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52459400 No.52459400 [Reply] [Original]

Half of you probably don't even know how to till soil, what makes you think you could take on the full time back breaking responsibility of a rancher?

>> No.52459453

I did it at 14, it was gay as fuck. Gayer than some dross femboy comics.

The better alternative is to just sell hay. After years what I’ve learned is hay is gold and all it takes is just a few cuts, some seed, and a little rain.

Rather cut hay and sell it to normie ranchers

>> No.52459456

I have to try.

>> No.52459474

I did the rural homestead thing for over a decade. had 3 acres, grew food, kept bees, goats, and chickens. was a lot of work. I sold it and moved to a property near the ocean. am much happier here.

>> No.52459482

i want a penthouse
im already able to buy a shitty house in the middle of nowhere

>> No.52459496

this was pre-covid though before the whole world went crazy. the homestead feels like a much safer place to be going forward...but here I am

>> No.52459526
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I want to be wealthy enough to buy a homestead, but not actually work it except part-time. Instead, I will have my friends living on the property with me and they will homestead while I sit in the bunker and scheme ways to make money and expand.

>> No.52459567
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>Because I saw a le based and redpilled video from le based pangan larping, jobless varg growing some strawberries after buying the old bread from lidl to feed his family because his farm doesn't grow shit, fucking based and redpilled

>> No.52459598
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You described pretty much what I want to do. I hope your my neighbor 3km down the road because of how much land we have.

>> No.52459660
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Howdy neighbor. We can have stead vs. stead war drills with airsoft. Practical and fun.

>> No.52459698
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Bring it.

>> No.52459716
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>> No.52460135

If your land looks that picturesque you can dump some tiny homes on your land and have Californians pay your mortgage while you do nothing.

>> No.52460284

>what makes you think you could take on the full time back breaking responsibility of a rancher?
err n-nothing actually... am i supposed to be able to?

>> No.52460610

>implying you'll have internet access during an all out nuclear war

>> No.52460624

Greenhouses are the future. Bananas in Alaska.

>> No.52460673

cozy picture

>> No.52460759

Why would I want to do any of that?

>walk in grocery store
>buy tendies
>go home
>dip in ketchup
>buy more LINK

simple as

>> No.52460886

>till soil
you’re ngmi
charlesdowdingpill yourself for fucks sake

>> No.52460961

I have chickens, I have goats. Feed them grain and hay and have all the milk and eggs I could possibly need to survive, also have automated irrigation system that waters my planter boxes and I get all the vegetables I could possibly need and hunt/fish for meat. Maybe put in 2 hours on average everyday working, the rest of the time I am reading books, playing video games, working out, going for walks. The meme that life is hard work off grid is to discourage other people from doing it. It also is even easier if you have a community of offgriders you can rely on and do trade with. Everyone having each others back,

>> No.52460976

>"back breaking ranchers"
if there isnt a word i hate more then rancher, typical faggot in his quad thingy and muh hundred different keys for his cattle gates, jesus christ i hope these people are confiscated of there land and its made public so i can run and shit all round his faggy ranch. dont forget the faggot also took millions in taxpayer funding because muh drought this year lol fucking welfare niggers

>> No.52461010

its not much work at all if its all you do... 2 hours of work is nothing. 2 hours of extra work though is a lot. I still had a regular day job. most people probably do.

>> No.52461177

also...this romanticized idea of having a homestead and being autonomous and sustainable is a total meme. sure, chickens produce a lot of eggs...but eggs are cheap so you're not really saving much. pretty much break even after the investment and feed. same with milk. still end up buying most food from a grocery store.

>> No.52461251

Once you get your setup going you can survive for very cheap. I am retired off $600 cash flow a month, the money is just used to pay property tax, home/car insurance and the odd repair/replacement of equipment, grain for animals and internet. I also save whatever is left over as emergency/investment fund. I do the odd job here and there if I need the extra cash or so I have more to invest in crypto with. Work is very casual where I am though get to choose my hours, often I don’t work for 6 months at a time. People have the option of not being a slave to the globohomo society but most are too cowardly to trade in everything they got and take the plunge

>> No.52461294

>till soil
This has been debunked, you need to catch up with modern agricultural practices. Look up ‘No Till’

>> No.52461454

Homesteaders aren't like 19th century subsistence farmers. They still go to the grocery store, but just maybe keep some chickens, pigs, or ruminants and have a vegetable garden.

>> No.52461503

Thanks for the advice. I'll keep that in mind. Not sure if it'll ever come up but still.

>> No.52462992
File: 251 KB, 1062x588, notill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tilling destroys the soil ecosystem. Don't till soil.

>> No.52464223 [DELETED] 


>> No.52464245

Eggs arent cheap at all

>> No.52464289

>Half of you probably don't even know how to till soil, what makes you think you could take on the full time back breaking responsibility of a rancher?

they couldnt. there will be no diesel or fertiliser available anyway. most people will starve.

>> No.52464301

>The better alternative is to just sell hay. After years what I’ve learned is hay is gold and all it takes is just a few cuts, some seed, and a little rain.

you need fertiliser or you wont be producing much after a few years

>> No.52464304

>till soil
yikes, kike

>> No.52464305

based no-till anon. I see you. soon you will ascend to complete no-dig nirvana

>> No.52464316

>I have chickens, I have goats. Feed them grain and hay

from where?

>> No.52464330

>Tilling destroys the soil ecosystem. Don't till soil.

you have to if you want to grow grains which are essential for our civilisation.

>> No.52464381

My farmer father tried that no till, no plough for a few years and his outputs plummeted, he went back to ploughing and tilling now

>> No.52464413

>My farmer father tried that no till, no plough for a few years and his outputs plummeted, he went back to ploughing and tilling now

its like a lot of these new age happy clappy ideas, it doesnt work.

most people are utter retards about farming, they think they can produce enough food for a year in their back gardens.

>> No.52464479


>> No.52464491


yeah, good luck growing wheat without ploughing the field, retard.

>> No.52464505

>kill soil with tilling
>juice it with artificial fertilizer
>kill all the microfauna and flora
>stop injecting fertilizer into dead environment
>yields go down
Your roided-up soil needs time to heal before it can provide good output again. Too bad all you agribusiness faggots can't possibly think in time horizons beyond 1 year.

>> No.52464506


>> No.52464549

>>juice it with artificial fertilizer

try growing crops without fertiliser, your land will be completely done in a few years and produce nothing.

