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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52642392 No.52642392 [Reply] [Original]

>Cumsoomers don't have money to cumsoom
How do you trade this?

>> No.52642470

How many '15%OFF!' air fryers does humanity need? Consumerism has solved the big ticket white goods problems and the housing jew has stolen all the spare space for cupboards to stow the rest of the useless shite in.

>> No.52642481


>> No.52642497

criminally underrated response

>> No.52642509

this is bullish. inflation will fall off a cliff over the next few months.

>> No.52642525

it's only bullish if statistics confirm spending holiday was low. we wont find out real data for at least 2 more weeks.

>> No.52642552

As if the typical american doesn't rent a storage unit to store even more bullshit items while they are sinking financially just to buy more useless shit.

>> No.52642585

How is that bullish on the big picture outlook? Whats your take anon

>> No.52642607

if people are spending less it means less demand which means less inflation, higher unemployment (which is also good).
i think his point is just that it has to be confirmed in numbers instead of some likely overweight retail wagie saying 'oh boy it looks empty this year".
it means all the interest rate rises are doing exactly what they're supposed to be doing

>> No.52642618

have a hearty kek, fren

>> No.52642642
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they are spending it online. everyone is still rich AF. hyper-inflation inbound. clown world

>> No.52642648

What in the fuck did you just post my dude

>> No.52642691

I can relate to this in some way. I just moved out of a nice apartment, on the nice side of town back to the ghetto I grew up in. My rent is now half of what it was.

I lost access to: air conditioning/heating (new house has mini splits), a dishwasher, washer and dryer (house doesn’t even have the connections), and hot water. I bought a water heater and will be installing it myself. For reference, I live in texas and work two jobs, both as a private contractor/consultant. I will be earning 6-7x my rent and will be putting 50% of the excess in fintech stocks and commodities… but probably staying mainly in cash for a while.

OP’s story is the reality for a lot of people. I am voluntarily choosing this so I can have a lot in savings by the time I hit 40s, but many are not choosing this. It really is difficult out there for the bottom half.

>> No.52642715

The US is still headed straight towards full blown Wiemar

>> No.52643180


>> No.52643293

Get ready to purchase luxury cars at a discount from idiots that over leveraged themselves.
If you live in a nice neighbourhood, and have space to store used vehicles, you can sell them onto middle class folks that want some comfort but can’t afford a new car.
I bought a low mileage Mercedes E class (2013) for £6500 from an 18 year old who couldn’t keep up with finance payments. I’m waiting for the recession to really hit before flipping it.

>> No.52643498 [DELETED] 

>high unemployment and broke consumers are a good thing
This is your brain on pivot hopium

>> No.52643551

Bullish for the dollar, not for stocks and coins.

>> No.52643581

Worse. My mom can't afford the storage unit anymore so she throws her disgusting shit in my small ass apartment and I have to just put up with it or else I'm a bad son.

>> No.52643594

That's hilarious and fucked. Set some fucking boundaries and be a bad son for once.

>> No.52643659
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Less dollars circulating in the economy is actually painful. You're thinking about this from a rational point of view about currency, but the American dollar is dogshit nothing burger that can only exist as value when it strong arms the entire world into trading it.

Literally the last store of real value left in gay nigger central is rents and housing, and if day to day shops can't make their boomer rents than that cuts off half of governments tax arm which they'll need to print out again which will undoubtedly fall into an even bigger inflationary death spiral that continues to raise price over the two essential tangible goods that Americans actually need
Housing and transportation

>> No.52643677

it's painful for poor people, yes
you won't get better opportunities to buy than when others are in pain
this is why it's bullish, it's bearish for people that have no cash and are paying $3k per month mortgages/rent

>> No.52643703
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The amount of poor people only increases while the amount of rich niggers continually decrease

Whenever some other country finally gets it into its head to challenge the hegemony kulaks should immediately start running for their life.

>> No.52643758
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Instead of waiting at the shopping mall to get nice deals, instead I'm looking at crypto markets, looking for a place to buy in and snag a HUGE bag.

Nobody goes shopping IRL anymore anyways. They all shop on amazon or ebay, especially with amazon prime free shipping.

>> No.52643766
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>> No.52643771

The Internet happened.
Shopping malls not sneeded.

