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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 643 KB, 1080x2165, Screenshot_20221212_200915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52841671 No.52841671 [Reply] [Original]

It might unironically be over BAT bros...

>> No.52841699

I have like 500 BAT on my browser, should I toss it over to a wallet now before this goes through?

>> No.52841716

I dont want to kill myself, my mom would be sad.

>> No.52841720

You can't send it to another wallet unless you're already verified, can you?

>> No.52841730

Yeah, they'll most likely put an expiration date on it and if you don't claim it by a certain date then Brave will take it back

>> No.52841782

Just spend it all beforehand using pay with BAT.

>> No.52841813

glad I only bought 1k. why even bother if you're just going to cuck at every turn?

>> No.52841818

Fuck. I wasted so much money on this trash only to be constantly gaslit

>> No.52841822

What? It's not even out yet, and Chris cat literally already said that pay with bat will only be available to KYC users. Actually he lied to our faces just a few days ago when he said they still had plans to do PWB for non-kyc accounts. Obviously that's not true.

>> No.52841851

Nah man, you can buy some great merch on the swag store with your vBAT right now.

>> No.52841859

Yeah now all the FUD about having to KYC your privacy browser and BAT being pointless are true. Pay with BAT was something we could point to that would combat this, and at least being able to earn and tip non-KYC BAT. Now it's literally just retarded.

>> No.52841936

The search engine will have mostly non-BAT ads. Brave doesn't care about BAT anymore. They would most likely get rid of it if they could do it without thousands of crying bagholders. It looks like they are slowly phasing it out.

>> No.52841950
File: 81 KB, 806x902, brave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand, why can't I transfer my Brave rewards over to my brave wallet?

It just links me to this when I try to get my 512 rewards in the browser. I have just been using the browser passively to shitpost for 4 years, i never put any of the BAT in a wallet, I made my Brave Wallet back in 2020.

>> No.52841972

Yeah, in order to transfer the BAT out of your rewards wallet you need to connect to Gemini or uphold account. Then you can withdraw it. That's always been the case, the new change is that you cant earn BAT period anymore unless you verify with an exchange.

>> No.52842082

Is verification just having a Gemini account or something?

What exactly does verification entail? I just use brave because it's a GOAT browser/ad blocker that gives me crypto that I ignore for 4 years like a dumbass

>> No.52842117

Ok so I'm transfering my rewards over to the gemini account, which is weird, because Brave has a wallet already so no clue why I have to transfer my rewards over to a 3rd party wallet instead of the one I set up with them.

Should I just throw it all in Internet Computer or some shit since BAT is gonna die from this? Its only worth $110 with how low BAT is now.

>> No.52842320
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i cant believe they fucked us. covid tweeting cock sucking piece of shit scammer.

put it into literally anything other than bat.

>> No.52842359

you have to connect your gemini account to your brave rewards wallet

>> No.52842374
File: 141 KB, 381x369, 1615693403819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is 10x worse than when BAT lost rewards on iOS. you think they lost a lot of rewards users from that? this is going to drop us down to probably 100k users or something like that.

>> No.52842409
File: 50 KB, 889x443, bat_purchases_in_dollars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, expect the BAT purchases to get divided by 10 from this


>> No.52842422

>this is 10x worse than when BAT lost rewards on iOS
Absolutely. Can’t believe they’re this retarded. Now I’m actually starting to believe they’re insolvent and looking for a way to coverup their losses

>> No.52842450

yeah thats true, now they wont ever have to prove that bat is backed 1:1 because they will just delete it out of your wallet lol

>> No.52842462

>Brave is getting rid of BAT unless you KYC

I really don't think that's true

>> No.52842496

cant you read? the article literally tell you word for word.

heres them changing it in github too:

>> No.52842508

Could it just be that they’re running out of BAT to buyback and give out rewards? If the entire supply is in circulation this would be the best move to make.

>> No.52842555

jesus christ i cant believe i trusted eich and thought this fucking shitcoin would moon. i bagheld this shit for YEARS too.

no dumbass thats not how it works. thats so stupid and im so pissed about this that im not going to explain how it works.

>> No.52842567

>This is actually bullish
>Here's how Bernie can still win the election

>> No.52842586

I didn’t say it was bullish at all. I’m trying to see if that could be the main reason for it.

>> No.52842604

It's over. Dump all your BAT.

>> No.52842653

You know this is all Indias fault. If it wasnt for every shitskin in that hell hole wanting to siphon every cent out of first worlders everyone else could have nice things.
Also MATIC will rug.

>> No.52842733


Unironically blame Indians for ruining everything online.

>> No.52842777

>the article literally tell you word for word

what article? link it


I mean they could've gotten wind of some SEC enforcement or something and they're just prepping for that. I'm sure they can reverse course at any time. This sucks and will cost Brave some users but at the end of the day if it saves us from pajeet and third world scammers being fucking retards and scamming the system, I'm kind of all for it

>> No.52842828

Probably also the reason they flag accounts because they can't afford to pay. What a joke.
The most BAT i ever earned was 20 in a month.
But yet my account gets flagged its kinda retarded. But they have no problem telling me to keep an eye out for them every month. And continuing to give me ads. I already had my account connected to Gemani as well. Fuck them.

>> No.52842836

>what article? link it

>at the end of the day if it saves us from pajeet and third world scammers being fucking retards and scamming the system, I'm kind of all for it

bat usage will drop off a cliff from this. the ad buys will decrease significantly, as the majority of people are not using verified wallets.

