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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52471856 No.52471856 [Reply] [Original]

how the fuck do i maneuver into elite and wealthy circles?
I am not at the bottom of the barrel, but i'm firmly a midwit software engineer at a FANG company. My network is absolute trash, and I work remotely.

>> No.52471911

Join the @FREEconomytoday telegram, we could use your skills and give you some gems

>> No.52471932
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The truth is that you need to be born into it or marry into it.

>> No.52471940

add ''Stein'' or ''Berg'' to your last name

>> No.52471953

Join the freemason lodge unironically, if you aren't already

>> No.52472135

If you’re a ivory tower midwit;
>grind your way into a PHD
>work at Stanford
>later work for a government think tank

If you’re a low-IQ psychopath;
>become a commissioned zogbot
>try to suck enough dicks and let in women to please the politicians and rise to the rank of pencil-pushing general

If you’re a high-IQ psychopath;
Be a glownigger

>> No.52472150

Demographic hacking.

Look at the wealthy and elite people you want to associate with and start taking notes about their behavior, style of dress, routines, etc. Also note characteristics like BMI, smoker/nonsmoker, education, clubs, etc.

Start placing yourself into these categories and eventually you will end up like one of these people.

You think CEOs play golf because they love it? Nah man, but all CEOs play golf so that's why they do it.

>> No.52472348

And bring something that they really, really want or need.

>> No.52472508


>> No.52472602

Interesting , you got more info ? sounds like a "fake it 'till you make it" kind of advice (wich seems to work)

>> No.52472608

>I am not at the bottom of the barrel, but i'm firmly a midwit software engineer at a FANG company
fucking kek, made my day anon

>> No.52472636

This and read the Talmud

>> No.52472680

Unironically get into BDSM. You'll find plenty of low class degens but also elite degens

>> No.52472716

>how the fuck do i maneuver into elite and wealthy circles?

you're asking posters on the biggest loser forum on the internet this question?

>> No.52472854

It's simple, birds of a feather flock together.

You aren't going to just magically appear in an elite circle. You need to deliberately put yourself where they are and do the things they do.

For myself, I basically tricked my way into my current career field by going to conferences. You can go to a conference and it's really easy to meet someone like the head of the FBI or the CFO of a billion dollar company. Connect with them on LinkedIn or something afterwards and now recruiters see you're "friends" with all these people. I am a total novice at what I do but I've formed rapport with enough highly competent people that everyone assumes I must also be.

>> No.52472870

>actually WANTING to whore yourself out to jew kike glowniggers

what profiteth a man to hain the whole world yet forfeit his soul

>> No.52472928
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This and swingers clubs. For example, that kind of club stayed open during COVID lockdowns in some European countries while bars and restaurants had to close their doors. So much for social distancing lol.

>> No.52472933

Just be White.

>> No.52473045

>Just be jewish

>> No.52473101

Yeah you sound like a midwit alright. Why would you bend to those shitheads and play by their rules just to get some small crumbs. You'll still just be their slave.

>> No.52473157

Do shit rich people like.
Muhhh environment activism, historical/heritage stuff, rich people holiday spots.
I know a lot of rich folks (old money) because I am a amateur genealogist and we have frequent societies where we meet and discuss stuff.

Funny how most poor people barely know their grandmother single surname and rich people will tell by hearth how they relate to some dude in the middle ages who build a castle in a hill full of cow shit.

>> No.52473163

Thank you for the advice anon , Ill try

>> No.52473181

sry , I wanted to point >>52472854

>> No.52473188

The best part about being rich is having time/money for hobbies.

>> No.52474006

Lord please smite the disgusting poor heathens that make these weird humble brag threads thinking that they made it because they work at a FAANG company
slaves the lot of them

>> No.52474455

>Learn and join a local flying, golfing, sailing, ski club
>go to business school at Harvard, Stanford, Wharton
>Get an internship or staffer role for Congress or the White House

>> No.52476430
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Be Fortuna where u are asshole. I would gladly sell my soul to the liberal Jew FAANG companies for a few more shekels
t. Non-FAANG software dev

>> No.52476452


>> No.52476473


>> No.52476556


>> No.52476621

be born into it, marry into it if you're a female, or get ridiculously lucky

>> No.52476670

you cant they will spot you at first glance, you don´t know their etiquette or secret messages.. even if you were to makek it they wont accept a low-class like you just because you think you are a smarty pants

>> No.52476713

Start a cult and lie 24/7/365.

Richfags love cults and “bleeding edge” stuff, see EA, NXVIM, Comet Ping Pong

>> No.52476918
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She is absolute trash.

>> No.52476948

Study business, finance, economics, and Jewish culture and history.

Develop deep and niche knowledge in your area of professional expertise.

Attend events, talk to lots of people. Some people will "find" you; pursue a relationship with those who potentially bring the most value.

Dress decently, speak decently, behave decently, be personable and a bit fun even if you're a little autistic. Helps to know and be able to introduce people even if you don't know either of them but know the work and interests of each enough to facilitate it.

Don't reveal too much about yourself beyond what you'd professionally put online, but for bonus points, drop hints of worldliness or sophistication beyond the usual.

>> No.52477490

The fact that you think glowniggers and commissioned zogbots are different classes tells me you're sub 90 IQ and destined for poverty. Stop giving people advice, you're obviously a fucking moron

>> No.52477549

Military officers don't get anything anymore. They don't win elections and they barely get good executive branch jobs. It's all been taken over by the Democrat Party-Ivy League axis.

>> No.52477672

>how the fuck do i maneuver into elite and wealthy circles?
If you have to ask, the game is already rigged so that you never will.

>> No.52477687
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>> No.52477791

>Be a glownigger
Unless it's for high-ranking mossad/CIAnigger jobs, you will still be a paper-pushing middle class fat goy.
Your 1st option is probably the best answer for someone who isn't born into it. After being a charlatan impersonating an aristofag family background and trying to get contacts in the jet-set milieu (which require some capital and infinite chutzpah).

>> No.52477858

This, and even then, if you don't own a company (or are in line to own the company once your father dies) you're looked down upon as a lost cause. The elite only associate with other elite because they are self-interested and want to advance themselves. If you can't help them do that, they you are baggage.

>> No.52478190

>thinks people don't legitimately love golf
poor larpfag confirmed

>> No.52478240

How is it working in a faang?

>> No.52478360

More like CPAs and lawyers not actual elite.