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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 80 KB, 960x776, Fbr_ZuTWIAA_p_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52335321 No.52335321 [Reply] [Original]

Wagies are vile, disgusting creatures and due to recent events, you're probably about to become one.
Why not have one last laugh? I hear Amazon in hiring for the holiday season.

>> No.52335349
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>> No.52335354
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>> No.52335365
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>> No.52335475

a masturbation station at work. nice. I wonder what kind of visual aid material they keep in there.

>> No.52335524
File: 3.24 MB, 4624x3468, 20221105_193424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My boss started bringing his cat to work and he forces me to pet it even though it fucking scratches me every single time. And then whenever I refuse to pet it he implies I am a pussy making some funny pun with his dumb cat and all my coworkers start giggling. This is worse than fucking high school wtf. Pic related is my scratched and bitten hand cause of that fucking cat

>> No.52335541

I hope you make it on crypto man

>> No.52335549
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>> No.52335558

He probably rapes it with his tiny dicks and it's scared of humans but he secretly gets off to it scratching you.

>> No.52335559
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>> No.52335566
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Another picture. Wtf do I do to avoid petting the cat, it's too late to pretend I have cat allergies and I'm not gonna get bullied to quit by a fucking cat

>> No.52335567
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>> No.52335571
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>> No.52335577
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>> No.52335614
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Thanks I've been buying a ton this bear market
It literally just bites me I have no idea why it hates me so much. Only thing I can think of is my neighbour has a ton of cats and the boss cat is smelling their scent on me and attacking me cause of it

>> No.52335646
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>> No.52335669
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>> No.52335679
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>> No.52335686
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>> No.52335709
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>> No.52335836
File: 44 KB, 572x536, E8F2179B-B15F-491F-8666-B5935F769CD8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Official hierarchy. Self employed freelancer here

>> No.52336085

Not all wagejobs are the same

>> No.52336126
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>> No.52336190

I like freelancing as a concept but you're still too dependent on client goyim handouts

>> No.52336309

These things will be gone within the decade and in 50 years time people will share videos of them online as a curiosity like how we look at weird experimental machines from the 50s.

>> No.52336353 [DELETED] 

All this thread proves to me is that Americans are subhuman. Worse than chinks.

>> No.52336361

Fuck you.

>> No.52336376
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>> No.52336396

You could sue him for an incredible amount for this btw

>> No.52336426 [DELETED] 

They had to write "expired", otherwise it would feel like a reward and the wagies wouldn't feel like shit.

>> No.52336443
File: 29 KB, 511x174, G0Y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They had to write "expired", otherwise the goy wagie cattle wouldn't have felt like shit.

>> No.52336469

Womanly hands

>> No.52336473

christcucks are truly ideal goyim

>> No.52336535
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>> No.52336546
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>> No.52336554
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>> No.52336558
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>> No.52336568
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>> No.52336715

that's quite sad :(

>> No.52336803
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fucking lol

>> No.52336867

I'm not American doubt the overworked Courts here will care about my cat scratches
Everybody tells me this even when people hold my hands they tell me they are soft like a womans

>> No.52336873

Are the snacks free? If so I wouldn't mind this

>> No.52336896

Kek. I just take sparkling water and soda that's meant for clients whenever I'm in the office. No one cares.

>> No.52336899

>I will smile
>I will look them in the eye
>I will whisper in their ear "NIGGER"

>> No.52336910

I’m a wagie for a welding inspection company. I work with 1 based like hating person I’ve grown to call friend. We finish 12 hours worth of work every night in about 8 and charge our employer the full 12. Basically I get paid 4 hours of over time to drive home, take a shower, play dota 2, and fuck my hot blonde bartender girlfriend. Oh no the horror.

>> No.52336912
File: 40 KB, 738x415, images - 2022-05-22T193713.238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you buying anon? I'm getting xpress and stake it while I use their app to trade several assets like sol, avax, and ada. I'll admit that I'm still at loss but perhaps things will get better.

>> No.52336927

Kike hating**

>> No.52336930
File: 2.94 MB, 1000x562, walmart dance.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52336933
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>> No.52336938
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>> No.52336947
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>> No.52336961
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>> No.52336977

Jew logic of the highest caliber.

>> No.52336999

I just managed to get a 100,000 make it stack of Hedera, I guess I'll buy some lowcap hts tokens next paycheck after that I don't really know what to buy. Maybe I'll just use the money I save for day trading or something

>> No.52337016

Damn trips confirm I guess hts tokens and day threading afterwards is my path to riches

>> No.52337030

>23 posts by this ID

anon, did a wagie steal your missus or something?

>> No.52337031

I would go fucking postal.

>> No.52337036

DUPI reactivated

>> No.52337068

Is xpress even legit? Sell your dam SOL

>> No.52337102

What about the price?
You can investigate it if you wish; it is legitimate. If you really wanted to, you could quickly search Google anon. Simple as that.

>> No.52337122
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>Jack off in the Amazen booth reading Ao3 stories on my phone
The system can't keep me down

>> No.52337126

Talk to a lawyer if true. Second, lose weight to stop getting bullied fatty.

>> No.52337153

Coffee is for closers!

>> No.52337158

We need to go back to the feudal system

>> No.52337174

There's literally nothing wrong with this
I'd rather work somewhere with a "funny hat day" than a place without one

>> No.52337178

Get some scissors and cut off on side of the cats whiskers.

>> No.52337467

I'm not sure about my average I bought about 60,000 between 4 and 6 cents around 30,000 between 15-20 cents and 10,000 above 20 cents maybe a small bit in the low 30s too but I'm not sure if I sold the coins I bought above 30 cents and brought back cheaper
Compared to my coworkers I'm skinny so I doubt that's the problem but I have lost like 20 kgs already maybe 10 more to go until I stop
Why would the cat stop biting me after doing that?

>> No.52338370

>worker shortage
>pull shit like this


Why are employers like this?

>> No.52338530

This reads like the bulletin board at a summer camp anon.

>> No.52339956

Holy shit is this real?
I wonder what is the job and what kind of car are they talking about.

>> No.52340084

In 10 years Marties will be everywhere, they'll be more populous than wagies themselves. Just monoloiths of Marties, towering above you as you navigate your cart through them, praying you don't bump into one and send it over like a domino, taking out a dozen Marties in the process and getting an extra 350k added to your shopping bill at checkout among the shrill alarm ringing from a Marty that found an olive on the floor

>> No.52340657

Pretty sure you could sue someone if they fired you for not having a fancy car, but i know amurica is so jewish they'd be able to find a way to avoid it.

>> No.52340760

>he actually believes this

This is the most obvious fake story i've ever seen. You really think they still give out fancy interviews? Fuck no. To even get there, you need a metric tonne of connections.

