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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52797432 No.52797432 [Reply] [Original]

What are some side hustle ideas? I want to escape the 9 to 5.

>> No.52797440
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Indoor farming

>> No.52797441

Get a paper route.

>> No.52797459
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>> No.52797837

only way to make it

>> No.52797844

isn't that a job for high school kids?

>> No.52799128

>side hustle

anyone who uses this term is destined for failure

>> No.52799169
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Stake and bake

>> No.52799170

>CA is full of rich liberal faggots
>CA literally allows theft up to $950 with no felony

It's simple, go on a crime vacation to the Bay Area and rob the disarmed and totally gay effeminate population of their possessions to flip on marketplaces

The risk to reward is way in your favor compared to trying it in any normal place

Fun fact: you could use emergency pulls to open up any Tesla frunk from the outside ;)

>> No.52799185

Suck cock for money

>> No.52799463
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Go hang out at grocery store parking lots with the carts that have coins in them, when people come out with their cart to their car, offer to take the cart back for them. Keep the quarter.

>> No.52799479

any good spoonfeed sources for this sers?

>> No.52799493

Power washing, stump grinding, carpet cleaning, anything where it's "buy one piece of equipment, you have a business"

>> No.52801608


>> No.52801670

Gary Veeee motherfucker go to his YouTube channel have some inspiration and exit your computer and Just do it!

>> No.52801810

the practical futurist?

>> No.52801893

>posts like 500 dollars for some reason
Post hand with timestamp

>> No.52802050

Not a bad idea actually. Even at $800 a day you'd make like $24K in gross revenue in a month.

>> No.52802079
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>> No.52802261


>> No.52802387

Nice grocery wad. That'll cover about 2 weeks of food these days.