>> No.52464558

>Your roided-up soil needs time to heal before it can provide good output again. Too bad all you agribusiness faggots can't possibly think in time horizons beyond 1 year.

this is retarded bullshit. every past civilisation has collapsed because of exhausted soils.

ours will be no different once the fertiliser runs out.

>> No.52464561
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I'll learn on the job. This shit isnt rocket science. There are tonnes of resources online for this shit. Also Homesteading =! farming. You can live off-grid to whatever extent you want. If you still want to go to the store for food thats fine. There are no rules to this stuff. Do what you want.

>> No.52464619

>back breaking responsibility of a rancher
Lmao what a fucking meme, unironically believing that agriculture is "hard work" is the ultimate bluepill. Pretty much any trade is more physically demanding, and very especially construction.

>still end up buying most food from the grocery store
Lol you yanks are so retarded, I'm Serbian and most ruralites here (and everywhere else in the third world) grow all or nearly all of their own food, even grains, and even ruralites who don't do agriculture as their primary profession. Growing all of your own food, and that includes vegetables, fruit and grains, takes an acre or less for one family.

That's why my goal is literally to live like a 12th century subsistence farmer. Should have been born that way too, would have had a better life.

>> No.52464665

Cuz they were tilling you. No Till organic isn’t a lack of fertilizer it is building up a humid layer to feed itself; while rotating what you grow to supply the ground with nitrogen. It’s simple really. Blood meal, chicken, and cow shit, crop rotation. It does take a little over 3 years to build the humic layer where you would be competing with nitrogen based fertilizers which destroy the soil.

>> No.52464683

>It’s simple really. Blood meal, chicken, and cow shit

you wont have those once the fossil fuel based agricultural system collapses.

>> No.52464690

Yeah, I never understood this wish of homesteading. Imagine making it only to spend it all on working your ass off daily.

>> No.52464698

>Growing all of your own food, and that includes vegetables, fruit and grains, takes an acre or less for one family.

thats an absolute lie.

>> No.52464706

Prove it then, nigger.

>> No.52464708

why's the little guy in the front (bottom picture) commiting suicice?

>> No.52464727

>Prove it then, nigger.

a fucking acre to feed a family for a year? you're either intentionally lying or have no clue what you're talking about. it's not worth engaging with you.

>> No.52464742

What the hell do you think Mexicans are for anon?

>> No.52464844

You are the one who has no idea of what he's talking about, corn and wheat yields easily go to 4 tons per acre on their own and especially if they're taken care of on smaller parcels which tend to give an above average yield in that case.

One kilogram of wheat gets you around 980g of flour which in turn gets you 1.5 kilos of dough after adding water and salt. So just using basic mathematics and assuming 70 kilograms of bread per capita per year you need around a twentieth of an acre under grains to satisfy a family of four on a good year, but let's assume you planted twice that to have something to fall back on if yields are poor, then you get a tenth of an acre for grain.

The other nine tenths can be used as you see fit but in practice fruit trees are going to be taking up much of that especially if you plan on making brandy (which is primarily what we plant fruit for here in the Balkans). Vegetable yields are even higher, onions go up to 40 tons an acre here, potatoes around 20, you basically need one kitchen worth of space to fulfill your yearly needs of those. Your meat consumption should mostly be pork and various poultry because you can fatten pigs on bullshit such as pumpkins or watermelons (30 tons per acre yields), apples, lettuce etc

See what I'm talking about now, huh nigger mutt? You need way less than an acre to feed yourself and your family comfortably.

>> No.52464945

I dont want a real homestead, my girlfriend just wants horses and goats

>> No.52464992

>You are the one who has no idea of what he's talking about, corn and wheat yields easily go to 4 tons per acre on their own

good luck doing that without fertiliser.

and you cant live on wheat alone.

>> No.52465098

>till soil

Wrong from the start. Go check out no dig farming if you want to do yourself a good.

>> No.52465154

Nice job not even reading the whole post you drooling fucking imbecile. I mentioned how easy it is to fatten pigs, it's a proven method. And you would only need a few pigs, three or four sheep, and a variety of poultry for all your meat and dairy needs anyway.

>> No.52465174


>> No.52465853

*humic layer
>once fossil fuel fails I won’t have materials for my plastic dildos.
Midwit take. Most fertilizers can be obtained from the livestock, many of which eat food scraps and local vegetation. Commercial farming and McD’s might serve cricket burgers; but local is very sustainable. Corn ethanol, hemp plastics, scrumptious grain or mash alcohol is easy to process. That is all assuming that fossil fuels are from dead carbon and not a naturally occurring byproduct

>> No.52465874

I love the goal post shift to nig level fossil fuel arguments. You are a fat manlet that most definitely subsists off preservative based slop

>> No.52465888

>fucking goats
Muhammad has entered the chat

>> No.52465903

Eloquently put. Too bad Nigs can’t read

>> No.52465947

How many chickens did you raised per coop? How often did the bee hives get hit with diseases?

>> No.52466002

In my cunt egg prices are skyrocketing and all the good ones were quickly bought out.

>> No.52466071

>good luck doing that without fertiliser.
You can create your own fertilizer for free and with zero effort. Probably the easiest part of farming.

>> No.52466085

based and no-till pilled

>> No.52466112

>You can create your own fertilizer for free and with zero effort. Probably the easiest part of farming.

no you cant. its in fact the hardest part. tell me where that is going to come from.

>> No.52466123

>I love the goal post shift to nig level fossil fuel arguments

fossil fuels are 100% relevant because even hobby farm homesteaders are completely dependent on fossil fuels.

>> No.52466129

>Midwit take. Most fertilizers can be obtained from the livestock, many of which eat food scraps and local vegetation.

'the local vegetation'? which is what and how long would it last if your animals are eating it all?

>> No.52466174
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>You absolutely HAVE to buy CancerousChemFert from Mr Shekelberg

>> No.52466597

A "ranch" with actual animals on it would require hundreds of thousands in start up costs. Way behind the budget of even upper middle class Americans in most of the county and the time it takes to keep it running is like basically taking on a second job. Not really worth it. The thing about farming is that it's a very stable kind of job but it is also shit, that's why all your ancestors stopped farming so they could actually afford things.

>> No.52466616

Cope more vatnicks not everyone is as pathetic as you.

>> No.52466619

homesteading is a gay and contrived LARP for people who have nothing else going on in their life. you don't need to be le epic homesteader to live in a rural area.

>> No.52466630

Every single homestead channel I've seen rents out heavy construction machinery for every single project they do. Idk why anons think farming is some magical process that you can easily do on the weekends. Idk why you want to be chained down by your animals either, you can't ever go on a vacation and leave your animals for even a few days, it's just land wage slavery.