>> No.52341140
File: 360 KB, 894x688, 55e5d9ec2fd23a44a5ece5d5bc6b68b7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fired for unprofessional energy aura

>> No.52341189

this is the kind of thing a rich narcissist would do though - attributing their success not to nepotism or social advantages or the cooperative efforts of others but to their own quirks and personal observations. This whole setup is a way to evaluate how similar an interviewee is to him, which is the only thing a narcissist values in others beyond obedience.

>> No.52341268

What would happen if you refuse to participate in the ritual?

>> No.52341317

i worked at wal-mart for a year in 2009 and there wasn't any punishment for not participating in the stupid morning dance , it was just for the women and the retards. all the (not retarded) incels and gangbangers that work there are not in this video

>> No.52341337

based females battling in the astral realm while pathetic males beat each other up with their fists in the physical realm

>> No.52341344

Assaulted and violently penetrated>>52341189

>> No.52341405

this is probably just a rich californian womans way of being secretly racist, which is pretty funny if its just because Monica is black

>> No.52342862

My life is pure hell and I'm happy.
He'll live in the pod, eat the bugs, own nothing and will tell himself he's happy.

>> No.52343183

>to be even more frank
hahaha, nice

>> No.52343422
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>> No.52343533
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>> No.52343549

I'm neet and if shit goes south for me and I don't get free money anymore there are jobs that are basically neet life with extra steps.

> Awake night shift in a home for the mentally ill/disabled.
Twice per year something happens where you actually have to work but that doesn't have to be your shift. The rest of the shift I used to watch everything on Netflix and game
> Sleeping shift at the mentally ill/ disabled.
The pay is shit but all you have to do is sleep over in case something happens. But something rarely happens because if it did they are required by law to have a awake shift.
> Substitute social worker at a halfway house.
Your only job is to make sure they behave but they naturally behave because if they don't the consequences are dire. I've watched whole 13 episode Netflix series and brought snacks during those shifts.

>> No.52343596

Now try the first two jobs in a no locked doors facility.

>> No.52343657

Lul, it’s hilarious to me that grown ass adults are treated like preschoolers. This must be some kind of Jewish humiliation ritual

>> No.52343826

Just kick the fucking cat.

>> No.52343984

How the fuck people agree to comply with these humilitiation rituals?

>> No.52344020
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The goodest of goys
You vill work to death, und you vill be happy.

>> No.52344186

>When Shaniqua complains that her coupon won't work since it's a month past expiration
>you WILL smile
>you WILL apologize
>you WILL bend over

>> No.52344457
File: 200 KB, 723x757, wage chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wagiebros! I think I'm finally going to get a new work shirt after working here for 3 years! I hope they don't make me pay for it this time.
>store brings in 500k a month
>minimum wage employees still have to pay for work shirt from store
I didn't know jeets could be jewish

>> No.52344570

I assault people with my dark energy everyday

>> No.52344608
File: 109 KB, 1179x1141, kg8l7u6g3zy91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LinkedIn is a goldmine for this. The waging doesn't stop once you graduate fast food service.

>> No.52345041

this is funny but it's not true, CEOs on average work more than normal wagies

>> No.52345131

Haha, fucking low T wagies crying over a cat.

>> No.52345147

a lot of people are just not that smart bro. they think "oh we did a fun thing today :)' and move on with their day. the average american can not read and comprehend even a 9th grade level book. they definitely aren't having complex thoughts about social or labor psychology

>> No.52346133

Good, soda kills your health more than anything else at fast food.

>> No.52346152

But we need to go through the thinking machine war first.

>> No.52347091

This isn't about people working 2 jobs just to get by. This is about people who take 2 wfh jobs and work very little of either of them to make lots more money by being on 2 time clocks at the same time.

>> No.52347136

I don't get people like this. I'm pretty sure they would be happy getting paid in company store credit while working 100 hour weeks. Same as the people who are against WFH.

>> No.52347353

This is bad, but also when things start to get better many people here complain, so I really dont know what many of you guys want.

>> No.52347569

I would find the most wrecked piece of shit car burning oil and with a major exhaust leak and park in the bosses spot.

>> No.52347663

This, except they will be armed. Don't try to mis scan an item at the self checkout.

>> No.52347941
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Who is Sam?

>> No.52347981

Because his previous situation was probably worse in his home country.

>> No.52348211

Lol that's going to lead to a lot of firings for ToT

>> No.52348282


>> No.52348284

Keep meticulous notes on every instance of this happening. Photos, set your phone to record audio when you're going to be in that situation. This falls under workplace harassment and bullying. Compile enough evidence and contact a lawyer to sue this shithead.

>> No.52348345


>> No.52348626
File: 452 KB, 240x211, thtyhty.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what happens when you destroy a manufacturing economy for a services economy. Workers were far happier just 50 years ago, you didn't have to have useless college credits, a fuck ton of college debt and the commie indoctrination.

>> No.52348807

The government is to blame.
They created these student loans in the first place. They printed all of this money in the first place.

>> No.52349797

Should have phrased it like this
>What do you get when you cross destroying a manufacturing economy with happy workers for a services economy with a society where you need to have useless college credits, a fuck ton of college debt and commie indoctrination in order to survive?
And then posted picrel. It would have been a true wagie joker moment.

>> No.52349902
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Forgot poc

>> No.52350127


>> No.52350238
File: 57 KB, 838x983, C5E3DFE7-7DC2-4CF3-99DD-BB246E166FC8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be crane operator
>climb up in the morning at 7am with 3 black coffees(I keep creamer in my mini fridge in the cab)
>I take my work boots off, get comfy and watch youtube/crypto research
>my walkie-talkie goes off at 10am(I’ve already made $160 by this point)
>I have to move a few steel beams
>takes 10 minutes tops
>I go back to biz/youtube

I’m only actively operating for maybe 1-2 hours of the day and I make $450/day after taxes.

The labour plebs sometimes ask what I do with the rest of my day and I make up some shit like maintenance or calibrating the controls, my boss knows I don’t do anything and it’s totally fine because I’m there when I’m needed.

Call me a wagie but im pretty happy

>> No.52350315
File: 731 KB, 1080x893, wagies are dogs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, Zayden I saw this and thought it was very hilarious and cute! These pups are just like you and your McDonald's coworkers! How cute! See you at church tomorrow night, grandma.

-Sent from iPhone5
I don't consider that a wagie that's more like being a tradey. Do you jerk off up there and cum on the Mexicans down below?

>> No.52350488


This one doesn't fit with the rest of your wagie collection. She actually owns the business and directly benefits from all the hours she puts in to keep the ship afloat.

