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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 202 KB, 579x583, Screen Shot 2022-09-26 at 4.11.56 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51648504 No.51648504 [Reply] [Original]

Yeah, I'm thinking smart con is the farewell curtain for this train wreck, gg linkies

>> No.51648536

How could he do that to cat? He's lost his fucking mind

>> No.51648576

idk man... some people are fucking sickos

>> No.51648604

nazarov's cat, when unobserved, is both betraying and not betraying at the same time

>> No.51648607

The “genius” behind the chainlink grift folks

>> No.51648613

lol some people have 6figs in this shit.

>> No.51648649

unlock the cat, let him free

>> No.51648656


>> No.51648758

so rather than being on uploaded to a server and being right click savable, it would just be a file on the device. however ownership would be on-chain. interesting

>> No.51648807

Is this the famous “oracle problem”???

>> No.51649037

fucking nerds dude lol

>> No.51649059

>actual fine art
will this become a new nft?

>> No.51649095

ok but what if I wanted to try before I buy?
not taking your word your cat is awesome

>> No.51649126


>> No.51649182
File: 75 KB, 1080x1069, analprint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they will use pic related for NFTs

>> No.51649236

you can see it in the physical gallery where it is displayed
based analyzing toilet

>> No.51649318

>dude what if we put an NFT on the mona lisa!

Holy fuck i can't believe i invested in this moron

>> No.51649435
File: 1.26 MB, 640x640, tearing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over bros, our Chainlink journey ends here. The Great Reset timeline has come at a crossroad with humanity. The magic is gone, the memes are stale, the shills have been uncovered, the agendas laid bare for all to see, i-i-it's over marines...only tears from here.

>> No.51649571

>it would just be a file on the device.
I haven't read the medium article yet ... but no I don't think that's correct.
The file (in this case, the kitty) is encrypted.
The encrypted file is just a digital file - it can be on chain or off chain, public or private.
Since it's encrypted, it's meaningless to anyone except he who holds the key.

>> No.51649643


>> No.51649725

And essentially meaningless to he who holds the key

>> No.51649778

hmm, so the only device capable of displaying the file would be the one containing the key?
it's art man

>> No.51649792

>never seen before exclusive content be will unlocked before your very eyes!
>watch famed snake oil salesmen tame wild NFTs with a secret cryptographic key!
in the future every one will attend exclusive NFT viewing parties and they will be happy

>> No.51649869

Rampant voyeur market for the "prints".
Imagine the pic leakings.

>> No.51649884


>> No.51649921

And then you steal it with any record device.
The value of the item stored is meaningless now.

>> No.51649925
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Holy moly

>> No.51649964

I know there were once vulnerabilities but can you still steal the key from a ledger/trezor? theoretically there should be uncrackable hardware wallets. no one would ever know what the key actually is, there would presumably just be a password or something on the device

>> No.51649985

yeah I remember when I absolutely destroyed the movie and art world by bootlegging lmao those were the days

>> No.51650007
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>> No.51650023

he'll talk about oasis open ofc

>> No.51650024


>> No.51650052

People waiting to sell the news are going to get dumped on before they even have a chance, this is so under the radar. You saw what happened last Wednesday when they announced the anticipated rate hike? What do you think will happen when he speaks exclusively on digital assets. Probably use Sergey as an example of dumping on investors.

>> No.51650307


>> No.51650390

>anal print scan complete
>you are gay

>> No.51650498

why did they used the indian flag logo?

>> No.51650619

You idiots have no idea what this means.

>> No.51650657


>> No.51651426
File: 123 KB, 1462x1176, stupidtime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no
and someone could steal the device because they know where it is

>> No.51651445

enlighten us then, sage one.

>> No.51651840
File: 124 KB, 750x669, DEE0D86A-F402-4B7C-ADDC-1ADF2BEB3CE0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51652024

How great would it be if they arrest sergey at smartcon

>> No.51652117

See it in the physical gallery...on a device of some kind? Or in the metaverse?

>> No.51652154

Boy18 is a fucking steal honestly.

>> No.51652873

wow fed Powell really is the special guest

>> No.51653065

This stops me from screenshotting your worthless "art" how?

>> No.51653095

Computer, calculate the smell

>> No.51653097

Kek very good lol

>> No.51653219

How are you going to take a screenshot on a device you're not in possession of?
That's called a photograph, anon. You can take a photo of the device displaying the worthless art.

>> No.51653250


I still can't believe people made millions selling jpegs of an ape

>> No.51653259
File: 26 KB, 740x415, images (23).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard they have Charlie Kelly on board now too, he has worked on similar projects

>> No.51653312
File: 19 KB, 554x554, images (49).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I continue to hold on to LINK and have high hopes for Chainlink's growth, aiming for $100 by the following bullrun season. Its technology is as helpful as I had hoped for Geeq, which offers a data management solution. Let's see how it goes anon.