>> No.52842844

Then they should just ban India from rewards without KYC. Why is a privacy browser forcing everyone to KYC?

>> No.52842845
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Every month for the last year.
Can't ever claim them tho.

>> No.52842854

thats fucked up. especially since your wallet is verified.

these fucking niggers are straight up scammers at this point. disgusting, honestly.

>> No.52842855

Between sanctions, inflation, and remittances, developing countries are the #1 demographic for crypto now.

>> No.52842865

Sorry I'm a bit retarded, what does this change? Didn't you already need to KYC to withdraw in the first place? This sounds like they're just cutting off the folks who are endlessly accruing but never verifying (which they wouldn't be able to do anything with, since AML laws) so where is the difference?

>> No.52842883

>Didn't you already need to KYC to withdraw in the first place?

you did, yes

>so where is the difference?

I think you could still tip/donate BAT you earned if you were unverified

also it's just more centralized in general, I thought it was pretty cool that you could accrue (virtual) BAT while not being verified. Oh well. I don't blame Brave, I blame the US government and this faggot ass corrupt tranny current administration

>> No.52842886
File: 294 KB, 512x512, 1666899461194600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the difference is that these fucking niggers were telling us forever that they would give us "pay with bat" so that people could spend it from their unverified wallets on stuff. also no tipping anymore with unverified wallets, or earning at all. the VAST majority of people earnings BAT and tipping are doing so with unverified wallets. this move will see BAT usage, ad purchases, and rewards opt-in rates drop off a cliff.

they unironically fucked us.

>> No.52842894

wow this is incredibly gay. im not a bat man (lol), but i always thought it was a cool idea and could see mass adoption. now theyve killed any chance of that

>> No.52842897

It makes BAT kinda pointless. Sure, you couldn't withdraw BAT you accumulated without KYC, but now you won't even earn anything to tip content creators.

>> No.52842911
File: 55 KB, 352x450, 1597620795021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't blame Brave, I blame the US government and this faggot ass corrupt tranny current administration
name 1 other coin that requires you to KYC to fucking use it. just one. i'll wait.


you can get airdrops and send money from private wallets and shit. brave is scared of the regulators because they are so close to making money with search ads, and they dont need bat for those.


>> No.52842915

I want that cocksucker Brendan statement on this bullshit.

>> No.52842933

hes too busy tweeting about covid. he doesnt give a fuck. they do not need BAT anymore now that they have search ads. if the majority of people now opt OUT of rewards it will make it easier for them. they probably would discontinue BAT completely if they could.

>> No.52842956

In the end, I gotta thank you guys for your retarded Canadian jannie, Mexican Monero scammer witch hunt. If not for that, I'd be dealing with the fallout from this shitshow, instead of having quit Brave. So thanks fellas, you were looking out for me after all.

>> No.52842958

why doesn't he just register in cayman islands and do whatever he wants
or maybe a chinkoid can copy the system but do it in a cool way

>> No.52842987

kys faggot

>> No.52843020

You did nothing but create a Minecraft server and FUD the project the whole time you were there. Go fuck yourself you condescending faggot.

>> No.52843061

basically a nothingburger because it already had said faggy system in place

>> No.52843133
File: 127 KB, 308x260, fug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you lot are so mad at brave why don't you fucking clown on the community call tomorrow and completely derail it and call brendan a lying homophobic nigger
dumbass cucks

>> No.52843149

Gotcha. However I don't think this will do shit to BAT's price, nor do I believe any of the suspicions that Brave plans to "phase out" or abandon BAT. Why the fuck would a team of employees abandon the thing that stands to make them each individually wealthy? It's one of the most fundamental assumptions of any crypto-centric company/project.
If we hit .20 again I'll round out my stack.

>> No.52843206

>Why the fuck would a team of employees abandon the thing that stands to make them each individually wealthy?
brave doesnt have much bat left. most employees most likely are not holding bat either.

>> No.52843236

in fact, its an interesting time for brave to be doing this. right as they are almost completely out of bat. also they sold a fuck ton of it last year over $1 when they announced the search engine acquisition. look at their ugp wallet.

>> No.52844463

how is this bearish retards?
with the regulations coming up anything that's not KYCd will be delisted
BRAVE and BAT are playing it safe
unironically this is the best time to buy before twittercoin and elonmusk narrative

>> No.52844543

>Browser about privacy
>Make crypto
>"But you've got to give this one site your fucking SSN to use it, you don't mind right?"
Who could have predicted this

>> No.52844553

Massive cope.

>> No.52844562

Do it anyway. Its her own fault you have no other options. She never really loved you. She will get over your death and move on. That should be motivation enough for you. What are you waiting for? Do it faggot

>> No.52844575

>doxx yourself to use a browser crypto currency feature

LOL, it's dead. It's fucking dead. I'm selling all of my BAT

>> No.52844672

What an absolute piece of shit token by an absolute piece of shit company.

Get it through your thick skulls that the Brave team cares about making money for BRAVE they don't give a fuck about BAT baggies as they've proved time and time again. It had so much potential and could've been so much more than the embarrassment that it is now.

Almost out of the top 100 btw. Where are the copers that were saying that BAT is a safe hold through a bear market? Even DOGECOIN is down less from ATH than BAT and Dogecoin had a massive pump that BAT could only dream of. If you're still defending Brave you have stockholm syndrome.

