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52696191 No.52696191 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.52696266

What did he say?
Please quote or at least paraphrase

>> No.52696332

“I like Hitler” — Ye, 2022

>> No.52696339

inb4 that one kike janitor that has been blatantly abusing his power deletes this thread. fuck you shlomo

>> No.52696342
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>> No.52696349

He’s still live

>> No.52696356

Unironically I miss the old Kanye. Schizo poltard drug abuse arc is not funny anymore.

>> No.52696369

t. dirty kike

>> No.52696619

“I love Nazis”

>> No.52696629

kek he did actually say “I love Jews and Nazis” kek
I bet you did shlomo

>> No.52696718

It'd a psy-op and the media is probably using a tag and bag strategy on people who react positively to him on social media

>> No.52696755

Oh no
I’ll be black marked by the media?
Fuck off fag, no one cares

>> No.52696820

Stay in your containment board, /pol/yp shitter.

>> No.52696826 [DELETED] 

Racism outside of /b/ or /pol/ is a bannable offense, janny is right to purge your threads

>> No.52696846
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>> No.52696848

I'm bearish on the jews now desu.

>> No.52696850


>> No.52696866

Social media, legacy media, big data and the intelligence community are a single kiked entity. You of course already know this or you wouldn’t have written that gay reductive post.

It’s clear there is a tag and bag type operation in effect. Half the posts on this website are kike shills saying hello fellow Nazis let’s discuss your opinions on this thing that we can arrest you for in five years, don’t forget to post an image so we can scrape more metadata!

>> No.52697218
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>> No.52697244

"Jewish lads tongue my anus"

>> No.52697248

so scary

>> No.52697265


>> No.52697296
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>> No.52697637

Alex Jones is a self admitted Jew and a massive zionist. He defends Jews with the uttermost vehemence

>> No.52697696

I love hitler. Saying I love a dead man who may or may not have done some bad things is "hate speech".
I love Genghis Khan. I love Stalin. I love Obama. None of those are hate speech.

>> No.52698090

Alex Jones desperately trying to keep Kanye from spouting shit was hilarious

>> No.52698106
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Speaking truth to power

>> No.52698111

I don’t understand they’ve already dragged Alex through shit why doesn’t he just go nuclear and call out the Jew straight up is he really a plant to discredit the truth?

>> No.52698118

/pol/ rot. Cringe ass faggots.

>> No.52698134
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the fire rises

>> No.52698138

Your trips speak for themselves

>> No.52698158
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somebody called in yesterday and asked Alex who is really behind all the evil stuff -- clearly they were prompting Alex to blame da joos -- Alex replied that it's the remnant/descendants of the British Empire that controls everything

>> No.52698163
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I am entertained

>> No.52698173

Because blaming the Jews is the quickest way to get you discredited
It’s not all the jews who control the media, just a select few
So by blaming Jews, people think you’re blaming all jews
Most of the stuff we blame Jews for is actually zionist bankers and lawyers
Being specific about accusations is something we should all be better at
Everyone here needs to play this shit right
They’ll use anything they can to discredit people who say things they don’t like

>> No.52698175

Damn guess it’s really over we have nobody real out there willing to speak up

>> No.52698220

hey don't let fear paralyze your brain

>> No.52698251

he will never name the jews because all his money comes from retarded boomers that worship them

>> No.52698356
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heckin edgy free speech