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52309897 No.52309897 [Reply] [Original]

Did businesses who excluded the unvaccinated bottomed out, or is there more pain for them.

>> No.52309927

Fuck your cafe and fuck you, no amnesty

>> No.52309936

It was impossible to know that the vaccine would have unintended consequences. People that didn't take it because they fell for some farfetched conspiracy theory that was just a tiny bit true just got lucky. Like people that bought crypto bottoms and sold on the bull

>> No.52310024

only people who didn’t know the whole pandemic is a jewish globalist scam were npcs. Enjoy your myocarditis

>> No.52310040

Never forgive, never forget
fuck you

>> No.52310041

Anyone with a brain knew the whole thing was fishy from the start. If you went to a car dealership the salesman tried to cajole, threaten, coerce you into buying something - telling you "everyone else has one", "buy now or else you can't work anymore", etc, etc.

The vaccine propaganda literally hit every single used car salesman/sleazy real estate agent red flag in existence.

The only reason anyone went along with it was because human beings are herd animals and most people are extremely fearful of being excluded from society - and that was the governments intent. Deliberately terrorize the populace and manipulate, suppress dissent, because they knew if they left it strictly volunteer the uptik on covid shots would probably be like 50% at most. No different from war times, the normie was told to sacrifice his or her bodily autonomy for the sake of the state polity.

>> No.52310184

>impossible to know
>championed the totalitarian onions state that crushed dissenting opinion from public light
Yeah nah, get fucked mate. I hope you die slow from a heart attack.

>> No.52310251

My worldview is just more correct than yours. Cope.

>> No.52310270

I made low 6 figures last year from crypto and didn't take the vax. I'm not lucky, I'm just more intelligent than you.

>> No.52310303

This also. I executed a multi-year plan in order to buy crypto before the bull run. The retards are always the loudest people in the room. They spew cope from their orifices 24/7.

>> No.52310310
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> Or is there more pain for them
The mudbloods have traded their purity - their very humanity even - for momentary pleasure.
This is only the beginning for them.
I don't have it but someone post that one greentext that talks about how if you didn't get vaxxed you overcame one of the worlds largest scaled psyops to be seen.
Lmao look at you. Coping so hard in vain because you consented to getting injected with experimental jew juice that doesn't even do the very thing it was advertised as.
> B-b-but my job made me!
It was always your choice.

>> No.52310327

fucking retards gobbling up bait like its a baggie of cheerios from mommy

>> No.52310328

>t. CEO of Pfizer

>> No.52310353
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>People that didn't take it because they fell for some farfetched conspiracy theory that was just a tiny bit true just got lucky.

Wrong. I have 0 problem with taking this vaccine or any vaccine. I mean I'm vaccinated against childhood diseases, idgaf.

All I know about this vaccine shit is what I've learned from playing and buying video games: I refuse to pre-order, I refuse pay for early access, and I refuse to be an alpha/beta tester. The gooberment/vaccine companies are doing the same fucking tactics that EA and Ubisoft use when releasing Vidya nowadays; the games are released broken, and developers try and patch in fixes as they go along. It takes like 2 years for most games to become playable, why the fuck would I pay for the 1.0 alpha/early access version of the fucking game that's incomplete?

I'll take the vaccine, that's fine with me, I have 0 problems with it, and I'm vaccinated for other shit so it's no problem at all. But I only want the final, GOTY version of the vaccine with all the DLC and patches already applied, and preferably it's on a steam sale.

I have no interest taking a vaccine or buying a game if the developers are still patching fixes/if I need to download a hundred mods to make it playable/if there's a fucking chance of my IRL save file being permanently deleted because the game is buggy as fuck. I'm not doing your testing for you; I didn't sign up for a beta key or early access and I'm not doing any of that shit. Hit me up when your game is actually playable and there's no chance of me getting a heart attack because they rushed out this vaccine without doing more extensive testing and research on it's side effects.

>> No.52310380

>It takes like 2 years for most games to become playable, why the fuck would I pay for the 1.0 alpha/early access version of the fucking game that's incomplete?
used this exact analogy with family and got called immature smart-ass and similar things. One of them has an inflamed heart now which they blame on birth control

>> No.52310404

>impossible to know.
no im a retard and i looked into the technology behind it and listened to experts in the creation of its precursor phases.
all of them said that its a perfect mechanism for the delivery of a "potential future vaccine" that could be targeted toward specific issues.
that "vaccine" wasn't a vaccine at all, it was an inoculation. it didnt do the intended thing for the mass public.. which was it's literal only purpose.

can we revoke their amnesty for knowingly doing this?
can we repeal the laws that have been enacted?
where exactly? they literally had to change the definition to categorize this shit as a vaccination.

are trump and putin also the worlds largest problems too?

like Dave Chapelle says im like evil kenevil, i get paid for the attempt. you aint never getting your fucking money back

>> No.52310411

i just never got vaxxed because i couldnt be bothered driving all the way out to the hospital or one of the vax tents to stand in line. a friend of mine told me he had to wait in line for an hour. fuck that shit id rather just sit at home and jerk off

>> No.52310435
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>> No.52310469

Lol they wanted to exclude us from society, they wanted to put us into a fucking concentration camp, they wanted to kill us, they made us feel guilty, but hey they're apologizing now with a fucking note stuck on a door.

No mercy. Finish him.

>> No.52310513
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well once their clients start dying of the vaxx they'll go out of business. any day now they're gonna start dropping like flies. then we'll be the only ones left and girls will fuck us!

>> No.52310570

imagine not transcending beyond carnal desires to be attached to flesh parasites

>> No.52310647
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No, all parties except who takes the vaccine assume no legal liability. If it gets bad enough, we'll get another mesothelioma/asbestos kind of government slush fund. Of course, the taxpayer will cover the bill and a new class of lawyers will arise.

>> No.52311989


>> No.52312016

This, it wasnt worth my and it sounded gay.