>> No.52350546

Sounds pretty cool m8
I do like being a welder but I would've probably become an ironworker if I wasn't such a mega-pussy with heights

>> No.52350840

Why did he pay for college when the GI bill would pay HIM for going to college?

>> No.52351025


>> No.52351057

CEO's are beholden to shareholders if its a publicly traded company

>> No.52352036

"Wagie" is incel cope for "I have no valuable skills so I have no choice but to work a dead end job I hate"
Suck it up and do your best at work, whatever it may be, be frugal and save as much as possible. Don't like it? Find another job, nobodys forcing you to work for them, or better yet actually learn something worth a damn and find a job you're passionate about. No such thing as a free lunch, if you don't give anything to society don't expect to get anything back, nobody's gonna pay for you to sit around and complain on imageboards all day

>> No.52352223

perfect zogbot jarhead

>> No.52352363

What was the idea behind this?

>> No.52352445

boomer take

>> No.52352598

Whitehead nigger

>> No.52354504
File: 232 KB, 1170x1512, LinkedIn Blackpill 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry the waging doesn't stop once one quits his job at maccas. Sometimes you breathe it in so much that you become blind to society's sickened ways. Especially if you're a female.

>> No.52354555
File: 337 KB, 1170x2237, LinkedIn Blackpill 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But sometimes even males succumb to the wagecuck copium

>> No.52354581
File: 79 KB, 941x651, pepe gamer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wagiejoker, out

>> No.52354591

the fact that you won't stand up for yourself and just tell him no and not react like a woman to what other people think make me sick

>> No.52354621

ngl that ones good, just sit around doing nothing while you're on the clock

>> No.52354659

pick one

>> No.52354765

checked, also does it disturb anyone else that up until recently they were calling themselves "facebookers" with total conviction and once their overlords flipped the switch they're now "metamates"?

>> No.52354806
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>> No.52354863

>I hear Amazon in hiring for the holiday season.


>> No.52355918
File: 2.80 MB, 3024x4032, oooooooooooohhhh waaagggieeeeeeeeeeeeee it's time to cleeeeeaaaannn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literal npcs. Robot slaves brainwashed into serving the almighty Z U C C

>> No.52355974

>wagie's ass status: blasted

>> No.52356106
File: 350 KB, 356x541, 1212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm wagin' right now - have some (Paid for) art I made

>> No.52356706

Set up a bowl with antifreeze somewhere wagies and owner can't see. The sweet smell attracts cats and they will drink a few sips. Their kidneys will fail in 12 hours or so.

>> No.52356742


What's your deal with wagies, kike? They make your cushy life possible.

>> No.52356771

By having no other options.

>> No.52356789

Kill him, simple as that. Well, plan it carefully so you don't get caught. Leave the poor cat alone, though. Not its fault its owner is a sociopath.

>> No.52356838
File: 74 KB, 770x600, 0f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait are there seriously opposed to unions?

>> No.52356925

You know this makes me wonder,
What is the standard for a wagie?
Minimum wage?
Not full-time?
What is the dollar amount or hour limit that defines someone as a wagie?

>> No.52357329
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>> No.52357331
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>> No.52357342
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>> No.52357347
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>> No.52357351
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>> No.52357359

I-is this a joke?
N-nobody in the right mind would design this... transparent restroom, right?

>> No.52357363
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>> No.52357441

Fuck all these companies

>> No.52357930

After a couple weeks of right I would go homeless and fend out of trash cans.

>> No.52357951

Based bro. I'm happy for you.

>> No.52357970

grow a pair of balls dude and tell your idiot of a boss you won't pet that shitty cat

>> No.52358024

Incel/NEET/postal wagie contribution to society
>hilarious memes
>relatable greentexts
>fertilizer for the user-oriented internet
Wagies contribution to society
>facebook loves how many hours he spends scrolling
>taxes that pay for black people to get away with a cultural slap on the wrist for more crimes
>"""Motivational""" posts
>They're about how you aren't working hard enough

>> No.52358129

wagie means you're getting paid a wage but making someone else money
It has nothing to do with the dollar amount you make

>> No.52358181

the place i work at uses milky glass for "privacy"
you can't see details when someone is on the toilet but you clearly can see the person

>> No.52358209

Monica must have been really pretty which is why she works at the front desk. There probably was dark energy, but it wasn't coming from Monica even though it was about her.

>> No.52358384

This thread is about to make me quit my middle management job

>> No.52358428

>get paid more in a month than OP gets in 10
>Live in nice comfy area
>Have LTR qt gf
>2.5kids and dog planned for future

Feels good desu

>> No.52358522

shut up rebecca your kid did not say that

>> No.52358653

What a fuckin morbid mentality that is. Did Temujin order his generals to reach hours ridden on horse? They got their orders to conquer this land run fort this direction and annihilate the enemy accomplish the objective. That's it.

If you reach your assigned goal then what is the fuss?

>> No.52358681

I dunno annon, 2 sons and a daughter sounds like a lot

>> No.52358812

What is "Ao3"?

>> No.52358844
File: 54 KB, 610x610, 1668076847141256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wagies run the world faggot. With out us you have nothing. With out labor you have absolutely nothing. Lazy fat pigs always get put on the fire eventually.

>> No.52358861

Retail staff don't have work they can complete. Their job is to be on the premises and take care of whatever tasks need taking care of.

>> No.52358862
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Intentionally let the cat scratch you until you develop cat scratch fever and then call HR and get your boss fired. Use your head anon. These faggots have power currently so you have to be crafty in order to achieve your goals and aims.

>> No.52358871
File: 2.13 MB, 232x232, 1667936816454950.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You actually need money to hire lawyers in the US. That's how it works. C.R.E.A.M

>> No.52358964

>t. most intelligent marine

>> No.52358979

>Wagies run the world faggot
classic cope

>> No.52359062

Extended suicide material

>> No.52359250

It's literally true you moron. This is cope projection.

Capital cannot exist with out labor.

>> No.52359488

eat the banana kunta kinte

>> No.52359584

Actually the one in the grocery store I go to has a scanner to check inventory. It's actually sort of neat, since apparently it can detect if a shelf is empty or low, and shoots a list to the back, so the warehouse workers don't have to bring a whole pallet out, they just know what's low at any one time as it takes pictures.