>> No.52466631


you can do as nature does. you can't support civilisation and 8 billion humans on the planet if you do as nature does.

>> No.52466636

I don't. I'll enslave amish and get them to do it for me.

>> No.52466642

>Every single homestead channel I've seen rents out heavy construction machinery for every single project they do

and they use fertiliser. even if they are using, say, chicken poop or manure that they buy, that is still coming from animals that would not exist without fossil fuels.

>> No.52466649

a future warlord

>> No.52466670

Idk people have been doing it for centuries so it can’t be that complicated. You’re telling me that humans are able to wrap their minds around all sorts of complicated modern academic subjects, but you don’t think they’d be able to understand concepts such as manual labor?

>> No.52466675

>animals and plants wouldn't exist without fossil fuels
the absolute state of big oil shills

>> No.52466690

The whole point of homesteading is to not have californians anywhere near your land

>> No.52466692

Why the fuck would I want to support civilization and 8 billion "people"?

>> No.52466691

What the fuck?
You literally build wooden box and dump organic matter in there. There are few things you can do to make yeald better but thats it.

Worms and shit will just eat it and make it fertile soil.

>> No.52466735


>> No.52466757

This. And if you need liquid fertilizer you just throw organic matter in a barrel, add water, a handful of leaf mold soil, and close the lid. In a few months you have liquid fertilizer to dilute in water 1:100.

>> No.52466777

I think he means that the animals on your "farm" aren't going to produce enough fertilizer naturally for you to keep your homestead sustainable for many years. You have to buy these fertilizers produced by companies that are dependent on super abundant cheap energy and multi thousand mile supply chains. Idk if he's right since I haven't seriously done any farming but I haven't seen a homestead that is truly independent, our ancestors had large communities to help support one another and cover for each other's weaknesses. In certain situations you could probably hunt and farm simple plants like an ancient pastoralist pretty easily.

>> No.52466805

>Why the fuck would I want to support civilization and 8 billion "people"?

because life is a lot better now than it would be without it despite your fantasies that you dont need medical care, electricity or a police force.

>> No.52466862

You are wrong and you sound like a Heeb.

>> No.52466887

>I think he means that the animals on your "farm" aren't going to produce enough fertilizer naturally for you to keep your homestead sustainable for many years.

correct, they wont. farming has a finite lifespan on most land.

the Roman empire collapsed because after centuries of continuous cultivation, the farmland was exhausted.

it had to be abandoned and allowed to reforest.

of course this meant the majority of the population starved to death.

>> No.52466888

Absolutely based

>> No.52466898

>You are wrong and you sound like a Heeb.

i'm correct and you're a delusional video game playing fantasist who has never had an actual job.

>> No.52466900
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>Idk if he's right
He's certainly NOT right. Like I said, fertilizer is the easiest thing to make. Chem companies will try to convince you to buy their fertilizer, which on top of not even being as good as the one you can make, it brings many other problems with it:
- Builds up in the soil and in the water over time because it can't be easily decomposed by the microorganisms in the soil. That's why we call them "chemical" fertilizers (as opposed to "organic" ones). We literally can't use ground water for irrigation due to all the salts these retards added.
- Their composition are not based on the plants' needs, but on big oil's waste composition. This brings imbalance to your plants. Plants with imbalanced nutrients have free amino acids on their leaves, which brings pests (pests are not evil, they are nature's way of recycling imbalanced plants). So then they will try to sell you chemical pesticides... You see where this is going.
- Kills the microorganisms in the soil that feed your plant. So now you are 100% dependent on the Chem company.

>> No.52466926

>This. And if you need liquid fertilizer you just throw organic matter in a barrel

organic matter from where? if youre taking that from the fields, your crops will be very poor until you add it back to the soil. and it wont be enough for big yields anyway.

the fertilisers we use today produce 3 times as much food as such methods.

>> No.52466947

>what makes you think you could take on the full time back breaking responsibility of a rancher?

>> No.52466949

>He's certainly NOT right. Like I said, fertilizer is the easiest thing to make

i am 100% correct and youre an example of Dunning Kruger.

you think you know what you're talking about but you don't.

>> No.52466960

Based knower

>> No.52466968

>Their composition are not based on the plants' needs, but on big oil's waste composition.

fertilisers are not made from waste oil you utter spastic.

they are made from natural gas.

>> No.52466988

Insufferable faggot ^

>> No.52466989

>organic matter from where?
Dude if there's something a farmer always has too much of, is organic matter ffs. They literally make piles of it and burn it, just because they don't know what else to do with it sometimes.
Stop being a retard and learn regenerative farming or something.
Soil is not fixed, soil can be lost and built. Otherwise there would be no soil to begin with, we started from a rock.

>> No.52467032

All I know is that peasants had to leave 1/3 of their field barren each year to let it regenerate. You will probably need a good piece of land and I don't think you'd realistically be able to grow a lot of crops AND take care of a lot of animals unless you are wealthy already, in which case there is zero reason to larp as a farmer. I like the idea of farming but it's a hard time consuming job. From what I understand the Amish model is just herding a bunch of cattle and letting them graze their fields, this seems to be both easier and more profitable.

If you are going to farm without modern technology you are eventually going to exhaust all your money paying taxes or for emergencies that pop up, independent farming is not competitive and will take a lot of capital to even start. Sometimes you can make it, I know of several local family run farms that sell raw milk in my area, but you are going to have to use modern tech (fossil fuels) if you want it to actually work. Assuming you aren't working a normal full time job and farming when you get home from work.

>> No.52467042

Retard. You think someone is fertilizing the woods and prairies?
It doesn't work if you need to feed 8 billion pajeets it works just fine to sustain yourself without raping the earth

>> No.52467054

You are the DK whose argument is "but where is a farmer gonna get organic matter from?" jfc. Even your ass and your pee pee throws so much organic matter you wouldn't know what to do if someone else didn't take care of it for you, cityfaggot.

>> No.52467067

How do you heat them

>> No.52467070

Going to wait for the inevitable mass adoption for bitdao and I'm buying myself a ranch. I'll fucking learn anon I ain't no bitch.

>> No.52467098

>Dude if there's something a farmer always has too much of, is organic matter ffs

this is completely untrue.

>> No.52467115

Then why do I see them making piles for organic matter and burning them?

>> No.52467121

>Retard. You think someone is fertilizing the woods and prairies?

try chopping down the forest and consuming the wood then growing another forest.

you'll find you wont be able to do that many times before you have depleted the land and a new forest wont grow.

