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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53314633 No.53314633 [Reply] [Original]

In 10 years my mortgage will be the same but your rent is likely to be double LOL

>> No.53314714
File: 107 KB, 1092x726, 1498927945999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The average duration of a mortgage is 7 years. You'll appreciate at 5% per year on average and pay around 30k in maintenance expenses during that time frame. You will also pay 5% of the house during the sale for selling and general expenses, so for each 200k you will pay 10k.

So on a 200k home, it will be worth 268k at the end of 7 years. Your mortgage will be 170k. After commission, you'll be 254k, then backout upkeep which will be 224k.

After 7 years you made 54k. Wowzers. If I rent, I can move whenever to better areas for better jobs. That's the play in your 20's. Make that 185k boys.

>> No.53314724

>hurricane insurance
>tornado insurance
>flood insurance
>fire insurance
>property tax
>HOA fees

>> No.53314725

>dude just hit the gym no one cares!
fuck fit bros

>> No.53314752
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>10 years my mortgage will be the same but your rent is likely to be double LOL

>buys the top of a multigenerational population boom
thanks for buying a cardboard house built by illegals for 30 years of your savings + interest

>> No.53314764

In ten years my 20% down equivalent ($100k) will be $5mil and I’ll be getting double bow jobs from legal age Thai hookers on a beach while you post on 4chan about your shitty termite damaged house built in 1962

>> No.53314773

>your rent is likely to be double
Doubt. There won't be inflation. Deflation and high living costs is the real middle class killer.

>> No.53314783

I bench 405 for reps and I would never do this to you. Come jim

>> No.53314794

The ones that are niggers like this always have undeveloped legs and only work upper body. Well rounded gym chads that don’t look like retarded light bulbs tend to be nice guys

>> No.53314857

to truly drive the point home of just how horrible this is, you also have to put right next to it the price of a bowl of rice so you see just how inflation is assraping you and that uptick is barely a recovery

>> No.53314904

most people don't choose to rent. they rent out of necessity. you're arguing with a straw man.

>> No.53314908

>Average mortage is 7 years
Wtf try 20 years

>> No.53314921

Thank you for arranging this list from most letters to least letters. It was pleasant to read

>> No.53314939

legday? somebody?

>> No.53315001


People tend to switch houses every 7 years. Most mortgages are 20-30 years, technically, but people just keep re-upping because, like you, they’re absolutely fucking retarded.

>inb4 “but muh refinancing!”

>> No.53315006

>your rent is likely to be double LOL

>> No.53315227

i have more liquid capital and the market is going to crash this year

>> No.53315244

fuck off shill

>> No.53315268

>After 7 years you made 54k
And after 7 years you have literally pissed away $58,000 @ $700/month LOL not to mention your rent goes up perpetually whereas eventually my "rent" will be ~$300/month for insurance/taxes. Literally in 20 years average rent will be over $2,000/month and mine will be over 80% cheaper WHILE living in a nest egg that perpetually increases in value.

>hurr muh housing crash
TWO MORE WEEKS. Cope harder Qtards

>> No.53315288

>It will just keep going up forever
>New paradigm!
Standard bubble nonsense. 2008 says hello

>> No.53315291

go fuck yourself

>> No.53315312

I will rent until I can afford to buy a home in cash. But most likely will build my own home myself at that point.
no wife
no kids
no pets
Why the fuck would I strap myself to a 15 yr mortgage and be a debt slave when I can move wherever I want and aggressively save/invest?

>> No.53315336

Even if the market crashed by 50%, I'd STILL have equity and my "rent" is literally half what yours is - so no - you do not have more "liquid" capital. If we both make $100,000 a year, my living expenses are several hundred dollars less than yours and that is including my higher montly utilities and repair costs.

Literally right this second I could sell my house and become a rentcuck like you except immediately have an additional $200,000 to invest.

>> No.53315354

>no argument
Seethe more you fat redneck retard. Stick to arguing about what caliber to hog hunt with, you're out of your depth here

>> No.53315355

because ((they)) don't want to to be ready to pivot
you are literally holding a loaded gun to their head

>> No.53315360

>the rentoid SEETHES at the truth.

Based owner chad. Make them seethe.

>> No.53315375

your bags are your problem
get rekt

>> No.53315382

>I will rent until I can afford to buy a home in cash
100% the absolute DUMBEST thing anyone could do besides renting
>aggressively invest
Post car key fob right now you LARPing poorfag retard

>> No.53315389

you are so desperate you have to shill here

>> No.53315407

hey fuck you

>> No.53315417

Yep I'm dumb. Nice demoralization thread faggot. I'm debt free while you're a piece of shit debtor. I bet you don't even own the title to your vehicle.

>> No.53315462
File: 135 KB, 851x1513, FcTaXSzXEAAwGRA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just can't afford it ok?! The bank wont give me a loan because i don't have 100k in my savings account and i do not have a gf to share the costs. I'll just have to rent this shitty apartment until the end of my days.

>> No.53315493

>demoralization thread
Wow I see the Qtard Facebook boomers have migrated from pol to other boards, very impressive.

>> No.53315511

Why would you want to live in the same place for 20 years? That sounds horribly boring. I'm genuinely curious why people like you stay in the same place for your entire life.
>inb4 i can rent my house out
You and I both know you're never going to do that. It's just something for your own delusions.

>> No.53315537

If you actually thought this you wouldn't be ITT seething. Only people who know there is truth behind a post get this assblasted.