>> No.52359592
File: 67 KB, 427x447, i-w-industrial-workers-of-the-world-iww-organizing-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>remove the ceo's and shareholders
>does shit get done yes/no?
>remove the grunts from the machine
>does shit get done yes/no?
they do make the world go around, they just are too stupid to realize that they could bargain instead of beg if they worked together instead of scabbing

>> No.52359634
File: 146 KB, 900x450, dont_hug_me_im_scared_tv_0101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

corona was a live example of the power of striking, they literally had to pretend like the pandemic was over or not that bad anymore to get the grunts back into the machine while jabbing them with rushed out the door vaccines because the economy was buckling
if that wasn't a live demonstration of the power of the wagies i don't know what is, the only reason they haven't demanded their rights is because they are too uneducated and stressed to sit down and realize they're the majority and could bring down the whole system if they put their foot down as a unionized collective

>> No.52359666

why do you think amazon and walmart are so into stomping down on unions, because their business practices are backwards as fuck and an echo of pre-union standards for working conditions, unions fought for those human rights for the workers, find a union job and stop scabbing or unionize within your workplace and demand your rights

>> No.52359703

Actually the current inflation(at least in the US) is a direct result of wagies NOT going back to shit-tier jobs fast enough. Everyone either found a better job or realized they could live without waging for McDonalds. As a result, they can't find anyone willing to do the really shit service jobs for pennies anymore. So they've been desperately hiking prices, hoping to convince desperate people to take desperation wages and it's not fucking working. I remember a set of WP articles getting increasingly histrionic because Amazon literally can't fill their warehouses/offices in a lot of places, to the point it's effecting bottom line.

>> No.52359711

Trips checked. Back when I needed to labor for my work union jobs were leagues better than anything else in pay and stress.

>> No.52359728

>people forced into quarantine finally woke up from the rat race and took a long hard look at their lives
best thing to happen to them, some people get that wake up call at the end of a pier or during retirement when it's too late
luckily for my country every field has a union and a union mandated minimum hourly pay for the job, nordic utopia

>> No.52359784
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Keep fighting the good fight anon.

also if you haven't heard of leftychan net come join us on there.

>> No.52359811

Wagie here, 21M and my friends were berating me last night for not having any plans beyond waging and killing myself. I hated all the petty schoolwork and having to keep up with everything going on when I was in high school.
They were telling me that even with a simple associates degree I could be making way more than I am right now. What fields should I be looking into? Any specific certificatios for a retard like me? I can't into trades because of chronic back pain.

>> No.52359824

i already live in a country where unions have well established roots and left stuff tends to lean towards com stuff instead of anarcho-syndicalism

>> No.52359833

UHAL is definitely oversold. It almost seems too easy.

>> No.52359844
File: 139 KB, 300x300, 166812859742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even posting here on failchan is important, imo.
I'm pleasantly surprised to see more of us around here these days.

>> No.52359846

consider trade school / vocational school or try to poach for apprenticeship, either that or find out how to get union work in your area
if you're not working freelance, business owner or union job you better be working high end IT cause you're going to get screwed most likely
key thing is to have something beyond high school diploma by knowing a craft that can get you through the door, you can wipe your ass with associates in most fields if you don't have connections to get in

>> No.52359878

all i'm doing is reminding him of the history of unions and telling him he shouldn't scab for pocket lint, having any craft that you can freelance with is a good start, hell even if he decided to become a mechanics apprentice he could do well for himself assuming the mechanic isn't looking to screw him over

>> No.52359898

>Unironically replace "God" with "Sam."
Just wow
Sam Walton, I imagine. Founder/CEO of WalMart.

>> No.52359899

Ok. People should still organize the means of production regardless, however. An injury to one is an injury to all, etc etc.

>> No.52359914

the results of not organizing as a collective is amazon and walmart, if people didn't short term scab for them they wouldn't be top 10 in fortune 500, scabbing is bad not only for you yourself but every worker in that field because you're pretty much setting your fields standard so low that you have to piss in bottles

>> No.52359927

Poor guy
Document everything
You have a nice lawsuit here

>> No.52359968

How tf do you expect some one who makes 10 dollars an hour to afford a lawyer?

>> No.52360010

Inflation is because the fed printed a trillion dollars you fucking retard

>> No.52360044

>six months old
>already in a wage cage

>> No.52360776

unions are labor cartels that cause unemployment and raise prices for non union labor

they aren't the solution

>> No.52360798
File: 123 KB, 1024x700, e69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

educate yourself on the real solution

>> No.52360841

>>does shit get done yes/no?
usually not
worker owned firms are typically less efficient than capitalist owned ones
Look at the failures of co-ops in Venezuela and Yugoslavia.

lmao I was a scab many times and laughed at the union cucks as I walked in

You leftists are legitimately in a religious cult.
It's hilarious there are actual authoritarian communists who claim to be "anarchists". It's the most hilarious ironic thing in history. Every single government action you defend.
You people deserve helicopter rides.

>> No.52360885
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>People should still organize the means of production regardless
Why? Why not let capitalists do it? Organizing the means of production is very difficult and requires saving large amounts of money.

>"""""""""""""ANARCHO"""""""""""""- syndicalism
it's one of the dumbest most authoritarian version of statism in history
It's failed every time it's been tried.
Mises refuted this shit a long time ago.

>> No.52360900

>quit my job back in September
>have a little less than 10k left in the bank
>expenses come to around $1100 a month if I really tighten my belt so I can last for another 4 or 5 months before things start to get shakey for me financially
>Have been relaxing, watching anime, messing around on character.ai erping with robots
>Generally being comfy
If I had to go back to waging right now, I'd Mcfucking kill myself. I need to be looking for a job but I honestly cannot be bothered to give a shit.

>> No.52360935

the beauty of anarcho-syndicalism is that it doesn't need you to function, it needs the workers you exploit and it can do that while under capitalist rule without guillotining you, you can hug your shekel bag all the way to the end we don't need you or your approval

>> No.52360948
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by the way, that youtuber is a moderate right-libertarian who makes youtube videos giving different political ideologies he disagrees with a fair shake

He's right about ancaps.

>> No.52361042
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doesn't really matter, anarcho-syndicalism is pretty much anarchy with labor unions tagged on and the only key point of anarchy is no overlooming coercive government and freedom of co-operation without arm twisting
you can form a anarcho-syndicalist commune just by having a farm and deciding you're going to run it fair and let people in, the idea extends to every aspect of life the only thing it needs to work is people who want to be a part of it, apart from the most dystopian totalitarian rules it can blossom under almost any system and is tolerated in most countries because it literally just advocates self sufficiency and voluntary co-operation

>> No.52361048

>the beauty of anarcho-syndicalism
What beauty? How is authoritarianism beautiful?
How is having your property rights restricted by the majority beautiful.
You aren't an anarchist.
Syndicalism was always a statist ideology. In fact syndicalism is what turned into fascism. Which is quite hilarious seeing how these antifa cunts claim to hate it.