>> No.52467149

>Then why do I see them making piles for organic matter and burning them?

because they have chemical fertiliser. without chemical fertiliser, every scrap of organic matter is needed.

>> No.52467177
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It's over bros.

>> No.52467179

>You are the DK whose argument is "but where is a farmer gonna get organic matter from?" jfc.

i know where they get it from, manure and chicken poop are the best forms.

but they will only work for so long before the land is exhausted and you would need to use a lot of the land to graze animals.

>> No.52467225

>big yields
>3 times as much food
How many fucking times are you people going to say this?

Read this carefully: NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOUR NUTRITION-FREE FRANKENSTEIN FOOD. It's not fit for human consumption.

>> No.52467280
File: 469 KB, 1280x577, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Permaculture / restoration agriculture absolutely does produce substantial yields, maybe not as much as commercial farming but certainly it's more sustainable in the long term and the nutrients in the soil that makes it into the yield won't even be comparable (i.e. less and less nutrients make it into your commercially grown crop because of soil quality degradation). Pic related is a compost/garden I just fenced to get ready for Spring. One half is the chicken run with their coop dome (insulated for winter now) that will be used to build up a compost layer, so that the layers aren't just giving me eggs but good fertilizer. It's a sister plot to the other side of the fence which is the garden space which I'm just building as much topsoil as possible as I wait to plant. Just moved here so it's going to take a while to build it up but I've worked on a smaller scale fairly efficiently. I have keylines and ponds I'm digging out now and about 50 trees on order to place along the lines, so the whole 4 acre front yard will be an orchard eventually. Trying to make my property into a giant food forest, but it'll take some years, I'm not in it for commercial gain, I have a business already.

>> No.52467301

Land wouldn't get depleted if you stop throwing your organic waste to the sea though.
You can also use sea salt in your homemade organic fertilizer, since it has all the minerals you can ask for.
By the way even if there's something missing in your soil, microorganisms can extract it from sand or rocks, as long as you don't annihilate them with chemical fertilizers.

>> No.52467352

And yes, what that chem fertilizer shill is saying IS true in a sense, if you are going to do permaculture you WILL need outside sources to build up top soil at least initially. You're going to need as much mulch/wood chips/old food from restaurants/grocery stores, etc as you can get your hands on. If you really want the soil to get a nice kick start, you don't have to use chemical fertilizer, but you DO need chickens at the very least to kick it all up and shit all over it. But I only work small scale, it can be done on a large scale but it takes a lot of resources ironically enough to get the land to produce as it natively should (mostly due to it being ruined by commercial farming practice)

>> No.52467355
File: 59 KB, 640x785, 1637383277795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to till soil, what makes you think you could take on the full time back breaking responsibility of a rancher?
>till soil

>> No.52467384

>maybe not as much as commercial farming
It DOES produce more per acre though. The only requirement is that a lot of people will have to come back from city to nature, which is also a good thing in my opinion, but not everyone will agree, eg: The "I just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the city" types.

>> No.52467423

I conceded that point just so I could add that in the long term it would produce more yield due to lack of soil degradation. Done properly I have seen evidence that it produces more than commercial yield, but it's a point you can concede when its already obvious that doing it the permaculture way is more sustainable and nutrient rich already.

>> No.52467462

>Permaculture / restoration agriculture absolutely does produce substantial yields

at best you would get one third of what you get with fossil fuel powered farming.

and eventually the land will be exhausted and have to be abandoned.

>> No.52467474

>every past civilisation has collapsed because of exhausted soils
many did because civilization started in the hot regions of the world where using irrigation resulted in massive gains in the first few decades but eventually led to silty soils and plummeting output
this cycle however does not happen in temperate regions with plenty of year round rainfall
north western europe and most of the american crop lands are pretty safe from this effect
the problem we have is using mineral fertilizers to feed way too large population clusters and soil compaction from using too heavy farm vehicles because of (((financial))) incentives killing small farmers and forcing it all into giant industrialised processes where the workers are low iq retards that dont give no fucks about the viability of the land and neither do the owners really

the tilling part isnt that bad, but if you want to d othe no tilling route you also need to cut out most modern day methods of planting, spraying and harvesting
requiring either very expensive new small robot combines (yes they exist) or go back to having a lot more of your nations workforce into hands in soil agricultural jobs

>> No.52467482

>It DOES produce more per acre though. The only requirement is that a lot of people will have to come back from city to nature,

you're delusional. what is actually going to happen is that our civilisation will collapse and billions of people will starve to death.

just like the Roman empire.

>> No.52467489

>and eventually the land will be exhausted and have to be abandoned.

That is a complete fabrication. I see now this is bait. Post your farm.

>> No.52467551

>That is a complete fabrication. I see now this is bait. Post your farm.

its completely correct. my estimate is that even with all the recommended farming methods, you get about 200 years before the land has to be abandoned.

>> No.52467569

Not everyone has the ability to care for the future, grug only has mind space for this year's yield. I think both approaches are needed. I like the effectiveness of showing how much more you can profit simply by making your own organic inputs. This way grug can simply switch inputs while keeping the rest of his system intact, and leave more advanced stuff for later.

>> No.52467576

>this cycle however does not happen in temperate regions with plenty of year round rainfall

irrelevant. farming is a form of mining the soil.

you can only do it for so long.

>> No.52467600

bait: the post

>> No.52467603

You're not wrong. Whenever I travel in central or eastern Europe by train every single house has a big garden. Complete opposite of America because the memories of hunger are 100 years old since the Great Depression so people have forgot how to survive or that hard times can happen

>> No.52467628

So even if you're right, people will have to move every 200 years or so. Which nicely lines up with the general timeline of most nations, so maybe there's some truth there.

The point is under NO circumstances should we be fucking with food using "chemical technology". It literally always goes wrong and you will literally cause immense suffering, inflammatory diseases and cancer that the media will convince idiots is "normal".

>> No.52467641

>bait: the post

no. its the truth. farming cannot go on forever.

at some point the land has to be abandoned and allowed to reforest.

you are not told this because the authorities dont want you to know that we are doomed to collapse.

>> No.52467660

>So even if you're right, people will have to move every 200 years or so.

thats what happened in the Roman empire. peasants abandoned the fields and moved wherever they thought they could find food.

most of them died.

>> No.52467673

Bruh they've been fucking with food for years. It's already here and isn't going anywhere.

>> No.52467678

Soil can be measured easily by anyone. If you do regenerative farming, you have more soil each year. Simple as.

>> No.52467690

You can start over idiot.

>> No.52467695

>If you do regenerative farming, you have more soil each year. Simple as.

no you dont.