You're a poorfag rentcuck. You are "investing" shit. You literally cannot afford a home and most likely have shitty credit. Post car key fob right now

>> No.53315551
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In 10 years your mortgage will be the same but the piece of shit house you bought in Hicksville, USA that was built in the 1930s will only be worth half of the "value" you "bought" it at and are still paying for the full price for. You'll think about leaving and selling the place because your hillbilly neighbors just shat out their 9th kid and they're spitting and pissing all over your property but selling would mean realizing loss and the fact that rentchads were actually right. I'm actually giggling to myself imagining you trying to do some "diy" project or fixing your pipes while I call up my landlord for any issue that I might have and have it fixed ASAP or else I'll sue.

>> No.53315573

>Why would you want to live in the same place for 20 years?
*gasp* imagine the concept of selling a home and buying another :O

>> No.53315582


Didn't read the rest of your retarded post of cope

>> No.53315621
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>Genetic Trash vs a Normal Man

>> No.53315653

Okay. You should do a YouTube video series when you decide to sell your double wide so that you can step up to a manufactured home so that we can see you soiface when it turns out your 30 year loan to live with a bunch of rednecks is underwater.

>> No.53315693

>more strawman
It's like the only way you incels know how to argue is to make up some retarded fantasy in your head then say why that retarded fantasy is retarded LOL. 100% mental illness and low IQ

>> No.53315720
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Sorry boomer but paying rent is actually an asset

>> No.53315726
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lol, fucking zoomers

>> No.53315730


people here like to complain about Marvelfags having this idea that life is like one of their Marvel movies but the people here think real life for other people is whatever weird shit they can come up with in their own brain. they're both on the same soi wavelength, just at opposite spectrums

>> No.53315773
File: 4 KB, 200x220, brainlet-skinny-neck-thumbnail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can walk out at any time.... right back into another apartment
>you can leave anytime.... right back into another apartment

>going into bankruptcy is actually an asset... you can just stop paying bills anytime. Freedom is an asset

>> No.53315815

>Flyover trash still aggressively coping as the zestimate continues to drop
Lmao, I'm sure your 80 year old "asset" in Sioux Falls will only appreciate.

>> No.53315826

I'm fine, I pay about €300 pm for a 80m2 flat in a medieval town

>> No.53315839

Good. Stay out, pipsqueak.

There is NOTHING that makes me day FUNNIER then seeing some FAT, DISGUSTING WASTE or some SKINNY LITTLE BITCH try to lift BABY WEIGHTS with SHIT FORM. I ALWAYS bully the FUCK out of them by openly laughing and staring . If they have girl with them (usually their MOM/SISTER) I come over and "teach" them how to do it "right" with MUCH BIGGER weights while mogging the FUCK out of them and hitting on the chick. Usually get a number this way to for easy fucks LOL

>> No.53315969

Shhhhh, don't want to wake the neighbors ;)

>> No.53316029
File: 687 KB, 1335x1171, Hipster wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big medieval city, it's so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like i'm in one of my favourite TV SHOWS. you should totally come on down to my studio apartment, it's got EXPOSED RED BRICK walls and everything, we can crack open a nice hoppy ipa or three and get crazy watching some cartoons on adult swim! and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the barcade- listen here, right, it's a BAR where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go DRINK. BUT!! it's also an ARCADE like when we were kids, so we can play awesome VIDEO GAMES, without dumb kids bothering us. speaking of which megan and i have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we're both getting snipped tomorrow at the hospital, that way we can save money to spent more on ourselves and our FURBABIES. i'm fuckin JACKED man, ï'm gonna SLAM this craft beer and pop open another one!!

>> No.53316037

Rentoids coping within an inch of their lives. Truth is, if real estate weren’t one of the best investments available the owning class wouldn’t have spent the last 200 years doing the absolute most to prevent poor people from doing it.

>> No.53316070

who wants "location freedom"? its just the right to be kicked out lmao. i want to live one place for 10 years and just chill. no worries about being kicked out.

>> No.53316112

>poor wagies seething at this
You just don’t get it plebs

>> No.53316140

I buy houses and rent them out while I live with my parents still. Why not the play the system to your benefit

>> No.53316153

my dividends from REITs pays 3x my rent and I can go where ever I want at a moments notice

>> No.53316177

look at his dyel legs
you could also report him to the staff and get him banned lmao

>> No.53316181

>guy clearly used a euro sign
>project an entirely american stereotype onto him
there's a whole world outside of the bubble you live in. i've never heard of anyone drinking ipa beer or going to "barcades" here

>> No.53316253

good for you bro, consoom those products

>> No.53316274

have sex and lurk more

>> No.53316275
File: 77 KB, 640x640, 1633018099246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A 30 year mortgage in my neighborhood costs around 4.5k monthly when you put down 3.5%
>I live in a nice brick apartment gated community with courtyards and balconies for 2.5k
>I invest the money I would need for a down payment on investments that outperform boomer real estate
>Also get to invest the 2k a month I save by not buying a house on investments that outperform real estate
>Inb4 "Just go live with the poorfags bro, surely this will not negatively affect you, surely you will not become more like the people you associate yourself with"
If you live in Chudville and your only aspiration is to wage or NEET until you can retire on crypto then buying is a fine plan but speaking in absolutes and bragging about yourself shows how much of a retarded fucking poorfag you are

>> No.53316312

>yeah my rooms upstairs and too the right but be quiet though, the stairs squeak and my parents are asleep
>yes, this is a totally normal request from someone who is 30
>wait don't leave
>Ok well at least be quiet walking down the stairs

>> No.53316432

not the anon you are replying to but i have never seen a barcade in my life and hoppy ipa's is english drivel, bitters arent really a thing for beer
also again you are in a bubble like the other anon said, living in europe probably means renting in a city as the other option is buying a house rural and there are far fewer 'rural' options as pop densities are so much higher
its a totally different world outside whatever little construct you are in
and yes 300€ pm is a pretty good deal, a mortgage will set you back so much more

>> No.53316434

Daily reminder that Martin shkreli, the king of biz, still rents.