>it doesn't need you to function, it needs the workers
You can be burdened with having to own and manage every co-op but your living standards are going to be a lot lower because every firm is an inefficient co-op.
Why the fuck would you want to manage the means of production? lmao

>without guillotining you
HAHAHA you wastes of life aren't going to do shit

>> No.52361087

>raised in a cage
>works in a cage
>dies in a cage
the life of a wagie

>> No.52361099
File: 78 KB, 893x893, c509741252f8c55a5809dcd02c57a343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon like i said, it doesn't need you to function and it doesn't even need your approval, seethe and cope all you want it exist independent of the host system and can replace the system the moment majority see the fruits it bears

>> No.52361108

Based video

>> No.52361151

don't like it? don't join it, no one is going to come drag you to till the fields or do their math for them, free co-operation without coercion extends to you too, you can have robots work for you and live in a ivory tower for the rest of your life for all we care

>> No.52361159
File: 331 KB, 1095x747, yh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anarcho-syndicalism is pretty much anarchy
No it isn't. It requires a state. You need a state to enforce your millions of shitty rules and to take away the property rights of others.

You are NOT a fucking anarchist. Stop pretending you are.

>labor unions tagged on
Sounds horribly inefficient and burdensome for the average worker.
>no overlooming coercive government
There is one. Otherwise people would be free to hire workers. You have to use government force to stop them from doing this.

>ou can form a anarcho-syndicalist commune just by having a farm
I know, that's why those places are so fucking poor lmao

>voluntary co-operation
If you supported this, you would allow people to hire others. You don't want voluntary co-operation.

>it doesn't need you to function
That's because it doesn't even fucking at all. Co-ops fail all of the time. The capitalist provides a benefit to production.
Why were co-ops such massive failures in venezuela and yugoslavia?
Why did like 90% of them fail in venezuela?

>and can replace the system
If this were true, co-op firms existing in the current world would OUT COMPETE capitalist firms, but they fucking don't.

>> No.52361181

It's like a robot is talking.

>> No.52361192

don't care what you think about it, literally doesn't need you you can scream about semantics all the way to the end over the fence your approval and participation is not necessary

>> No.52361194

>don't like it? don't join it
Oh really? Then I can join a capitalist firm and get paid more if I wanted to?
This goes against what 99% of your communist friends support.

It's a retarded video for gullible authoritarian manchildren that enjoy working long hours.

>> No.52361238

>don't care what you think about it
it's not what I think about it. It's the reality of the situation. I'm just explaining the facts to you.

> literally doesn't need you
What does this have to do with anything? lmao
I'm just saying it doesn't work and it will make you much worse off.

It's not semantics, you simply are not an anarchist. Your ideology requires a state to enforce it.

>participation is not necessary
Bullshit. You people claim capitalist activity would be illegal.

>> No.52361292

why do you bother this much, i'm telling you you don't have to participate, you won't be dragged from your homes by some soviets, no one is going to take your money from you, it is literally just like some dudes going camping and not being dicks to each other, why do you feel the need to voice your disapproval and pull out statistics that say "these guys went camping and it was awful!"?

>> No.52361314
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Yeah we question everything and have no dogmatic beliefs other than people should have unfettered freedom. Fuck me, lmao. I forgot the cult ISN'T the society that says we should unquestionably obey all authority and never question the existing narrative and that making people rich off our own sweat and blood is not the cult.

Sorry bro I forgot. Praise Elon!

>> No.52361339

Literally Five Nights at Freddy's.

>> No.52361346

Literally FBI in this thread

>> No.52361411
File: 321 KB, 837x816, work.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why do you bother this much
because I hate you people and want you to die
>i'm telling you you don't have to participate,
This isn't even true. This contradicts what all other ancoms and ansyns believe and say. They want to make hiring another person for profit illegal. This requires a state.
>no one is going to take your money from you, it is literally just like some dudes going camping and not being dicks to each other,
If it was actually that and actually voluntary then it would be based. But it's not.
You people want to use violence against those working for capitalist firms and use violence against capitalists hiring others.

>Yeah we question everything and have no dogmatic beliefs other than people should have unfettered freedom.
>I forgot the cult ISN'T the society that says we should unquestionably obey all authority
This is what leftists want though, total collectivism, no independent thought. Every leftist culture was like this.
> that making people rich off our own sweat and blood is not the cult.
The labor theory of value is bullshit.
Capitalists take a 5-7% fee for funding and managing the means of production.
Why are you complaining about something so small, something that is necessary?
>Praise Elon!
actually YES hahahaha

>> No.52361425

at this point it would literally be easier to call it self sufficient commune camping so you don't have to argue about semantics with some people who get red scare flashbacks from the 50's

>> No.52361438

I'm in my second serious job (former big tech, now work in sales at small startup) and I am so glad I have a reasonable boss/team. This shit is fucking crazy.

God I feel so bad for the people itt.

>> No.52361453

okay well ill just call my variant that isn't all your boogiemanned shit self sufficient commune camping, now you can go back to convincing people that higher wages are bad for you

>> No.52361468
File: 32 KB, 480x244, TimeInvention_03_v7_B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wage for Aeva shares


>> No.52361473

as a self sufficient commune camper i believe that forcing other people to do shit they don't want is morally objectionable behavior, what about you other happy campers, any opinions on coercing other people to paint your fence for pocket lint?

>> No.52361490
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The feds support leftism.

>at this point it would literally be easier to call it self sufficient commune camping
If you actually wanted voluntarism you would say that capitalist activity is allowed. But you don't.
Why do 99% of other anarcho-syndicalists disagree with you on this.
>red scare
The red scare didn't go far enough

>okay well ill just call my variant that isn't all your boogiemanned shit self sufficient commune camping,
Good. Then I have no problem with you.
Now tell the rest of your commie friends to stop being authoritarian manchildren and let people work for capitalist firms if they so please.
>now you can go back to convincing people that higher wages are bad for you
Nigger, I'm an ancap. We want much higher wages, in fact we would probably have a 1 day workweek in my system.

>> No.52361519

>i'm ancap
jesus christ i didn't know i was talking to a mentally retarded person

>> No.52361566
File: 105 KB, 1029x960, free.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jesus christ i didn't know i was talking to a mentally retarded person
You people are schizophrenic retards in a religious cult.
Ancaps are right about everything. Stop getting your opinion of us from strawman memes.

>> No.52361572
File: 172 KB, 250x250, 1667193523668270.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How ab out you stop cherry picking what I am saying and speak to me like an adult and not a child who thinks this is 2006 4chan. How about arguing in full?
What exactly do you mean by "Exactly?" Use your words like an adult you fucking baby. Do you need some one to fucking teach you the alphabet, lmao, what a faggot.
We don't want "no independent thought." Cut the shit. You are nothing more than a fed or a desperate polcuck trying to peddle propaganda that no on is buying anymore. No one believes this except the biggest retards on the planet.