>> No.52467702

to understand which of the two of you is the flaming retard here lets clarify one thing
the topic in this thread is being a self sustaining farmer with minimal sales right, not trying to homestead for monetary purposes and trying to feed a city 500 miles away?
you know like others have said: fuck feeding a world of 8 billion 'people'

>> No.52467733

>you know like others have said: fuck feeding a world of 8 billion 'people'

you need those people if you want the standard of living you currently have.

>> No.52467741 [DELETED] 

Kek, stop wasting your cash anon, just check Bspin

>Safe, secure Casino with a wide variety of provably fair BTCs games.
>On going giveaway with $15,000 prize pool.
>Transparency And Provably Fair

>> No.52467759

>you need those people if you want the standard of living you currently have.
No you don't. What percentage of people in Africa are actually working a job that supports first world life? How about India? Maybe a slightly higher percentage in China.

Stop justifying spraying cancer on corn.

>> No.52467769

Even if that seems like that already makes me right, I'll go further and tell you that the world can in fact sustain 8 billion people. We would just have to give up with this idiotic design where 80% live in cities in the most unnatural way possible.

>> No.52467775

he is not entirely incorrect
the issue is that for all of history save the last 2 centuries most output was used up locally and as such waste was reused locally
in todays world where food gets shipped halfway around the world and human shit gets pumped into the oceans as directly as possible thats another issue then yes you can see farming as an abstract mining process
however this thread is about homesteading which does not suffer from this issue

>> No.52467777

>No you don't. What percentage of people in Africa are actually working a job that supports first world life?

its not always easy to trace but we need them.

>> No.52467820

>Even if that seems like that already makes me right, I'll go further and tell you that the world can in fact sustain 8 billion people.

only with fossil fuels. without them it can support maybe 500 million at best.

>> No.52467822

This comment is just not true. Currently most of these people are truly useless eaters. For example, the Jewnited States government is currently busily converting the country's topsoil supply into pointless Africans. We could have a much higher standard of living with 1B or so people.

>> No.52467841

>however this thread is about homesteading which does not suffer from this issue

it does. there is no such thing as sustainable farming.

farmland has to be abandoned in the end.

>> No.52467855

Well I mean the skeptical anon is right we live in an entropic reality. You can't "recycle" 100% of the energy you are using you will lose something in the farming process, the amount of useful energy you can extract is called exergy. Once you burn a log you have lost a portion of the total energy in that log forever, you can't unburn the log and get all the energy back.

Doesn't mean farms fail within even a few generations but they will all fail at some point. You can't take energy out of a system forever and as the other anon says over farming and environmental collapses have taken out many civilizations.

>> No.52467860

>needing to till soil
Outside of my kitchen garden, I don't intend on growing surplus produce for sale. Crops are too fragile amd require constant maintenance. For me, it's goats for meat/milk/cheese, sheep for wool, and donkeys for burden.

>> No.52467864

>This comment is just not true. Currently most of these people are truly useless eaters.

in your opinion. but your opinion is wrong.

>> No.52467884

Thus is why crop rotation and letting the land rest and recover are best practices

>> No.52467909

>You can't "recycle" 100% of the energy
We literally get bombarded with free energy from the sun.

>> No.52467917

need them for what?

>> No.52467937

(which plants catch through photosynthesis)

>> No.52467938

>need them for what?

the economy needs to be as big as it is now to support your standard of living.

that means 8 billion people.

>> No.52467953

>donkeys for burden
you mean donkeys for protection, I find them to be THE best predator control

>> No.52467957

The sun doesn't regenerate the soil and as you may have noticed solar panels do not get even a fraction of the energy emitted by the sun, it's not like you can rip infinite solar power from the air. Solar panels are actually kind of a meme

>> No.52467956

>We literally get bombarded with free energy from the sun.

which is nowhere near as much use as fossil fuels.

its intermittent and low intensity.

>> No.52467970

Niko get your yokel ass off this forum.

>> No.52467999

>sun has little energy
>soil can't be created
Where did these retards come from? And why do they insist on using non-renewable fuels, no matter what?

>> No.52468012

yep you are the flaming retard and should be ashamed of your own stupidity but DK insures you cannot see it yourself, balkan bro is right about what he says
even in first world countries half of all people are pointless in third world countries almost all people are pointless to modern systems and no we dont need asian slave labor to enrich the (((financial))) class early post war tier western economy worlks perfectly without the present 8 billion 'people'

your understanding about farming is completely wrong same as >>52467855
energy is all sun related you retard even today all energy is sun so entropy doesnt factor in
the issue in question is macronutrient depletion as even modern agriculture doenst have micronutrient regen
these are streams of mass and if you eat locally there is no problem in disappearence of mass from the system its all recycled locally, the modern issue of sending food from kansas to feed 'people' in africa is a disaster because of course shit isnt shipped back
your prior comment that land has to be abandoned every 200 years is a joke anon, northern western europe has been continuously farmed for 1500 years, if you take certain pockets of europe that didnt see mass depopulation during the fall of the roman empire like northern france then this has been farmed for 3 millennia straight without an agricultural collapse: whats the issue at play here the irrigation/soil siltification issue i explained above

really you must be a burger mutt: how did you ever think medieval europe worked where even tiny villages are over 1000 years old if people had to abandon the land every 200 years
my grandparents generation even farms as a hobby at 80 yo and their yields arent bad

>> No.52468020

>Solar panels are actually kind of a meme
I was talking about photosynthesis, you absolute mongoloid.

>> No.52468046

>Where did these retards come from? And why do they insist on using non-renewable fuels, no matter what?

because fossil fuels are the best form of energy we have.

anyone who doesnt understand that is a drooling mongoloid.

>> No.52468069

>energy is all sun related you retard even today all energy is sun so entropy doesnt factor in

entropy doesnt factor in? what? you dont get to declare that a natural law doesnt exist, you utter spastic.

>> No.52468103

The sun has lots of energy problem is we can't actually use most of it. Hence why we don't have near infinite virtually free energy right now you fucking mouth breather. My point about the soil is that the sun doesn't effect the quality of the soil and that the soil will be depleted if you use it. It's just a law of thermodynamics, you can't reuse 100% of the energy. Doesn't mean soil can be "regenerated".

Just because a resource is "renewable" doesn't mean it is infinite.

>> No.52468114

>really you must be a burger mutt: how did you ever think medieval europe worked where even tiny villages are over 1000 years old if people had to abandon the land every 200 years

it didnt work very well, there were frequent famines.

the population remained very low.