>> No.53316511

>>A 30 year mortgage in my neighborhood costs around 4.5k monthly when you put down 3.5%
>3.5% downpayment
what is wrong with you

>> No.53316666
File: 30 KB, 227x213, 1633533581414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I'm not tying up more than 3.5% down payment on a fucking box to live in when I can use that money to outperform it
I'll get a fucking house eventually when I have a family but for now it makes no mathematical sense in my neighborhood for me as a single man

>> No.53316707

What an absolute jewish babble.
Why rich instafags like former race baiter andrew rate and these fags talk about “location freedom” as if it’s something wonderful, when most people actually want a stable house to build a family in?

>> No.53316832

Keep investing like ‘most people’ and let us know how that works out for you

>> No.53316862
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You can't cope lol

>> No.53316886

it's funny how angry people get arguing about renting vs buying. the real benefit of buying is that it forces people to invest in an asset. yes, it's very risky because you are investing in a single asset that often will end up representing your most valuable asset. but realistically most people are too undisciplined and retarded to save otherwise. there are obvious benefits to renting, especially if you are able to use the money you are not spending on a mortgage and downpayment wisely. most people seem incapable of investing that extra money wisely. they'll usually spend it.

>> No.53317005
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You faggot. I KNOW. I KNOW. I'm trying but I can't get a house like my buddy for 85k. Now they're like 300k+. Fuck you for mocking my struggle you pos I hope your house gets termites and a tranny kicks your door down and fucks your ass.

>> No.53317028

Buying a house is a scam. It was thought up by bankers to sell you a mortgage

>> No.53317056

Fuck off caroline, don't you have some lawyer's dick to grip?

>> No.53317063

>stay in the same place for your entire life
you are half right, because im planning to retire to someplace overseas in the comfy area of some cheap asian country and living leeching rentoids like you, if everything goes right and nothing improvised happens like dying or getting very ill, im gonna reach this goal in 5 years

>> No.53317133

even if they wanted to own a house like us chads, they would have few decent opportunities to do so

>> No.53317212

All of that together (minus HOA, because I'm not a cuck and fight down HOAs every time someone tries to establish one) costs for $1,300 a month, which is cheaper than rent in my city.

>> No.53317287
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>say that to my face

>> No.53317320
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i live at my friend's house for only $350 a month

>> No.53317354

>Doesn't factory in maintenance/repairs.

>> No.53317360

if I were a renter this would be true
but I live in one of my dads many houses so fuck off OP
> inb4 leech, i help my dad more then he helps me. I can afford a house, but hes on the way out so quality time first

>> No.53317405
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>In 10 years my mortgage will be the same

*clears throat*

>> No.53317444
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Get a load of this retard

>> No.53317463
File: 225 KB, 1920x1080, pixelated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live with my grandma, she's kind of senile and when I invite guys for hookups she thinks they are my school friends staying for a vidya sleepover, she buys us cookies.

>> No.53317692

looool, that's pretty funny ngl

>> No.53317767

Well I like to have kids and a stable home like most people.
That doesn’t relate to “investment” retard
Most people don’t cut their dicks either; why do you wanna be like them?!

>> No.53317802

Imagine owning a home in muttland
lol even

>> No.53317836

didnt read, not my problem

>> No.53318053

It's a copypasta you fuckin sperg holy shit you're literally sperging out because some meme doesn't 100% apply to the post. Have sex and get out of your basement you weird little faggot

>> No.53318108

>>3.5% downpayment is bad
Congrats on giving yourself away as an actual retard. When interest rates were less than 3%, you'd have to be a fucking retard to put down any more than the minimum. I'm not going to bother explaining why to some shitskin teenager but let it be know average YoY ROI in generic stocks in 6%

>> No.53318198

Nice mental gymnastics retard.
You also don’t need to take on $400k worth of debt to have a family.
I swear homecels are just too retarded to do anything else except shackle themselves to massive debt and wage slave away to pay it back but then they have audacity to get high and mighty about their financial illiteracy and poor decision making.

>> No.53318295

>shackle themselves to massive debt
Literally the only way you avoid this as a rentcuck is to be homeless. You will be perpetually paying rent unless you are literally homeless. You also act like lease terms don't exist. As a rentcuck, you "people" literally have to sign 6 or 12 month leases which is literally the exact same thing you're freaking out about

>> No.53318386

What If you dont sell your house every 7 years

>> No.53318460
File: 525 KB, 736x813, 1666813719422221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amount of seething in every one of these threads is fucking pathetic, it's like you losers are going to make or break your entire financial life based on renting or taking a mortgage, if I were any of you getting this emotional over a fucking expense I would recommend figuring out how to make more fucking money and realizing this shit does not fucking matter as much as you think it does

>> No.53318463

>high living costs

>> No.53318478

Too much institutional money is in RE for that to happen in any appreciable manner outside of a complete and utter collapse. Not an impossible scenario but you cant bank on it.

>> No.53318510

I don’t have lease terms.
I rent a house, it’s month to month.
Look, idgaf about owning vs renting I think it’s very situational but I hate this idea that someone absolutely must own.
In chess you typically don’t just queen rush, you develop your pieces and then push.
Finances are the same. I’m not going to put everything into a mortgage and then spend the entire game playing everything around that one piece.
Right now crypto seems like a better speculative play than housing so I’m pushing hard with a crypto play because that’s the set up I’m seeing on the board.

>> No.53318513 [DELETED] 


>> No.53318515
File: 52 KB, 960x826, median-length-of-ho.format-jpeg.jpegquality-70.width-960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That metric doesnt apply in an increasing interest rate enviroment and peol
Ple just stay put. Pic related

>> No.53318541

Aint nothing wrong with that anon. Each fren must fond his own path.