>> No.52844673

Bullish, poos can't use Gemini or uphold this means they're entirely knocked out of the ecosystem. Brave just flushed the toilet on the poos

>> No.52844807

it was like that for a while before this "news"

>> No.52845021
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1653990470449s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BAT fags why are you still sleeping on KYC when you could have your IDs for multiple protocols through TIDV.

>> No.52845742
File: 71 KB, 1553x747, Screenshot (435).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The plan

>> No.52846178

Is it still possible or is the new fud as bad as they say?

>> No.52846214
File: 8 KB, 250x241, 1653833185501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>KYC to receive pennies from watching ads
>remember to put that income in your tax paper, goyim!

>> No.52846229

Yeah bro better quickly secure that 76 cents before they steal it from you.
Lmao BAT is a pajeet token.

>> No.52846254

thats a man

>> No.52846280

>privacy focused browser requires KYC to use its token

Wow. Just wow. About the most humiliating decision they could possibly make. BAT is dead forever if they don't reverse this.

>> No.52846356

the business model was nonsense anyway. the kind of people who would want half a cent for watching an ad arent the kind of people who would buy anything.

if i were an advertiser i would pay to filter those people out of the audience for my ads.

>> No.52846425

0 chance of BAT getting delisted
100M users in a year or two
yet to even have a real pump cycle

you decide

>> No.52846445

Haven't had any BAT since 2018, but came itt to say what a shame it was how this worked out. An easily earned, seamless tipping system for creators integrated with a good ad platform should have gotten some ground.

>> No.52846523

Wait, wasn’t the whole idea to anonymously pay some small contributions for sites and creators?
If I’ve got to go full KYC, I might as well make an account at the site I want to give money and use my CC. WTF? I thought brave was the non-retarded animal themed browser.

>> No.52846639

>Wait, wasn’t the whole idea to anonymously pay some small contributions for sites and creators?
yeah but that idea has been dead for some time now.no one used tipping, ever. so new use cases are needed

>> No.52846683

You’re probably right, I never used it either, since it was a clusterfuck to start with and no one accepted it, but this is just making it even worse.
And what other use case (apart from number-go-up as with the rest of crypto is there for it?
It’s not like this world has a shortage of crypto tokens.

>> No.52846813

Maybe it’ll be fine. This guy I follow on YouTube put out a bullish analysis on BAT yesterday.

>> No.52846879

oh my fucking god anon. You can't be this retarded.

>> No.52847347

the fundamental idea is still the same; reward users for seeing ads. what users do with those rewards can change though as is clearly happening. using BAT to pay for brave services like Search Premium or BraveVPN. staking BAT to get wallet benefits idk theres a lot of things they COULD do with bat but they of course as of yet have done nothing. MAYBE if the token is KYC'd they'll finally start to do something with it

>> No.52847477

oh no, I will lose my $12 worth of rewards in this piece of shit coin
remember goy, verifying is optional. BAT is frontrunning FED with this CBDC nightmare

>> No.52847601

Yea but they can at least offer coupons for items in the marketplace like sweatcoin does. To just rug the whole country of India (and apparently Germany? Wtf) is crazy. They’re a very vindictive and passive aggressive bunch. It’s gonna take years to rid themselves of these people. At least give them some parting gifts.

>> No.52848095

Goho you don't need to make another account once you utilize TIDV for eKYC. Just need your approval on third party apps. Get well soon on recent techs.

>> No.52848214

So glad I dumped all my BAT and never looked back in ~2019. Wooooo!

>> No.52848253

>people on 4chan actually used malware like Brave to begin with

>> No.52848423

i know they claim to be a privacy browser but what if doing the KYC shit is just a way to collect more info on you to sell to advertisers like google?

>> No.52848872

test am i banned

>> No.52848967

They're doing it to CYA. Probably the Jew rat Gensler is probing them, asking how they prevent moneylaundering. It's slimy but I doubt it's to collect data.

>> No.52848970
File: 206 KB, 496x3388, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i sent eich a link to this thread on twitter last night and asked if it was true. this was his response. ignore the shitty paint copy paste job. presented without comment.

>> No.52849073

Why does he write like he’s coding? I can’t understand what he’s trying say.

>> No.52849083

>they have a popular browser
>they have an up and coming SE
Blockchain not sneeded.

>> No.52849115

i have no idea what the fuck hes talking about, but one thing i noticed is that he said search rewards will be a 3 way revenue split

1/3 to bat rewards user
1/3 to brave
1/3 to "keyword cluster nft owner"

what the fuck is a keyword cluster nft owner

>> No.52849116

because hes being deceptive and obscuring the point. None of that "math" fundamentally challenges the assertion, its boils down to
>well we want to keep our promise so heres how we can make some money if we do
He didnt address the elephant in the room which is they can make more profit by not keeping their promise

>> No.52849133

>He didnt address the elephant in the room which is they can make more profit by not keeping their promise
i think the point of his math is him saying that they would make less money if they got rid of bat

>> No.52849163

You didnt understand what he said, the entire "math" was contingent on "keeping our promise". If they DONT keep their promise, the "math" is null and void

>> No.52849173

This and also this. What an absolute PIECE.

>> No.52849177

are they going to sell the rights to keyword search terms as NFT's? the fuck is he talking about

will people be able to buy a batch of grocery store related search results and earn money for whenever people search for those terms?

yeah but hes saying that they make more money if they do keep their promise

>> No.52849196

Noo, not my 10¢ a month.

