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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 22 KB, 560x315, Bitcoin-vs-BitcoinCash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5313097 No.5313097 [Reply] [Original]


The battle has begun

>> No.5313116

Coinbase fucked the true king and shall pay for this crime.

>> No.5313128
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Bitcoin vs Btrash

Obvious winner

>> No.5313141


>> No.5313162
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>> No.5313164
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>> No.5313182
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Esto es el fin Grande Padre

>> No.5313183





>> No.5313194

Never pay fees again. Instantaneous. No side chains. Bitcoin cash

>> No.5313199
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Let's do this.

>> No.5313209


It hasn't begun until gdax opens bch btc pair

>> No.5313218

Who BCASH here?

>> No.5313240

this. my bcash with waiting to sell on that pairing. Just fucking open it already. Need my extra sats for the moon mission

>> No.5313268

The King is to busy for such a minor foe. Prince Litecoin can handle this.

>> No.5313286

your sats will be worthless soon

>> No.5313310

its like the old political coalition

both sides owned by the same jews

>> No.5313313

What are you talking about? Monero is doing fine.

>> No.5313369

Where is BCH mooning?

It's nice af actually being able to arbitrage these satoshis :3

>> No.5313399



>> No.5313431

bcore can't die soon enough

>> No.5313437 [DELETED] 
File: 173 KB, 1816x914, DPPRG6kVQAAA7BR.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Look at the graph. Bitcoin Cash is going to win in the longrun.

>> No.5313467

>$3 transactions
Needs to be updated to $30+

>> No.5313473

pfff, more like....Fartnero.

>> No.5313491

more like $100+

>> No.5313492
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>> No.5313554
File: 6 KB, 205x246, 1490741551720s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want my fucking money back!!!!

>> No.5313558

this is outdated. But how do we spread it to normies?

>> No.5313596

this is so retarded

>> No.5313599

>he thinks Roger Ver won't charge XDD

>> No.5313604

right now its $3145 on gdax and $2892 on binance. food for thought

>> No.5313611

it hasn't begun, it's already over. btc has been steady at 1.3 mining profitability over bch for like 5 hours now and miners aren't switching over to btc. they've switched over every other time, but this time they know something and are just sticking with bch, no idea what's going to come up but it looks like btc already lost.

>> No.5313634


You mean the coin that gets destroyed by a random furry website? ok

>> No.5313682

So politics aside how are you guys trading this? Obviously if it moons its a satoshi sale, but I don't feel safe selling the top into a dying BTC.

At the same time I don't wanna get caught bagholding BCH if it doesn't flippen over the next few days.

>> No.5313857

sell on the way up, buy on the way down

>> No.5313867






>> No.5313888

BCH just went live less than an hour ago. You'll be fine

>> No.5313925

Stop posting this in every thread, corecuck shill.

hmmm doesn't seem true to the /biz/ way tho

>> No.5313952

Fuckers took it offline again. Just what type of shit are they pulling here?

>> No.5313983

not arguing with those digits

>> No.5313991

just fucking wait you clown

>> No.5314013
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1 comment

>I agree with the facts of your video in that LN is going to be for the banks and a disaster for BTC. However it is not all just the block size that is what really happened even though it is what everyone has been in an uproar about but was merely the icing on the cake. The real subversion happened in March of 2015 wherein they added RBF or replace by fee which broke zero-conf and first seen. https://theflippening.github.io/open-letter-to-bitcoin-miners-from-another-miner/ "Due to the constant high fees and network congestion, they introduced an anti-feature called Replace By Fee (RBF) https://medium.com/@octskyward/replace-by-fee-43edd9a1dd6d (Mar 28, 2015). The aim of this was to allow users to pay a higher fee for transactions that were stuck and unconfirmed. This broke a critical feature called Zero-Conf which meant merchants could reliably accept a low value transaction with no confirmations as long as it was the first transaction seen on the network. Merchants could monitor key nodes around the network and reliably detect double spends with very good accuracy which allowed them to accept transactions with high confidence within 10 seconds and not have to wait minutes or hours for confirmations. Zero-Conf worked great for Brick and Mortar stores like buying your morning coffee. With the RBF feature, now users could pay for their goods, leave the store, then send the same transaction again but this time with a higher fee and send the amount back to their own wallet and rob the merchant in broad daylight. This feature robs Bitcoin of being a useful Point of Sale transaction mechanism." 1/2