>> No.53318588

Are you a woman? If you wanna come over, i have a studio in my quadplex I use as an airbnb

>> No.53318757

Just because the number goes up doesn't mean the actual value goes up anon.

>> No.53318795

seething house cucks. It is just beginning, you've ruined your life, and you will be a slave for the rest of your existence. Now, come repair my pipes, it seems some careless individual has poured bacon grease in them.

>> No.53318801

These threads are embarrassing with how both owners and renters cope so fucking hard lmao. Like anything else in finance, it depends on your situation.

T. Owner

>> No.53318910

>I wanna have a perma implanted with cock of a landlord
Yes you do you . I rather have a house
Also, you started this gymnasium, by claiming that since wanting a house Is a majority of people goal, then it’s a bad thing.

>> No.53318959

>I don't lease
Well good thing this thread isn't about you. Most people do sign leases - which is shackling themselves to debt - which you say is a terrible thing.

Buying a home is literally step one to acquiring wealth. It isn't some major "push" - literally get a career, spend a year saving and making sure you like your job and area, then buy a home.

Tbhfamalam the ship has sailed on buying a home since interest rates are through the roof. I actually make these threads just to shit on rentcucks LOL. Crypto is literally gambling your money. It is totally retarded. For every 1 person who made a lot of money on crypto, there are 100 who lost.

>> No.53318976

You're a slave to your landlord - except for homeowners I see a portion of my money back when I sell. You on the other hand will NEVER see a dime of that money back LOL

>> No.53318996
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>> No.53319048

>the ship sailed on housing
>it’s step one
Pick one

>> No.53319204

based, best thing about renting is the ease at which you can ditch if you like. once you find a place you'll settle it's better to mortgage and buy your second home cash. i own both of my homes outright and refuse to finance anything. peace of mind > poorfag financial games

>> No.53319345

It'll be step one once rates are below 5% (which will be in like 5+ years LOL)

>> No.53319453

>pretending people arent abke to walk away from debt.

Ann were you a kiddo the last time the housing market crashed? People literally put their house keys in envelopes and mailed them to their banks and walked away.

>> No.53319520

No. Your payments will be locked in and the dollar will deflate by 70%.

>> No.53319658

>wtf is leg day?

>> No.53319746

zestimates are only lowering in the big cities

>> No.53319784

>this thing that has never happened before, ever, will surely happen in a mere


Trump lost by the way

>> No.53319814

Just get your gun in car and ambush him when he leaves the gym.

>> No.53319878

>real estate is step one
>the ship has sailed on real estate
>real estate is dead for 5 years
Thanks. I’ll keep doing what I’m doing. I swear to God the biggest brainless are attracted to owning their home above all else

>> No.53319946
File: 1.56 MB, 1022x681, mansion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope harder
my mansion is almost complete, nearing the final stages now

>> No.53319989

This comment has fewer characters on each line than the one preceding it.
Out of 130,443,742 comments I've analysed only 6371 follow this pattern which is 0.005%.

>> No.53320031

dude has anorexic supermodel legs lol wtf
why are there gym rats that dont do legs? make it make sense bros

>> No.53320066

it's just memes bro

>> No.53320240

I have better legs than that guy and I don't even lift

>> No.53320280

Toxic osb board mcgoyslop house

>> No.53320489

>real estate is step one - when rates drop in 5 years
Holy fucking shit look what happens when you use your brain!

>> No.53320517
File: 931 KB, 3070x2180, Tech99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone and everyone who judges someone's legs based off of calves alone is basically holding up a megaphone and screaming into it: "HERP DERP I'M A DYEL RETARD WHO HAS NEVER STEPPED FOOT IN A GYM LOOK AT MEEEE!!"

Congratulations, both of you. You've managed to tell everyone you're weak sacks of shit

>> No.53320523

Can you imagine how much data the AI has been trained on with this same exact thread for 4 years now

>> No.53320590
File: 322 KB, 500x406, 20200528_224646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's literally me. All these years. This meme? I created it. Check the file name. Yeah, that's May 2020. Never changed it. I sporadically make this thread to shit on rentcucks and it always gets 200+ replies. There is literally zero reason to rent unless you're a cityfag and if you are you're on 4chan so you're gonna get made fun of. It's a lose-lose situation. If rentcucks would have taken my advice 3+ years ago they'd all have sub-3% interest rates and be sitting on 10s of thousands of dollars in equity. Now they are forever


>> No.53321098

Too bad you'll never have a man chin.

>> No.53321291

Because most people aren't rootless degenerates and want to build a family in a community.

>> No.53321645
File: 167 KB, 653x703, 1666372677719445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are so st0pid for not going all in on time shares!

Kys only cro has value

>> No.53321655

Based. The numbers don't lie.

>> No.53321677

IOW you read the whole thing.

>> No.53322072

yeah let me just tap my dick and pull $400,000 out of my dick hole

I don't know what fucking silver spoon got shoved up your rectum but people get housing based on what they can afford.

Now be a good commie fagg and share the wealth with the rest of us

>> No.53322146

nice tomoko pfp i respect the trans catgirl grind

>> No.53322175

I started renting for 900/mo in residency while making 55k originally, after four years the salary was 61k. Same for wife.

Rent didn't increase throughout residency, or the year after. It was easy to move to a rental home after when we had kids, no transaction costs other than movers. The pay is north of 500k/y now. Rent is 2k/mo, landlord is responsive, and hasn't gone up year to year.

Piling pay into three fund portfolio. The houses I'd like to stay in for a long period of time, having land, were not feasible on the smaller salary.

