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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 41 KB, 640x480, Sam UglyFreidman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52342965 No.52342965 [Reply] [Original]

Elizabeth Holmes, Sam Bankman Fried, Juicero guy, Adam Neumann, etc.
How do people like this even get MEETINGS with VCs, let alone millions and billions of dollars?
The reason why I ask is because I lived in Silicon Valley for two years trying to pitch different ideas. I always worked on the business, numbers, slide decks, etc. I never got any money from Angel/VC investors, but my career has been great since then so it doesn't really matter.
The point is, the Angel investors I DID meet with were relentless in their questions, due diligence, timelines, etc. It was insane how thorough they were.
So how do these dumbfucks get so much money? It has to be because their "vision" is absolutely insane, basically the "Big Lie" propaganda technique in practice. If you promise something "world changing", then the VCs don't want to look like morons for not sharing your ideas/visions, and they get suckered in just like any other mark in a con artists game.

Being realistic is a death-knell for getting money. Being insane is apparently the only way to get millions/billions.

>> No.52342980


>> No.52343000

Because you walked into meeting pitching your Uber for truck drivers bs just like every other retard who takes an established tech innovation and applies it to another industry like it’s revolutionary

>> No.52343008 [DELETED] 

(((Sam Bankman-Fried)))

it's just jews playing with goyim money, they have no skin in the game because they have a monopoly on information so they get out before everything implodes

>> No.52343034 [DELETED] 
File: 270 KB, 1272x690, Kikes2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews operate like a mafia like Ye said. We live under total Jewish tyranny and oppression.

All Jews in america live like princes and Kings. They have the highest amount of welfare in the world while all driving 80,000% cars and living in 1 million $ homes. They are all criminals and traitors to America.

>> No.52343041

could be scripted

>> No.52343046

VCs are the retarded jocks and chads you went to school with. They need another yacht and more coke NOW in their hedonic panic they will believe anything

>> No.52343057
File: 47 KB, 710x567, Rivian Motors fucking sucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My point is, this type of reckless investing creates a bad precedent. VCs/Angels engaging in this type of investing is one thing, but when they dump it on retail it becomes psychopathic behavior.
Another good example is Rivian, a shitty car maker that was pumped and dumbed by VCs onto retail investors, who have only seen losses so far.

The only way to avoid it is to do your own due diligence, and to not worry about "missing" the next big thing, since chances are it's going to fail anyways.

>> No.52343064 [DELETED] 

You didnt have jewish parents that worked in congress

>> No.52343065

Elizabeth Holmes
>Her father, Christian Rasmus Holmes IV, was a vice president at Enron
Samuel Bankman-Fried
>Born and raised to a upper middle class Jewish family in California
>son of Barbara Fried and Joseph Bankman, both professors at Stanford Law School
Adam Neumann
>Israeli-American businessman and investor.

>> No.52343074

you can script characters and events and make them into a book or a tv show or a movie or, if you have the power and influence, you make them "real". pretty simple concept not sure why more people don't catch on to this

>> No.52343084

Physics grad in Harvard/MIT
Get bored of it
Enter as Jane street as intern
Too smart
Play with crypto money and make millions
start his own exchange
Connect with founders, becomes an insider and gets tokens for the pennies
become a billionaire

>> No.52343108 [DELETED] 

most of politics is scripted characters and events. probably a lot of that going on in finance too

>> No.52343126 [DELETED] 

Another anon was redpilled today on jews and their lies

>> No.52343130

i think the names are often a giveaway. i mean come on, his name is bank man lol thats hilarious

>> No.52343138 [DELETED] 

Jewish Nepotism

>> No.52343158

this is it, VCs love nothing to something origin stories, primarily if the "nothing" is benchmarked at dropping out of harvard

>> No.52343171

all the worlds a stage but you're not the players, you're the audience, only you don't realize there even is a stage

>> No.52343197

literally everything they touch either is already a scam or becomes one


>> No.52343236 [DELETED] 


>> No.52343284 [DELETED] 

Don't worry, I've been redpilled on that for a while. Just seems particularly egregious in some of these cases, especially when Jew investors also lose money. There's nepotism, and then there's just being a fucking idiot.

>> No.52343313

You got some of it right. If they had a lot of questions then you failed. Your business plan wasn't fleshed out enough to eliminate most questions. And even when you have the perfect business plan, accurate competitor numbers, good financial projections, life comes down to opportunity, being in the right spot at the right time. Opportunity is generally something completely out of your control.