>> No.52468122

Until the Sun dies, the Earth laughs at entropy.

>> No.52468159

>Until the Sun dies, the Earth laughs at entropy.

but it doesnt. entropy applies to everything we do.

>> No.52468163

and now you went beyond total retard
entropy doesnt factor in if you have an outside near limitless energy source entering your system all the time
farming isnt an issue of energy, its an issue of macronutrients namely P, N and K.
the only entropy consideration in farming is why you plant in spring and not autumn you colossal retard
none of the modern methods add energy to the plant its all sunlight to sugar

>> No.52468183

Yeah it applies to your brain apparently. It's becoming a desert too.

>> No.52468185

FF are not used to make sugar in plants thats all sun
FF and FF derived products are used to make the plants efficient and reduce human labor inputs but FF is not converted in eatable calories directly

>> No.52468203

>FF are not used to make sugar in plants thats all sun

you will only have one third at best of the plants without fossil fuel derived fertiliser

>> No.52468207

>multiple replies to the same post
>calling anyone else spastic
Pot, meet nigger.

>> No.52468224

>and now you went beyond total retard
>entropy doesnt factor in if you have an outside near limitless energy source entering your system all the time

it does because that energy source isnt much use to us. you cant smelt iron using sunshine.

>> No.52468244

>farming isnt an issue of energy, its an issue of macronutrients namely P, N and K.

you need energy to produce those things.

N is produced directly from energy (natural gas)

>> No.52468264

You are using, right at this very second, a piece of technology created by and fully reliant on fossil fuels. Yes the internet, the plastics in your computer, your car, etc etc are all dependent on limited energy sources that may even be running out within your lifetime. We have already almost reached the limit of hydroelectric dams because you can only dam up so many rivers. As you can see we have depleted old growth forests in many parts of the world and all we have left is shitty line. America almost drove chestnut to extinction. Energy is limited it's just a fact of life and everyone's ancestors lived by the same principle they barely got enough energy back to survive from the energy they expended. Many animals starve because they fail to secure enough calories. You are a retard and the earth is not some magic Gaia land. Entropy is a daily fact of life we all deal with. Your own body is entropic and your cells will shit themselves and die within a few decades regardless of how much energy the sun produces.

>> No.52468273

well for starters moving the goalpost beyond the field as your initial claim was that all soil has to be abandoned every 200 years which is a laughable claim
famines where a combination of overpopulation and adverse weather effects rather than soil collapse
point me to a single isntance in the past 1500 years in medieval north-western europe where a large scale famine is attributal to soil degradation: i'll wait

population was low: globally maybe but you really should look up the population history of say france

>> No.52468329

>well for starters moving the goalpost beyond the field as your initial claim was that all soil has to be abandoned every 200 years which is a laughable claim

thats my estimate without the use of artificial fertilisers.

you're not going to be able to grow wheat for 200 years.

maybe you can have a few sheep or goats.

>> No.52468371

bacteria produce N which is the only one thats volatile in a gaseaous phase to leave the soil, rock erosion replenishes K and P
again we arent talking about modern industrial farming but self sustained homesteading
again like the other anons said why do you keep insisting on using fuels, or if you believe that agriculture is impossible without the haber bosch process how the fuck did medieval peasants turbine air into nitrogen you retard

nobody in this thread is talking about modern industry, the best argument you can make there is your tools from metal need to be made somehow, which is another topic entirely and unlike the other retard said doesnt require 8 billion people for the supply chain to exist

>> No.52468413

>you're not going to be able to grow wheat for 200 years.
the village i was born in was founded in 800 ad from swamp and forest and has been farmed for wheat ever since, but tell me how i am imaging that
you must be a burger mutt of particularly low iq arent you

>> No.52468416

>bacteria produce N which is the only one thats volatile in a gaseaous phase to leave the soil, rock erosion replenishes K and P

what the fuck are you babbling about? we can't get ammonium nitrate fertiliser in the quantities we need from bacteria

>> No.52468417
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You are not going to be able to grow wheat for 200 years IF you use chemical fertilizers, not if you don't.
The absolute state of shills, trying to claim that regenerative farming is unsustainable and chemical farming is, holy shit.

>> No.52468427

yes, we are in very different financial stages. I had a mortgage and a family. homesteading is not cheaper than ordinary life was my whole point. its more wholesome for sure, but you still have the same bills on the property, whether or not you have chickens laying eggs.

>> No.52468429

>the village i was born in was founded in 800 ad from swamp and forest and has been farmed for wheat ever since,

no it hasnt. not possible for it to have been continuously growing wheat for that time.

>> No.52468435
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>48 posts by this ID
>all clinically retarded

You're right bro, before mechanized agribusiness was invented 50 years ago we were all starving in huts praying to lord jeebus for AN27 and Atrazine

>> No.52468446

>You are not going to be able to grow wheat for 200 years IF you use chemical fertilizers, not if you don't.

you can do it with chemical fertilisers, you cant do it without.

there is no such thing as regenerative farming.

>> No.52468455

Well I'm not trying to argue against homesteads I just did my own research and it doesn't seem viable for most people. I would need to put down a lot of money and time to effectively be at zero. Farms aren't really a thing you just start by yourself it's suppose to be a generational project passed on through the family.

I already said I have big doubts on how economically viable they are. I think if you are wealthy enough to start a good homestead you would probably be better off by just using that money for something else. I don't like the evil financial system we live in but unfortunately it's all we have. As I said most homestead people still rent modern construction equipment and use modern technology they arent actually independent. I like the idea of the lifestyle I just don't think its worth it when you can buy food from your local farmers market and avoid most problems with unhealthy modern foods. I only mention entropy because someone seemed to think you could farm the same land forever without any consequences.

>> No.52468460

>what are nitrogen fixing plants?
>what is organic fertilizer?
Go back to your cave, cancer-industry shill.

>> No.52468466

My guess would be either inner city or an Eastern yuro in a particulalry dour country (maybe Russia). Agri business is massive in the U.S. and growing your own stuff here isn't that uncommon even in the 'burbs. My neighbor keeps a chicken coop in their side yard for eggs and I know several people here have a garden. This dude is on another level.

>> No.52468470

This cunt really is being retarded on purpose. No one would grow wheat in one place for 200 years, crop rotation and regen grazing are the norm for any farmer with sense these days.

>> No.52468489

>>what are nitrogen fixing plants?

beans. part of the crop rotation that extends the finite life of farmland.

it will only work for so long before the land has to be abandoned.

>> No.52468491
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>there is no such thing as regenerative farming

You are actually retarded, like for real, it's worse if you're trolling btw.