>> No.53322193


nice tomoko pfp i respect the trans catgirl grind

(forgot to reply properly bc I'm a tard my bad)

>> No.53322280

If you have a mortgage you don't own that home.

>> No.53322442

>passively make $54,000 doing nothing except paying bills
>"ohhh that is LE BAD!! and you do math SOOO LE GOOD!! BASED!

I don't speak poorfag/zoomer and am not going to Google your gay little acronym

>> No.53322452

>poorfag rentcuck thinks he needs to put 100% down
Hahaha wow you people are retarded.

>> No.53322469

>Rent didn't increase for me
This thread isn't about you and sn't your blog - literally nobody cares about what you just typed out except you and the fact you are oblvious to this it testament to how out of touch with reality you are.

>> No.53323166

i go to the gym every day. this doesn't happen. come to the gym. everyone is welcome at the gym

>> No.53324136

Based. I pay 1/3 the average monthly rent payment in my city for a similar rental on my mortgage. So Ive accumlated 10k or so in paid principle, got to deduct some taxes, and my house tripled on maximum value in 5 years.When I do cash out it will be tax free. Or i could landlord. Houses are a hedge for inflation as well. Short term, rent it it makes sense for you but home ownership is like a triple hedge with not too much risk

>> No.53324192

Standing up while lifting weights like that can damage your back.

>> No.53324242

The play is to live in your car until you can afford to buy a shitshack outright and save up living in that to get a better home outright and rent out the shitshack. Mortgage you double the amount you spend on the house at 15 years.

>> No.53324276

that tiny legs

>> No.53324286

pic is absolute brainwashed dumpster shit jesus

>> No.53324300

I know a couple guys off handed that didnt buy homes yet in spite flirting with their 40s.

Its gotta feel bad. Granted I expect my home to decrease in value by 20% over the next year but im still up bigly

>> No.53324349

i bet you dont even own a house, larping faggot xD

>> No.53324395

cope & seethe & wrong

>> No.53324414
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>> No.53324433

> My landlord will not pass these fees on to me

>> No.53324487
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>muh rents will rise
As a non-working europoor the state pays for my rent while i push my money into Monero (Ticker: XMR)

>> No.53324732

>Buy my house bag, I did everything society told me to do, you can't get away with doing differently!!!

>> No.53324809

Cope and sneed

>> No.53324822

No one is buying your overpriced real estate OP

>> No.53324824

>After 7 years you made 54k. Wowzers. If I rent
you will be down 100k and have nothing to show for it
>I can move whenever to better areas for better jobs
you can do this with a house you can sell it when ever you want

>> No.53325996

>Buying a home in cash
>100% the absolute DUMBEST thing anyone could do besides renting

Why? I was close to doing this in 2021 - taking profits from the bullrun, before it tanked.

I'm deeply regretful that I didn't, but it's not so much because of the money per se but because it would have secured my lifestyle. I could have my own place with peace of mind, do art, living expenses would be very low etc.

>> No.53326089
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>you can walk out any time

>> No.53326104
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>you can do this with a house you can sell it when ever you want
B-but anon. Don't you need a buyer for that?

>> No.53326121

The 2nd guy curls like such a fag. The first guy was actually doing them correctly. Bouncing like the 2nd guy was is horrendous form and a way people use momentum to do more weight than they should instead of using just their muscles


>hat in the gym

He should be shot

Hunted down and shot

>> No.53326138

It's true, but some people have no choice.

>> No.53326148

It's because even with interest, the inflation increase over a 30 year morgauge means your payment is even cheaper. You get a 30 year morgauge that's NOT anustable and in even 15 years inflation means is even cheaper, it's like free money.

>> No.53326191

Is america the only country that does fixed rate mortgages?

>> No.53326225

The reason why people say you shouldn't buy 100% cash is usually because their argument is to invest the difference.
It's all relative though.
At the end of the day, IMO it all comes down to
>opportunity cost
>position size relative to networth
>cost of mortgage vs rent for similar housing
>macro outlook
>micro outlook (the specific area you're buying in)
The fact that the vast majority of people don't consider even one of those things I just listed but will borrow 80% LTV for 30 years to speculate on the real estate market is just reckless.
(The rest of this post has nothing to do with the person I quoted)
Nigger fuck you. Your chart is national in one of the largest and most economically diverse countries in the world.
Prices in California skyrocketed but we can't say the same for Iowa.
Mountain View saw huge appreciation locally but there were probably other markets that saw huge influxes of niggers that brought or at least stabilized housing prices.
Buy or don't buy Idgaf but have a good reason for either.
The fact that the owners (allegedly) ITT all have good deals is good. That means it made sense for them. The fact all the renters (allegedly) have good deals is good. That means it made sense for them.
The money I would've put towards a house I used to buy equity in a company that's been paying me mid 4-figure amounts monthly.
My rent is below market value. I feel absolutely zero regret about my decisions and easily would have done it again given the opportunity.
I think housing is overpriced. I think rents have topped out. People are moving back home with parents due to affordability. This shit is topped and it's so obvious to anyone who isn't hardcore biased due to their own financial blunders.

>> No.53326550

Never gonna happen. Well, not for at least 150 years anyways.

>> No.53326854

>pay rent until you die
>pay a morgage until you die
>burn it all down
pick one

>> No.53326924

>paying for sex

>> No.53327316

You don't pay for sex. You pay them to leave when you're done.

>> No.53327352

You rent too

The difference is when you don't pay your rent to the government they take hundreds of thousands of dollars away from you

>> No.53327414

>paying women at all

>> No.53327520

Who said they were women?

>> No.53328456

buddy if you think the interest rate is staying high for 5+ years what in the fuck do you think is going to happen to housing?