>> No.52849205

>are they going to sell the rights to keyword search terms as NFT's?
and if this is the case, what does that mean for BAT?

>> No.52849230

This is easily disprovable.

If brave shows 10 ads, and keeps all revenue, they get $10.
If brave shows 10 ads, and splits revenue with (you), they get $5.

What he said is that he cant take advantage of the $10 without 'blowing up the brand promise'. Then he said within a framework of keeping the promise, it makes sense to keep BAT.

What he DID NOT say, is that keeping the promise would make more money

>> No.52849246

yeah but blowing up the brand promise would probably destroy them completely, so its unlikely they would make more money

>> No.52849261

he didnt say that and thats an extremely retarded assumption to make when BAT is tied to KYC and has very low adoption

>> No.52849280

too early for this argument. yeah kyc is gay and this move is retarded and his math shit sounds like cope.

>> No.52849313

by the way the search keyword cluster thing, to me, sounds like they are planning to do an entirely new "offering" or "ico" when they mint the rights for people to own search results as well. they are trying to sell pieces of the search engine i think, to make it more decentralized or something idk. sounds like a cash grab to me.

>> No.52849326

(assuming that my assumption about this search word nft cluster shit is somewhat accurate. idk what else it could be though)

>> No.52849528
File: 34 KB, 485x653, cxcxc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he says the nft thing is going to pay out in bat so thats at least something

>> No.52849558

i mean so technically, 66% of the entire revenue from the search engine is going to pay out BAT. so i guess this isn't the end of the world. should put a good bid underneath it actually. whatever, i guess we'll see what happens.

>> No.52849576

In an ideal world you could lock up BAT to mint a keyword cluster NFT that'll give you 1/3 of the revenue of a specific cluster of keywords.

For instance, you can target the "crypto" keyword cluster and lock up BAT to mint an NFT that distributes 1/3 of all ad revenue generated from searches related to crypto. There could be multiple owners of these NFTs, which would automatically balance the clusters because people would simply mint the NFT of a different keyword cluster if one keyword cluster gets oversaturated. You could then burn the NFT to get your locked BAT back, which would stabilize the APY due to supply and demand.

If Brave does something like this I will forgive them for all their missteps. Don't get your hopes up too much though, I'm just optimistically speculating here. Do keep in mind that we're talking about Brave here though, and they don't have the best track record of caring about BATties. Remember when they promised their "dex" would have utility for BAT and then in the end it was a shitty rebate that's not beneficial to anyone who doesn't use their dex (which had uncompetitive fees to begin with) and we get JUSTed once again?

>> No.52849617

yeah im not holding my breath for BAT utility anymore. i'll believe it when i see it. their promises to include BAT in things don't mean anything anymore.

>> No.52849640

and desu this seems like something that sounds good on paper, but nobody will actually use. like goggles.

>> No.52849645

Correct me if I’m wrong here, so keyword staking NFT’s are coming and we can use BAT to buy them and resell them almost like web domains? If so, that’s pretty fucking bullish.

>> No.52849652
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We told you token wasn't needed.

>> No.52849676

presumably. plus, the rewards aka revenue share from you owning those search keywords would get paid to you in BAT

like i said, im not exactly going to be holding my breath here. still waiting on that self-serve platform from 2019.

>> No.52849708

Back to Firefox? Fuck this, was only using Brave browser for the rewards.

>> No.52849719

BAT is not a security token, it is a utility token. Users may treat it as an investment if they choose, but that is not its purpose and is in no way supported by Brave. There will never be a guarantee, or even a hint, or a care, at price movement in any direction from any official representative of Brave.

>> No.52849749

i have to be part of a nigger scam exchange to use my brave rewards? What kind of wacko reality are these devs living in?

>> No.52849870

Who knows, this is just a best-case scenario on my part but I do think it's very unlikely that it's going to actually come to fruition like that. I think it's much more likely that Brave is going to sell these NFT clusters directly with ALL of the proceeds going directly to Brave.

Nah this wouldn't just be good on paper because it would give BAT utility beyond just hoping that the price goes up. You'd make money every time someone performs a search on their search engine. It would be pretty much the same as being able to stake BAT.

However, with BAT completely abandoning all hope of KYC-free BAT earning I do think that barely anyone is going to sign up for BAT rewards. I mean, who in their right mind is going to do KYC for less than $5 a month in BAT.

On the other hand, it seems like they're going to show ads on their search engine to people who are NOT opted in to rewards anyway. This is probably also the reason why they've started to force KYC before you can start earning. The fewer people that have rewards enabled but still see search ads the less rev share Brave has to do which means more $ for Brave.

>> No.52850032
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How likely is Gemini going to be around in the next few months if Binance and other exchanges are having trouble?

>> No.52850265

>On the other hand, it seems like they're going to show ads on their search engine to people who are NOT opted in to rewards anyway. This is probably also the reason why they've started to force KYC before you can start earning. The fewer people that have rewards enabled but still see search ads the less rev share Brave has to do which means more $ for Brave.
yeah i dont think its a coincidence that they are forcing kyc at the same time they roll out search ads

>> No.52851882

Nigger, you’re an absolute nobody. At Brave over a year and all you did was make a Minecraft server and get denied for a sticker campaign. Congrats on getting replaced for the Brave Store and stealing the Weekly BAT from some jogger.
Stick to your Pajeet level scams and grifting around the board, jannie faggot. Such ego to be an absolute nobody lol

>> No.52851933

>no selfserve
>no SDK
>no pay with BAT
>no non-KYC bat
i think im finally capitulating lads

>> No.52852086 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 176x176, __AMLnZu8HsdKnPwMjpP9kRdU9LqXAOa40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

parker cursed the entire thing. i blame all of it on him.