>> No.52343399

That was definitely one of the biggest things I learned. They only gave money to people who were already connected and/or had deep pockets somehow.
Almost every "founder" of a successful company had enough sources of money to keep them going through any eventual hard times. It doesn't matter how good your idea is or how much money you're making, what matters is the amount of insurance you have available (i.e. friends and family to bail you out if necessary).

>> No.52343435

>How do people like this even get MEETINGS with VCs, let alone millions and billions of dollars?
Guess who mommy and daddy are?

>> No.52343476

nice digits, pretty much this, i don't think /biz/ can get too detailed unless some isider sees th thread and blesses us with some knowledge

>> No.52343496

(Without moral judgement) Because they're smart and talented. At least talented enough to attract billion dollar valuations, the whole point of being a VC.

>> No.52343539

Look at his nose.

>> No.52343557

But most importantly, they have parents who know the right people or stumble upon the right people by sheer luck

>> No.52343576

there are plenty of smart and talented people but poor or middle income

>> No.52343610

If you read Sequoia's article about the time they met SBF, it became clear that he was spouting a bunch of grand and ambiguous horseshit ideas about FTX being an app where you can do everything in a single app and like the fucking idiots they are, they became enamored by his grand visions and thought he was going to become a trillionaire. These fucking idiots would have gone bankrupt a long time ago if the free QE money train had not created the tech bubble

>> No.52343642


>> No.52343645 [DELETED] 

You are a goy, simple as.
If you truly want the (((elite's))) privilege, simply find a jewish woman and marry her.
You will be treated as a second class citizen by her side of the family, but your sons and daughters will live like royalty. (((American))) Royalty to be exact.

>> No.52343664

Naw, read the early history of every large tech company over the past 20-30 years. The ones that received the most money had founders who either came from rich families, or had money from something else. Only a small handful got started without having anything.
Being smart/intelligent in college is one thing, but if you don't come from money it is way more difficult to get financing for your projects.

>> No.52343670

Nepotism is the only way anyone makes it in any industry.
VCs are a bunch of out of touch people who know nothing because nepotism is the only reason they are there

>> No.52343674

How indeed

>> No.52343691

He was born and raised behind those doors anon

>> No.52343745

Because he's connected as fuck, anon. His mom co-founded Mind the Gap, a major Democrat SuperPAC, and has deep ties to the Obama White House, Google, etc.

>> No.52343754

I fell in love with a Jewish woman who ended up breaking my heart
Was it something as simple as me not being Jewish?

>> No.52343910

I've dated and fucked Jewish women. But the relationships never lasted long, and all of them (three) they broke up with me to marry a Jew.

>> No.52343934

In the worst case you’ll become new Goebbels

>> No.52343945

She probably was not a a virgin so who even cares

>> No.52343962

You brought nothing to the table. Crazy how jewish chicks scream about choice but do everything their elders tell them to.

>> No.52344012 [DELETED] 

Kikes have been doing this for thousands of years, no exaggeration.

>> No.52344116

I give weight to this idea because of what Dom's investigation showed... They were tearing down FTX sign weeks ago


>> No.52344162

KEK at little faggots like you not knowing how the world works

>> No.52344167 [DELETED] 
File: 97 KB, 900x654, 1668037130636006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Like Ye said" Shut the fuck up you normie. The last thing I want to hear is some retard citing a fucking rapper on the jewish supremacy. We have been saying this here for literal years. You have no idea how frustrating it is to read that

>> No.52344201

You will go to Adolf Niggler’s rallies and you will raise your hand to shout “Yo Ye” with everyone else in the crowd.

>> No.52344215

Daddy/Mommy had connections
At least when it came to Holmes and Fried and Neumann
Midwits with the right parents can do pretty much anything

>> No.52344241

1) be jewish
2) have a mom that is the founder of a pro-Democrat super PAC

>> No.52344243
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You should have played League.

>> No.52344279

once people think you're going to be big people will throw money at you, nothing else matters and ftx was pretty successful in that. Shit only fell apart a few hours ago, he made his initial cash from price arbitrage, nothing core crypto related. I doubt he even understands what a blockchain is.

>> No.52344284 [DELETED] 
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>> No.52344294

I’m Jewish and I got exactly 0 privilege from it, all the doors were always closed when I needed a leg up

>> No.52344325 [DELETED] 
File: 121 KB, 478x478, skull nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look into how the federal reserve was create. international bankers amnufactured a crisis that caused people to demand a private bank. its literally the same playbook, cause a problem and sell the solution. the majority of "successful" people have been pre selected.