>> No.53328519

>cope mortgage fag.

>> No.53328769

why don't you ameritards just shoot up the whole place? It's not like you don't have weapons. Dumbfucks

>> No.53328891


>> No.53329406


>> No.53329557


>> No.53329609

>Debt free
>Spends the next two decades paying off Shekelbergs debt
You are incredibly dumb

>> No.53329646

twitch streamer destiny told me that expenses for home ownership are surprisingly high and that i should just rent.

>> No.53329683

This vid always makes landfags rage

>> No.53330711


I thought it was stuff like that. Next bull run I will take out 300-400k to buy a house in Hobart.

One other thing is that I can keep collecting Centrelink welfare as long as I have approx under 500k net worth, and the house you live in is excluded from the assets test...

So I'll buy a 350k house, the taxes etc will be like 2-4k yearly and I'm getting 20k welfare a year. So I can live pretty comfortably, do my art or work on a business etc. Of course I'm already doing something like that it just sucks having to live with my parents (one remaining).

>> No.53331395

Unironically true.
Source, oldfag who has owned multiple properties.

Mortgage + 20% is a very conservative amount.

>> No.53331524

Everyone has to live somewhere, and everyone needs to create wealth.
Property is a wealth vehicle, like stocks. If you buy property you can become wealthy.
You can also live in your investment.
I own my home, it's 4bdm and I rent out a downstairs room for $170/week. I own another 5acre property that I rent out for $520/week. I don't have a mortgage.

>> No.53331600 [DELETED] 

>just go to the gym bro
>the gym:

>> No.53331632

Does it really matter if Biden and Democrats continue to crash our economy? We can't solve the housing crisis with Dems in power, it's impossible.

>> No.53331659

Cool story bro let me just get my 100k savings acount and put down 80k as downpayment for a mortgage.

>> No.53331727

>own house built in 2007
>very modern and well built
>multiple rooms and a big finished basement
>driveway in back and enough room for a firepit, big ass deck
>in a city with a good college that gentrified it and reduced crime
>house is short walking distance to campus, bars, gyms, restaurants, parks, and 5 min drive to grocery store
How'd I do lads? Even with this absolute ass of an economy my house has grown in value since I bought it nearly 2 years ago

>> No.53332034

>In 10 years my mortgage will be the same but your rent is likely to be double LOL
I bet 10 years from now I won't even be alive. Jokes on you, nerd.

>> No.53332053

My rent is 600 bucks.

>> No.53332073

Chad here, chads work out with you to motivate you and tell you to push it.
He's doing the nerd equivalent of playing two player games with you.
Of course the beta male walks off and doesn't ask if chad to spot him or do reps with him.

>> No.53332107

Time is money, nerd. You pay regardless.

>> No.53332125

>not to mention your rent goes up perpetually
No, actually.

>> No.53332133

In 5-10 years I will no longer have a mortgage. SUCKED IN RENT KEKS, GO BUY SOMETHING

>> No.53332141

>Post car key fob right now you LARPing poorfag retard
I got rid of my car because paying 60 bucks a week for gas is gay.
350 a month for insurance? Not anymore.

>> No.53332154

I'm paying time regardless, thus since its a base cost it doesn't exist since I can't get rid of it

>> No.53332162

That's fucking boring, I grew up in rural Canada, that's peak borning.

>> No.53332181

They can be. Biggest issue when owning a home is when shit breaks you have to foot the bill to fix it, and shit breaks all the time. Everyone has their own stories of landlords being absolute shitpiles and refusing or cheaping out on fixing things in their apartments, and they're all probably true, but either way you're not paying for that and if you don't have a lease and the landlord isn't fixing anything you can just go. At your house, that stuff's gotta get fixed and the only one who's gonna pay to do it is you. That's not counting other stuff like property taxes either.

>> No.53332183

Sorry bud, where I live house double every 7 years

>> No.53332306

The correct response to this is to walk over to the next-size-up dumbbells and resume your set.

>> No.53332721

My rent is the same as in 2018 but I've gone from having $5k net worth to $300k since then

Just find a boomer that lives out of state and then never talk to them and pay your rent on time

>> No.53334305

>making 55k originally, after four years the salary was 61k
What the fuck, you only had a 11% increase in pay in 5 years? I would kill myself.

>> No.53334374

Why does no one every take property taxes into account, as part of this? Last year, I paid $4,800 in rent. How much were your property taxes, OP? I bet about the same as that. You are paying rent on your property just as much as me, though property taxes, but without all the flexibility renting gives you.

>> No.53334401

>when most people actually want a stable house to build a family in
Who? You? I don't.

>> No.53334528

rent until you are 30-35 then buy a house and settle

being mobile in your 20's is a must because you'll need that experience and money.

ofc all the faggots ITT get mogged by the nepobaby that lives in a generational house

>> No.53336197

Bear Patrol Tax

>> No.53336227
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checked however renting lets you make invest your money better and make it work for you and you don't have to be tied to some town

>> No.53337018

>rent is an asset

I've been preparing income statements wrong this whole time.

>> No.53337038

Lies Unless you're third world or disabled or something

>> No.53337501

Owning your residence can be useful as a rent hedge, yes.

>> No.53337529

People are brave at the gym considering the Chinese guy can just double hand a 20kg weight and slam it into the back of your head at any time.

>> No.53337591

or he could kick him in the leg and it would snap like a twig

>> No.53337647

>350 a month for insurance on a car.
Are you a nigger? my 2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee I bought for $53k is $450 every 6 months

>> No.53337668
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>In 10 years I expect to keep my job and own something and not nothing like everyone else
>I am so smart, I outsmarted the system.
stupid american.

