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53181175 No.53181175 [Reply] [Original]

A couple weeks ago I tried to warm you...

>> No.53181177
File: 303 KB, 1440x1345, Screenshot_20230108-065404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomorrow, you shall learn

>> No.53181311

inb4: SOURCE


>> No.53181351

A couple more liquidations then up only!

>> No.53181363

I don't get it.

>> No.53181369

I hope you know that's photoshopped

>> No.53181402

Fake but accurate.

>> No.53181409

Yes, the largest exchange gets liquidated due to money laundering and the price goes up somehow.

CZ is a scammer. He's telling you he's a scammer because they're all scammers. They signal to each other using symbolism. This is so they don't accidently scam each other.
CZs scam is coming to a close, it just so happens that CZs scam is propping up 99% of the crypto market. If you thought FTX going tits up was bad you haven't seen shit yet.

>making shit up out of desperation

>> No.53181444
File: 1.92 MB, 320x514, ouch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sbf is basically free at his parents house playing lol
>SEC randomly going after binance, for no reason
They don't even try.

>> No.53181465

Let me fill you in on some steps you missed

>FTX/Alameda get rolled
>they snitch, including details about international money laundering through the exchanges
>Tether Shareholder lets spill in a Q&A session that all the major exchanges are owned by the same people through shell companies
>Binance under investigation for Money Laundering

I know it's really difficult to string a chain of events like this together without the news giving you the talking points for the day. But I promise you'll make better investments if you can learn this skill.

>> No.53181594

binance has no vcs or hedge fund partners
its a self-contained exchange
they want to bring it down
but theyre going to have to do it by force

>> No.53181918
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>2 more weeks

>> No.53181946

>binance has no vcs or hedge fund partners
That's the 'money laundering' part.

>> No.53181991

I can promise you'll look like a jackass tomorrow when nothing happens and you made this gay ass thread with your condescending tone

>> No.53182012

How many jews do you guys think CZ has pissed off so far?
Is the CCP stronger than the Jews?

>> No.53182087

>when nothing happens
The thing is no matter what happens you'll claim nothing happened.
You've already chosen to be ignorant, why even argue at this point? Who are you trying to convince, yourself?

>How many jews do you guys think CZ has pissed off so far?
They're all in bed with each other.

>> No.53182165

>Is the CCP stronger than the Jews?

>> No.53182912

Rothschilds andother families own their banking too
Doubt they consider themselves equal to the tribe though

>> No.53182962

this but unironically
binance will fall, then it dominoes to tether
downward spiral eventually leads to $400 eth
(if you care about bitcoin and use it as a leading indicator, you haven't understood this market. btc won't recover from this bear without the tether ponzi propping it up)
once we've flushed all the fake money and bad actors out of the system, remaining real value can build

>inb4 if you're so sure why aren't you shorting
i literally have an ongoing $3m tether short i pay roughly $10k a month to maintain. that's how confident i am this collapses in either 2023 or 2024

>> No.53183010

Holy shit its like an alarm going off,





>> No.53183020

>>Tether Shareholder lets spill in a Q&A session that all the major exchanges are owned by the same people through shell companies

Link it or shut the fuck up

>> No.53183028

>once we've flushed all the fake money and bad actors out of the system, remaining real value can build

Crypto is nothing but fake money and bad actors. There's literally zero value here.

>> No.53183073

Here you go

First 20 or so seconds

>> No.53183082

Also correction, I said "Tether" shareholder, when its Bitfinex.
I said that because Bitfinex and Tether are the same in the same way that FTX and Alameda are the same.

>> No.53183152

So the us government commits fraud and blames cz??? Jews project so hard they glow in the dark

>> No.53183166

By numbers yes with ability to manipulate money no

>> No.53183349

How did you possibly come to this conclusion?

>> No.53183433

No, you clinical retard

>> No.53183481

if you get your news from this guy, you are a retard that will die poor

>> No.53183503
File: 134 KB, 680x661, B6CAD1B8-EC9E-46B9-BEDA-D59D5A7297F4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a nothing burger like always. People got their asses GAPED by Sam/FTX and want cz to go down so others feel their pain aka virgin cucks that got what they deserve for trusting a jew are throwing a multi month tantrum

>> No.53183530
File: 37 KB, 318x306, 9B9D1AC1-4185-4B55-B072-22C9F0F7DEBA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This LMFAO. Months of fud and nothing ever happens.
>binance will fall b-because it just HAS to, okay??
They reek of so.y

>> No.53183674

finance over the last 100 years has been all about ponzi, fake money and bad actors

>> No.53183738

yep. Normies think it's exclusive to crypto LMFAO. Stocks and metals are the same. Probably other asset classes I know little of

>> No.53184686
File: 127 KB, 828x875, CalvinOLarry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>formal dress in Bermuda
this was memed to death in 2018, is everyone this new now?
>posting tweets from Randy racoon the doxxed scammer
>The subpoenas, which have not been previously reported, do not necessarily mean authorities are likely to bring charges
there's actually a lot of bullish things in the trash article from the washedup post kek

>> No.53184842

>for no reason


>> No.53185189
File: 136 KB, 778x420, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: BNB 'insolvent' shorters feeling the heat

>> No.53185211

That's Carribean formal business attire, you fucking retard.

>> No.53185238

checked. Bitfinex'ed is so retarded that he doesn't know what Bermuda shorts are. kek imagine being Bitfinex'ed with Tether living in your head rent free for years