>> No.52344346

Is your mom or dad jewish?
If its your dad youre not actually jewish (which you should be thankful for)

>> No.52344348 [DELETED] 
File: 120 KB, 897x1280, kikeworldorder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when I needed a leg up

The fact that you thought that you were entitled to a "leg up" like all the other kikes shows why you are traitors and need to be removed from the Western world. We will put you all in Saudi Arabia, try doing your kike shit there.

>> No.52344354 [DELETED] 

>hey fellow whites I have an amazing idea
>an exchange that does everything other exchanges do but with a white twist ;~)

>> No.52344357 [DELETED] 

They are part of an insider world of legacy aristocrats. They were born into well connected, affluent families that are well networked with hundreds of organizations sat on by wealthy freeloaders under the guise of common philanthropy.

They won the birth lottery, if you don't, you have about three chances in your entire lifetime to get noticed and ingratiate yourself to kikes by way of black mail and sucking thick meaty, sloshy and AIDS infested cock.

A very small fraction of people born poor actually manage to break out of the zoo into nobility status by work alone. If too many people become too rich, nobody will be willing to do the work that matters and supply goes down, inflation rises. If too many people are working, not enough unemployed and poor and destitute, then labor serfs have leverage to demand better conditions and pay for themselves, demand rises faster than supply and then inflation also goes out of control.

The current world order needs a certain percentage of people to be broken, destitute, starving and without positive future prospects, and it also can't have too many people living a gilded lifestyle with practically infinite money. You're either in or out, but it's partially pre-determined and totally by the people you have access to in your life and which cocks you're even allowed to deepthroat.

>> No.52344364

>Elizabeth Holmes, Sam Bankman Fried, Juicero guy, Adam Neumann, etc.
>How do people like this even get MEETINGS with VCs, let alone millions and billions of dollars?

Because the VC's like a good story and they have a good story

>> No.52344379

>he made billions from arbitrage
imagine believing this bullshit
Saudi Arabian kings and Mohamed the goatfucker are/were Jewish

>> No.52344386 [DELETED] 

They're jews. You think this is a stupid nazi explanation but it's literally the truth. Jews have a psychological vicitm complex that forces them to look out for eachother. Also it's literally their religious duty to show preference for jews. All the people you listed are jews. Don't forget the WeWork guy who did the same scammy thing.

>> No.52344390 [DELETED] 

theres more nuance to the jewish thing. the network of predator bankers recruits any psychopath than also keep their mouth shut, there are so many jews among them because so many jews are psychopaths. its not exclusively a jewish thing. if you are a jew thats not in the know then you are part of the ring of jews they use as a sacrificial sheild. if they have a prophecy that says x number of jews need to die for y to happen, they will gladly arrange you to be sacrificed

>> No.52344403 [DELETED] 

This world needs to genocide jews
That’s also jewish shit

>> No.52344418

>like a mafia
there is literally a jewish mafia and I know personally some of the people in it because my aunt married a member

>> No.52344436

People with money are incredibly stupid, most of them did not earn that money themselves. We like to paint this rational picture that the wealthy are sophisticated investors that make well thought out, long term decisions when in reality they are just as stupid as the average retail investor or trader, making decisions because they feel good in their brain and rationalizing the consequences later.

>> No.52344444

Hmm. I wonder.

>> No.52344449 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 725x344, 1666863982133566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how anyone could even look at his face and think he could be trusted.

>> No.52344455 [DELETED] 

>it’s not jews being overconfident
>it’s just stupid people
back to r*ddit

>> No.52344483
File: 754 KB, 999x1197, 1667221843846716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop being antisemetic. That's just a made up Republican word.

>> No.52344489

Jewish kid with two Jewish Stanford economics professor parents.

>> No.52344500

Rich jew, son of two rich jews, literally born on Stanford campus where both his parents were teaching.

>> No.52344514 [DELETED] 

>there is literally a jewish mafia
it used to just be called the mafia. People forget all the big name mobsters in prohibition, gambling, etc were all named like Rothstein and Rosenberg and Siegel

>> No.52344527
File: 359 KB, 828x587, goodguyswin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are retarded. Familial preference exists in every functional family worth a damn. It's encoded in every living animals DNA. Care for your young. Put them ahead. That is nepotism on the familial level. You raise and care for your young to propagate your DNA.