>> No.5314018


>> No.5314048

>So, to counter the double spend problem, which they created with their greed and desire for higher fees and corporate centralization, they added segwit which would later lead the way and allow the Lightning Network. This entire uproar and fiasco with segwit vs segwit 2x forks etc was supposedly because of a slowing BTC and increasingly high fees and it was, however they created the problem to begin with in order to bring in their solution. This is critically called the Hegelian Dialectic or Problem, Reaction, Solution. Create the problem (slow and high fees), get a reaction (please help us btc users) then offer up the solution, that being the one that they desired in the first place. Segwit vs 2x was merely a circus show to distract from what was being created in the first place. Blockstream and the other corp types like Mastercard and related Bilderburg connections are behind all of this since 2015 and were behind both Segwit and 2x. They offered up both solutions to their problem and then let the people choose which cup of poison they wanted. It has all been a masterful deception wherein they will be the ultimate winners unless we the people see through this deception and choose wisely. 2/2

>> No.5314115

This is dumb, it assumes merchants will run their own mining farm, at their expense, to mine transactions directed to them. That's retarded in a couple of ways.

>> No.5314148

When you ask for a beer now days...everyone wants one of them lite beers. Like a Coors light. Or a bud light. They don't want any of that Coors cash shit. It's so bad it's not even a real beer. That's how I know lite coins are the best. They are refreshing. Everyone wants to grab a pack and enjoy them with the boys.

>> No.5314250
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fucking retarded nucoiner, all you need is a node and this worked perfectly fine for tons of people until 2015 when kikestream ruined bitcoin

you corecucks are so fucking thickheaded i swear to god, youre like that annoying fucking kid in school, the little tattletale cunt who could never do any wrong


>> No.5314263

>coin that gets destroyed by a random furry website?
care to elaborate, sir?

>> No.5314312


>> No.5314330

all I can say as a consumer who wants to use crypto as a payment
>I don't care what the merchant do,does,wants. I pay and that's it for me. Its not like you go and pay with your visa and wait in the store for your payment to arrive at the merchant right

>> No.5314336

Cryptokitties are really just another furry fandom event and not a revolutionary market innovation apparently.

>> No.5314338

If you want to accept low-fee transactions for your business, that miners wouldn't normally mine, you don't need "just a node". You need to fucking mine them yourself. I also didn't say anything else about whatever you're sperging out about.

>> No.5314376

holy fuck corecucks are literally this fucking braindead

>> No.5314385
File: 53 KB, 335x297, bch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait until the burgers get home and can actually buy in, the rest of the world (apart from some burger-attachments like AUS) can still only watch from the sidelines.

>> No.5314415

look at this fucking guy, corecucks are absolute brainlets with zero understanding of bitcoin technology

>> No.5314424

ETH is the Yeb! of crypto

>> No.5314472

i'm waiting i'm waiting i swear i'm waiting

>> No.5314556

uk here, just watching. Once we can get involved bcash will tank

>> No.5314616
File: 8 KB, 480x323, 1323734676086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, so all the trading going down on GDAX for BCH is basically limited to the U.S. right now? Holy shit, wait until the rest of the world gets in on this.....

>> No.5314657

You guys going to immediately dump everything for a loss or something?

>> No.5314691

I really think cash khux have something genetically wrong with them how could you fall for such a scam? The only explanation is that you were born to lose

>> No.5314727

No it's only it's actually just limited to my bedroom. Wait until it leaves my bedroom! It's going to Skyrocket to billions

>> No.5314790

Fucking gdax. There is clearly enough liquidity now. Are they afraid to see BCH moon?