>> No.52468506

easy to tell who has lived the life vs. those who just read a few books. you have never produced your own food before and pretending like you have is stupid. a lot is possible on an acre, but you wouldn't know.

>> No.52468509

>No one would grow wheat in one place for 200 years, crop rotation and regen grazing are the norm for any farmer with sense these days.

even with these methods the land will still end up exhausted.

>> No.52468516
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He does sound like a low IQ amerimutt yes, probably does not know anything outside of a HOA suburb and a metro area full of nigs

>> No.52468524

and now the burger mutt is telling me that the recorded history of my local area is made up
or the alternative that people survived on eating mud during the past centuries
your dunning kruger is truly of the charts

>we can't get ammonium nitrate fertiliser in the quantities we need from bacteria
you do know the HB process wasnt invented until 1909 and wasnt spread across the world at scale for agriculture until after WWI, watch now as he tells me the population in europe pre WWI was neglibly low

>> No.52468536

Explain. In detail, exactly how that would happen.

>> No.52468540

>You are actually retarded, like for real, it's worse if you're trolling btw.

there is no such thing as regenerative farming.

it makes as much sense as talking about regenerative mining.

in farming we mine the land until it is exhausted.

>> No.52468575

>Explain. In detail, exactly how that would happen.

it happens because you can never replace everything that youre taking out of the land when you harvest and consume crops.

yields will fall to the point that it is no longer worth farming the land.

of course if you have chemical fertiliser this doesnt happen.

>> No.52468590

Homesteading isn't hard if you just apply time-proven techniques. The land will regulate itself if you set it up right.

>> No.52468598

>you do know the HB process wasnt invented until 1909 and wasnt spread across the world at scale for agriculture until after WWI

prior to that guano was used. Guano production peaked though in the late 1800s.

this contributed to the pressures that led to world war 1.

>> No.52468609

usually kept around 6 laying hens...had 14 at one point but that was way too many eggs for what I needed. figure they are laying 5 or so eggs each per week.

I have a lot to say about bees...genetics are the most important thing when buying stock. hygenic varieties will fend off mites and disease way better than whatever the large scale operation is shipping up from the southern states every spring. find a local beekeeper who has been breeding local stock successfully. my biggest issues with keeping bees was not disease and pests, it was late summer swarms and the occasional bear if my electric fence ever went down.

>> No.52468633
File: 20 KB, 541x473, kmtuijktui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so lets take this slowly so you can understand.

Plants and animals take these nutrients out of the land yes? The plants grow out of the land, and the animals eat them sometimes, and in your head they have removed the minerals/nutrients from the land.

What do you think happens to the biomass that is created from those minerals? Usually, these plants and animals, they die and rot, returning those o' so precious nutrients to the land.

If their was a net loss in biomass from this cycle, we would not exist. Ecosystems would not function. There would be no such thing as a rainforest, or grassland, or woodland heath. Every single biological system would repeat itself until zero.

You have a basic misunderstanding of life.

>> No.52468683

>If their was a net loss in biomass from this cycle, we would not exist

theres a net loss in the short term and we live on the short term.

the fertility of the land can return but it needs to be abandoned for hundreds of years and reforested for that to happen.

>> No.52468709

That's not how it works you fucking ape
Plants do not "deplete" unless you are growing one crop on the land for years and years, and even then they deplete one nutrient while creating a overabundance of another
Soil is a living ecosystem not a pile of minerals you mine to convert into onions

>> No.52468712

In a natural environment you aren't going to find the same density of edible plants that a farm has.

>> No.52468730


plants do not add potassium or phosphates.

>> No.52468757

> I hate working in an office, which is why I'm going to work 12 hour days 7 days a week in the middle of nowhere so that I can be TRULY free without running water or electricity

>> No.52468779

You can add potassium back into soil with compost and phosphorus is added back in with manure. If you keep chickens and a compost heap then you're golden on both.

>> No.52468821

>You can add potassium back into soil with compost and phosphorus is added back in with manure

you can only add it in with that method if it was there to start with and every year it will be depleted.

eventually the land will become infertile and will have to be abandoned.

>> No.52468827

I sold my family's farm in Montana for $50 million, I think they turned it into a resort. Living comfy in my 20s right now. It was pretty hard to convince my grandparents to co-sign so I could go to college and buy an apartment but I think they're happy with their retirement life.

>> No.52468867

idk man...sounds like you might have sold your descendants to the globohomo. those kind of farms are probably worth keeping.

>> No.52468870

He doesn’t know about crop rotation

>> No.52468890

>plant food
>it grow
Owwwww so back breaking. Kek fucking baby

>> No.52468893

>He doesn’t know about crop rotation

gives you some extra time thats all.

>> No.52468918

>plants do not add potassium or phosphates
but they dont remove them either unless you ship the plant in question halfway over the globe, these arent volatiles explain in you own words how these things get depleted from the soil prior to the modern world in a 200 year cycle on which you tripled down now

well there really is a small net loss as rivers carry runoff to the sea, which is however replenished from rock erosion at the springs of rivers and distributed along the land, but yes the system has to be in balance or all live outside the narrow strip between sea and land would be rendered extinct millions of years ago
in most cases P is the limiting agent in natural systems as to the max amount of growth you will get, this is more pronounced in regions high up in the mountains or that are otherwise cut off from large rivers
most human habitation and farming is done near big river systems near sea level and as such benefit a lot from runoff from higher places
but the other anon is vastly overestimating the natural process of this based on the current disaster of industrial farming

i asked a while back and i am still waiting on you pointing to a mass famine in north western europe that was caused by soil degradation in the past 1500 years
i mean if your own 200 year cycle would be real there would be countless examples to be found right?

>> No.52468932

It's alright I think, I make around $200k/yr in my current job. I just support farmers by buying directly from the Amish, they're good people.

>> No.52468959
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>slavery 2.0

>> No.52469015

>i asked a while back and i am still waiting on you pointing to a mass famine in north western europe that was caused by soil degradation in the past 1500 years

fall of the roman empire

>> No.52469078

>north western europe
>past 1500 years
>fall of roman empire
mutt understanding of both world history and world geography
truly anon its time to step away from the keyboard if almost everyone else in the thread is calling you clinically retarded

>> No.52469130

Oh yeah, that too. Donkeys will handle coyotes, bobcats, wolves, they do not give a shit. Donkeys just kick until bad thing dead.

>> No.52469133
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You niggers still use soil?

