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53050711 No.53050711 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw 32 years old and still haven't made it

Is there any reason to keep going at this point?

>> No.53050730


>> No.53050733

I mean... just don't give up and you'll probably make it eventually

lemme guess, first bear market?

>> No.53050746


I dont have any investments, I just work a wagie job

>> No.53050757

>he fell for the college is a meme meme

>> No.53050788

Just make you wager job your sole reason to live just like any boomer who hasn’t retired yet.

>> No.53050812

just get jacked

>> No.53050827


working on it even though I have a super fucked up lower back. At least Im not fat, I suppose

>> No.53050847

I turned exactly 32 today. Feels bittersweet. I don't know if i want to experience old age. Never thought I'd end up like this

>> No.53050870

I made it and lost it all to greed. It can be so much worse.

>> No.53050877
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Almost 33. This shit sucks, I want a refund. I'd have off'd myself if I wasn't such a pussy awhile ago, so I just pray I get cancer sooner rather than later.

>> No.53050884


Are you like me making little money and living with your mom? Also no girls because of the aforementioned 2 reasons?

>> No.53050933

can't you just spend time shorting btc?

>> No.53050965

Married with three kids. Literally waging myself with no help until my wife goes back to work. She is a dentist but our kids are very young. Its over

>> No.53050992
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Back pain can be corrected by strength and flexibility training. You could also have muscle imbalances back there you don’t even know about. I recommend calisthenics routines, there are some good videos on youtube you can do in your bedroom. Or just do stuff like pic related to help occupy some time and give your life extra purpose.

>> No.53051007

Live rent free with parents (filthy rich but greedy af). Won't move out till wife starts working and we can afford to buy a home. Will not rent. Only have a car payment/insurance and food utilities to worry about. My parents haven't given me anything in my life so fuck them. They can always retire and fuck off back to their country if they don't like it.

>> No.53051011


Believe it or not I do alot of those exercises almost daily if not daily, infact I am going to Yoga class tonight

>> No.53053076
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>Turned 32 last month
>Can't afford to move out
>Helping parents with mortgage because they are reaching the end of their working capabilities and still haven't paid off their home
I spend my days engaging in hobbies that don't need money and just stuff all my wages into their mortgage offset account or my crypto/boomer etfs. Never interacted with a girl in any meaningful way my entire life.

>> No.53053113
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>> No.53053139

>42, had 1,5mil down to 300k
No wife or kids so moved back in with parents
Family and extended family think I'm dead broke
Just trying to save during crypto winter and not spend when I don't want to sell

>> No.53053826

If I broke $1m I'd just retire to Thailand.

>> No.53053851

You have three options

1. Make it when you are older
2. Be in the same place you are now when you are older
3. Commit suicide

Something tells me you are not really going to kill yourself, so your only real option is to keep going. Personally, I would rather make it at 40 then be a poor loser faggot at 40

>> No.53053877

34 here
>any reason to keep going?
So I don’t have to deal with people.
I’m so tired, often angry at these dumbasses out there.

>> No.53053905
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Don't despair anon, its not that great to make it.
I've made it and I am still a kissless virgin.

>> No.53053995

At least you have a wife and kids. That's more than most anons can say

>> No.53054275
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all you have to do is stack BTC and keep doing for 2-4 years. Don't be a short time preference faggot and think you can get rich quick on banana coin.

>> No.53054299

>good wfh job with good money
>good misses
>stay at her house some and some at my parents
>play hockey and box

Bout it. Can tell I’m old now and the fun and hopes and dreams are done. Kind of just floating at this point.

>> No.53054513

I was still in prison at your age. Spent 23 yeara for murdering my parents as a kid. Shit could be worse

>> No.53054572
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I’m in a similar situation OP and I’m out of work till mid January. I went to college too, but got two useless degrees because I got a scholarship in them. I bought boomer rocks during the high and I probably bought shitcoins during the high. I’m literally down to three-figures in my savings now and can’t DCA anymore. I DCA’d too 23K in BTC. But I don’t have much left. Thing is, my parents are sick, mom has dementia and dad lost his leg awhile back.

But fuck giving up. Fuck that lay down and die shit. Just because you make the “right” choices doesn’t mean you’ll get the outcome you want. So fuck it, I’m going to ask out this cute zoomer girl way-way above my league, I’m going to put in more applications, and I’m going to go into the trades.

Get /fit/ OP, it will help the depression, you’ll get laid, and you’ll stop caring so much. When good things come you’ll learn to enjoy them instead of forcing them. You’ll still get shit on, you’ll still fail, but you’ll stop caring what others think and keep going. You’ll master a skill and look at life like a video game. You’ll grind harder than ever in life and even in failure, you’ll lay your head down at night knowing who (you) are as a person and what (you) are truly worth.

>t. /fit/fren

>> No.53054582

Yes, life sucks but it still can be much less shitty if you don’t have to work.

>> No.53054614
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Uhmm…. Anon?

>> No.53054626

This. My brother has the cutest little baby and it kills me inside since I’ve fucked up by getting with my (now) ex and how bad that went when I would have been better off single and looking for a better woman. Now I feel old and the women who do seem interested are older, fatter, have kids, or other shit. None of them seem worth all the time or effort. Also, I’m still pretty broke and owning a place without wageslaving the rest of my life seems very unlikely.
Seems like there is a time limit counting down on when I need to get a rural place and avoiding wageslaving as the country becomes even more shittier each day.
Fuck, I’m tired.

>> No.53054689

Me too, except I murdered 4 of my parents and spent 46 years in prison. And yes I was still his age the entire prison sentence. Ngmi

>> No.53054708

Life begins at 40. You'll realize it when you get there.

t. literal boomer

>> No.53054741

anyone know who has the lowest fees for btc? I dont want to use cb anymore. in us.