>> No.52852103

Remind me again why the token is needed

>> No.52852111

well its because! the uhh, you know...when you do the uhhhhhh...the thing with the uhhhhh...yeah

>> No.52852232

He played the long game and he won. BAT will probably be out of the top 100 by the new year and out of the top 200 by the end of 2023

>> No.52852247

Man. What a wild 24 hours.

Community call at 2pm EST today.


If I can get on I'm going to ask what happened to BAT rebates for using Brave Swap. Will also need to clarify whether we will earn BAT from search ads, which was promised previously.

These are separate and apart from "number go up" moonboy bullshit. They are questions that need to be asked. If I don't get on, someone ask it for me. Thanks, bros.

>> No.52852266

isnt it 2pm pacific time? idk i havent joined one of these gay things in a while, this might be my first in quite a bit

>> No.52852290
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Fucking checked yes it's 2 PM PST. Phone posting is not my strong suit. My bad.

Let's fill the room and actually have a constructive conversation. I'm still miffed about the lack of swap rewards, and the alleged backpedaling on ad revenue sharing on search ads. Need some clarity on that, or at least a decent explanation.

>> No.52852302

its a toke not a coin
go back to monero mr anonymous

>> No.52852393
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Why are any of you pissed off about this to begin with? Not a rhetorical question.

>> No.52852435
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General sentiment is it sucks because the number of active BAT-rewards participants is likely to take a hit. Which, in theory, means that the supply is not as widely spread as we originally believed.

That said, it is rather consistent with what we've seen Brave do throughout its existence - exhibit caution to the point of fault with respect to regulatory compliance. In the long run, I don't think it will matter as much as the sperg-out here suggests. That said, it will mean a short to medium term malaise in BAT and brower adoption alike. Sperg-out aside, that is a valid concern insofar as it impacts Brave's ability to pump our bags in a timely fashion.

>> No.52852476
File: 69 KB, 1057x512, BAT_USD -UNI -DEXTools.io_2022-12-13_15-26-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And so it begins.

>> No.52852514

I mean, I was a low-tier, part-time contractor with zero say in the direction of the company. But that doesn't mean I didn't hear rumors. I signed an NDA and all, but still, my fud was things I was genuinely concerned about (KYC, ad fraud, vBAT), not the John faggot garbage. I wasn't going to be a moonboy and lie about it, just because I worked for them. But I am glad they're trying to do something with keyword staking, had shilled it to Eich a year ago, I do hope it gives some good utility.

The Monero guy outed himself as Hispanic a couple days ago, posted a pic. Makes sense given his thot pics are also Hispanic.

>> No.52852569

you cursed BAT and these threads with your demonic presence.

>> No.52852612

Well, think whatever you want I guess. Still, I hope you guys make it, regardless of what coins you hold.

>> No.52852618

>But I am glad they're trying to do something with keyword staking, had shilled it to Eich a year ago, I do hope it gives some good utility.
I’ll give you that. You were the first person I heard mention it. Eich seemed interested and Jan did also. I don’t think you were malicious from the beginning but somewhere along the line you turned on the community and I have no idea why.

>> No.52852627

is this keyword staking stuff a rip-off from presearch

>> No.52852631
File: 101 KB, 737x1024, 1632171234910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's because he hates Khazar milkers. I'm afraid I triggered him too often.

>> No.52852662

>No pump because BAT collector has to show ID to swap or cash out
Then I would suggest throwing in the towel. BAT is the Kohl's Cash of crypto. You swap or sell it ASAP to buy what your really want. Hoarding it's flat-out retarded if done for more than a year.

>> No.52852674

I didn't turn on Brave, I like the browser, I like what they're doing. But after being involved a while, and hearing rumors, my outlook on bat started to change. I admit I've had plenty of retarded moments, but still, my worries weren't completely unfounded.
Regardless, I do hope keyword staking turns things around. Eich's still a smart guy. if it's something he cares about, then I'm sure he can figure it out.

>> No.52852683

You're fucking retarded if you thought this was a good idea in the first place.
>We're going to pay people to watch untargeted advertisements with monopoly money
>Yes the worst form of online advertising
>Yes all the ads will be for shitcoins, VPNs, porn, and penis pills
>Yeah so the monopoly money is valuable because watching whiteboard animations about penis pills is inherently valuable... also speculators will buy the coins inflating th...
Fucking dumb. Sell your bags now it's going to zero.

>> No.52852713

I mean, I haven't fudded for a good while now. The majority of it was around the run up to $1.90 and the subsequent decline, but there's no point in fudding the bottom. The original goal being to get people to sell at a good price. But I do admit I probably got carried away, or lost sight of that at times.

>> No.52852751
File: 1.53 MB, 2025x1350, Culture_The_20Batman_WB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/emo/ bat bros....

>> No.52852758

what kind of rumors faggot

>> No.52852826

BAT rebates for swap doesn't matter because literally nobody uses their brave shitswap anyway.

>> No.52852874

if u sit back and think about it there really not been a single fucking thing this copmany has done that hasnt been a lie or a disappointment in the last 2 years lmao

>> No.52852880

If you saw problems internally with the company you could’ve just been frank with us instead of running an entire VPN fud campaign. We’re all adults here.