To say they should be expelled because they operate on this basic animalistic instinct is wrong. They ARE a problem, the problem is that they play the game too well and their tribe has consumed all positions of cultural and financial power. Subverting their host country into degeneracy generation after generation to further keep their tribes power.

>> No.52344583

I assume you have no idea of what actual disruption looks like.
These guys may not be eloquent, but they share a unique and rare vision of whatever.
An og VC would invest way before into an autist with a different idea than in a pitch-perfect MBA douchebag with another "airbnb for boats" startup.
I say og VC because the whole startup scene has deranged into a ponzi scheme, where VC now look for startups that look good enough to flip them at a higher valuation at the next round, even if their actual business model is shit. So there's your opportunity, if you're not an autist with original ideas you can pose as a mannequin ceo of a startup that gets flipped around until it explodes.

>> No.52344617 [DELETED] 

The answer is right in front of your fucking face but you still won't see it. ((( )))

>> No.52344631 [DELETED] 
File: 487 KB, 1600x1200, amessage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If a rapper is what makes you suddenly accept the ideas then that's how it is. Maybe we can learn something from this to propagate the message. If you want to appeal to normans do it the same way the jews do it. Through mainstream cultural figures propped up by ZOG.

>> No.52344642 [DELETED] 
File: 186 KB, 1440x1005, YERedman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52344659

At the end of the day it's a problem that runs beneath ethnicity and culture, and it won't go away even if the world had infinite resources. It's a self-destructive extreme of the ego that really needs to be bred and bled out of the species, and that's extreme too.

>> No.52344730

>then the VCs don't want to look like morons for not sharing your ideas/visions,
Emperor has no clothes. If you say something dumb and they understand it, they'll savage you. If you say something so monumentally dumb they can't understand it they'll think you're a genius.

>> No.52344781 [DELETED] 

Hes some rich kikes spolied brat

>> No.52344811 [DELETED] 

Parents/Aunt are connected. He's a true Jew scamming goys.

>> No.52344858
File: 97 KB, 250x375, 1651052865827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read pic related and it will all make sense

>> No.52344905 [DELETED] 

Fuck with "Like Ye said" bullshit you nigger loving faggot

>> No.52344922

it's unfortunately mostly nepotism.

Did you go to the right school and meet the right people? That's much more important than merit. The VCs aren't looking for talent that just needs money, they're looking for friends.

>> No.52344938
File: 136 KB, 979x979, b74ec730-e515-11ec-a920-71b991adb541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this
>we will just buy our own token, same way everyone does it.
>what? yes, of course it will work, its the oldest trick in the book.
>probably 2 or 3 times profit. even after everyone finds out, we will all be out, users left with the bags as per.
>ok great speak monday.

>> No.52344950 [DELETED] 
File: 586 KB, 1500x1600, chosen ones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck with "Like Ye said" bullshit you nigger loving faggot

>> No.52344965

Stop noticing things

>> No.52344987

Cuz you seek the vc
Meanwhile the vc seek him just countering the other vc offer

>> No.52345043

I think the past few years in crypto have demonstrated that VCs are fucking retarded and /biz/ can easily out perform them.

>> No.52345058

Why are they so ugly? I thought rich people are usually good looking

>> No.52345088 [DELETED] 
File: 2.10 MB, 931x576, Kikes.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

demon worship and soul-less godless nature of the kike makes them turn into vile evil disfigured created by their 30's, the human looking ones payed a fortune in plastic surgery to fix their nose/teeth/etc.

>> No.52345105
File: 321 KB, 532x410, 1664375457645008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really are a dumb ass. Why the fuck are you on this board. First the Ye shit, now this childish dehumanization.

You are a useful idiot for them by representing these ideas in the most retarded way possible.

>> No.52345130


connection and jewish

>> No.52345132 [DELETED] 
File: 2.85 MB, 882x480, Jewtruth.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything I say is 100% true, fucking demon worshipping cunt. You kikes created the entire fake field of psychology to explain all the demons that infest your bodies.

>> No.52345204

Dude, Elizabeth Holmes gave her grandfather her family friend investors a story of "what if you could get every blood work done with a single drop of blood?". They bought that shit without actually doing any due diligence on whether such tech could exist. Investors are not smarter than us.

>> No.52345236 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 750x651, 28352A5D-20AD-4C6A-850E-6CA0A6C0E059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>T. jew

>> No.52345240
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>> No.52345242

>It's encoded in every living animals DNA.
The only reason the world isn't a nuclear wasteland is because we've finally started to grok that nature sucks compared to reason in a lot of instances. Privileging your idiot offspring over a stranger with merit might save you in the short term but dooms everyone in the midterm (get it?).