>> No.52469152

>>fall of roman empire
>mutt understanding of both world history and world geography

again, fall of the roman empire.

i have studied it extensively and now understand that it was caused by an energy crisis.

the main forms of energy for the Romans being food from farmland and firewood from forests.

>> No.52469172

Your substrates make you dependent on hydrocarbons from oil companies. Not a great plan.

>> No.52469193

Famines only happen when there is a blight or bad weather that occurs suddenly and wipes out most of the crop in a short period of time. Soil erosion has happened in America with the dust bowl, you may argue what caused it but I think mass famines don't really happen from over farming because not every farm is the same.

>> No.52469267

>but they dont remove them either unless you ship the plant in question halfway over the globe, these arent volatiles explain in you own words how these things get depleted from the soil prior to the modern world in a 200 year cycle on which you tripled down now

people eat the plants, its not rocket science

>> No.52469288

>Famines only happen when there is a blight or bad weather that occurs suddenly and wipes out most of the crop in a short period of time

famines happen when soils are exhausted.

>> No.52469308

Name three famines were that was the cause

>> No.52469311

I use the rocks from my land as medium. I have no clue what you are talking about.

>> No.52469350

>Name three famines were that was the cause

all the numerous famines in the roman empire

>> No.52469387

i fully agree on the energy from fire wood situation thats was major problem, however that is not the topic from this thread

if you studied extensively the fall of the roman empire you should know that rome consisted of present day italy, spain and some bits of north africa in the 400's when it fell
meanwhile in NW europe the frankish empire was rising from the fallout without seeing a civ collapse
also if you studied that particular piece of history you would know that famines did not contribute that much to the fall of rome as its depopulation events where violence and disease driven, they had a far bigger problem with people being outright killed or driven from actually farming due to war rather than a tru agricultural collapse
but yes again they especially in italy caused major ecossytem damage from deforestation that indeed needed centuries to replenish itself, which is again not the topic of this thread
and italy falls in the hot and not year round rain region which i mentioned earlier that goes into the irrigation death spiral

but since you are clinically retarded let me simplify it, point me to a famine within the regions of present day france (excluding the provence and occitanie), the low countries, germany and denmark which was caused by an soil degradation event
according to your own thesis these happen every 200 years so there should be countless examples right?

i would include central and eastern europe too but i am afraid proper records will be spotty for those regions

>> No.52469425

i just shit on my land bro, huge turds

>> No.52469448

>people eat the plants, its not rocket science
wait you somehow think people eating plants removes N, K and P from the ecosystem
jsut how clinically retarded are you: exactly what do you think happens inside people your mitochondria are nuclear reactors that break the P down to hydrogens or somehow your lungs make K gaseous?
i am reaching the point where this conversation breaks down in unintelligent ramblings

>> No.52469455

>meanwhile in NW europe the frankish empire was rising from the fallout without seeing a civ collapse

incorrect, the barbarian aftermath of the empire was itself a state of collapse.

all there was was a few villages barely scraping by.

>> No.52469485

>wait you somehow think people eating plants removes N, K and P from the ecosystem

it removes it from the field, yes.

>> No.52469514

>but since you are clinically retarded let me simplify it, point me to a famine within the regions of present day france (excluding the provence and occitanie), the low countries, germany and denmark which was caused by an soil degradation event

a major cause of the french revolution was food shortages among the peasants

>> No.52469546
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>69 posts by this ID
>69 Bayerbucks have been deposited in your account

>> No.52469709

total lie for the region of present day northern france and the low countries civ hardly collapsed, the emergent frankish empire quickly surpassed the roman height for that specific region, there was no population collapse in that period either, i thought you studied this part of history extensively anon yet you make some real midwit tier mistakes

how retarded is this: do you think the amount of N, P, K thats used in the living human biomass is enough to impact the productivity of the soil, i am not even going to begin to explain jsut how colossally retarded you are here

besides the numerous failures in statecraft and social inbalances that were present there the agricultural tipping point was caused by adverse weather effects, notably a severe winter, but that famine was most definitely not caused by soil degradation because agriculture proceeded normally shortly after
fun fact the food inflation to wage stagnation there was about of the same order we are seeing today in europe

really anon its time to stop posting

>> No.52469783

I survived on a farm for over 8 months. I think I could run a homestead easily.

>> No.52470923

Started mine for 25k, 15k for 36 acres, 5k on a tiny home that me and my contractor buddies built, water tanks, barbed wire and you’re set

>> No.52470956

Not these baby dick desk jockies. Chickens, cattle and goats and grow without fossil fuels apparently

>> No.52470976

Horse girls buy up hay like cackheads buy up cocaine

>> No.52470985

Life without Burger King and rampaging Nigs just wouldn’t be the same. Good point

>> No.52471006

Wrong. Rotation of crops and a healthy humic layer were abandoned and lost to tilling and cash crops which depleted the soil

>> No.52471042

>no fertilizer
>hay cutting restrictions by state (enviromental reasons, like letting some species of grass to mature and let out seeds, letting some birds nest in open fields and fly away before cutting)
>dry seasons
>wet season
>breaking down of equipment
>high price of fuel
>low price of hay

you are city fag that never have been on a farm for sure

>> No.52471055

So you have 3 acres, one for hay, one for crops for the senpai, the other rotating. You are an idiot and it is pathetic to see city queers try to justify their goy slop addiction

>> No.52471082

They don’t comprehend that massive amounts of nitrogen make large food but are nutrients deficient

>> No.52471167

You are a retard man. An orchard wouldn’t require as much as you think. Here’s a goof ball take, test the soil of the place you are buying, mine is natural loam. Farming is not some all hands on deck 24/7 lifestyle. It has periods of hard labor and periods of easy maintenance; to pretend cattle are dogs and need attention daily is dumb. Most are fire and forget

>> No.52471228

This. one year everything could go right.
>Not to much or little rain.
>Equipment only needs oil changes
>Government not breathe down your neck

Then everything can go wrong
>Equipment breaks
>pay out the ass for water because of a drought
>Then it rains 6 inches in one day washing everything away
>Government man shows up to "Help"
The only saving grace is other farmers went through the same shit and crop prices are high.

>> No.52471247

Wrong; farming is carbon based life eating carbon based life at the Mycorrhizae level, easily sustainable without murdering it with fossil fuel fertilizer as you so retardedly put it

>> No.52471319

I hope one day when the gallows are being rolled out, this comment is brought up and you are hung like the dog you are along with the rest. Europeans are the only ones we need, 400 million and we’d be in paradise. Africans, Indians, East Asians have no purchasing power and contribute nothing to our system. If you mean goy slop and trinkets I hope you get stomped by a gorilla in Walmart