>> No.53337695

Why would he just hand them? I'd tell him to go fuck himself and look around the rack for more. Never would have even gotten to that point. He deserved that mogging

>> No.53337728

>on average
on average I make 4.25% in the stock market and have one testicle
that's how useful your averages are
now apply it to a market as inefficient and archaic as housing

>> No.53337747

They won’t even watch it

>> No.53337766

damn son.

>> No.53337778

Is this why all the wealthy people never buy homes?
Oh wait, they buy multiple homes, its just that they are so comfortable in their control that they the cattle below them that they are better off renting (their) houses.

>> No.53337827

back when rates were 3% you retards were screeching that in two weeks we'd be underwater on our mortgages
aside from PMI, 20% down is exactly what prevents this
if the piddly 20% you put into your home is so much that you would instead leverage it for a measly 3% premium pre-tax, you should stay in your little cuck box and rent because you can't afford to buy

>> No.53339269

I literally put down 2% when rates were 3% you retard and now my house is worth 25% more than what I paid for it.

Stocks have historically given 6% annual returns. Putting down anything more than you absolutely have to is FINACIALLY RETARDED when rates are that low

Now I await you bitching about how a measly 6% YoY ROI in stocks is something "outlandish" and how somehow stocks are terribly risky yet the value of your home will never tank. Retard, no matter how you try to spin it, you're retarded for putting anything more than the MINIMUM when rates were 3%

>> No.53339414

Do you think video's are the internet are candid? You probably hold LUNC, GME, BBBY, and Link

>> No.53339485

The percentage of wealth in their residential home is like 10% Owning multiple house is for business trips. You on the other hand are what we like to call house poor. It’s real term look it up

>> No.53339516

Should've exercised his 2nd amendment rights.

>> No.53339543

>This thread isn't about you and sn't your blog - literally nobody cares about what you just typed out except you and the fact you are oblvious to this it testament to how out of touch with reality you are.
>t 28 posts itt
Kek top signal

>> No.53341431

everyone knows videos on the internet are fakes to manipulate same as politicians and all msm puppets of the kikes
fuck off niggerkike retard

>> No.53341472

i dunno im renting from my parents and paying with government gibs. sounds to me like you are the retard here.

>> No.53341554
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It's like 8 graders mogging 4 graders. What's the point?
The guy know he is weak. That's why he is going there and that faggot tries to humiliate him for it.

>> No.53341576

long run average home appreciation, when adjusted for inflation, is like 2-3%. and it's meaningless when you consider that all other homes appreciate at the same rate so your "house gains" are nullified by the fact that you're lateraling into another home that also appreciated at an inflation-adjusted 2-3%.

your story is quintessential "right place at the right time." a complete retard who barely met lending standards, as evident by 2% down, who thinks of himself as a financial genius. many such cases in the world of real estate -- every retard and his brother thought they were geniuses back in '07.

>> No.53342022

I know this is ironic but you're the retard. I'd rather just have my money in crypto or some other investments than this bullshit. Holding bnb, xpress, eth, or even btc is going to worth way more than that.

>> No.53342053

the mental gymnastics

>> No.53342137

>Now I await you bitching about how a measly 6% YoY ROI in stocks is something "outlandish" and how somehow stocks are terribly risky

nope, because I already said it
>if the piddly 20% you put into your home is so much that you would instead leverage it for a measly 3% premium pre-tax, you should stay in your little cuck box and rent because you can't afford to buy
if that 18% extra cash was so much to you, that the 3% premium stocks return over your mortgage interest is some kind of big deal to you, after taxes on sale of the stock, and after paying a bunch of PMI, you technically couldn't afford the house and were just gambling
aside from the screeching rentoid dipshits on this board, if things actually did go to shit like 2008 you'd be the very first idiot out on the street

>> No.53342364


>> No.53342393

Daily reminder that you're a fucking retard for having a mortgage instead of living with your parents until you can purchase property.

>> No.53342428

My rent has been the same ever since I graduated college, for 12 years now, from the most expensive city I lived in (Seattle), to the least expensive (Philadelphia), always between $400 and $500/month. There will always be cheap rent; you just have to be good at finding it, quick to pull the trigger, and a desirable rental candidate (which I am, as a quiet 6'4", $123k income, white male working in tech). I guarantee at $5,760 rent per year, my costs are less than homeowners, what with maintenance, property taxes, much large utility bills due to a large place, etc..

You also have to take into consider that owning a house makes you buy a ton more shit, which turns you into peak boomer consoomer, versus the minimalist renter, who is tied down by nothing but what he chooses, and can easily stay minimalist, by renting smaller, cheaper spaces, that they don't need piles upon piles of redundant crap and furniture, to fill up. Home owners are also doomed to suburban and rural hell holes, where the only options for leisure are shopping and television, so enjoy living your life as an escapist consoomer, who only gets thrills from buying things and watching fiction of other people having interesting lives.

>> No.53342470

>stay with parents
>cant have a social life, cant have your own space, have to hear them fuck while housing prices keep going up and your salary doesnt


>getting a mortgage
>enjoy your own space and social life
>price doesnt change and you actually make money if you hold long enough

Like this is one of the dumbest takes I've seen on thos board.

>> No.53342489

You pay just as much property taxes as I do in rent, without any of the benefits of renting, plus all the additional costs of home ownership. You rent from the government. If I don't like my landlord or want to change it up, I can move at any time, and have a new landlord. You are forever a tax slave to the state, for your "rent free" property, you cuck.

>> No.53342541

this is a retarded LARP. i live in the suburbs of philly and the only way you're getting rent for $400-500/month is if you have 3 roommates in the worst nigger shithole parts of the city.