>> No.52345260

Jewish mom.

There are moments in life where your future depends entirely on the goodwill of strangers, regardless of your merit.

Will you get the loan you need to launch your business, or not? Will you get a job interview at this big company, or not? Will you get into that top university, or perish like a dog?

For me it was “perish like a dog” all the time. Not a shred of goodwill from anyone, only hostility everywhere. And no help at all from George Soros.

>> No.52345275

I don’t see anything wrong in what he said

>> No.52345287 [DELETED] 

judaism and woke liberalism.

>> No.52345478

So here's the "truth" about life that everyone always talks about.

The upper bound of your potential in life is out of your control and determined by the caliber of person you surround yourself with, or have access to. People themselves are resources, tools to facilitate being productive.

Where you end up in life ultimately is entirely your problem though, that depends on your own qualities and the tools you choose to equip yourself with to be productive and independent in your life (knowledge, etiquette, tact, sheer willpower). If you choose to die like a dog, that is your fault.

>> No.52345519


also wasn't he self funded from exploiting the kimchi premium arbitrage?

>> No.52345556


Israel is filled with poor bastards; there's more at play here; being born in american is 100X a higher determinant than being "jewish".

enjoy your reddit-spacing-OCD faggot.

>> No.52345633

and I don't like the zero sum system we have now, but as long as we do have it, you have to abuse it. Get what's yours. You don't have to work to preserve it. You can campaign for it to short circuit and accelerate into collapse.

>> No.52345650 [DELETED] 


JIDF enters the thread

>> No.52345656 [DELETED] 

>spam posting across the board
Hahahahahaha this jew is butthurt

>> No.52345675

did he really use other peoples money to fund a political party?

>> No.52345677 [DELETED] 
File: 1.06 MB, 1242x1905, F27EB265-54CC-43D9-B695-C3F2AFA51490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52345728

Probably not, although it depends what branch of Judaism she followed. Reform Jews and atheists of Jewish descent date out of their religion all the time. Orthodox Jews are pickier but willing to date converts.

>> No.52345814

*pushes you in front of a truck*
Your quality was 'road paste', I suppose.

>> No.52345838

Cringe as fuck, looks like the VC jews are literally retarded, else they wouldn't have ate this dogshit up

>> No.52345880 [DELETED] 
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>> No.52345886

yup, simple as

>> No.52345929

it would make a fine marinara sauce.

>> No.52346016 [DELETED] 

but wait, there is more. his brother? is also a democrat donor, worked for jane street, working with the tribe, giving to the tribe:

>> No.52346077 [DELETED] 
File: 161 KB, 1010x2048, donation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he gave 250,000 to

>> No.52346125

Are you poor or from a poor background?

>> No.52346307 [DELETED] 

Orthodox Jews are the only ones who care about the mom/dad thing but Jewish ultracapitalists tend not to be very religious, so that rule is mostly irrelevant when it comes to nepotism.

Jewanon got wrecked because he wasn't born in the ruling class, simple as.

>> No.52346436

If >>52345478 made the mistake of surrounding himself with people that would push him out in front of a truck, then that is also his fault. Your example doesn't contradict what he said; clearly if you don't cut those toxic people out of your life, then they will diminish your potential, at best.

>> No.52346804



gtfo zoomer

>> No.52346945 [DELETED] 

If Jews lose money they always make a serious example out of the goy that made them lose money, usually bringing to the public as some massive scandal news story also

>> No.52347193
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>> No.52347236

How does BIT remain under-valued? questions we simply cannot answer.

>> No.52347765

I know of a kid who got 32 million dollars through USC for a credit building company for targeted at college kids.
You can get these connections through the alumni association at your schools oddly enough. I think that's what he did or he went to their career resource center.
This too. He's probably related to someone very prominent in the US or Tel Aviv. That's how you guarantee success.

>> No.52347919


>> No.52347980 [DELETED] 
File: 2.93 MB, 2993x3300, 1667744673538728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because your name is not BANKMAN-FRIED you fucking retard. Or are you going to say your name is Moshe Shlomo Shekelgruber-Goldstein ??

>> No.52349371

>Are you poor
Not anymore (took me 15 years of struggling)

>or from a poor background?

>> No.52349395

Some people are so used to lying that they can make anyone believe them

>> No.52349507 [DELETED] 

If you want to believe the narrative they made for this obvious glownigger operation then sure.