>> No.52852889


i mean they hired parker, what do you expect from a company like that. bunch of work from home trannies.

>> No.52852916

>BAT rebates for swap doesn't matter because literally nobody uses their brave shitswap anyway.
That makes me an idiot then. I use it to support Brave. Always worked fine. Haven't had any issues getting what I need out of it. If they want to pull marketshare away from Metamask, though, they'll need to have something that truly sets them apart. BAT rebates would have been that. But it looks like that has been abandoned. Though it does appear on the BAT website to this day.

>> No.52852937
File: 66 KB, 1101x552, BAT Rebate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic related.

>> No.52852946

i mean honestly the bat swap rewards isnt even about the low volume on the swap or whatever, its about them literally just lying about it. they said they would do it, and they didnt. they never finish shit. its been 3 years since they said self-serve would be finished lol. now they dont even pretend that they are working on self-serve anymore.

>> No.52853038

>we’re all adults here
I mean, when I originally stated that I'd sold all my BAT, the only response I got was "what a stupid nigger, he's gonna rope when BAT goes to $40, kill yourself faggot". Plus the Brave people were cool to me, there's is a limit to openly criticizing your employer.

And I know you don't believe me, but I didn't run VPNs, I was never a mod or a jannie or any of that stuff. But there's plenty of bagholders/ex-bagholders with a bone to pick out there.

>> No.52853078

its an anonymous board you fucking faggot. you dont have to say "hey this is parker here durrrrrr"

you can just say "i heard a rumor that X Y and Z"

>> No.52853321


how much time do you think he spends coof tweeting?

>> No.52853945

he’d do it less if you lot weren’t too pussy to light a fire under his ass during the next call he clearly doesn’t give a shit about any of your “investments” because none of you are actual stake/shareholders
lmao @ ur lives

>> No.52854124

Are you fucking 13 or something? You’ve been spamming about trolling calls for a year now. Do it yourself you autistic spaz pussy or shut the fuck up and drink your juice box.

>> No.52854153

It's possible. Fundamentals don't matter in crypto, only hype. No one uses crypto anyway.

>> No.52854157

lmao bootlicker

>> No.52854164
File: 93 KB, 300x443, BATman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was fun while it lasted

>> No.52854165

then come call luke a nigger in the community call faggot dont tell other people to do it for you

>> No.52854174

Pussy ass faggot.

>> No.52854195

>got these pussy ass niggers fuming

>> No.52854242

How do I start earning from brave explain for a brainlet

>> No.52854260

start by getting your passport, ssn, taxes, drivers license, income, and dick picks all ready for the camera

>> No.52854274

You have to KYC on Cuckmini/Cuckhold then link your devices. You earn BAT by watching some shitty ads (99% crypto related) and get paid monthly.

>> No.52854465


>> No.52854472

>spergs out for an entire year in threads trying to get calls le epik pranked being ignored
>finally gets 2 (You)s
>hahaha got you tr0lled!!!111
It’s really embarrassing to be holding with some of you absolute basket cases

>> No.52854582

literally stay mad and poor haha

>> No.52854689

huge news dropping RN in the community call.

>> No.52854696

huge news. cant believe it actually.

>> No.52854715

Fuck you both. It's just Jennie updating on NFTs right now.

>> No.52854721

they fired luke?

>> No.52854725

i am going to purchase BAT (ticker:bat) from a centralized exchange. I implore everyone to do the same. purchasing BAT is what savvy investors do. this news is my impetus to buy more bat. please do not sell your bat.

>> No.52854747

in lieu of this huge news, i too, am purchasing large amounts of BAT (ticker:BAT) on a centralized exchange

>> No.52855265

what a shit show

>> No.52855384

this autist spamming the chat and posting here earlier is hilarious

they've just ignored him completely kek

>> No.52855426

I always end up on bullshit phone meetings during these calls. What the fuck am I missing? Someone post a link to the video.

>> No.52855547

>What the fuck am I missing?
unprecedented levels of cope from the brave team

>> No.52855613

Cope? Or evasiveness? Or both?

>> No.52855627

both. lies and cope.

>> No.52855695

They never said whether or not they’re gonna dump the vBAT on us, but they’re obviously not 1-1 and it shows. Isn’t it bullish to force all the vBATers into actual on chain BAT?

>> No.52855731

if they own the bat then they will dump it on us. if they dont own it, then they were running a scam.

either one is not good.

>> No.52855747

im done with this shitcoin. im uninstalling 4chan.

parker, kys

>> No.52855783
File: 1.45 MB, 498x347, stop-dont.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>34 posts

>> No.52856031

So if it’s a scam, the transparency page might be a hoax? I was always suspicious of the Gemini app not showing the volume from the Brave initiated BAT buys. I think I’d rather it be a scam then them sitting of a fuckton of BAT waiting to dump all over us. If it is indeed a scam, they can probably get out of it clean on the other side without getting fucked, but they gotta start cleaning house immediately.

>> No.52856295

Found the video.


- From Jimmie: Nightly release 1.48 has the big change of, in order to accumulate BAT, you will need to have a custodial account. This is similar to Brave Creators, who already need to have a custodial account. Existing verified users carry on as usual. Unverified earnings are paused; those would-be earnings go toward supporting creators now through tipping or auto-contribute. New users will have Automatic Creator Support Only experience; in this state, all ads you see will be go toward creators, identical to reward experience on iOS, until you verify.