>> No.53054767


Look up the "Petti bon" system of chiropractic. It changed my life

>> No.53055072

i am 20 and I can tell already my life is over
there is LITERALLY no way to make it on this moment on time. It's all luck

>> No.53055550

Well greed got me

Get some sugar babies anon

Good attitude. I hope you get to fuck that zoomer girl anon

I will believe you if you tell me I can still bang 20 somethings

You're 20 so you literally know almost nothing. Just keep pushing forward and enjoy your youth

>> No.53055952

>age 32
>I’m going to go into the trades turn my life around

Brother I don’t mean any I’ll but I started in trades at age 25 and felt I was too old as fuck to make it work in that career, it’s fucking miserable also. Wasted several years falling down that path now work in IT

>> No.53056022
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>Helping parents with mortgage

>> No.53056041

Konichua nigga, enjoy the nofap

>> No.53056066

Going on 33. Lost over 6 figures in the last year or so. I thought I was going to make it last run. Rugged obviously. Still waging full time. I moved out from my parents and now burn too much on rent. I'm very close to quitting, going all in BEL and fucking off to Thailand with my last 10k.

>> No.53056110

You're moving to Thailand with only 10k? You're gonna be toast

>> No.53056122

>finished uni and living alone for 4 years
>ok job in great field (fintech)
>30k savings
>no debt
I thought our generation was supposed to be fucked, what happened ?

>> No.53056137

Accommodation is $300 a month and daily expenses are like $5. Plus I'd have what's left of my portfolio. Which I hope within a year or two has recovered.

>> No.53056145

im gonna turn 32 next week bros


>> No.53056150

based. I started hot yoga two months ago. I enjoy it, and it's a pretty easy way to put yourself around some chill good looking women

>> No.53056168
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You just need some inspiration. Listen to what this fine young motivational speaker has to say:

>> No.53056191
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>I will believe you if you tell me I can still bang 20 somethings
do you know how many women today have severe daddy issues?

it's pussy heaven if you're middle aged and decent looking. they want a daddy. all zoomers are fags anyway so its not like there's a lot of competition

>> No.53056194

I hate to break it to you but those numbers are only accurate if you're in the a rural area where you will become bored and depressed on that budget. Unless you really just want to sit on the internet all day in which case just move back in with parents

>> No.53056199

Yeah maybe but they all think you're gay

>> No.53056204

speak for yourself

>> No.53056212

I will shit down your throat and force you to swallow you fucking faggot

>> No.53056222

I actually read beyond "hate to break it to you". Maybe an over reaction kek. And nah I'll be right. Got a mate there now whose spent 6+ months and spent fuck all.

>> No.53056248

Get flexible and do hanging knee tucks.

>> No.53056249

I turned 33 in December and I have nothing. Just a phone, backpack, and a bed. My money goes to bills and food. Yes, I survive but it's not what I thought life was supposed to be. When does it get better?

>> No.53056258

Is he getting any pussy on that budget?

LoL fucking schizo

>> No.53056269

Do you have any investment or a job?

>> No.53056271
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i know nothing about investing how do i learn / what should i do with my money? 100k

>> No.53056289

Yeh plenty. I think he trades free dives for lessons though to keep himself busy.
And yeh sorry I thought you were a random hater I need to get off this site..

>> No.53056290
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This is the ticket anon. I hope you find the success in life you're looking for and I have faith in you my friend. I might ask out a zoomer girl I like as well.

>> No.53056320

Nice ok good luck anon wagmi

>> No.53056324

>living rent free with parents
>my parents haven’t given me anything in life
You are incredibly soft and a whiny ungrateful cunt

>> No.53056336

It's an option. I can't keep waging away living in a shitty 1 bedroom. I'd like to find some monks in the Himalayas and talk about Jesus with them too.
Ty anon gl

>> No.53056457

Go for crypto payment solutions or AI stock. I'm talking crypto xpress or chatGPT. Lots of potential in there

>> No.53056483

nope it's over, legit give up

>> No.53056514

I started getting SSDI a few years ago. I would have joined the military if I could. I did have investments but I lost the keys or sold. I'm screwed.

>> No.53056516

binance and kucoin got low fees or you can simply stick with a non custodial wallet that lets you buy directly with your debit card if you don't want to go through the kyc hassle and shit
I use sylo, metamask allows that too I heard

>> No.53056687

You got a whole life ahead of you.

That's the only hopium you need

>> No.53056698

people still lose their keys in this age and time?

>> No.53056712

don't wallets charge you really high fees to buy crypto directly on them?

the only pro would be not having to use any shitty cex

>> No.53056876

I always write them down but mistakes happen

>> No.53056896

fees aren't so much and worth it for me.
another pro you don't know is that I get to stake Tezos on the sylo wallet easily.

>> No.53056906 [DELETED] 


if you have no wife and kids you have all the time in the world

don't get married until after you made it

>> No.53056926

so many broke bitches

>> No.53057060 [DELETED] 
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same opinion
not getting married until I have my own apartment (not mortgage) and a stable income source (at least 100k) with enough in savings.

in-wallet staking is cool asf, I've got some evmos on trustwallet

>> No.53057122

same opinion
not getting married until I have my own apartment (not mortgage) and a stable income source (at least 100k) with enough in savings.

in-wallet staking is cool asf, I've got some evmos on trustwallet

>> No.53057124

This, the whole "it's over at 30" isn't true for business if you don't have a wife or kids.

>> No.53057125
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>trim eyebrows
>shave pubes
You can leave that out.
Also, stop with the 30 day no fap.
30 days without porn, not without ejaculation.

>> No.53057377
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If you had cancer you would probably be here like me. You will learn how to enjoy life when you are about to lose it.