>> No.53342551

you aren't fooling anyone
if you tell someone your rent in Seattle or Philly for $500 every last person is going to know your living conditions
the rest of your post is major cope

>> No.53342719

its for woman influencers who want to not only be whores in Atlanta but also in Dubai, LA, Venice, London, etc.

>> No.53342730

may Christ save your soul

>> No.53342745

nigga you browse 4chan you don't have a social life

>> No.53342746


>> No.53342752

i literally live 5 minutes from trenton nj (on the PA side) and my rent is $1300/month for 1 bedroom in an un-renovated unit. the newer units are $1500/month for 1 bedroom or like $17000/month for 2 bedrooms. plus utilities.

>> No.53342764
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>that projection

Also I got even more dates when I got a house. Bitches LOVE houses.

>> No.53342772

that looks like abandoned construction, not new construction

>> No.53342805

I got zero dates either way so that sounds like a you problem

>> No.53342821
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>just spend $100k rennovating your cardboard box every 10 years, bro

>> No.53342824

>social life
dumb, also go to their house. they cant respect your monetary goals?
>your own space
are you like 15? put a lock on your door nobody is going in a grown mans room
>hear them have sex
nooo my parents have a functioning relationship in their old wtf am i gonna do

>> No.53342833

Okay if you rent it's 20k a year you don't get back. Rents are 2k on average in most metros now

>> No.53342844
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fill the hole in your heart with endless lust, that will cure the emptiness of modern life

>> No.53343157
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My three bedroom apartment costs 1/3 of a one bedroom at current market rates. Thank you based rent control and maximum yearly increases. Meanwhile my wages have doubled because of inflation.

>> No.53343655
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>just make up random shit in your brain to cope with being a rentcuck, bro

>> No.53343672

>Rent control
Hahahaha you literally live amongst niggers

>> No.53343697

>You pay just as much property taxes as I do in rent
Not even fucking close, holy shit where do you retards come up with this stuff? Your landlord rents from the government then charges you the premium hahahaha stupid fuck. THIS is why you rent - you're absolutely stupid

>> No.53343715

>my rent
See >>53322469

>> No.53343752
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>bro if making money is such a big deal to you then you're poor bro just literally waste money like me that's how you get rich
Kill yourself retard

>> No.53343874

>long run average home appreciation, when adjusted for inflation, is like 2-3%. and it's meaningless when you consider that all other homes appreciate at the same rate so your "house gains" are nullified
Wrong, retard. In 10 years average home prices will have increased by 20-30%, as will the equity in my home meaning if I ever want to move I can sell my house and avoid that 20-30% premium. I will also have the additional equity I made in payments. Meanwhile you, the rentcuck, are fucked considering your gay little apartment has literally ZERO dollars in equity. YOU get fucked by inflation, I don't.

>who barely met lending standards, as evident by 2%
And right here you exposed yourself as a retarded little brainlet. You think banks let people who "barely" meet lending requirements put LESS down on property? Hahahaha wow, what a fucking moron. You have no idea how the lending world works. You're out of your element, head back over to whatever gay hobby board you frequent

>> No.53344104
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Enjoy being a reno-cuck, Mutt.

>> No.53344240

>will have
baseless conjecture, "new paradigm" delusions. look at historical data.
> I will also have the additional equity I made in payments
>"additional equity"
it's clear that i'm talking to an unsophisticated retard. have a good day.

>> No.53344272

In 10 years you will pay 20% interest.

>> No.53345276

city slicker in shambles

>> No.53345331
File: 20 KB, 600x416, fredgraph (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>baseless conjecture
Pic related, retard.
>YoY available from Mar 1992 to Sep 2022 shows an average growth rate of 5.3%

>having an incredible time digesting "additional equity"
>arguing semantics
Equity in home increases due to value of home increasing. Pay down what is owed on home = have more equity aka ADDITIONAL equity in home.

Post more please. Every time you do you only further convey how absolutely retarded you are

>> No.53345345

Herp derp what is a fixed rate. kys retard. Stick to talking about "anime" or whatever gay shit you're into

>> No.53345503

Homeowners are so retarded

The reason your “equity” is worth more than it would be if you had simply invested your cash in the market is because by taking out a loan at 20% down you are effectively investing in RE at 5X leverage.

So if you want to compare apples to apples, try investing in the market at a similar leverage. I.e. if you are worth 400k, and you invest 300k down on 1.5 MM property, try investing that 300k on 5x margin and see how your portfolio performs. Better yet, don’t do this, because investing at 5x leverage is retarded boomer shit and you once the market tanks you’ll be underwater with a shotgun in your mouth while your crown moldings are being devoured by termites

Spoiler alert, it will wildly outperform RE, as stocks have a 4-5% higher annual ROI.

In short, anyone who bought a home has boomer daddy issues, or got conned by the lingo “equity” “refinancing” “mortgage”, all these are words to obscure the fact that you are putting money in a losing pile instead of equities.

>> No.53345517

that's not inflation adjusted, you drooling nigger retard.
>arguing semantics
that's not what "semantics" means you extra-chromosomal niggermonkey.

>> No.53346347

Learn to math, dumbfuck
>arguing semantics while literally arguing semantics
You have reached inception levels of retardation

>> No.53346377

>Learn to math, dumbfuck
i work in corporate fp&a. why does it feel like i'm arguing with a mentally retarded laborer?

>> No.53346438

>the housing market is just like muh stock market
>leverage is..... LE BAD. Because the housing market can go to ZERO, just like stocks!
>wait, what do you mean that's not true! Y-you just don't get it!
What you just did is passed autism-tier and went straight to schizophrenic-tier. I'm going to assume you're trolling. You aren't living in stock shares. You have to have a roof over your head.

>> No.53346454

>corporate fp&a
Wow, are they aware they hired a retard?