- Existing accumulated vBAT held by unverified users is unaffected by the 1.48 changes. You still choose if you want to contribute or tip, but you won't earn more that will be *yours* until you chose to verify.

- vBAT is a centralized system, and does not align with longterm goals for BAT rewards. We want to prioritize things that move to on chain future. Projects for Q1 including pay with BAT will move us further in that direction. We will work on transitioning away from vBAT. More details to come.

>> No.52856399


- Those complaining due to regional changes are concerned that their BAT will disappear or be stolen from them, especially not knowing when Brave will open up new regions again or when new custodial partners come on board. This is a legitimate concern, and Brave recognizes it is an issue. Brave is working to maximize as many regions as they can - back up to 53 supported countries. Doesn't mean much to those not in those countries, but they are actively trying. Even just today Brave added 6 countries to Uphold, including South Africa, Hungary, Chzech, Estonia, Lativa, Lithuania.

- Germans have expressed concerns about losing their accumulated balance. For places like that, they aren't sure why Uphold won't support them, those are harder. We are motivated by trying to make sure that we only bring regions online when we feel we have the right protections in place to combat abuse and are giving BAT to people who truly earned it - not just farming. We want to make sure everyone is rewarded and seeing legitimate ads. (no answer on whether they will lose balance)

>> No.52856498

- (In response to question about poor messaging to community) We hear you. When talking about it and having to do it over again, we'd expand those FAQ pages. It's worth pointing out that the nightly channels are good and helpful things but they also make communication on this challenging for this reason. It's easy to say we are sweeping it under the rug but it goes into code, then into a nightly build, it's public. [kek] There is a dedicated group looking at Nightly, and we want to make sure we communicate to you guys, but it is not something we do a post about yet because that's actually even more confusing to the larger user base [kek kek kek]. We want to be as open as possible. We also don't want to confuse everyone with what's in Nightly vs. what's not. That causes confusion. But, you are totally right. This came across as confusing. We could have handled it differently.

[tl.dr: We didn't fuck up and you shouldnt think we did, you idiots.]

- (Questioner states: Doesn't matter that it was nightly - comes across as BAT rewards is gone for anyone unverified and, more precisely, like dead in all regions that don't have support. If you read it based on information on that page, that's what it implies. I understand it's moving toward a tipping culture, which has some positives lately. There's lots of vBAT, more motivation for people to sign up for creators, etc. But, the communication didn't say that.) Putting the support page in context, when we originally thought of it, it's linked to in nightly. When an unverified user goes in Nightly, they'll press the explanation. That was the context it was originally supposed to be presented. But it was then shared outside that context and the post looks like our only messaging about it but it isn't. One of the first questions we had about it was a screenshot of this explanation from the Nightly build. The two messages are not equivalent. The fact it was shared out of context like that definitely fed into misunderstanding.

>> No.52856509

this desu

>> No.52856533

>version 14.88

>> No.52856545

[tl.dr - don't take us out of context. kek]

- The obvious thing to saying this should have been announced before being issued in nightly, some things can't be. Normally when things hit Nightly, that gives two to three months of notice in itself. That has its pros and cons. But ultimately 1.48 is going out in February 2023. So that's quite awhile so at least we are all on the same page now and have a lot of time for users to adjust to changes that are coming, and also so people can get feedback. Things in nightly aren't stable as to how they will appear in the wild.


- (Only other question is was there any reason for the longer than normal delay in reward claims this month) Totally unrelated. What happened was is two parts (1) we're moving to a more secure system on some of our payout stuff starting with Gemini, so we reworked some of that and that is a bit delayed, but the team is hard at work on it and will have it out soon. (2) after we put out Uphold grants we realized there was some kind of lag between our broader reporting system and what we use for payouts, so there were some days where data was light - it's annoying and confusing but we are doing a full rerun and will hopefully release that in a couple days. Any portion that would have been missing from payout will process in an additional payout. Unrelated to the other changes - it's data changes. Should have update in next couple weeks

[tl dr; i didn't get my rewards? Wait two weeks, goyim. kek]

>> No.52856638

- (Drew: Would you say the vBAT plan is an antifraud or legal thing or some of both) It's both. You have to withdraw by going through a KYC. That isn't new. Also, the longer we have had BAT, we want to make sure people are using it as intended. We don't want something that's inhibiting us from moving forward in the direction we want to go.

- A couple years back when this was introduced, many crypto innovations like L2 didn't exist. When BAT got deployed, it was like - okay, these contributions need to be anonymous to creators and still work in the ecosystem. vBAT was the best solution at the time to preserve privacy and make it work. But the team knows there's issues. Its locally based. It has to be backed up. It's complicated. We were working contrary to Web3 goals and the system that have become available. First and foremost, all of this has to work properly with minimal abuse, while also meeting legal frameworks. There are a lot of restrictions with what we can do there. But importantly, this is part of upgrading a system that ran its course and done what it needs to do. Now we can go to better solutions, like contributing on chain. As a lot of us have talked about, if because of the way vBAT works, there are lots of abandoned users, dead devices, that have vBAT, and we need a way to move on to better ways of doing it, and this is the path that helps us get there.

- (Drew: so long term it's net positive?) That's the idea. If our mission is to make sure we have the best and most decentralized way of letting users directly contribute to creators in a decentralized way, and to give safe ways for users to earn, that's where we want to go. Some of these changes will be annoying, some will be painful, but the idea is the BAT ecosystem comes out stronger on the other side.

