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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 32 KB, 200x200, 3581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53265904 No.53265904 [Reply] [Original]

>whole market up 10%
>PNK +2%

>> No.53265936

It takes time for alts to pump.

>> No.53266249

Piece oft shit

>> No.53266300

Fuck you, Rusty.

>> No.53266393
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>> No.53266654

Remember 4moonxgg? Not even meme magic can help these worthless ancient stones

>> No.53266699

wait... I've been out of the loop for like a year - is this project still alive???

>> No.53267003
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>> No.53267362

Give it time

>> No.53267984
File: 79 KB, 680x568, FmYh1o-aEAAZwO0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least my BIT bag is going fucking parabolic, BitDAO up +38% in the last week

>> No.53268278


>> No.53268672

It’s just beginning

>> No.53269112
File: 347 KB, 1280x899, 1616778476838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kleros purple ID
Sirs sign from Vishnu!
In all seriousness this shit is dead. Rusty's gonna hold this to 0 like he did with UNN. And all because of that case with the long haired faggot looking in the wrong direction made him feel like he wasn't human garbage for a week. Don't get emotionally attached to your coins lads. It's not FUD, you're just losing money forever waiting 2 more weeks.

>> No.53269136

nice digits
No it's dead in the water. It's 2023 and the lazy devs still haven't released court 2.0. They probably won't release it even before the 2024/25 btc halving pump and anyone dumb enough to hold it will sit on the sidelines AGAIN.

>> No.53269137
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10000 rupees eom you bastards

>> No.53269379
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>> No.53269406
File: 2.71 MB, 4032x3024, 40195709476-1674-19761-967-41476197519571(-2116890815)9158146045107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck, i wish we could clone like 5 guangmian and kleros would be in top 10 in 2 weeks unironically

>> No.53269486
File: 30 KB, 565x315, nippy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pfffft hol up there's an Indian coin? LETS GO BOYS

>> No.53269506

Kleros V2 is due for release in Q2 2022. Have a little patience sirs.

>> No.53269807
File: 728 KB, 600x600, 1670041774425314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ser if you zoomout on the crypto index you will see three large bull cycles. Kek tried to warn us to accumulate during the 3rd moon cycle. The next bull market is the 4th moon then it's gg, we make it. The temple of kleros discrd has deciphered this awhile ago and has been purchasing fudding contracts from TCS and larped as trans so they could accumulate throughout the 3rd moonphase at reduced prices. Patiently awaiting for the 4th moon. And now it is here.

>> No.53270347

sirs..... still dont know where to redeem....

>> No.53270380
File: 300 KB, 1280x960, 1636221806202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If pinkies truly make it after all this time I'm gonna move to india and become a full time tuk-tuk driver.

>> No.53271026


>> No.53271368

You tried to fud parsiq by associating it with this cringe midwit scam.
Meanwhile parsiq is up 30% and your shitcoin barely moves.

It’s over for you kikes

>> No.53273016


>> No.53273356


>> No.53273371

This shit still exists?!


>> No.53273399
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>> No.53273409
File: 19 KB, 381x400, 1319767194003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sssssh shut up shut up shut up.

>> No.53274616

Oh, wow. Someone saved the pic I took at a red light last year. Or was it two years ago.. anyway - cool! Kek
This FUD gets me. I feel this way.
> t. holding 1.1MM PNK

>> No.53275835

PNK is fine.

>> No.53275903

PNK is mine

>> No.53277314

PNK is wine

>> No.53277345

PNK is swine

>> No.53277348

You bought fucking junk dude let it go. How much did this pump from bottom to top in its entire existence, 10x?

>> No.53277377

If any of my alts pump I will use that money to buy more PNK. It's only 15M mcap. You're missing out a lifetime opportunity.

>> No.53277496

Hi Federico

>> No.53277564

>Hi Federico
Hi Dumberico

>> No.53278129

I'm selling my bags at $1. Do what you want with this information.

>> No.53278798

PNK is sublime

>> No.53278820

>Whitey 7up EUGH!

>> No.53279020

Ser, thank you, PNK is fine sur

>> No.53280509
File: 488 KB, 720x478, Clem_Fede_Vennu_space_animated.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello Rusty. I know your pain, I had high hopes for this one and genuinely enjoyed making and posting in the threads. The devs even used a meme I made in one of their videos. However I've separated the attachment I have to those fun times spent posting with my fellow jeets from how retarded the team behind this really is. The idea is not a bad one but these fuckers cannot execute. They never deliver. In my professional experience people who always delay and have some excuse but continue to promise the world aren't worth your investment. A good team will provide realistic goals and hustle to meet them as often as they can. Kleros v2 not being online now is proof of their failure and evidence to expect further ineptitude from them.
>They actually do waste a lot of time playing Vidya
>Jimmy left
>Clement collusion
>some other concern you will say is FUD to invalidate my post

>> No.53280554

Oh and by the way, Klerosboard v3 looks like shit and is obviously made by an ESL. If the person who made it is lurking ITT you should be ashamed. Guess someone should submit a Kleros Kourt Kase to one of the inactive translation courts.