>> No.5314827

not a loss. If I dump bcash now i make mad sats
should have left it on bittrex and dropped at 0.22

>> No.5314842

Maybe they just want to drive customers away for no reason

>> No.5314858

i just sold some of my btc in the hope it drops lower so i make sats

Guarenteed btc moons now. It's always the same

>> No.5314857

>When you ask for a beer now days...everyone wants one of them lite beers. Like a Coors light. Or a bud light. They don't want any of that Coors cash shit. It's so bad it's not even a real beer. That's how I know lite coins are the best. They are refreshing. Everyone wants to grab a pack and enjoy them with the boys.

makes sense

just put in an order for 100K LTC

>> No.5314859

yeah dude this will for sure play out differently to last time my man where bch dumped leaving bag holders for month as btc smashed its ath haha

cant wait to be rich on bch and buy a coffee haha, no way the network gets clogged exactly like btc if it ever had the same use haha, the devs are great and it even has a ceo who is a clean fair guy not a criminal manipulative jew haha

bch for life guys buy haha

seriously please fucking buy it, i bought ath and im getting fucked please help guys

>> No.5314904


>> No.5314921

This. I'm going to be eating Ramen the next few days because of this s***

>> No.5314926

Britbong here

Still can't buy or sell through Coinbase

>> No.5314949

i just saved all the core hodlers by tempting fate

You're all welcome

>> No.5314982

Will BCH last long enough to make this a General. It is historic, ya know

>> No.5315060

Does BCH have RBF? Or did they revert that change?

>> No.5315077


>> No.5315092

bch removed rbf

>> No.5315149

They're both shitcoins that need to die

>> No.5315184
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>> No.5315234

would say the same but you need one to measure all the others once fiat is dead

>> No.5315263

They fork a segwid 2x 4mb adjustable algorithm free coins fork.
So I guess this shit will win bankers tricked us once again

>> No.5315298

Pretty hilarious to see the coin back into the same position it was when people jumped on the bandwagon

>> No.5315354

aaaaaand you wrong

>> No.5315366


Worst reason for a digital asset to exist I've ever heard anon. Why would I measure my wealth on a shitheap scale? Anyone who's not an emotional faggot measures against fiat.

>> No.5315531

>lets say fiat is dead = no more USD EUR whatever
you need a stor of value like gold or something like that

but like with fiat now, nothing is backed with gold anymore

now everything ( or most of it ) is backed with USD

>> No.5315541

>Not using bitfinex

>> No.5315570

haha yeah these bcashies are too dumb to see the value of digital gold. These morons actually think the unconfirmed tx's mean anything. That's just poorfags who don't want to pay the fee. We're going straight to 25k.

>> No.5315579

but it's like 0.2
It reached 0.37 the other day, wtf, how can cashies be happy about this price "rise"? it's still way down from ATH

>> No.5315646

because I just fucking bought in, how are you guys so fucking dumb

"It's down 30%, brand new coin to normiebase, it's going to keep going down and never get close to it's ath again'

fucking delusional, it's literally free money.

>> No.5315800

I had to use CEX.IO and Binance to start trading in Peru, so yeah... I could've bought 3 years ago but it was a fucking nightmare to deal with cashing out and localbitcoin scammers.

>> No.5315884

Update - We have re-enabled Bitcoin Cash buys & sells. Availability may fluctuate today based on market health.


>> No.5316006

it's still unavailable for me. outside the US.

>> No.5316091

Jesus christ, that explains why I never had to care about confirmations back in the early days. Thanks for letting me know.

>> No.5316114

Buy walls building up.

>> No.5316119
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Your Greed will be your downfall

>> No.5316198

If you really want BCH to take the throne you would all be cucked to Jihan and Roger Ver. They would be “bosses” of the blockchain, thus centralizing it, thus the exact opposite of what the real bitcoin is and stands for. DECENTRALIZED. TRUSTLESS. PEER 2 PEER

>> No.5316248

there is a clear winner. there's only one that you can actually use.

>> No.5316281

And Core hasn't already centralized it to their vision? Lmao

>> No.5316317

Mining isn't affected by the growth of the blockchain. Only full chain nodes are affected.

Mining is only affected by block size increased. Miners, or mining pools nowadays, requires a network capable of transferring at most 1 MB every 10 minute. With BCH they require at most 8 MB every 10 minute.

This is a non issue for mining pools today, and most solo-miners too.

>> No.5316353

Core didn’t rip off a brand, that isn’t copyrighted yet because this is crypto, and is persuading the public that the rip off alt chain with a stolen name is the “real bitcoin”

>> No.5316424

I dont understand how core people can argue that cash brings centralization when their solution to $50 fees is literally a centralized side chain

>> No.5316429

The original Bitcoin is dead, it's the many bastard children sired by it who argue over who was the true heir.

>> No.5316577

hehehe hahaha ANd BCH ends up being with 1.1 sats