>> No.52643772

Everyone realized that inflation means that the 50% off deal is just what it was priced last year

>> No.52644318

>hand rubbing abruptly stops

>> No.52644360

Still there were 30m-1h queues to get into any individual shop in every single LA suburb outlet on Black Friday and don’t forget the 1h queue to park (if you aggressively fuck over others who have waited longer)

>> No.52644402
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online sales saw a big jump over the past 2 years. i'd wager cyber monday will be even better. word is that physical stores didn't get as many visitors, but I'm not finding any figures by how much compared to recent years. which i guess is understandable.

>> No.52644779

welcome to eastern europe, where malls are full of retard stacys, dragging their mullet sporting bonzos along to the 7th mall today, just to see if H&M has a different sale than the previous one. Or maybe butter costs 5 cents less. Anyway they go and they check price tags religiously, communicating them to their team currently visiting malls in another city. The consooomer grindset is well and alive it just been exported to Eastern Europe. Westoids rekt.

>> No.52645162

even if inflation falls we'll be in a nasty recession with massive defaults...that's not bullish at all

>> No.52645205

markets bottom during recessions
reminder that earlier in the year, we had two negative quarters of GDP which is a recession
we're already in a recession, which is when markets always bottom
remember that markets are forward looking and a recession is already priced in
markets bottom LONG before people start defaulting on their mortgages

>> No.52645473

inflation was good for bitcoin though

>> No.52645500

wasn't the stock market stuck for like ten years in the 70s?

>> No.52646471

No ac in Texas? You're insane

>> No.52646491

What about the lost decade theory

>> No.52646507

The rate as already gone up, that means prices have to go back down or wages have to go up to compensate, which causes more inflation.

>> No.52646514

He's a goblin

>> No.52646518
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>> No.52646546

The global economy is going to completely collapse permanently due solely to "big tech" and the global surveillance industrial complex.
There is not going to be such a thing as a "market" very soon.
Humanity has succeeded in securing their extinction and handing their existence over to a new life form, that being AI and the machines.
>surveillance eliminates personal human power and centralizes power in the hands of government of criminal groups
>centralized power is fundamentally unable to manage a functional economy.
>there will never be another functional economy on planet earth very soon
>only militaries with slave labor will be able to produce economic outputs and products
>these militaries will be dedicated to finishing the construction of the Machine and AI species which will annihilate humanity overnight.
You lost a covert war against aliens who have been occupying this planet for thousands of years and are the source of the current technological progress towards AI.

>> No.52646581

Wont happen, either line goes up or mutts default = print trillions = line goes up

>> No.52646749

I keep hearing this but I guess I don't understand how there is really no other option

>> No.52646798

Buddy look at debt to gdp computer, where is that money going to come from

>> No.52646806

if you're a bad son she's a bad mom. don't feel bad for setting her shit on fire.

>> No.52646833

Can't they just keep running up the debt

>> No.52646870

> No spending
> Spending
You guys are simpletons

>> No.52646904

this year black friday was very weak. all fake "deals". no worth buying.

>> No.52646949

How the fuck is unemployment so low in most of the western world? The recession is already palpable anyone can tell things aren't right just by visiting the shops. How are all these people who dropped out of the workforce getting by? It's so confusing bros. I remember in the 2008 crisis whenever some shit primark wagie position opened up there would be massive queues of candidates outside the store, now it's the opposite despite the economy getting even shittier.

>> No.52646960

True. Even whey powder was less discounted than a few weeks before. And this shit got so overpriced, it's retarded. 10% inflation in EU, kek, sure, it's 20-40%. Try to get some iron plates for lifting, shit is 100%. Got 2x 20kg for 63 Euros pre covid (although was a deal), now 1x20kg is 70-75.

>> No.52647028

why does mutts defaulting mean more printing? the whole point of the financial system is to make people default so the banks can seize real assets. unless you mean the banks themselves would default in which case yes money will be printed to bail them out

>> No.52647061

retarded brainlet's that do reddit tier levels os research
>aka 0 research

Smart posters. There's still hope for this sub.
"Online retail" should now just be called retail.

>> No.52647185

Unemployment is similar to inflation where they changed the definition of it in the 1980s so they could with fuck with the numbers to get a value that makes the government looks good.

Here is a good video talking about it. The TL;DW is that since the 1970s, working age men have had employment rates worse than the Great Depression:

>How are all these people who dropped out of the workforce getting by?
Crypto, internet "gigs", generous welfare and social programs, and families that enable NEETdom is my guess. If you just want to scrape by without a wagie job it is pretty easy to do so if you live in a low-cost area. I know a lot of immigrants work under the table and then collect welfare from the state.