- (When asking about dead BAT in the old accounts, what happens to that? Is there ever an expiration date for it or do they remain permanently outside ecosystem or lost?)

>> No.52856676

That's what we are trying to figure out. We will have more to come. We are trying to address it. It isn't figured out yet. But finding good ways to transition that to better systems is the overarching goal

[Dodged the question]

- (So are these permanent changes or just a trial? People thought they could use vBAT to pay for Brave VPN and other stuff) I think that this is a permanent transition but of course paying with BAT is still an important part. We want to do right by the users who continue to support Creators. That might include ways to incentivize them with access to the system. We are still figuring that out. But as far as paying with BAT, and this is something for everyone to figure out, we want crypto payment channels that are also widely available for real onchain payment. I think, look, these overall changes are permanent. Some particulars, as Chris alluded to, we have this in Nightly, we find aspects confusion yadda yadda yadda, we have ways to address that. But the overall direction is this. Doesn't mean we abandoned paying with BAT or finding ways to reward users who are doing this nice virtuous cycle of contributing to creators. But those are the pieces we are working on now.

[dodged question]

- (There are still people in unsupported reasons. We should find ways to support them. Otherwise we are telling them they are out of luck) Silence.

>> No.52856735

I saw this years ago, as soon as I saw you needed KYC to cash out I instantly deleted the browser and all that shit. How are you just now finding this out?

>> No.52856753

- (Was this change made due to regulations) We are looking at ecosystem and you hear a lot about regulators talking about compliance. But we want to be compliant. That's why we require KYC through partners. There hasn't been a lot of clarity on regulations. But there has been no direct pressure from regulators, no.

- (What percentage of rewards are currently verified on Uphold or Gemini) We don't know.

- (We have people in chat saying 90% are unverified and that we will lose the userbase by restricting rewards. I was hoping we knew more about that as to what percentage will earn because they have linked) I'd also put out there that a lot of people - it's easy to be skeptical of, yeah, would anyone be interested outside of that, there are a lot of people actively contributing and glad to be part of auto-contribute or tipping directly and participating in the ecosystem that way. And they'll still have opportunities that way. It's unfair to say those unverified users will go away and say there's no interest in this.

- Chris: As Jimmie said they can still contribute to creators even if they are unverified. My question would be if you are just trying to build up a lot of vBAT while being unverified, what exactly can you do with it? If you are waiting for a way to pull it out without KYC that's a dead end now. Otherwise, what else would you do with it? you can tip it I guess. You are waiting for a way to pull it out without KYC. But as we said that's a dead end. I'm not sure of the use case there anyway

- Jimmie: Some people do this to try it out. They don't want to verify, try it out a few days or a few weeks before going through KYC, and those people are not just going to leave

- Luke: When changes went in for iOS we didn't see a massive dropoff in users who no longer opted into ads when the change took place.

>> No.52856822

- (As far as what we would be doing with the vBAT, there were assumptions that Brave would have allowed you to use vBAT for Brave services, which it could have done without KYC.) We are still trying to think of ways to incentivize these users, possibly through free service. For example on search we are still giving a free experience until we figure the rewards system out. It may not be pay x vBAT for Brave VPN. But we want to take care of those users.

- LOBES: with vBAT, we were going to be the merchant of record, and there's a limit of what we can do. We can't let it pile up into infinity. That's the issue here. It's one of those things were without a protocol to tell us when a device or profile dies, or where somebody deletes the profile and resets things, we cannot zero out liability on the vBAT side. We want to make real BAT more usable because of the reasons the FTX debacle brought to light. We want it on chain and verifiable.

- (Question was asked he imagines for Brave to get where they want to be, before being a fullscale app with commercial quality ad campaign, as on TV, that Brave feels like they need the browser to be at a certain quality level before taking those steps in advertising. If that is the case, where Brave still needs to be better equipped for all that, what is the ideal Brave browser in your opinion? What does it look like in terms of feature, quality, etc. before it becomes TV ad ready) LOBES: The goal is to get on first and then iterate on it. You don't just stand there because someone will come and beat you. We are not waiting for ideal Brave. Having more on chain L2 utility is good because we don't want to be the only ad sale team in the system. When we have search up to scale, we will get beyond direct sales. But we have to get to self serve, ad exchange, in a way that is still privacy preserving that still rewards users with search ads. We are on track for all that. But we don't want to do the selling all ourselves

>> No.52856842

- LOBES: Brave has all sorts of users. some love crypto. some don't. We want to be best class in privacy but it isn't our only user value proposition. BAT has a destiny bigger than Brave alone. Brave has a destiny as a super app with user first options both with crypto and without. We want to get back to the creator side too, it needs more OTP service.

- (any updates on playlist for android) May be on nightly either in December or January. Desktop is a little further out. Brave VPN is January now, may be in nightly in an early form, but January is a safe bet. We want to make sure no one gets stuck with payment problems etc. Making sure it is all tested.


You're welcome, faggots.

>> No.52856866

yeah i ignored bat from that point too. not even withdrawing to another wallet without kyc?
stillborn, might as well use paypal.

the browser is still good though, they implement a lot of useful features.

>> No.52856901

Brave won't survive without BAT.
BAT is the only reason why I bother with this browser. Take it away and I'll go back to Firefox.