You don't even need the LTV to explain how it's exploitation to fucking force people to work through the elements of your economy in order to allow other people to not work. It's common sense.
Rope yourself fag. you losers are always the biggest retards. Just like the facebook NPC you have your own preprogrammed dialogue/script you follow. Think for yourself.

>> No.52361616
File: 40 KB, 296x383, CoQf57r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't even realize the irony

>> No.52361662

>How ab out you stop cherry picking
I'm not cherry picking anything my mentally challenged friend.
>What exactly do you mean by "Exactly?"
I mean that your statement is good. We should question everything and freedom is a good thing.
>Do you need some one to fucking teach you the alphabet, lmao, what a faggot.
Bro I think you're having an autism attack. Breathe slowly and calm down before you post.
>You are nothing more than a fed or a desperate polcuck
Man. where is your actual argument to what I am saying? Worker owned firms are trash and co-ops are inefficient and pay lower wages.

>no on is buying anymore.
You people brainwashed yourself into supporting socialism lmao

>fucking force people to work through the elements of your economy in order to allow other people to not work.
Nobody is forcing you to do anything. In fact if the capitalists didn't exist. You would have less opportunity. You have to work or starve in nature.

>Think for yourself.
I did. That's why I study austrian econ.

>> No.52361685
File: 368 KB, 448x704, 1667851952452435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, right on Que, the hyper-capitalist authoritarian retard cousins of the retard right wingers show up. it's a literal fed raid. I don't even need to explain how retarded ancaps are. Even the dumbest trump supporting dick head, or biggest retard Hitler love polfag, knows that you need government intervention in the case of market failures in order to have a functioning capitalist society in the slightest. Don't even bother. You fags are the laughing stock of the whole political spectrum.

>> No.52361695

>those pictures
You only support it because of the child sex slaves, don't you?

>> No.52361702

what manner of trollpost is this? say you come in to do your job, not to pet animals

>> No.52361713
File: 2.61 MB, 4044x2500, 1667368870742438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What irony.
This is what you people look like. Why don't you kill yourself already?

>> No.52361723

>gives argument
>where's your argument bro.

Sire I am laughing at how stupid you are I don't think you understand.

>> No.52361772
File: 230 KB, 4000x4000, z6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hyper-capitalist authoritarian
Free markets are by definition anti-authoritarian. The only authoritarian here is you you absolute retard.
Why were the only examples of your shit ideology in history authoritarian shitholes like Catalonia where there was actual slavery?

>retard right wingers show up. it's a literal fed raid.
The feds support leftism lmao

>I don't even need to explain how retarded ancaps are.
KEK there is a reason why we ALWAYS destroy you authoritarian manchildren in debates.

>market failures
Market failures are the result of government intervention in the first place, mainly central banking etc.

>functioning capitalist society in the slightest.
There are countless examples of stateless capitalism in history. Yet you just ignore them because it's not convenient for you.

>You fags are the laughing stock of the whole political spectrum.
HAHHAHAHAHAHAHA Says the "anarcho" communist.

>> No.52361825
File: 9 KB, 420x420, azzz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You only support it because of the child sex slaves

An ancom pedophile calling an ancap a pedo. It's fucking hilarious because ancaps want to shoot pedos dead while leftists are open about it. I bet you have vaush open in the other tab.

Vaush defends pedophilia and c|-|ild pornography.
Stalin fucked a 13 year old girl.
Mao fucked a 14 year old girl.
Leftist "intellectuals" in france supported abolishing the age of consent.
Foucault raped children
Charles Fourier wanted to fuck children.
The MAPs movement started on the left.
Socialized "public" school teachers are far more likely to molest their students than catholic priests.
Numerous leftists have been outed as pedophiles.
NAMBLA was started by leftists.
Leftists defended Joseph Rosenbaum a child rapist.
John Money, the father of modern transgender movement sexually abused children.
Kinsey was a pedophile, leftist hero
John Maynard Keynes frequently traveled to third world nations to have sex with boys.

You people are authoritarian manchildren on par with nazis.
It's funny that fascism literally unironically developed from syndicalism lmao

>> No.52361857

Privacy is very vital in all facet of human life- financial transactions, home front, mobile phones etc. And shouldn't be handled with levity

>> No.52361882
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>You would work or starve in nature

This is exactly what I am talking about.
These retards all believe they will be the next bill gates and not the child sex slave. They act like with out capitalists magical commodities (or capital) the magic'd out of no where with magic money that people would have nothing as if for some magic reason people can not rationally think or act with out the will of a benevolent dictator in the form of your Walmart manager.
It's retardation of the highest caliber and considering the state of technology today economic planning is closer than you think.
INB4: Tragedy of the commons: Debunked. Data actually shows that people who share things commonly are actually much more likely to support one another than hoard all for themselves.

I am not an anarchist but I am not a retard so I am not an ancap.

(and I am in the cult)

>> No.52361908


>> No.52361915

>An ancom pedophile calling an ancap a pedo.
I am not an ancom nor a pedophile. I was just making a joke. But for real, in an ancap society there would be no age of consent right?

>> No.52361927


>> No.52362054
File: 676 KB, 798x770, asd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>These retards all believe they will be the next bill gates and not the child sex slave.
lmao what the fuck
It's so incredible true when people say the right understands the left more than the left understands the right.
We don't want to become the next bill gates. We want higher living standards for the working class you absolute subhuman bootlicker.

> child sex slave
Child sex slavery is much more common in left wing nations.

>They act like with out capitalists magical commodities (or capital) the magic'd out of no where with magic money that people would have nothing as if for some magic reason people can not rationally think or act
lmao okay
so you're actually saying the workers should refrain from consumption for YEARS in order to get the capital to start a firm, instead of just using the capitalists capital for a 5-7% fee?
Why the fuck would anyone want to do that? Why would workers want to be burdened with caring about the health of the firm instead of just collecting a paycheck and going home?
>It's retardation of the highest caliber
You people are economic illiterates and think capital just magically appears out of thin air.
>considering the state of technology today economic planning is closer than you think.
lmao oh fuck I didn't realize you were a tankie retard central planner, you're even dumber than I thought
Even the most complex computer cannot know the thoughts and actions of every person at every point in time.
Mises already refuted this with the economic calculation problem.

>Tragedy of the commons: Debunked.
How is it debunked? lmao

>Data actually shows that people who share things commonly are actually much more likely to support one another than hoard all for themselves.
No it doesn't. Look at places like India with bad property rights and the insane amounts of pollution there.