>> No.51653386

Computer, ENHANCE

>> No.51653534
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>> No.51653558

you're right, I didn't really get it until I read the medium. the example was somewhat gratuitous of being able to fuck an onahole containing the private key associated with my catgirl waifu NFT and using DECO to verify my deposit of fresh cum to be recorded on-chain by a chainlink keeper, with VRF rolled to determine the chance of pregnancy, but it really drove home the possibilities

>> No.51653586
File: 160 KB, 1200x660, 1627767185183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plug in flash drive
>look at a picture of a cat


>> No.51653623

Gay man don’t have an anal print just a gaping incontinent hole

>> No.51653680


>> No.51653867

What if I drew a picture of a cat on a piece of paper and showed it to you for 3 seconds before you got bored?

>> No.51654160

Computer, imagine the smell for me

>> No.51654197

Then what's the point of this NFT if can only be displayed on your device? That's like having an image and simply not uploading it anywhere.

>> No.51654234

the NFT is sent to an "anchor contract", the key controlling the anchor contract is embedded in the device. so you are physically in the presence of the NFT key

>> No.51654235

I believe that if they are able to handle their data product, every firm will use it and will naturally recommend it to other business relationships. Just my two sats, of course.

>> No.51654306

and that device could be something like a flash drive. Meaning that encrypted information can be accessed anywhere in the world if you have the key and know the specific contract. Basically turning NFTs into bearer bonds.

>> No.51654315

How could this be used by the psychopathic technocrats to help enslave the population?

>> No.51654381

off the top of my head? They could make NFTs of all human information as a sort of web 3 version of copyright. You'd need to access the device and know which contract it was associated with to access the information, so it would allow for a total information lockdown over time.

>> No.51654408

Force everyone to have a digital soul

>> No.51654447

you guys are reaching pretty hard

>> No.51654542

Your mom was reaching for my hard cock yesterday faggot

>> No.51654581

nice of her to give you a reacharound homo

>> No.51654603

i'm not fudding. I think nfts have a lot of applications and i've held link since early 2018. I'm just not blind to the dangers of the system we're building. I worry sometimes that the only thing thats going to save me is the fact that I hold link.

>> No.51654606

Can't fuck her pussy as she is a man

>> No.51654633

Ari is a sick man

>> No.51654637

you're suggesting that all internet information will get gated behind chainlink-nft-JSTOR, that seems pretty improbable
don't worry, you're pussy enough to make up for it

>> No.51654655
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>> No.51654915

If they ever made it mandatory for some key to be on my computer to access a fucking cat picture that I have to buy, I'd make a video of me blowing my brains out and charge 1 satoshi

>> No.51655001

so this is how link ends wow who could have predicted that we would end up like this 5 years ago. i think this is actually a worse case scenario because link did infact moon giving people hope that things were going to change and then it was all for nothing. if link had of died right in the begining after the 2017/18 bull run like request network then things might not have been so bad because people would have moved on. but all that has happend is people who almost made it have been plunged back into darkness and now know that they are doomed and might never make it now. what a world.

>> No.51655584

okay so you're the one fudding? Or do you just not understand? Its all coming to fruition. a few years ago the events of covid and the wef depopulation agenda would have seemed impossible. Do you understand what chainlink allows crypto to do? Nobody is going to have a job anymore. We are redundant.

>> No.51655815

adapt. don't be such a wuss

>> No.51655853

that's actually a really cool idea
most here won't understand it for a long time tho

>> No.51655904

Magnum Photos don't upload hi res images of their collectives' images, this is to avoid people printing the images for themselves rather than buying a limited-edition print of the image. Aris proposed solution could be a way to view digital art in high res without risking people right-click saving the work.

>> No.51655912

imagine if Jerome loses his temper and just starts screeching about sergey

>> No.51655930

Yeh I was thinking you could have the key on a hardware wallet. More business for ledger and Trezor soon, I think..

>> No.51655932

just one of many applications yeah
in addition you can prove you own some famous art without others being able to see it, for maximum seethe and envy

>> No.51656017

well, think about an extreme scenario. The launch codes to the nuclear bomb. A nuclear football nft. It exists in an unbreakable encryption on chain and the key is associated with a specific device or set of devices. This would mean knowing the key phrase is meaningless because without the physical device it doesn't work. Without knowing the specific contract having the device and the key phrase is meaningless. Its another layer of abstraction that can be used for many things, but for this example imagine a courier carrying a nuclear bomb nft device. He doesn't know what contract it is associated with, what the key phrase is, or what the contract is about. Torture him all you want and it means nothing. Steal the device and it means nothing. There really is potential here.