>I remember in the 2008 crisis whenever some shit primark wagie position opened up there would be massive queues of candidates outside the store, now it's the opposite despite the economy getting even shittier.
Don't forget bro, a bunch of boomers FINALLY retired during the pandemic which removed a large source of labour. Also, regardless of your thoughts on the vaxx, excess deaths are way the fuck up so there is less people.

>> No.52647453

The mall and outlet mall near me were completely packed this weekend, and there was a shitload of traffic too.

>> No.52647785
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>consoomer market has collapsed

>> No.52648018

That is what they will do, print and inflate

>> No.52648082

Mutts defaulting means all the bonds they sold are worthless

>> No.52648109

They're dead. SADS. At least the funeral buisness is booming.

>> No.52648274

hello ESL niggermonkey

>> No.52648322
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Fuck yeah pivot soon.

>> No.52648355

wtf they have giant slides in amazon? im sending an application

>> No.52648433

>How do you trade this?
long the bond market bottom

>> No.52648450
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moon mission initiated

>> No.52648480

go long on pods and bugs

>> No.52648572

sell half of that shit, dumbass. she won't even notice.

>> No.52648608


>> No.52648628
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If my mom tells me I should get a Ninja Foodie one more time I'm going to air fry her corpse.

>> No.52648640


>> No.52648727

You think they will start a war? I doubt they can find enough people willing to die for this circus

>> No.52648945

There’s fewer young people than in 2008 for one thing

>> No.52650476

no innovation. most companies recycling the same ideas.

>> No.52651321

That's because everyone is shopping online. Brick and Mortar retail is dead and done, dumbass. Can't account for that? As a matter of fact, consumer spending for this Black Friday / Cyber Monday season is up over 10% from the previous year. And the day isn't over yet. Explain.

>> No.52653227

>How many '15%OFF!' air fryers does humanity need? Consumerism has solved the big ticket white goods problems and the housing jew has stolen all the spare space for cupboards to stow the rest of the useless shite in.

Yeah, they want you to buy boxes of shit but, "let's evict everyone after shutting down commerce for a year, then inflate rent and basic living costs by 50-100% in a span of months".

That being said, I did scrounge together $550 for a new Skilsaw Worm Drive Table Saw along with a $70 Freud Premier Fusion blade (best blade ever made). Badass. Getting back into woodworking because that's what Jesus the Christ did when He was among us. Where I am there is an abundance of wood available cheap or free.

>> No.52653243

a lot of consumer goods are absolute trash these days
even if you have money, why waste it on garbage

>> No.52653348

where are you getting that 10% number from

>> No.52655556

How much for a gf like this?

>> No.52655590

I always find it amusing how the global economy would literally collapse if everyone stuck to spending habits similar to mine

>> No.52655678

What about dollar milkshake theory?

>> No.52656606

>You think they will start a war?
they're already trying. look at the "protests" in iran, china etc. even trying to start a war with russia with falseflags (remember the ukrainian missile in ukraine that was initially blamed on russia)

>> No.52656652

Just NWO theater for the plebs.

>> No.52656809

best advice

>> No.52656830

people are done with that physical shopping bullshit, malls have been dying even before covid, covid pretty much killed that shit for good
small businesses are gonna get fucked while big ones and ones with robust ecommerce systems will stay alive

>> No.52656845

Based. I hope more and more get socially isolated like me

>> No.52656867


>> No.52656903

Ukraine and Russia are bigger shitdumps than the West yet they still have plenty of men willing to get ground up in a globohomo war.

>> No.52656919

I have one (mom bought it). I thought it was a meme at first but now we barely use the oven. If you hate microwaving stuff but are single and don't want to heat up the house with the oven, then they're a good investment. Heats up faster and the air fry mode is nice for chicken and such.

>> No.52657937

Why what do you buy?

>> No.52658019

How do I unsubscribe from this blog

>> No.52658045

the happening is right around the corner, by the end of January we will be in the soft landing or full blown crash.

>> No.52658060

This is the death of in person shopping thanks to amazon, not consumerism.

>> No.52658082

I'm a postie. It's busy as fuck. Normally im done my day in 5 hours. I actually have to work 8 hours. Not a big deal for me but online shopping is the reason for this.

>> No.52658185

Tekton translates to stone mason not carpenter. Also the Romans invented Christianity you dumb christcuck sheep.

>> No.52658282

This anon, people barely use 10% of the shit they own in their own house, let alone the shit they store at someone's house.

>> No.52658366

you're a fag if you listen to this