>I am not a retard
You are 100% a retarded tankie

>> No.52362079
File: 661 KB, 877x1213, stalin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>But for real, in an ancap society there would be no age of consent right?
Nah, children's brains aren't formed enough to give consent. The polycentric legal order wouldn't allow it. It's akin to getting a drugged person to sign a contract.

>> No.52362124

hey retard, you probably left by now but it's hilarious how you claim to support voluntarism yet your friend in this thread is an actual tankie totalitarian lmao

I can't imagine the mental gymnastics required to be a socialist, I really can't.

>> No.52362179

>Nah, children's brains aren't formed enough to give consent. The polycentric legal order wouldn't allow it.
What's a polycentric legal order? Anyway that's just a western way of thought. If there was ancapistan in middle east/africa people there would own child sex slaves like it's nothing.

>> No.52362209
File: 617 KB, 908x721, 1667806319614509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you are probably just some dumb fag sitting in his moms basment with stary eye'd dreams about being rich. you probably have a couple of thousands of dollars in bitcoin and probably lost a lot in the last week.

Notice how you don't actually argue the economic points of this debate. You just keep side stepping because you are a bitch and a retard.

Why does anyone have to "Abstain from consumption?" What the fuck are you even talking about? That doesn't even mean anything close to resembling a rational argument or sentence for that matter. You are making a baseless assertion, explain.

>You're either Tankie or anarchist there is no inbetwen muh pure ideology.

it's funny because again you use bitcoin and monero but you can't understand that a blockchain network could manage the consumption and production habits of a society. I actually went to college for computers, so..

Here is how it is debunked: https://youtu.be/T6OgRki5SgM

This woman actually wont a PHD for this.

Sorry to inform you btw but only retards think in binaries. Smooth brain activity.

>> No.52362229

>What's a polycentric legal order?
Basically competing overlapping legal systems without a state.

>> No.52362230

Trail Mix day sounds rad. I wish i worked there

>> No.52362257

>stary eye'd
Holy fuck are you completely retarded?

>> No.52362269
File: 159 KB, 828x1023, 1667772669250226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capitalism is an economic mode of production not a government. However since the government itself can be so easily corruptible it begs the question what is exactly stopping ancapistan from becoming extremely corrupt. Keep in mind there's no cops to stop capitalist (who have more resources) from just expanding by force. Shit it happens already in real life in Mexico (inbe muh dirty spiks)

>> No.52362285

>You made a grammar error!!!

Police are in this thread

>> No.52362307

What you mean is
>No internal dialogue

>> No.52362338

Ok but how would it work? Here's an example: in Europe age of consent is around 15 so having consensual sex with a 15 year old is completely legal. However in USA age of consent is 18 so having sex with a 15y/o is a federal crime. So what would happen in an ancap society if one neighbour was european and had a 15y/o girlfriend and the other was an american who thought anything under 18 is forbidden. Is the american allowed to shoot the european?

>> No.52362339

>Wagie's overjoyed by stealing carbonated water
Is it really that bad?

>> No.52362369
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>some dumb fag sitting in his moms basment
I own my own house I bought years ago and I get to laugh at leftoid rentcucks like yourself lol
Ancaps/Libertarians support what they support because they want living standards for the working class to increase. I mean if you read a history book, economic freedom is the only thing that has truly done this.
>Notice how you don't actually argue the economic points of this debate.
I literally did.
You people get rekt in econ debates all the time.
>Why does anyone have to "Abstain from consumption?"
Holy shit I knew leftists were retarded but just LMAO
Capital goods need to be created, they don't just magically appear. In order for them to be created, people have to abstain from consuming consumer goods for a period of time. This takes time and long periods of self sacrifice. Most workers don't want to do this and want to collect a paycheck right away and are okay with taking a 5-7% fee off the top to get their money right away before the final product is sold.

>>You're either Tankie or anarchist there is no inbetwen muh pure ideology.
lmao and you listen to zizek too
all state socialists are tankies, don't try to deny it
you just dream of being a dictator because you're an incel with a tiny dick

>but you can't understand that a blockchain network could manage the consumption and production habits of a society.
No it fucking can't lmao
This is a meme in libertarian circles to laugh at this argument.
Do you actually not understand the economy calculation problem?
Even the most complex computer cannot know the thoughts and actions of every person at every point in time.

>Sorry to inform you btw but only retards think in binaries.
Then why do you?

>> No.52362441

>mode of production
Nobody cares about your made up marxoid terms.
Capitalism in general language refers to a free market. The government spending money on shit is not a free market, obviously.
What libertarians support is free markets.

>what is exactly stopping ancapistan from becoming extremely corrupt.
Polycentric law.
>Keep in mind there's no cops to stop capitalist
There are definitely security firms and courts etc.

>o what would happen in an ancap society if one neighbour was european and had a 15y/o girlfriend and the other was an american who thought anything under 18 is forbidden.
There would still be such a thing as "law of the land". That person would get arrested based on what area he is in and what the courts say.

>> No.52362484

>Proceeds to rent car far superior to bosses
"Yeah, paid cash."

>> No.52362506

>That person would get arrested based on what area he is in and what the courts say.
Sounds to me like exactly what a state/country is but ok.

>> No.52362529
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Ahhh, so you got a slice of the pie and you think that makes you better than me. I don't quarrel in such nonsense. I don't care what you think about me. I actually make useful shit for society and don't just suck the life force out of people like a fucking parasite, lmfao. "red necks" That's a mark of honor to people like me, lmfao. Who actually bust our asses to make the world turn.


Ah, so, you have the car before the horse. You think capital creates labor but it doesn't really take a genius to figure out that with out labor you can't just throw your will power at something and have it created or your magic paper that allows you to basically rob people, hilarious. You really are dumb.

>No it can't.

Why couldn't it? It's many different servers all communicating with each other. You probably just need some type of device to register if a particular good or commodity has been picked up at your grocery story or whatever.

>Whole world is connected computers
>Now ignoring that Ostrom owned the tragedy of the commons
>Bro I know I am labeled you everything from a pedophile to a nazi to a tankie to an anarchist but YOU think in binaries. Also I am an AnCaP BTW


>> No.52362541

It's complicated, I haven't read too much on it, I just know from other people explaining it to be, it has worked in the past.

>> No.52362599
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>mfw casting Mind War on the plebs

>> No.52362615
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>all words are made up

What if huggies and deppends and kelogs all got together to corrupt a towns local court to favor ownership rights in a particular area and bust up unions? What if they bought the courts and legal system?

