.51617585

Wow you actually have no self awareness

>> No.51617643

I could say the same about you, but my post would actually be factual.

>> No.51617651
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they should teach that legit dumbo about the welfare system or give you the money for you to take care of your sister, so the family wealth grows over generations instead of stagnates. You assume there is always going to be opportunities when they are quite rare throughout history because the norm is to stay in the same social class as your parents.

>> No.51617654

What percentage of parents do you think set their children up for success as yours did?

>> No.51617663

The anon is nigger cattle he wouldn’t get it

>> No.51617735

>I had to struggle in life(or w/e inane reasoning) therefore my children wont get jack shit from me after my generation had a large hand in leaving the state of the world worse off than it was in the past

>children pull off the most based powerplay and let the line end with them and rub it into the boomers face as they are wasting away, barely clinging on to the last vestiges of their life, their only thoughts on how all their efforts spent towards their biological imperative were for naught.

Get darwin'd you fucks

>> No.51617759
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>nooooooooo you can be entrepreneurs!!! You have to be neet like me cuz I said so or else I’m gonna vote some liberal cockroach into office and force you by law to do so!!!! Reeeeee!!!

>> No.51617762
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>dad's behavior maybe starting to get more erratic, but then again it's always been
>he makes a joke today offhandedly about some mistake he made being a sign of senility
>at dinner tonight my parents tell me that i'm the executor of their new wills

>> No.51617778

Leave it to a direction brained faggot to not even greentext right

>> No.51617828

Gay ignorant commie image stopped reading after resources

>> No.51617889

I'd define it as all the parents that successfully raised children to be middle class or higher so depending on source and class model between 40-60% so roughly half.

The only thing I don't get is why you're so bitter about it.
Imagine forsaking your own kin and still pretending to be white.
lol, lmao even.

>> No.51617893

If a parent’s idea is to blow everything enjoying retirement, it’s no surprise if their children make “ruthless” decisions when it comes to whether they move out of the area for career opportunities, or prioritize benefits to their own children, or decide they can’t afford to have children themselves and so there won’t be any grandchildren to help change Depends or move them into and out of wheel chairs.

>> No.51617933

Yep nigger cattle confirmed Jesus you people should be killed

>> No.51617960

>all seethe posting
lol stop living on the internet bro.
Go get some fresh air.

>> No.51617964

My dad was going to buy a house for my brother and I before he died, his dad did the same for him when he was younger. I will attempt to put my children in a better position than me also. Why the fuck do people have children only to abandon them? The boomer selfish mentality is a blight on western society.

>> No.51617989
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Retarded. If I ever have kids (I won't), I'd have them inherit my shit to create generational wealth. People who don't believe in creating generational wealth need to be euthanized. You have a shit lineage and a shit culture. Literally bred to be cattle instead of becoming the top of the food chain.
Lmaod. Ya, probably a boomer larping as a zoomer/millennial

>> No.51618042

props man, keep doing what you're doing and keep that head held high.

>> No.51618051

I worked my own way (youngest, one older fatass faggot brother and two sisters, one who we hardly saw and the younger sister who had kids and didn't do enough to care for them and always put them off on my parents bc she was a stupid bitch)...
... all my life and paid my own way, never asked my dad(d. 2004, heart problems diabetic) for one fucking dime.
He worked all jobs and also did ranching, and so had lots of money but never really had time to enjoy it.
My bro n sis always knew they could beg to "borrow" $$$.
Same for my uncles and their kids even as adults. My dad always gave money bc he had it and always thought it mean people would help him when he needed it.
That never happened, he died.
I took over business, all the time out of my life to do the labor and bring in loads of money for my mom, then bit by bit all the relatives started creeping in asking her for money and she also got that endorphin rush from handing out money.
I caught on bc I needed money to keep operations going but the money kept going out.. last straw was my stupid sisters son's lazy fatshit girlfriend asking my mom(great grama) for money for "the kids", meaning drugs and booze, she was a welfare queen.
I stopped tending the business and went back to my own life.
My dad was cool but a hardass, probably why he had first heart attack at 50 and many more till last one got him at 64.
Live your own life, don't hold up others(dads) dream. You'll have a happy life worth living.

>> No.51618066

You got it, it's sad reading this thread and imagining there are dudes 30+ probably typing with fury angry that their parents want to enjoy something because they thought their son would be somewhere by now.

>> No.51618083

Don't forget the debt he covered too.

>> No.51619286

>My children will be much better off.
Your children will eat the bugs and they will own nothing.

>> No.51619299

>cucked by his own dysgenic sister

>> No.51619905

>grateful child YGMI
Ah! another lie that's so frequently used by many boomers to train their children to be their personal slaves.

>> No.51619920

Fuck you, Nana! Who the fuck wants all that shit you have been hoarding through your life?

>> No.51620915

An equal share per child is the superior option.
>but the wealth isn't centralised!!!
Don't care.

>> No.51621010

LMFAO you family is literally doing the opposite of old money nobility.
Usually the brightest or the oldest which is groomed to become the primary heir is getting the best educations to continue the family wealth, prestige and culture.

You're the embodiment of getting zog'd.

>> No.51621650
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I wish he was less emotional and more self aware. I am done resenting and blaming him because I wasted many years doing that and all it got me was a bitter outlook on life. Eventually, I just accepted that his is the way he his and no arguing or explaining or presentation of facts can change it, at least not as quickly as I used to want. I admitted that I was pretty misguided and wrong about a lot of stuff, too.
I don't think I'm entitled to anything except what I worked for. I worked since I was 15 at shit jobs where I could barely afford to support myself. Now I have a wife and a four year old and I still have barely more than when I started. I'm making and saving more money than I ever had but still cannot afford a house.

I'm not upset he wants to do shit with his own things but that he doesn't get that dollars are worthless.
I worked since I was 15 and paid him rent until I moved out at 23. Eat shit.

>> No.51621668

my parents are crack head tier with their finances and my dad used to actually kind of be a crack head and is lifelong a full on gambling addict, every extra dollar he gets goes to gambling. i would be shocked if i got even 1 penny of inheritance kek

>> No.51621704

I do all the fucking work for my parents' family business since they both refuse to do anything at all and they keep gaslighting and abusing me and I'm just so fucking tired of it I don't even get a good percentage of the money I make for them and they spend it all on stupid shit I've probably brought in close to $500k and they still treat me like a little baby man I hate it I hate it

>> No.51621791

Told my folks the samr thing.
Said my brother should get it all cause he's the one with a stable girlfriend. Also said I'd never forgive them if they sold their house to buy 3 boats and a shiity condo on some coast
I don't care much for money, but the idea of not leaving generational wealth for your children bothers me.

>> No.51621861

Same here. My dad gave me zero wisdom, advice or info about life, women or money. Never had The Talk. He just smiled and said good boy when I got As and Bs and yelled at me when I wanted attention. That's it.

>> No.51621939

Put your mother in SSI housing and move on with your life

>> No.51621966

This is a nigger
Do not respond to entitled niggers

>> No.51621982

they're going to sell the business to a competitor and you're not going to get a dime beyond the wageslave tier wages you've already earned. stop cucking yourself.

>> No.51622024

>I do all the fucking work for my parents' family business since they both refuse to do anything at all and they keep gaslighting and abusing me and I'm just so fucking tired of it I don't even get a good percentage of the money I make for them and they spend it all on stupid shit I've probably brought in close to $500k and they still treat me like a little baby man I hate it I hate it

time to start lobbying for a raise consistently, tell them you could do better in another job and you're not getting paid a fair amount. and if they don't then just fucking quit and see how fast they give you that raise kek.