>> No.52349536
File: 54 KB, 300x275, 8567745658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a good week for ol' SBF (Scam Bankrun Fraud) lol I'm glad I don't keep much on an exchange

>> No.52349579 [DELETED] 

I agree. Everything about SBF glows so fucking hard. I've had enough of the charades.

>> No.52349625

Tthe 109 times they were expelled throughout the centuries were simply 109 coincidences for no reason whatsoever. This is simply another coincidence

>> No.52349626

OP literally snuck in a broken chain of custody for vote records as being valid.

>> No.52349680



Yes, you need some credentials, being an MIT graduate helps immensely. But a jewish MIT graduate will have a massive advantage over a non-jew MIT graduate.

>> No.52349765 [DELETED] 

Kayne tried to warn us

>> No.52349793

SBF and Elizabeth Holmes were connected to the CIA at high levels through their parents, Holmes' childhood psychotherapist was a literal MKultra doc and her dad worked at Enron, was friends with Steve Jobs etc

>> No.52349826

being jewish massively increases your odds of getting in MIT to begin with

>> No.52349947

>I never got any money from Angel/VC investors

Your mistake was than you weren't lying. You want to meet the big boys? You've gotta tell some outrageous scamming fucking lies. Tell them you are gonna make money SHOOT out of their fucking dicks.

An honest person has no chance.

>> No.52350096


of course it's not just pitching ideas. Sam likely showed them working demo of the software he made.

>> No.52350191 [DELETED] 

For jews tribalism applies better. Imagine having strong family values, up to the point you know who are all your grandfathers, uncles, cousins, nephews, etc. I don't speak to my cousins or any relatives at all since childhood and I'm pushing my forties. Imagine the wasted potential of the average family, your brother could be in the army, another one working in a bank, another one in high position in church and everybody help each other and exchange favors your whole life. Meanwhile, your borderline illiterate boomer dad kicks you out at 18 so you form "character" and leave you nothing but hospital bills as inheritance. Jewish are smart because they understand how to play the game of life, the rest is utter and disgusting greed

>> No.52350334 [DELETED] 
File: 106 KB, 1108x1108, jew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52350333


>> No.52350437

it literally implies that the 'true jews' are better people you stupid racist fuck.

>> No.52350565

> How do people like this even get MEETINGS with VCs, let alone millions and billions of dollars?

They are planted. Someone with big bank sets up the entire project with a directive.

If you want to enter the market legitimately from the ground up, you will need to build a solid foundation first which allows growth. Think of your business like a garden, how will you protect and grow your investment?

>> No.52350587 [DELETED] 
File: 195 KB, 1076x516, SmartSelect_20210907-193022_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I hear hava nagila and smell thermite coming from your post?

>> No.52350607


This is sadly true and often these investors are familiar with dabbling in scam projects, they just want in and out.

Look up “Silvertrain” in Brookfield Wisconsin. It’s an IT outsourcing business. Angel investors gave 8 million to save this scam center.

>> No.52350643

I have zero respect for men who allow their wives to hyphenate their last names. What a cuck move.

>> No.52350733

SBF kinda based for that one ngl. Imagine being on a call with billionaires and you’re just running it down while your teammates rage lmao

>> No.52351006

My grandad had 6 daughters.
He only ever wanted a son.
My youngest aunt hyphenated her name so his name would carry on, at least.
It’s not always cuckshit.

>> No.52351026
File: 346 KB, 736x930, 1634958108484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews aren't privileged, they just happen to be more than 10x as likely as an equally talented white person to get into Harvard by pure coincidence.

>> No.52351247

lol, utterly and eternally cucked

>> No.52351446

>gate keeping muh jews
cringe, zoomers are fucked

>> No.52351458

Agreed. The only difference is that the rich get more at bats that everyone else. Middle class only gets 1-2 chances before having to wage. The rich get 10 chances.

>> No.52351485

Yes, exactly. The entire reason I'm on biz is that I read something by Messari that Biz outperformed hedge funds in 2019-20. (due to Link)

>> No.52351599


>> No.52351878

They are members of the same sect.

>> No.52351911


>> No.52351913

connected jew

>> No.52351928

To be fair, nepotism is everywhere. (((They))) excel at it though...

>> No.52352078

Damn, look at the amount of deleted replies for "antisemitism" by jannies or should i say "jewnnies" because they are obviously cucked circumcised fags