Inb4 BRO THE FREE MARKET. Again this is some idealistic bullshit. they think the whole economy will just get along because of such idealistic bullshit like the NAP when in reality it would be a literally military conflict between Huggies and Deppends.

It's amazing how SMOOTH an ancaps brain is lmfao.

>> No.52362661

I wish I was a better Christian and Catholic as my forefathers have been which is why I am telling you to never, ever insult my Lord or my faith in real life because I am a flawed man and a sinner and I will rip your face off and shit in your eye sockets. Have you got that little brown man? Are you clear?

>> No.52362806
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>so you got a slice of the pie and you think that makes you better than me.
It does. Problem?
You're an authoritarian manchild incel and I'm not.
I'm better than you by definition.

>useful shit for society
Cuck porn is not useful.

>just suck the life force out of people like a fucking parasite
Providing and managing the means of production is not parasitical, it benefits society. Why do you want lower wages?
Studies show co-ops have LOWER wages.

>You think capital creates labor
I never said or implied such a thing. I said capital is required for any sort of advanced production beyond mere subsistence. Generating capital takes time and you cannot consume and save resources simultaneously.

>labor you can't just throw your will power at something
Both labor and capital are required.
Workers without capital can't generate nearly as much output as workers with capital.
>You really are dumb.
You have nothing but emotional arguments.

The capitalists only take 5-7% from you in order to manage the means of production.
You fucking taxes are more than that. Why do you even give a shit about something so small?

>It's many different servers all communicating with each other.
Do these servers know the thoughts and actions of every person at every point in time?
>You probably just need some type of device to register if a particular good or commodity has been picked up at your grocery story or whatever.
HAHAHA You bootlickers never learn.

>>Now ignoring that Ostrom owned the tragedy of the commons

>> No.52362906
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>>all words are made up
No, some terms are bullshit and make no logical sense.
According to the marxoid definition of capitalism, the ussr and maoist china were capitalist because they still had a tiny amount of private firms.

>What if huggies and deppends and kelogs all got together to corrupt a towns local court to favor ownership rights in a particular area
There is no state to corrupt. There would be competing legal orders. It would be far too expensive for them to do this and operate their firms at the same time.

>Again this is some idealistic bullshit.
Then why did it exist a million times in history? lmao
>they think the whole economy will just get along because of such idealistic bullshit like the NAP
lmao the NAP is a threat, not some "lets all get along" bullshit
If you violate the NAP you will be prosecuted or killed.

>literally military conflict between Huggies and Deppends.
Yes, if there's anything firms like it's wasting money on military action lmao

>It's amazing how SMOOTH an ancaps brain is lmfao.
lmao communists can't stop projecting
there's a reason why ancaps always kick their skulls in debates

>> No.52362921

Education is not your enemy just because your a fuck nut retard who could not be bothered to get any

>> No.52363114
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>> No.52363127

Wagies are rushing through life. Slow down and savor the taste

>> No.52363678

Ignore it, most vets are good goy to the core. He’s likely exaggerating his beast of burden lifestyle to impress some sloot. People like him are detestable and will rightfully (as nature commands) be divorce raped in court, forced to pay child support for 25 years and live out his beastly existence

>> No.52363807

Everyone’s calling you a boomer over that take however I wholeheartedly agree with you that it’s best to be frugal, save money and build skills. I’ve done some of the most life denying jobs out there and I’m currently a bartender. If you spend way less than you make you won’t have to kneel before bosses. I’ve laughed in bosses faces before and walked out the door, took a month off neeting, then went back to work at another job and smiled the whole time.
>save 10-20k and you can tell them to get fucked whenever.
>no it doesn’t matter if you worked 100 jobs just tailor your resume so it look like 3 jobs (cherry pick the ones that somewhat liked you)

>> No.52364005

Don't rub the belly

>> No.52364472
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>my WFH job: based and comfy
>your IRL job: gay and retarded
>source: myself

>> No.52364573

>cause unemployment
Unions aren't meant to increase production, they're to protect workers.

>> No.52364648

Wrong. Inflation is and has been caused for the last year due to a shortage of workers and increased demand, leading to higher wages + offset costs on consumers. Please stop being bad at economics you fucking sperg.

>> No.52364740
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>> No.52364992

he cute

>> No.52365105
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Psychic warfare is real, you better believe me brother, X-ray vision

>> No.52365655

Pro bono lawyers are everywhere

>> No.52365711

What if I'm a full time wage cuck but I work from home and have only done 2 hours of work in the last 3 weeks?

>> No.52365870

Jokes on you, I do freelance!

>> No.52365912

the worst feeling while shopping is a bunch of people eyeing you wondering if you need help

>> No.52365917

Based Bezos

>> No.52365924

The cat knows you're weak

>> No.52365970

This shit is surprisingly common. Wagies LOVE having one little thing they can control

>> No.52366029


>> No.52366168

You vil…you VIL!!

>> No.52366498
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>> No.52366562
File: 406 KB, 666x666, mfwmf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did we get so many fucking third worlders/normalfags?
>inb4 cats are red dit
No you fucking newfag, 4chan invented caturday, you're the fucking outsider here.

>> No.52366822

Cats are reddit.

>> No.52367154

That wouldn't stop me from rubbing one out after lunch.

>> No.52367195

I think he is larping as a bowl of cocoa puffs

>> No.52367403


>> No.52367505

Waiter's are worthless outside of high tier restaurants.
I'd rather order by phone and bring the food to the table myself

>> No.52367718

This. Those board meetings and golf games aren't going to attend themselves.

>> No.52367809


Caps* Not fixing that fuck you

>> No.52367863

No lawyers care about your $500 dispute over your security deposit

>> No.52367864

I enjoy my job. I work out of a van, skilled labour, but I hesitate to call it that since its mostly just working with small hand tools. Incredibly specialised and no one hassles me as long as I do my job. I often get home well before my scheduled finish time and everyone knows but no one says anything, because my work is always done and done well.
I will also spend hours each day shitposting on 4chan while at work

>> No.52368644
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>13-14 year old girl


>> No.52368759

Dude on the left just has his arms folded and is swaying back and forth trying not to be noticed lol

>> No.52368961

You sound like a bitch. Either sue, tell your boss to fuck off, or quit your shitty walmart job. Or kick the fucking cat who gives a shit goddamn you suck

>> No.52369225

No lawyer is going to take a petty case like that. You don't need one either. Most states have courts just for rental disputes. You just represent yourself. Usually just the threat of going to court is enough to solve the issue since usually that landlords are just sandbagging and know that they are in the wrong.

>> No.52369420

so you admit unions reduce production, thus reducing real worker wages?

>> No.52369774

feed it glass

>> No.52369962

t. toxoplasmosis infected fag