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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52978389 No.52978389 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.52978441
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>> No.52978511
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I think I finally get it. I was listening to a podcast about web3 on spotify yesterday. Just imagine how many layers upon layers of middlemen exist in something as simple as listening to a podcast or song? You have Spotify itself, their web service provider, all the web backend support, customer support, marketing, lawyers etc. Then they're working with record labels to secure deals. Then you have to pay spotify somehow, so the bank/credit card gets their cut. Then I'm sure some web payment company like Stripe is involved as well. Then you have Apple taking a cut somewhere for even letting you download the app. It's madness

>> No.52978586

you fell for the psyop

>> No.52978998

and quite literally who gives a shit? web3 would only result in everything being pay per view which is objectively worse.

>> No.52979082

>web3 would only result in everything being pay per view which is objectively worse

Yes because (you) the consumer is forced to pay the layers and layers of middlemen. Amazon's entire commerce business model worked because they leveraged the internet and distribution centers to remove much of the middlemen cost. Web3 could do the same thing but there's hundreds of companies willing to do anything to protect their zero-profit charades

>> No.52979131

Disclosure- I am invested in this but imagine cellular roaming without the need for the exorbitant roaming fees that you would pay if you were travelling?

>> No.52979224

the more granular you can make a transaction, the greater the economic efficiency. Using microtransactions allows for the greatest efficiency so far.

Take Netflix/Spotify, etc, for example, the company make a profit on the difference between the cost of a subscription and the cost to host / serve video files to users. Users pay for more than they receive and the difference is pocketed by the company.
A microtransaction based service would have a user pay for much closer to what they use.
Microtransactions also flip the social media advertising business system on its head. Currently social media platforms harvest user data and sell it to advertisers while shoving those advertisers adds down the throats of users.

A microtransaction model allows for advertisers to pay users directly for their attention, rather than the platform selling the users data, users can opt in or out of selling their data. This creates a competitive environment where multiple platforms are fighting it out to get users to use their platform but where users can easily jump from platform to platform with all their data in tact. Platforms become more like email clients than walled gardens.
People involved with BSV are building these exact systems right now, it's a digital gold rush where many land claims have yet to be staked so to speak.

>> No.52980202

>Using microtransactions allows for the greatest efficiency so far.

I even suspect some of the companies hyped up NFTs and shitcoin news coverage simply to paint it in a bad light, as some convoluted capitalist scam. When in reality that's the web we have now

>> No.52980917

Web3 just replaces all of those companies with shitcoins that may rug you (either quickly or maybe if you're lucky slowly with inflation/bad tokenomics). I honestly am not convinced it will be any better.

>> No.52981032

Yeah you may be right, but imagine the kind of content web3 will produce. It wont be the same generic crap we get from web2 repeatedly.

>> No.52981309

It's ironic because web3 unironically just adds yet another layer on top of the existing layers which is now you're dealing with turdcoins and turning those turdcoins into something that can actually pay for food. No one in there right mind actually believes any of this shit is going anywhere.

>> No.52981346

>Web3 just replaces all of those companies with shitcoins that may rug you

Not necessarily. Established dapps will emerge. Probably better than centralized social media outlets that prune content to support the owner's interests

>> No.52981389

Yeah, I'm thinking web3 is dead.

>> No.52981519


>> No.52981586

>It's ironic because web3 unironically just adds yet another layer on top of the existing layers
Yeah but that's not a requirement, that's just how it is right now. The internet in the early days was just another complicated way to replace things that already existed. The layers can eventually be simplified without so much shit

low quality and limited

>> No.52981641
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>dapps dapps, in a snap snap

>> No.52983919

So many companies are already effectively insolvent and are being propped up by the US government and their agents such as Blackrock. As soon as the globalist system collapses which it will because all markets are deeply exposed to one another those companies will vanish overnight.

>> No.52983951

I would rather see the rent seekers expunged from existence, WEB3 facilitates this.

>> No.52984314

We're still way early. web3 is the future and its's getting a lot easier to get started thanks to protocols such as ORE that make the onboarding process a lot easier.

>> No.52985230

Web3 is a meme
Ethereum is a dead JP Morgan chain

>> No.52985328
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>you fell for the psyop

>> No.52985504

Ethereum isn’t really part of web3, since it can’t scale.

>> No.52985548
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>> No.52985959

6nboarding in web3 looks difficult because of the terminology. I like platforms that let anyone understands the web3 terms easily.

>> No.52986845

almost all of them really
most people fail to realize how much out there is just middle management or middle men when less than 20% of the population does any actual work

>> No.52986882

half the time the token isn't even needed they can't rug you for shit

>> No.52986918

How would any lf this work? If i pay to watch a video, would i pay to view it once? What if my internet dies in the meanwhile would i have to pay again? What if i want to watch that video again 2 days later

>> No.52986945

Is this how you choose to define 'efficiency'?
Draining consumers to the very last drop?

And they say we don't live in a slave mill

>> No.52987026
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You're all a bunch of zoomer retards. Web3 doesn't do shit for /biz/cels like you, you got that part right. It's good for artists, small and big businesses leaving a permanent paper trail on blockchains that can't be fucked with by any centralized authority, even you can't fuck with it, meaning nobody can accuse a business of fuckery and sue the fuck out of them. It's like a wayback machine where the faggot owner can't delete wayback sites because of his own political affiliations

/biz/cels and everybody can stake into cryptos that do this and turn in a profit or buy NFTs, that's about it

>> No.52987185
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>Draining consumers to the very last drop?
that's literally what companies do now. When you pay for netflix or spotify you are also paying for their HR and diversity quota officers and all the other bullshit. And the people like at the top of society like Blackrock reward them for continuing this charade.

Spotify says artists get around $0.004 per stream. The average user probably listens for about 50,000 minutes a year, dividing that by an average song length of 3.5 minutes gives 14,285 songs. That comes out to $57 a year if people just paid the artists directly. Spotify premium is $120 a year. And spotify hasn't ever made a profit. The whole industry is retarded and complicated

>> No.52988330

silicon valley companies have been using cheap loans with low interest rates to grow so that they can capture the userbase, turning a profit came second to growth.
FED ups the interest rates so now this phase is over, companies must turn a profit to survive. The unfair advantage of all that cheap money is gone. no better time than now to build a competitive web3.0 company that eats their lunch.
There is currently a gap in the market for a dedicated photo sharing app, ever since instagram focused on becoming tiktok a lot of the photographers that drew people to the platform have been unable to get exposure. Find a way to implement payments into an app like this and growth is assured

>> No.52988671

probably why nike, reddit, instagram, flipkart, starbucks, nubank, mercedes, joined web3 this year through polygon

>> No.52988685
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>> No.52989763

They are welcome as this will make the web more secured. Web3 has got lot of products already. Projects like ORE network makes onboarding pretty easy.

>> No.52990645

It needless to say. For example, ORE ID is bridging web2 to web3 to lower the entry barrier and users will also be able to access their blockchain wallets with their social media log-ins

>> No.52990657

it depends on the business model of the streamer. They might sell you an NFT for the video, or you might be paying a one-time fee, and storage would be your concern. Or they might have both as options, so you can pay extra to rewatch after paying for a single view. Or you might just pay to skip ads or view at higher res. Or they might like >>52979224 suggests, offer free views in exchange for your data.

All down to the streamer, you can bet OBS will be integrated with a wallet layer for that.

>> No.52990683
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